Mount Carmel Catholic College Varroville
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210 Spitfire Drive
Varroville NSW 2566

Phone: 02 9603 3000

From the REC

Fig Tree

Third Sunday of Lent Year C -

Sunday 23 March

First Reading: Exodus 3:1-8. 3-15

The Lord calls Moses from a burning bush.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-6. 10-12

We must learn from the example of our ancestors.

Gospel:  Luke 13:1-9

The parable of the fig tree.

Prodigal Son

Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C

Sunday March 30

First Reading: Joshua 5:19-12

The Lord removes the reproach of Egypt.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

All is new in Christ.

Gospel: Luke 15:1-3. 11-32

Parable of the prodigal son.

The RE Classroom

Year 11 Studies of Religion 2, worked in teams to create a Shinto shrine. They have had to apply what they have been learning and crafting a model. The students then presented this back to the rest of the class.  The photos do not capture the positive energy and conversations that were heard. Well done Year 11 and thankyou Mr Whicker for making this happen.

Mrs Christine Meharg