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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
The first reading this weekend comes from Isaiah (36: 4-7) and has in the first sentence:
“Courage! Do not be afraid”.
The reading continues on to say that God is coming to save us. The theme of God’s salvation commonly runs through all the Gospels and readings that we encounter at mass. It is also very common for us to hear the message that we should not be afraid and trust in God’s mercy and saving power. This trust in God is fundamental to our faith but it is common also in times of hardship for us to question this message and to lose heart. As the pandemic stretches out and we miss the personal support of our friends and community, it is easy to fall into the despair of our modern world. Over the last week, I have spoken to a number of our staff and also colleagues from other schools and have received emails where we have all wondered about what will happen in schools over the next few months. At this stage, we are not able to comment on specifics but only the broad indications of students returning toward the end of October or early November. These dates signal a period where we have not been able to come together as community for almost four months. It is easy to lose hope and courage. Our hope is that we know we have the support of Jesus through our relationship with those around us and we can count on their support. I ask you to read the rest of this newsletter in this context, as it has some very valuable links to student welfare and academic suggestions.
Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong, in conjunction with Catholic Care, have developed a webinar to support parents in dealing with Teen’s mental health issues. The video explains the signals to look for if your child is experiencing mental health stress and some of the ways that you may be able to support them. The link to this valuable resource is:
Parent Webinar: Supporting Your Teen's Mental Health 40 minutes. I encourage all parents to view this video especially during these difficult times.
Apart from the pastoral welfare of our students, their academic progress is also high in our minds. This week’s Literacy links from Mrs Murphy provide some simple and again very valuable ways to support your child at this stage of the term. Again, I encourage you to read this and support your child in returning to the basics of reading.
As announced last week, a reminder that next Monday September 6 has been set aside for another Breathe Day. This is an opportunity for students to catch up on work or take some time to stop and breathe. Remember that we are all travelling this road together and we can rest in the advice from Isaiah to ‘not be afraid’.
We have received a number of emails and responses to phone calls from parents acknowledging the fantastic work that many of our staff are doing in maintaining connections and support for their students. I thank the staff for their hard work and for the parents who have taken the time to share their appreciation. Again, we are working for the same goals and support for each other is fundamental. Please feel free to email the teachers when you believe they are doing a good job.
This Sunday is Father’s Day. We keep in our prayers all fathers who play an important role in families. Whether they are here or have passed to rest with Jesus, we thank them for their contribution and care.
As always, a very big thank you to the staff, students and parents for your flexibility and ongoing support during remote learning.
Ite in VeritateMr Steve Lo Cascio
As you would probably be aware by now, the NSW Premier has released a roadmap for schools in NSW to return on a staggered basis commencing midway through Term 4. Mr Lo Cascio communicated this roadmap in detail through his parent communication last Friday, however, I once again offer the key points to this plan below:
- The return to face-to-face learning will be staggered, with different years returning at different times from 25 October 2021. The start of the staggered return to face-to-face learning depends upon at least 70% of the state’s eligible adult population being fully vaccinated.
- If stay-at-home orders are lifted in an LGA or region before 25 October 2021, all students living or learning in that area will return to face-to-face learning at that time with a level of COVID-safe restrictions in place.
All schools in NSW at Level 4 restrictions (remote learning). Year 12 students are permitted onsite under very limited circumstances. |
Early September 2021 |
Revised timetable and guidelines for a COVID-safe HSC to be released by NESA, with HSC exams delayed until 9 November. |
25 October 2021 |
Year 12 will have full-time access to their school campus and teachers. |
1 November 2021 |
Year 11 will return to face-to-face learning with Level 3 COVID restrictions on school sites. |
8 November 2021 |
Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will return to face-to-face learning with Level 3 COVID restrictions on school sites. |
9 November 2021 |
HSC exams begin according to the revised timetable. |
Please be assured, that should we be advised that this plan requires any modifications based on health advice or government directives at the time, we will of course continue to communicate this at the earliest possible opportunity.
Finally, in consideration of the number of COVID cases that are active in our community at present, I take the opportunity to remind families to please continue following our COVID recording procedures, which include:
- Informing the school immediately if your child is self-isolating or undergoing testing, and informing us of the result as soon as possible.
- Following sickness with flu-like symptoms, ensuring your child is free of symptoms and can present a negative COVID-19 test, before attending the College site for any reason.
All the best for the week ahead.
David Cloran
Assistant Principal
First Reading is 35:4-7 God comes with vindication.
Second Reading Jas 2:1-5 Do not judge by appearance.
Gospel Mk 7:31-37 Jesus heals the deaf man
Living the Gospel – Open to compassion
When Isaiah described the signs by which the Messiah would be recognised, he identified those people who were isolated from society by their physical afflictions.
He portrayed a Messiah who released them from those afflictions and allowed them to re-enter society.
That is what Jesus did time and time again.
In the healing of the deaf and dumb man, Jesus called on all those around him to also be opened – that their hearts may be opened to compassion.
Jesus calls to us through today’s gospel to also be open to compassion and open to the needs of those around us.
Fathers Day
On Fathers’ Day, we remember and honour dads, grandfathers, uncles, and all the men, living and deceased, who tirelessly and selflessly gave of themselves for their families with unconditional love.
It is a good time to also recall the exemplary role-model and patron saint of fathers – St Joseph – foster father of Jesus, husband of Our Lady and patron of the Universal Church.
St Joseph experienced the same difficulties in life we all do, yet he lived an exemplary life and established an ideal that is well-worth emulating for all fathers:
He was:
- a man of compassion and caring.
- a man possessed of unwavering faith in God.
- a man who loved and protected his family. As Saint Matthew describes him in his Gospel, Joseph was a “righteous man” (Matthew 1:19).
Doing God’s will was paramount; Each time God told him to do something, Joseph’s response was immediate and he would carry out the task at hand the way God wanted it done
- after the angel’s message came to him in a dream, he took Mary into his home as his wife;
- upon receiving the angel’s warning, Joseph immediately got up and took his little family, and fled to Egypt in the middle of the night to escape Herod’s jealous wrath,
- later, returned them home to Nazareth.
- Joseph kept the Sabbath and went to the Temple in Jerusalem for the Passover.
- He faithfully and tenderly loved, protected, and provided for the Child Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
St Joseph certainly set the bar high for modern-day fathers, yet, by his very example, Joseph solidly demonstrates that it is quite possible to follow his example to be a righteous man by listening to, trusting in, and obeying God’s word.
Abridged from Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart Las AngelesLearning and Teaching at the College
Academic Awards for Semester 1
The following students displayed outstanding commitment to their learning and have been recognised for their Academic Effort in Semester 1:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 |
Monique Pleadin Emma Russell Emily Skipper |
Leira Hornilla Carlos Brown Nadera Faasoa Adriel Fajardo Renee Sundaram |
Keanna Bocarro Esha Jadhav Lexie Garcia Liam Tannoury Magdelena Kawa Jemma Riorsan Matias Rennett |
Abigail Amurao Jessica Littlewood Alexis Brunt Fiona Nguyen |
The following students demonstrated an extremely high level of Academic Achievement during Semester 1:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 |
Maria Cassandra Tuyor Chelsea Baltazar Sethma Rajapakse |
Bea Sualibios Sean Hornilla |
Sabina Celiz |
Merryn Clarke Jenny Nguyen |
The following students are recognised for their Academic Excellence in Semeter 1. These students demonstrated both outstanding Academic Effort and Academic Achievement:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 |
Sophia Wahhab |
Jessica McMillan |
Jacob Ramos Gloria Rivadeneira Pino Sarah Radman Noah Nassradine |
Jasmyne Douangdara Emma Searle |
Congratulations to all of these students!
Year 11 Assessment Week (9 - 16 September)
Due to the current remote learning circumstances, we will not be conducting traditional Year 11 Preliminary Examinations. Teachers have been working diligently to develop assessment tasks that will suit the needs of their subjects and that will allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills at the end of their Year 11 courses. The schedule and assessment notifications have been made available to students.
Year 12 PTS Interviews (Thursday 16 and Friday 17 September)
At this stage of Yr 12 the PTS interviews provide a valuable opportunity for teachers to provide feedback, advice and strategies to assist students in making their final preparations for the HSC. Interviews will be conducted via Zoom. Bookings for these interviews can be made via the parent Compass portal.
The advice from NESA is frequently updated on their website:
Ms Chardy Miller
Acting Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
As we finish our eighth week of remote learning and enter the last couple of weeks of Term Three, our Pastoral and Wellbeing teams have continued their work with regards to supporting students in their learning and wellbeing. Earlier today, each year group conducted a range of activities that addressed both the regular flow of our school year, the added challenges thrown at us by Covid and the patterns emerging from our fortnightly Wellbeing Surveys that we have conducted throughout the term. As such, an overview of today’s pastoral activities were:
- Year 12: Year group Zoom to provide an update on the latest HSC status, presentations by staff associated with motivation, feedback and reflection - important at this stage as students are receiving results of final HSC assessments conducted over the past couple of weeks
- Year 11: Meeting with newly elected members of the 2022 SRC and time for revision and preparation for their final assessments in weeks 9 & 10
- Year 10: Pastoral Zooms which addressed issues such as motivation, organisation and preparation for upcoming assessment tasks
- Year 9: Pastoral Trivia competition
- Year 8: A mindfulness Meditation exercise and time for students to catch up on work
- Year 7: A continued focus on self-confidence and self care from last week
Thanks to all Year Coordinators, Assistants and Pastoral Advisors who prepared resources and conducted these activities.
For those who may be aware, there has been a recent focus from the NSW Government and Health with respect to issues relating to Mental Health as a consequence of our extended period of remote learning and lockdown restrictions. The NSW Chief Psychiatrist, Dr Murray Wright, has spoken at a number of the Premier’s briefings over the past few weeks gto raise awareness of these concerns and to reassure people that it is an important issue that is considered when decisions are made pertaining to the introduction or easing of restrictions. ABC News conducted an interview with Dr Wright some weeks ago, which is available here NSW Chief Psychiatrist ABC News Interview for those who may be interested in listening to his advice.
Whilst on the topic of Mental Health, Mr Lo Cascio has mentioned in his section a valuable resource that has been produced by CEDoW and CatholicCare which addresses some of the facts, signs, symptoms and supports that are available for those within our community who may be concerned about friends or family during this time. Click on the links below to access.
CEDoW Parent Webinar promotion clip 30 seconds
CEDoW Parent Webinar: Supporting Your Teen's Mental Health 40 minutes.
Finally, a reminder that next Thursday, September 9 is RUOK Day. This year has obviously brought with it some additional dimensions in terms of Mental Health issues and awareness and has the theme Are they really OK? Ask them today.
As per usual, thanks again for your ongoing support throughout the term to date. Please do not hesitate to contact the College should you require any support with your son or daughter’s learning and wellbeing.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
The latest school fee statements have been forwarded to families via email from the Catholic Education Office. Attached to this email was information from the CEO regarding Deferred Payment Option and Fee Concession Applications in the case that families are experiencing difficulty due to COVID19.
The college asks that you do not ignore your current school fee statement. The college fully understands that in the current climate families are under financial pressure, please remember we are here to help. The college is here to assist, you just need to communicate this. Please email the school via
Kindly note that all fee credits related to cancelled events and sports are being processed and will be reflected on your school fee statements in due course.
The continuation of remote learning calls for a particularly challenging and potentially rich community response. Parents and teachers have been working together now for weeks to ensure that the education of our young people continues in a productive and positive way. The extended nature of this current lockdown most certainly creates added difficulties which require flexibility, creativity and determination from all of us.
In a Zoom meeting this week, the English faculty discussed additional ways of promoting ongoing learning and positivity in this extended lockdown situation. In an effort to ensure that students were experiencing quality instruction and receiving helpful support and feedback, teachers looked at priorities and practices that would best achieve this. I have welcomed the input from parents over these past weeks which has enabled us to refine and improve our approach to best meet the needs of our students.
During this period of uncertainty and isolation, our young people are in tremendous need of experiences of awe, wonder and imagination. Reading and writing are critical here. Students from Years 7 - 12 need to be regularly exposed to rich and engaging reading material as well as daily opportunities to write for a range of purposes. In fact, the two most important things students can be doing in any subject during remote learning is reading and writing. To live fully in this complex world and to attempt to understand it, students need an extensive language resource. Words do matter! Wide reading is the most effective and natural way to build one’s vocabulary. Prior to this lockdown, English teachers were using Word Walls in their classrooms to expand students’ language. They are still doing this remotely. Some have a ‘Word of the Week’ on their Google Classroom page, while others are encouraging students to set up a physical ‘Word Wall’ in their learning spaces at home.
I think it’s timely to revisit some of the ways parents can support their children during remote learning. Some of these include:
- establish routines and expectations
- create a designated space for schoolwork
- monitor communication from teachers
- begin and end each day with a check-in
- take an active part in talking about your child’s learning
- encourage physical activity and exercise
- set boundaries around screen time and social media interactions
Student responsibilities during remote learning include:
- establishing and/or following a daily routine for learning
- identifying a comfortable, quiet space in your home where you can work effectively and successfully
- regularly monitoring communication to check for announcements and feedback from teachers
- doing your best to meet timelines, commitments, and due dates
- communicating proactively with your teachers if you cannot meet deadlines or require additional support
- collaborating and supporting your classmates in their learning
As the discipline of writing is closely connected to the act of reading, we continue this week with three more teachers sharing their reflections and writing endeavours. The first piece is a personal comment on the importance of writing by Mrs Elizabeth Varde, the second piece is a reflection on writing today by Ms Jennifer Nguyen and the third contribution is Mrs Sheila Antal’s lockdown reflections and creative composition.
The Joy of Writing
Writing is extremely important to me. Writing is my muse. It is where I make the impossible possible. It is where freedom has no boundaries and no one can judge my thoughts, imaginings and feelings. It is where I am, me! Where I can journey across the world and feel the sunshine on my face at ten o’clock at night or where I have teleported to a fantastical realm and I have sprinkled glittering golden dust into the sky with a click of my fingers.
Writing is my world. It is where I can spew up poison and the pages will listen. It is where all my voices are heard and the puzzle piece always fits. It is a limitless place where you control time, whether it stops or starts. Where you end up. There are no conforms, no rules and you can do whatever your heart desires.
Writing is me. Writing is anyone. Writing is everyone. Writing is you!
Mrs Elizabeth Varde
Write hard and clear about what hurts – Ernest Hemingway
It’s undeniable that the world we live in now is transparently different from the one our parents grew up in. Life demands more of everything. More dedication to work. More dedication to friends and family. More dedication to extra-curricular activities. Although immensely grateful to have settled into a career that makes a difference and to be surrounded by a great support network, it’s imperative that we keep our heads above the water and our mental health intact. This is where I rely on personal journal writing. By dedicating fifteen minutes every other day to vent out my mental smog, I can feel tension transpire through my biro, and then I shut my journal, entrapping my grievances inside. Take a step back and try to envision how your 13-year-old self would deal with stress; a fearful, inexperienced child who is none the wiser. Now imagine how one of our 21st-century students would deal with this? As they continue to grow up in the ‘TikTok’ generation ruled by social media, the majority would live in fear of being ‘cancelled’ for their individuality and expression of thought that dares to counter the ‘herd mentality.’
Every individual has their own wars to wage and ‘writing hard’ and ‘writing clear’ is one of the most effective, inexpensive and intimate ways to self-discovery and contemplation of quotidian hiccups. Pre-lockdown, Miss Rebecca Toogood started to introduce ‘Wordsworth Wednesdays’ during Year 8 pastoral periods where students were each given a simple exercise book, fifteen minutes and a reflective prompt to respond to. Solemn silence stationed itself in E2 as nothing but the scribblings of pens could be heard. It was one of the most gratifying moments of my day seeing students leave the classroom with peaceful exteriors after being given some time to engage in thoughtful introspection.
Ms Jennifer Nguyen
Coronavirus Creativity
During the initial lockdown of 2020, teachers were asked to email their team leader each morning for a check in. As a person who prefers to see people when I talk to them, I found this very difficult. I really didn't want to send an email that just said "Hi, I'm here" and not much else. So I began these daily check-ins in the form of a parody, where I could let the characters speak for themselves. A parody where our home in isolation became a Starship forced back to base for an extended time. It was much easier to look at the situation objectively through another's eyes. The results were emails that looked a little like this:
"To add to the success of the day a member of our crew had an accident whilst out exercising and will be requiring an X-ray this morning for suspected broken facial bones. Officer Colin was exercising in a 21st Century Earth facsimile when he crashed his bike at full speed into a stationary earth vehicle. I believe the word they used at the time was Subaru. He was flung over the bonnet and onto the ground. His exercise buddy was concerned that he had met an untimely end, but they make those on this ship of tougher stuff than that. He peeled himself up off the road and came back to the ship. The Officer in question says that he will no longer be trying old earth pursuits of this variety, but he is the adventurous sort and I feel that this may just be a blip on his radar. His feelings and his ego are bruised particularly after some other members of the officer class jeered him for riding whilst holding a beverage but I am sure he will get over this. I have assured him that the jeering officer deals with concern in this big brotherly fashion."
About three weeks into this year's lockdown, I felt that the story had run its course and I needed a new direction. So I said goodbye to the Coronaverse and set about creating a new written world. An imaginary world so different to my own, that it provides another form of escape. I have discovered that this has the potential to be addictive, escapism through the imaginative process can be quite alluring and a very good way to alleviate stress. I usually write for a couple of minutes at the beginning of the day or at its end. I have included a paragraph from my new serialised story that I send out most days as my check in. Who knows, during lockdown I might get a good start on my first novel!
'As they continued their drive, silence became a third passenger in the car, and seemed to take up more and more of the space between them. The widow makers that lined the road cast threatening shadows in the sweltering afternoon sun. A breeze moved the leaves and rendered the shadows somehow alive. Sarah knew she had to get a grip on her imagination, it was starting to get away from her, and really, she should know better. She knew they were close to where they needed to be when through the grit-covered windscreen, she saw the large ravens circling in the air. There was something dark and predatory in the way they focussed on a target, just homed in, and kept coming back until there was nothing left. She drove the Ute over to the shoulder of the road, slowed down, pulled the handbrake and turned off the engine.'
This is not something that I had ever contemplated doing before. But I can assure you, that what started out as a really difficult task, has become a very valuable endeavour.
Mrs Sheila Antal
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
Following the current NSW Health guidelines and compliance to COVID-19 rules and restrictions, the school uniform shop will remain closed until further notice.
Our priority has been and will remain, the health and wellbeing of the students, parents and our employees. Hence, we are unable to provide personal fittings at this time.
During these challenging times, parents can shop safely with us online. We recommend that parents rely on the sizing guides for each garment and for additional guidance, they can watch the body measurement guide videos ( For any incorrect sizes, parents can rest assured that all uniform orders are entitled to free size exchanges.
It is important to note that all online orders will be processed and despatched when the uniform shop can resume operations. Personal fittings will also resume when conditions permit.
Amidst the lockdown, our office is still operating, so should parents require any assistance they can contact our customer service team at
Ranier will follow the latest government health advice and we are here to support the school, parents and students in any way we can. We thank our schools and parents for their understanding.