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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
This Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. On the surface, this feast would suggest that we need to acknowledge Jesus as the ultimate authority who has sovereignty over all peoples. Whilst this is fundamentally correct, it is from a very different perspective that this notion of king and kingdom is reflected in the Gospel. This Gospel (John 18: 33-37) is the section of the passion of Christ where Pilot asks Him if He is a king. In the interrogation, Jesus confirms; “Yes, I am a king. I was born for this… to bear witness to the truth”. The notion of king and kingdom was, and is, challenged from the idea of controlling everyone to being the servant of what is right (or the truth). We often think of the kingdom of God as being something that we might reach after we die. It can also be assumed as something that will be achieved at the end of time. Jesus’ message, however, enlightens us to the fact that the kingdom of which He speaks is here and is now. We are asked to support the truth – what is right and help to bring about the Kingdom of God for all peoples.
Over the last two days, three of our student leaders have been attending a virtual forum for students from Marist schools around NSW. These leaders have been exploring what it means to lead from the base of the Marist tradition. The forum would normally be held as a weekend retreat and students would meet leaders from other schools. Whilst this has not been able to happen this year, the interaction of our College leaders with others has proved a fruitful and valuable endeavour. I thank our students for their involvement and willingness to participate in this event.
Today we badged our Year 10 Youth Ministry Leaders. These are named later in this newsletter. I congratulate and thank these students for showing leadership in the area of practical faith development. These students are living the vision of Mount Carmel to make us a Christ-centred community and they are taking an opportunity for growth toward excellence in leadership. Congratulations to our Year 10 leaders.
On Wednesday, the Year 10 MISA public speaking tournament was held via zoom. We were once again very proud of our entrants and were excited to hear that Jessica Littlewood was named as the winner of this event. MISA has some 18 schools from as far afield as Tahmoor and Cobbitty to Bonnyrigg and Liverpool. It includes most of the Sydney and Wollongong Catholic schools and Anglican and Christian schools in the Macarthur. For Jess to win this is a credit to her and for us. Congratulations to Jess and thankyou to Mr Powell who facilitated the Public Speaking events on behalf of Mount Carmel.
Earlier this week, I met with the Head of School Improvement from Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong and reflected on our progress in our School Improvement Plans. This year, as you may be aware, we have focussed on the areas of vision and mission, feedback, differentiation, and a safe and supportive school. We discussed a number of initiatives and practices and whilst our progress was limited by remote learning, there has certainly been work done in each of these areas. The last year of our four-year plans in these areas will occur in 2022. As part of the surveying that we will conduct next year, I would value feedback on these areas from students, parents and staff.
Over the last few weeks of this term, we will be completing a minor refurbishment of the art rooms and the building of a recording studio in the music rooms. We also intend to begin a refurbishment of our B block which will occur over the Christmas break. I thank the staff who have worked with me in ensuring these things will happen and look forward to opening these up for student use next year.
As always, a very big thank you to the staff, students and parents for your flexibility and ongoing support during the year.
Ite in VeritateMr Steve Lo Cascio
Over the past week, students from Years 7 to 10, have taken the opportunity to gather for their first year group assembly in over 5 months. These gatherings were permitted following the recent relaxation of a number of COVID directives, providing they were held outdoors. At each assembly, the respective Year Coordinator, Mr Lo Cascio and myself, took the opportunity to affirm the students on the way that the majority of them have returned to face-to-face learning after 17 weeks of remote learning. I again, reiterate my gratitude and thanks to these students who have navigated this return to school so well.
In commending the majority of students, it was also necessary to remind a minority of the standards and expectations that we hold as a College. First and foremost, schools need to be a safe and welcoming environment if effective learning is to take place. Students were reminded that we all have a responsibility to contribute to such an atmosphere and that consequences are in place for those who may compromise the wellbeing of anyone else. I remain grateful to the parent community for the support you have afforded us in ensuring that Mount Carmel’s standards and expectations are upheld.
I also took the opportunity to remind students of ways whereby their online behaviour can have long-lasting implications for them. I stressed that their online interactions can never be truly anonymous and that whatever they post online can be both traceable and retrievable. In a year where we have been more reliant on technology than ever before, I believe that this message is particularly pertinent. For any parents who would like further information regarding strategies to keep your children safe online at home, I urge you to visit the eSafety Commissioners website ( for useful information, strategies and resources that will further support and complement our efforts at a school level.
Finally, I once again take the opportunity to remind families to please continue following our COVID recording procedures that have been in place for most of the pandemic, which include:
- Informing the school immediately if your child is self-isolating or undergoing testing, and informing us of the result as soon as possible.
Following sickness with flu-like symptoms, ensuring your child is free of symptoms and can present a negative COVID-19 test, before attending the College site for any reason.
With thanks for your continued support,
David Cloran
Assistant Principal
First Reading Dn 7:13-14 Vision of the son receiving kingship, dominion and glory.
Second Reading Rv 1:5-8 The Lord is the Alpha and the Omega.
Gospel Jn 18:33-37 Pilate questions Jesus about his identity.
REC Coordinator
Friday the 19th of November marks an important milestone for us the newly elected and badged ‘Youth Ministry Leaders’ of 2022. We as a collective are ready to take up this role of servant leadership in continuing to contribute to this Christ-centered community through opportunities of faith, mission, and outreach.
We extend our congratulations to the following Youth Ministry Leaders of 2022:
- Wilson Asuit
- Alexis Brunt
- Hayden Cannon
- Jessica Littlewood
- Craig Llorando
- Tiam-Li MacKenzie
- Leilani Masilungan
- Austin Scales
- Justyce Smith
- Miriam Warwick-Smith
As the Youth Ministry team, we have come to a complete understanding that this role comes with many responsibilities. We as leaders are prepared to work collaboratively to develop and maintain a plethora of opportunities for the students of Mount Carmel to proudly express their faith and create a safe social justice and outreach network. We will aim to make our entire College community feel welcome to any spirituality events, such as the LIVE event and Marist Youth Ministry events as we strive to continue to aspire to make St Marcellin’s dream of “making Jesus known and loved” a greater reality within the community here at Mount Carmel.
On behalf of the Youth Ministry leaders, we would like to thank Mr Pletikosa, Mr Sullivan and Mr Lo Cascio for providing us this opportunity. We are all honoured to accept the role of Youth Ministry Leaders for 2022 and look forward to making a significant impact at Mount Carmel Catholic College.
Learning and Teaching at the College
The College continues to keep Yr 12 in their prayers as they prepare for the 3rd week of HSC Exams. Students are reminded to check their HSC timetable and know the location of their exams, have all of the required equipment for each exam and to follow the NESA Covid Safe Exam Protocol especially in regards to wearing a face mask both inside and outside of the exam room, social distancing and hand sanitisation. Yr 12 are also reminded to return any borrowed resources to the College as part of their sign out process.
Yr 11 (Yr 12 2022) have begun their first HSC school based assessments. Students are reminded to ensure that they follow the College Assessment Policies and Procedures. If students are absent due to illness or misadventure they are reminded that they need to notify their teacher and follow the illness/misadventure procedures. Senior Afterschool Study continues to be available on Tuesdays 3-6pm in Week 8 and 9. This provides a focused learning environment for students to study individually or collaboratively.
Yr 10 are encouraged in their final weeks of Stage 5 to focus on working with their class teachers to ensure that they are continuing the development of their skills that will be carried into Stage 6. Students who have not yet met Minimum Standards for writing, reading and numeracy, will have the opportunity to sit these tests over the coming weeks.
Students in Yr 7-9 are also encouraged to maximise their opportunities over the coming weeks to ensure that they are prepared for the next year or stage of their learning in 2022.
Ms Chardy Miller
Acting Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
As we head towards the end of the year, a number of pastoral care and wellbeing initiatives continue to be rolled out over the remaining weeks. Earlier today, during Pastoral Lessons, the following activities were undertaken:
Year 11 - Optional study or physical activities
Year 10 - Presentation of Youth Ministry Leaders badges for 2022
Year 9 - Careers and transition activities
Year 8 - Christmas Kindness Calendar, Trivia and continuation of Affirmations activity
Year 7 - Quiet reading activity.
Thanks to Year Coordinators, Assistant Year Coordinators, Pastoral Advisors and Ms James for their assistance with the delivery of these sessions.
Elevate Session Final Presentation for the year Wednesday November 24th Exam-Room Skills To reserve your spot for the remaining session, register for free below: Elevate Education Webinar registration The webinars run live online from 7pm – 8pm. Should you have questions or would like to contact Elevate directly, their details are listed below.
1300 667 945
Black Dog Institute presentations for selected Year 8 Students
Prior to lockdown, Year 8 students were invited to be part of a 5-year Mental Health study being conducted by The Black Dog Institute. After a series of postponements, the program will commence on Thursday December 2. If you did not enrol in the program earlier in the year and would now like to take the opportunity for your son or daughter to do so, or would like to find out more about the study, please refer to the links below for further information.
Final opportunity to be part of the study
CEDoW Video Suite: Vaping - Do you know the facts? (Parent Resource)
Catholic Education Office Diocese of Wollongong staff have produced a range of resources for students, staff and parents regarding the ongoing issues related to Vaping. Below is a link to the resource which has been made available over the past week.
CEDoW Vaping resource for parents
Year Assemblies scheduled for next week will involve the release of the student information videos and PDHPE lessons in Week 9 will provide follow up regarding decision making and safe behaviours relating to what has become a significant issue over the past couple of years.
As usual, thank you to all parents and careers for your ongoing support as we enter the final few weeks of the year.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Holiday reading recommendations – Ms Boss
Year 7 and Year 8
Once series by Morris Gleitzman
When I first started planning Once I had no idea that a 10-year-old Polish Jewish boy would take me on the writing journey of my life. I just wanted to write a story about a friendship. A wonderful friendship between two young people who can’t believe their luck because they’ve found what most of us want more than anything. A true friend.
This is a wonderful story about survival and friendship in WWII. This is the first book of the series, followed by Then, After, Soon, Maybe, Now and Always.
Year 9 and Year 10
The Blue Dress - Libby Hathorn (ed) short stories
These stories offer the reader different ways to define and access our common experience and in doing so the writers reflect with considerable insight on what it is to be on the threshold of childhood in an adult world.
This is a collection of short stories by some of Australia’s most acclaimed writers including Brian Caswell, Gary Crew, Libby Gleeson and Nadia Wheatley.
Tomorrow when the War Began by John Marsden
… I really love ripping yarns. I love narratives that are strong and that drive a story. I watch blockbusters from Hollywood and I enjoy them but I want more than that. And so to combine that with something that actually is multi-layered and is searching for something a bit more profound … that achieved that kind of complexity.
A suspenseful adventure, this is the first of a series of books about a group of adolescents who fight back after a foreign invasion.
Year 11 and Year 12
Australian classics
The Harp in the South by Ruth Park
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay
For Parents – contemporary Australian mystery/crime
The Lost Man by Jane Harper
The Survivors by Jane Harper
Holiday reading recommendations – Mrs Antal
Year 7 and Year 8
Phyllis Wong and The Return of the Conjurer by Geoffrey McSkimming
A Peculiar Peril by Jonathan Lambshead
I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
The Iron Trial series by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black
Year 9 and Year 10
Life on the Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers
The Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adyemi
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowel
My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalistier
Razorhurst by Justine Larbalistier
Year 11 and Year 12
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
The Humans by Matt Haig
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
Parents and Grandparents
Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman
Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton
All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton
A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
Holiday reading recommendations – Mrs Varde
Year 7 and Year 8
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Year 9 and Year 10
The Happiest Refugee by Anh Do
Year 11 and Year 12
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
The Resilience Project by Hugh van Cuylenburg
The Ruin by Dervia McTiernan
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
Holiday reading recommendations – Ms Zullo
Year 7 and Year 8
Hard Times by Charles Dickens
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Discomfort of Evening by Marieke Luca Rijneveld
Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Year 9 and Year 10
Honeybee by Craig Silvey
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Cloudstreet by Tim Winton
Silas Marner by George Eliot
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Year 11 and Year 12
An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser
All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
On The Road by Jack Kerouac
Parents and Teachers
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Holiday reading recommendations – Mrs Clarke
Year 7 and Year 8
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin
Year 9 and Year 10
The Giver by Lois Lowrey
Year 11 and Year 12
A Minimum of Two by Tim Winton
Cloudstreet by Tim Winton
Holiday reading recommendations by Ms Nguyen
Year 7 and Year 8
The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafron
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
The Door That Led to Where by Sally Gardner
The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick
Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah
Year 9 and Year 10
Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey
The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan
Year 11 & Year 12
The Trial by Franz Kafka
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
Mrs Clare Murphy
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
Tuesday Recreational Sport
Sport will continue to take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Students are to continue monitoring Compass for the sport schedule each week. During Week 6 students in Years 7 and 8 will be dismissed 10 minutes early (2:35PM) on Tuesday.
2022 Recreational Tuesday Sport
This morning pastoral students had the opportunity to nominate their sport preferences for 2022. Years 7 and 8 students will follow a set schedule of activities whilst Years 9, 10 and 11 have the opportunity to elect their preferred sports. Please note that whilst every effort will be made to accommodate for student preferences that a student may not always receive their preferred sports option. Each option provides a range of sporting opportunities that take place both on and off-site and with the support of instructors/teachers. In addition to recreational sport, students are also able to trial to a MISA representative team. Trials for 2022 Term 1 MISA sports will occur during Week 1. 2022 Sport permission notes will also be distributed to the whole school and will need to be returned to each student's pastoral advisor.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 across New South Wales, the School Sport Unit and CSNSW Sport has regrettably made the decision to cancel all NSWCCC, MacKillop, Polding, NSWPSSA, and NSW All Schools events on the revised term four calendar:
Diocesan Sport - Postponed and Cancelled Events
All cancellations and postponements are announcements on the following site
NSWCCC Sport - Postponed and Cancelled Events
All cancellations and postponements are announcements on the following site
Due to the extended lockdown and the ever changing COVID-19 situation further events will continue to be monitored and updates will be provided via the College Newsletter.
NSWCCC Sport Registrations
A reminder that students and their parents are responsible for monitoring the closing dates of NSWCCC Sport Registrations. Information regarding upcoming events can be accessed via
NSWCCC is a pathway suitable for students playing a representative level of their sport outside of school. For instructions on how to register go to -
NSWCCC Sport Registrations 2021:
- Individual Registrations for the following sports to attend a NSWCCC Selection - AFL, Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Diving, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Softball, Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball, Water Polo
- Registrations for the following sports is through a Diocesan/Association Selection - Athletics, Cross Country, Football, Swimming, Touch, Rugby League
Representative Pathways
- MISA Website
- Diocesan Sport News - Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed at
- NSWCCC/CSNSW Sport News - Higher level MacKillop and CCC trials and events status can be monitored at
Ms Sarah Bowen
Acting Sports Coordinator