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- Principal's Report
- From The Assistant Principal
- From the REC
- Prayer Points
- From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
- Learning and Teaching at the College
- Literacy Links
- College Sport
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- Live Night
- Uniform Shop
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- Brother Clarence foundation for Education

Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
“This is my Son, the chosen one. Listen to Him.” (Luke 9:28-36).
When many of us were young, we preferred to get simple instructions from adults that helped us to figure out what we needed to do and when we needed to do it. This would help us not to get into trouble and enabled us to live a simple but happy lifestyle. As an older man, I still like people to say things simply and clearly so that I don’t get side-tracked or misunderstand their purpose. In Sunday’s reading, God does this for us. God the father/creator, gives us a simple message regarding the Son; “Listen to Him”. Whilst the instruction is simple, complying is not necessarily easy. The message is not around being aware of what has been said, it is about a conscious decision to stop, listen, consider, understand and act on the message. Our College motto ‘Walk in Truth’, is about acting on the message of God, since Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life”. When we walk in truth, we are walking in the way of Christ and are truly listening to Him.
Today we held our Term 1 Staff Development Day and focused on how we use data to improve student learning. These professional development days allow us an opportunity to gather as a staff and to reflect on our practices with the intention of improving what and how we deliver to students to assist their learning. The opportunity to gather as a whole staff is an important way that we promote the opportunities for excellence that we can provide for our students. The day situated in the middle of the term also provides a much-needed breathing space for our students who in many cases have been working very hard following the disrupted year in 2021. Once again, I thank parents for your understanding that staff professional development is essential for improved teaching and appreciate the disruptions that this may cause.
On Tuesday we held our Parents and Friends AGM and first meeting of 2022. I thank the outgoing P&F executive for all the support and feedback that they gave us during the past 12 months. Elections were held for the new executive, and I am pleased to announce the following roles:
Vice President: Ms. Andrea Galea,
Secretary: Ms. Stephanie Ellam,
Diocesan delegate: Ms Andrea Galea.
At the meeting, we were not able to fill the position of President or treasurer so these will be offered again at the next meeting on May 24. I congratulate these parents and thank them for accepting these vital roles.
On March 23 and 24, we will be hosting a number of visitors who are coming onsite to conduct our 5 yearly Cyclic Review. This review was scheduled to happen in October last year but was not possible due to the lockdown orders. The review is an opportunity for the College to test our assumptions regarding what we do and how we do it and enables us to access outside experts to help find areas that might become our focus for improvement. There is sometimes the opportunity for some parents to meet with the panel and answer questions around our vision and processes. If you would like to meet with this panel, please contact the College office on 9603 3000 by Tuesday next week with your availability. Once we have a timetable established, we will make contact with some parents to organise a meeting time.
As we move into week 7 of the term, I remind any parents who are considering enrolment for year 7 for 2023 that we are now accepting these applications. As previously stated, the completed enrolment forms are due to be returned by 2pm on Friday April 8 (the last day of Term 1). If you are aware of anyone else who is considering lodging an application at Mount Carmel, please let them know of this date.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Earlier this week we were made aware of two key changes to the COVID-19 Public Health Order isolation requirements for household contacts and for people who have recovered from a recent bout of COVID-19. These key changes include:
- A household contact is not obligated to self-isolate as a contact more than once in a 21 day period. This means that for 14 days after they complete their self-isolation period, a household contact is not obligated to self isolate again if they are subsequently notified by another household contact. Previously, the 7 days isolation would reset if a new positive case emerged.
- A person who had COVID-19 and later becomes a close contact or household contact does not need to self-isolate if it has been less than 8 weeks since they finished their self-isolation period. Previously, this was for 28 days since they finished their self-isolation period.
As you would be aware by now, yesterday we distributed the latest round of rapid antigen tests to all students. Fortunately, we were given enough supplies to issue each student with 10 tests (instead of the originally stated 8). These tests are not required to be taken on any specific day, rather, on a needs basis should a student be experiencing any flu-like symptoms.
Finally, as has been stated previously, I request that families inform the College immediately should any student test positive to COVID-19 and again stress that should this occur, the student must isolate for a minimum of 7 days, along with any sibling from the same household (unless the household contact has completed 7 days of isolation in the previous 21 days). Finally, I would also ask that students who are displaying any type of flu-like symptoms stay at home until such symptoms have ceased.
Kind regards,
David Cloran
Assistant Principal
First Reading Gen 15:5-12. 17-18 The Lord establishes a covenant with Abraham.
Second Reading Phil 3:17 – 4:1 Our citizenship is in heaven.
Gospel Lk 9:28-36 Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James and John.
Important People and Events
17th March St Patrick's Day
18th St Cyril of Jerusalem
19th St Joseph
Mrs Christine Meharg
REC Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
As we enter the second half of the term, there are a number of important activities being conducted over the next week which will complement the regular learning that occurs within the day to day classroom environment. These initiatives include:
Year 7 Camp
Next Wednesday to Friday will see Year 7 attend their “Camp”, which is a combination of Teen Ranch and School based activities including Archery, Rock Climbing, Giant Swing and team building initiatives. Mackillop and Murray House students will attend Teen Ranch on Wednesday and Thursday, with Avila and Howard students involved in school-based spirituality, technology and team building activities. All Year 7 students will be off site on Thursday, and Mackillop and Murray will return for their school based activities on Friday. Thanks to Ms Toogood and Mr Sullivan for their work in organising the camp and to the staff who have given up their time to assist with supervision across three days and two nights. Thanks also to students and carers for their assistance in providing necessary paperwork and information that will ensure a safe experience for all concerned.
Year 8 Elevate Study Skills
Year 8 will be engaging with Elevate Education during their Pastoral lesson next Friday. These presentations will be conducted in Pastoral Classes by Elevate presenters and cover topics such as:
- Dynamic Reading
- Formatting your notes, and
- Mind Mapping
Thanks to Mr Teuma, Mr Barbera and the Year 8 pastoral team for organising and supervising these presentations.
Diet and Rest
Last week I made reference to the SEEEDSS program that provides students with a checklist of considerations for maintaining a balanced approach to wellbeing and learning. Two key points that can be addressed almost immediately are that of ensuring that students are eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting adequate rest.
A range of various health agencies and specialist organisations such as recommend 8 - 10 hours of sleep per night for people aged between 12 and 18. The Australian Healthy Eating Guidelines Summary is one resource that outlines recommended dietary patterns for all ages. Please contact your son or daughter’s Year Coordinator or Pastoral Advisor if you have any questions or concerns regarding these particular issues, or any others relating to their learning or wellbeing.
Thanks for your ongoing support.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Learning and Teaching at the College
STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY - Feedback, differentiation and student learning
To model for students a love of learning and the value of being lifelong learners, the teaching staff spent Friday engaging in professional learning and dialogue. The learning focus was on supporting teachers in considering and planning for individual student needs by interpreting data to enhance differentiated teaching. Throughout the day teachers were challenged to interrogate a range of data sources and reflect on the following questions:
- What data are we responding to?
- How do I know how effective I am? What are my measures?
- What feedback do I recieve that helps me direct improvement in my teaching?
At the centre of all that we do is student learning. Therefore, teachers were able to work both individually and collaboratively to design differentiated learning experiences informed by data and feedback.
Ms Chardy Miller
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy
Week 7
15/03/2022: 11 Biology Task
15/03/2022: 11 English Extension Task
15/03/2022: 12 Maths Advanced Task
15/03/2022: 12 Maths Standard 1 & 2 Task
16/03/2022: 11 Work Studies (2 Unit) Task
16/03/2022: 12 Food Technology Task
17/03/2022: 12 English Advanced Task
17/03/2022: 12 English Standard Task
17/03/2022: 12 Music 1 Task
17/03/2022: 12 SLR Task
17/03/2022: 10 PASS Task
18/03/2022: 12 Work Studies Task
Week 8
21/03/2022: 12 Investigating Science Task
21/03/2022: 12 Legal Studies Task
21/03/2022: 10 History Elective Task
21/03/2022: 9 PASS Task
21/03/2022: 8 Science Task (excl. Pearl)
22/03/2022: 12 Physics Task
22/03/2022: 11 English (Adv., Stan. & Stud) Task
22/03/2022: 9 History Elective Task
22/03/2022: 8 HSIE Task (Topaz)
22/03/2022: 8 Science Task (Pearl)
23/03/2022: 12 PDHPE Task
23/03/2022: 12 Visual Arts Task
23/03/2022: 11 Physics Task
23/03/2022: 9 PDHPE Task
23/03/2022: 8 HSIE Task (excl. Topaz)
23/03/2022: 7 Science Prac Task (excl. Pearl)
24/03/2022: 12 Maths Ext. 1 Task
24/03/2022: 11 IT: Timber Task
24/03/2022: 11 Maths (Adv., Stan. 2 & Stan 1) Task
24/03/2022: 11 Spanish (Beg. & Cont) Task
24/03/2022: 7 Science Prac Task (Pearl)
25/03/2022: 10 PDHPE Task
25/03/2022: 9 Maths 5.1 Task
25/03/2022: 7 Science Written Task
Mrs Alison Kripal
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
At the end of last week’s article, I stressed the need for the development of a community of readers. According to C.S. Lewis, the author of the wonderful Narnia series, reading ‘enables us to see with other eyes, to imagine with other imaginations, and to feel with other hearts, as well as with our own.’ The American educational philosopher, Martha Nussbaum supports the very powerful role reading plays in our lives when she suggests that it ‘takes us on excursions of sympathy’ and teaches us how to be people capable of ‘love and imagination.’ Stories, myths and dramas of the human condition survive in literature because families, classrooms and workplaces are filled with their descendants. A young person deprived of books is deprived of a rich opportunity to make sense of their world and their place in it.
We read for a range of purposes: for pleasure, relaxation, and enjoyment; to collect information and ideas; for writing; for assessment; to confirm or challenge values, beliefs and attitudes; to solve problems; and to experience new worlds and perspectives. Unfortunately, reading at school is often associated with information collection and formal assessment tasks.
Fortunately, books are central to the subject English. Teachers appreciate the importance of students finding enjoyment and satisfaction in their engagement with literature. English lessons provide valuable opportunities for students to read – with a balance between teacher and student selected materials, silent and shared reading experiences, and reading aloud by the teacher. This commitment to reading requires unhurried time and quiet spaces where the reader can think, wonder, question and understand.
Reading is an act and process of making meaning and communication rather than the development of a set of sub-skills and techniques. Students are encouraged to become active thinkers, predictors, and evaluators of the reading process. Teachers promote speculation, anticipation, and critical thinking as well as the sharing of responses to build a rich, interpretive reading community. The value of such a community along with the immense power of reading is captured by Alan Bennett in his play The History Boys:
‘The best moments in reading are when you come across something – a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things – which you had thought special and particular to you. Now it is here, set down by someone else…someone who is even long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours.’
Clare Murphy
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
2022 College Carnival Dates
What |
When |
Cross Country Carnival |
Term 1, Week 10 - Friday |
Athletics Carnival |
Term 2, Week 4 - Friday |
Term 1 MISA
Round 3 - 8th March RESULTS
Sport |
Division |
Gender |
Versus |
Score |
Win/Loss |
Indoor Cricket |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
John Therry |
Macarthur Anglican |
Softball |
Years 7-9 |
Male |
Broughton |
Macarthur Anglican |
Volleyball |
Years 7-9 |
Female Male |
Macarthur Anglican |
Macarthur Anglican Magdalene |
Hockey |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
Broughton |
Wollondilly Angilcan |
Basketball |
Years 10-12 |
Female Male |
John Therry John Therry |
Macarthur Anglican |
Oz Tag |
Years 10-12 |
Female Male |
Broughton BYE |
Macarthur Anglican |
Round 4 - 8th March DRAW
Sport |
Division |
Gender |
Versus |
Location |
Indoor Cricket |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
Wollondilly Anglican |
All Sports |
Softball |
Years 7-9 |
Male |
John Therry |
Cowpasture |
Volleyball |
Years 7-9 |
Female Male |
Thomas Hassall |
Hockey |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
Broughton Anglican |
Narellan |
Basketball |
Years 10-12 |
Female Male |
Magdalene |
Minto |
Oz Tag |
Years 10-12 |
Female Male |
St Patrick’s Thomas Hassall |
Victoria |
Diocesan Sport
2022 Diocesan Swimming Carnival
The Diocesan Swimming Championships will be held at Corrimal Pools on the 18th March 2022. Students who have successfully gained selection into the College team (based on results at the College Swimming Carnival) will be given a permission note through their pastoral roll. The new note will need to be completed even if the previous note has been filled out.
Diocesan Touch Football - Boys Trials
Due to the cancellation of both the boys and girls carnivals, a selection trial is being held. Girls will be selected based on a paper trial and be contacted if they have been successful. Boys will head down to Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow on 17th March. Permission notes have gone out to successful students.
Diocesan Football (Soccer) - 1st April
Trials will be held over the coming weeks for a number of our junior and intermediate teams. Please nominate your interest via the google form on Compass titled ‘Diocesan Sport Term 1’. Details of trials are below:
Team |
Trial Information |
U13’s Girls (PEAC) |
7-9 Girls Pathway Team (TOOR) |
U13’s Boys (BARM) |
7-10 Boys Pathway Team (OCOB) |
● Week 7 - Tuesday 15th March 2022 AFTER school 2:45pm - 3:30pm (Oval steps) |
Diocesan Rugby League - Change of Date
Thank you to those students who nominated for the Diocesan Rugby League Trials. Successful shortlisted students have received a permission note. All details will be on the permission note. Trials will be held on 23rd March.
*Please note that a new event for girls Rugby League will be held later in the year and will be communicated with students on compass and in the newsletter.
Communication regarding sport
Students are reminded to continue checking the Compass dashboard for key information relating to sport during 2022. Key information will also be communicated to parents via the College Newsletter and notes sent home. Information will also be provided to staff who will communicate key messages with students during Pastoral Care in the morning.
Sporting Success
On Wednesday 9th March, MCCC sent a number of students to the NSWCCC Volleyball Selections. We have always been exceptionally strong in the local MISA competitions and I am very pleased to announce 6 MCCC students were selected into the NSWCCC team. These teams will now compete later in the year at NSW All School Championships.
Congratulations to the following students:
- Luiz Ladera
- Toby Curry
- Omar Kasmani
- Viliami Kaufusi
- Paula Zaballero
- Eseta Malaesilia
If your child or someone as part of our school community (past or present) experiences any sporting success. We would love to know about it. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any Sporting Success so we can recognise those achievements of our community.
Representative Pathways
- MISA Website
- Diocesan Sport News Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed at Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports now open via google form on Compass.
- NSWCCC/CSNSW Sport News Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored at Information on NSWCCC events for 2022 available via Compass. See Mrs Jones for nomination procedure.
- SCHOOL SPORT AUSTRALIA SPORT NEWS More School Sport Australia information can be found at
Sports Coordinator
LIVE is a unique initiative of Catholic Youth Ministry Wollongong (CYMW) which targets secondary school aged youth. LIVE nights occur within the broader LIVE framework and are at the forefront of the Youth Ministry Plan in the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong. The selected program for each event will offer scenarios that encourage students to Encounter Christ, grow in their Knowledge of Christ, develop a sense of Ownership of their faith, and discover opportunities for Broader Engagement/Mission/Service. Each event involves live music, relationship and community building activities, video and spoken presentations. Each event consists of a lunchtime concert (LIVE lunchtime) followed by a twilight retreat (LIVE night) for Years 7-12. LIVE nights consist of a three hour program that is held onsite at Mount Carmel Catholic College. The program begins shortly after the school day has finished at 3:30pm and finishes by 7:00pm.
Mr Bernard O'Connell
Youth Ministry Coordinator
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open on the following days from 2pm - 4pm.
Term 1 2022
Monday 21 March
Monday 4 April
Term 2 2022
Monday 2 May
Monday 6 June
Term 3 2022
Monday 1 August
Monday 5 September
Term 4 2022
Monday 7 November
Monday 5 December