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In the second reading this week (Galatians 5:1, 13-18), St Paul gives us the simple phrase; “the whole of the law is summarised in a Single command: Love your neighbour as yourself”. This command has two clear components. The first implication is that we must love ourselves. This does not mean that we should think ourselves better than others or fill ourselves with false pride. It is about valuing and caring for ourselves in a way that recognises our life as a gift from God. If we value ourselves, we take care of ourselves and don’t take unnecessary risks. In the same way, we should care for others. Their lives are also a gift from God and when we care for them and treat them with respect and value, we are fulfilling God’s command to love others as ourselves.
On Wednesday we held our Stage 6 elective information evening with parents and students of our Year 10 group. This followed subject information sessions where students were given an indication of various subject details. It was energising to have parents back onsite after an almost two-year absence. I appreciated the feedback given by parents and would like to thank the staff who gave of their time to assist students in choosing subjects. This process will continue into term three with individual guidance interviews occurring in week 3.
Yesterday afternoon, our Year 12 Hospitality students had an opportunity to be assessed on their Food and Beverage competencies by hosting a Canape afternoon for staff. During this session, a number of music students took the opportunity to provide entertainment and practice their performance skills. This was a fantastic afternoon and showcased the talents of our students. Hopefully we will have opportunities later in the year for parents to also experience these student’s talents.
In terms of talents, I had the pleasure of being in the audience for our MISA Dance students’ performance on Tuesday. These students have developed and practiced their routines since the start of this year and they represented us with passion and pride. It was exciting to see their energy and to be able to attend the event.
Earlier today, parents were sent a letter regarding the Thursday protected industrial action which will be held next Thursday. As stated in the letter, whilst the College will be open for supervision of students, no classes will be held on Thursday. One of our Year 7 – 10 Parent/Teacher/Student meeting sessions was also scheduled to be held on Thursday evening. Unfortunately, this has also had to be cancelled as I cannot guarantee which teachers will be available. Parents are encouraged to make bookings to see teachers at one of the other sessions on Monday evening or Friday morning.
At the end of this term, we farewell three of our permanent staff. Ms Karen Gutierrez Madrid has worked in our science department as a laboratory assistant for the past few years. Ms Gutierrez Madrid will be moving overseas in the next few weeks. Mr Michael Pilottos has taught in HSIE and has been our Legal Studies specialist. Mr Pilottos will be taking up a new role in a school closer to his home. Ms Mikayla Bow has worked in the Mathematics department and has been an Assistant Year Coordinator, Assistant Maths Coordinator and our Numeracy Instructional Coach. Ms Bow is also moving to a position closer to home. We thank each of these staff for their contributions to Mount Carmel and wish them well in their future endeavours. We will welcome our new staff at the start of next term.
At the end of the first week back next term (Friday July 22), we will be celebrating the OLMC Feast Day Mass at the College. This will mark the first time in over two years that we will come together as a complete community. To mark this occasion, I would like to invite parents to attend this Mass. Given the size of our hall and the size of the community, we will be restricted to around 50 parents maximum. If you would like to attend this Mass, please contact the College office and register your attendance. A reminder will be sent out at the start of term.
Given the PTS meetings next Friday and the Industrial action next Thursday, this will be the final newsletter for this term. Should any parents have any concerns or questions before the end of term, I would as always encourage you to contact the College. A reminder that we will start Term 3 for the whole College on Monday July 18.
I wish all parents, students and staff a safe and relaxing break.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
With the release of today’s academic reports, I urge all parents to encourage their children to reflect on the feedback that is given in these documents and to start a conversation about setting goals for the second half of the year. Particularly where common feedback is received across multiple subjects, students are encouraged to respond to this from the start of next term. Of course, the vast majority of students should be very pleased, and proud, of their progress to this point in the school year.
As was communicated earlier this week, the College has had to take the position of cancelling the Year 7-10 PTS interviews this coming Thursday. In addition to this, we have liaised with NSW Health in recent days to reschedule the planned Year 10 Immunisation Day which will now take place on Tuesday 30th August. Students are asked to hold onto their immunisation forms until then. Further information regarding the administering of these immunisations will be provided closer to the date.
Yesterday was our official College Photo Day for 2022. If there were any students who were away and did not have their photo taken, a reminder that this coming Monday (27th June) is the catch-up day. Students are asked to be in their full winter uniform and to bring their personalised photo envelope to present to the photographers, regardless of whether they are purchasing their photos or not.
Earlier today we distributed the latest allocation of Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits to all students. We would obviously anticipate that this will be the last distribution for the term and will keep you updated as further supplies are delivered, most likely in the new school term.
Finally this week, I remind everyone of our COVID-safe guidelines for Term 2 which stipulate that whilst household close contacts who have no symptoms may continue to attend school, they must adhere to the following requirements:
- The school is notified that they are intending to return as a close household contact
- They must wear a mask indoors except when eating or exercising
- Once they have completed their 7-day isolation period, they should wear a mask for an additional 3 days (for days 8 to 10)
Please note that students who test positive for COVID-19, or who are unwell or showing COVID-19 symptoms, must continue to isolate at home.
All the best for the week ahead,
First Reading 1 Kgs 19:16. 19-21; Elijah anoints Elisha to succeed him.
Second Reading Gal 5:1. 13-18; Be guided by the Spirit.
Gospel Lk 9:51-62; You cannot look back with your hand to the plough.
Important people and days
Sunday 26th International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
Monday 27th St Cyril of Alexandria
Tuesday 28th St Irenaeus
Wednesday 29th St Peter and St Paul
Thursday 30th First Martyrs of Rome and World Social Media Day
Ideas for World Social media Day - get involved in some group chats, share some tweets from great people, explore a new social media platform!
We would encourage you to have a chat in your family about the ethical use of social media.
Over the Holidays.
The College takes its name and a lot of its inspiration from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish.
The feast day for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast Day is fast approaching on Sunday 17 July!
The day involves morning mass with Bishop Brian, followed by a procession with the statue of Our Lady, a free multicultural lunch feast, and a free concert.
I encourage you and your family to come along and support this Parish.
Christine Meharg
Macarthur Catholic schools rally together to support Tongan Disaster Appeal
Many thanks to all the staff, students and Mount Carmel Catholic College community for supporting the appeal with their generous donations and prayers for the people of Tonga. Thank you for allowing the College to be involved and advertising the appeal.
It was truly a community effort that touched the hearts of schools, parish and the wider community.
The shipping date, unfortunately, has (again) been delayed but we are hoping to have a small blessing ceremony at the site on Saturday, July 2 to farewell the donations and pray for a safe voyage to Tonga.
Please click the link to view the full article
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 7 - 10 Semester 1 Academic Reports
All parents of students in Years 7-10 will have electronic access to their child’s Semester 1 Academic Report after 3:30pm today. Reports are available via the Compass Parent Portal and can be accessed by following the instructions in the tutorial attached. This report provides a record of a student’s progress throughout the first half of this year. These reports may assist in guiding the discussion held at the Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews.
Year 7-10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews provide an opportunity for parents/carers and students to meet with their class teachers to review academic progress and discuss areas for growth. This conversation provides an opportunity for valuable feedback and enables parents/carers to ask questions to support students as they progress through their secondary education.
Bookings for the upcoming Year 7-10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews are still open via the Compass Parent Portal. Booking will close at 10am on Monday 27th June. As has been communicated earlier this week, we have had to cancel the previously advertised Thursday evening interview session. The interview bookings are available over the following two sessions:
Monday June 27: Interviews will be held at the College in the Champagnat Centre from 4pm - 8pm.
Friday July 1: Interviews will be held via Zoom from 8:30am - 12:30pm.
Instructions to assist in making bookings and accessing Zoom are available on Compass or via these links: Booking PTS Interviews and Join a Zoom meeting. If you choose to book interviews which will be held via Zoom, please refer to the 'Print Preview' screen (as per the instructions) for the Zoom code of each teacher.
Year 11 2023 Subject Selection
For students and parents/guardians who were unable to attend the Information Night, the presentation has now been added to the Yr 11 2023 Subject Selection google classroom.
Students will receive their Subject Eligibility forms on Monday 27th June. If students are not automatically eligible for a course, they must seek approval from the relevant KLA Coordinator. Times of their availability for these discussions will be published to students next week.
The next phase is the Subject Selection Interviews on the 3rd August. Students and parents/guardians will meet with a KLA Coordinator or Year Coordinator who will discuss the selections students wish to make and will ensure that their pattern of study is suitable for their intended pathway beyond school. Parents will be notified when these bookings will be open. Booking will be made via Compass. If you are unable to attend interviews on this date, please contact Mrs Kripal to make an alternate arrangement for a time and date, before 3rd August.
For any questions regarding the Subject Selection process or HSC pathways, please contact Ms Miller or Mrs Kripal. Mr Daniels (Careers and TAPS Coordinator) is also contactable to discuss post school pathways and Mr Clark (VET Coordinator) can be contacted to discuss EVET and SBAT options. Any inquiries about external courses (such as Language courses), can be directed to Ms Miller.
Year 12 Trial Examinations
Next week Year 12 students will be receiving the finalised Trial Examination timetable and assessment notifications for each exam. The written exams will take place during Week 3, 4 and Monday of Week 5 in Term 3. Performances for Drama are scheduled for Week 2.
Students have received some information this week regarding preparing for these examinations and procedures. They will receive additional information early next term prior to the commencement of the Trial Examination period.
Week 10
27/06/2022: 12 Legal Studies Task
27/06/2022: 11 Mathematics Standard 1 & 2 Task
27/06/2022: 11 Modern History Task
30/06/2022: 12 History Extension Task
30/06/2022: 12 Mathematics Extension 1 Task
30/06/2022: 11 Ancient History Task
30/06/2022: 11 Mathematics Advanced Task
Week 1
18/07/2022: 12 Modern History Task
18/07/2022: 12 Visual Arts Task
19/07/2022: 11 Ancient History Task (NEW DATE)
20/07/2022: 11 Mathematics Standard 1 & 2 Task (NEW DATE)
Week 2
27/07/2022: 11 Society & Culture Task
Date TBC: 10 PDHPE Task
Week 3
01/08/2022 - 05/08/22: Trial HSC Exams
Ms Chardy Miller & Mrs Alison Kripal
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
HSC Trial Exam and HSC Exam Supervisors
As we approach the HSC Trial Exams we are making preparations for the HSC Exams, the opportunity is available for anyone interested in becoming an Exam Supervisor.
We are looking for supervisors for the Trial HSC Exams (1/8 - 12/8) and the HSC Exams (12/10 - 7/11). Supervision of the Trial HSC Exams is on a voluntary basis. HSC supervisors are employed and paid by NESA. No previous experience is necessary and training will be provided. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Kim Russell (Presiding Officer) on 0407 234 404.
Australian academic, Roslyn Arnold, asserts that education for the best and fullest human consciousness requires that we understand and respect the inner worlds of individuals, in which thought and feeling are complementary processes. She also contends that it is equally important to understand how individuals interact with each other, and how they derive significance from such interactions. This rich world of interpersonal life between people and the equally rich inner life enjoyed by those of a reflective nature, are the foundations for deep and meaningful learning.
The act of writing, being a medium for thinking and making sense of experience, is an ideal vehicle to promote the development of a rich interpersonal life and a reflective disposition. When we write, we write our way into meaning, discovering new ideas and generating insights that would otherwise remain unrealised or hidden. Thinking and understanding are activated by writing creatively and analytically.
American writer, Terry Tempest Williams, effectively captures the essence and the power of writing in the following extract:
‘I write to make peace with the things I cannot control. I write to create red in a world that often appears black and white. I write to discover. I write to uncover. I write to meet my ghosts. I write to begin a dialogue. I write to imagine things differently and in imagining things differently perhaps the world will change. I write to honour beauty. I write to correspond with my friends. I write as a daily act of improvisation. I write because it creates my composure. I write against power and for democracy. I write myself out of my nightmares and into my dreams. I write in a solitude born out of community. I write to the questions that shatter my sleep. I write to the answers that keep me complacent. I write to remember. I write to forget….
I write because you can play on the page like a child left alone in sand. I write because it belongs to the force of the moon: high tide, low tide. I write because it is the way I take long walks. I write as a bow to wilderness. I write because I believe it can create a path in darkness. I write out of my inconsistencies. I write because then I do not have to speak. I write with the colours of memory. I write as a witness to what I have seen. I write as a witness to what I imagine. I write because it is dangerous, a bloody risk, like love, to form the words, to say the words, to touch the source, to be touched, to reveal how vulnerable we are, how transient we are. I write as though I am whispering in the ear of the one I love.’
Mrs Clare Murphy
English Coordinator & Literacy Instructional Coach
From the Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
As we end our first semester of learning for the year, it is important that we continue to address some of the Pastoral and Wellbeing issues that often impact on the learning and wellbeing of our students. In today’s Pastoral time, the following activities took place:
Year 7 - Encounter Day
Year 8 - Pastoral class based “Walking Assembly”
Year 9 - Gender specific House-based presentations
Year 10 - Subject selection follow-up presentation
Year 11 - HSC survival guide presentation by Year 12 SRC
Year 12 - Goal setting and preparing for the HSC Trials Assembly
Thanks to all staff and students who organised and participated in these presentations.
An ongoing area of concern for all students, particularly in light of the potential implications for our recent and current COVID situation, is related to Technology, E-Safety and screen time. Our experience over the past couple of years has provided circumstances and opportunities for all of us to engage more in Streaming Services (such as Netflix), a broader range of Social Media apps (Zoom, House Party etc) and an increased reliance on our digital devices to maintain contact with our work or school colleagues and friends.
The ever changing landscape of technology and social media brings with it newer and unique challenges, many of which do not come with a simple users manual. The Federal Government E-Safety Commissioner’s website is a reliable point of call for any student or family member who may require some information regarding many of the questions that are often raised, a courtesy of new technologies and services. Questions such as:
- How much screen time should my son or daughter have each day?
- How do I provide a safe and secure Social Media environment for my child?
- What sorts of apps are out there and what do they do?
- What are the laws regarding age of consent for using Social Media apps?
The following links to the esafety Comissioner’s site may assist with being able to investigate and find answers to some of the issues that may confront families from time to time relating to cyber safety.
esafety guide to games, apps and social media
Also, as we head into a well earned break after a term of classroom learning, assessment tasks, reports and again a challenging COVID environment, sometimes the resilience of our children can be tested. If you have concerns over the wellbeing of your son or daughter, please do not hesitate to contact the College for support. Alternatively, if a concern arises external to the school setting, the following agencies are recommended by our Catholic Care Counselling team for assistance. Click on the images to access the sites.
Students at Mount Carmel are fortunate to have a range of recreational sports . Roller Skating is just one of these options available. See photos of students enjoying roller skating.

MISA Dance was an incredible, memorable experience for all those involved. I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to once again choreograph a segment for our spectacular number entitled “Can’t Stop the Feeling”. Incorporating cultural, contemporary, hip hop and jazz styles, this piece promoted the belief that everybody is a dancer no matter the genre. As a Japanese proverb once said, “We’re all fools whether we dance or not, so we may as well dance”. This sums up the portrait I, the other choreographers and Mrs Pearce and Mrs Asuit wished to display with this inclusive, congenial number. I was given the chance to choreograph the contemporary and jazz aspects of the piece once more. It was another awesome experience to teach the contemporary and jazz dancers their segment, and I want to thank everyone for executing my choreography to the best of their abilities.
The MISA Dance Festival, which took place on Tuesday, June 21st, was the goal for which we had been striving. Everyone who participated in the event found the day to be extremely exciting and unforgettable, and it was fantastic to see students from Years 7 through 12 cooperating as a team. As other schools got ready for their performances, we poured in and watched with interest. It was an extraordinary experience to be able to see all 15 other schools as last year we only had the opportunity to see those within our session. The day went perfectly with sportsmanship and support being shown from each school with ample applause and cheers. Maddie and Myself are also honoured to have been chosen as MCs for the first session and to be able to introduce the other schools’ amazing performances. The MISA Dance Festival is a fantastic day out where dancers can showcase their skills to other dancers and get the chance to perform on such a large stage.
I would like to extend a congratulations to Timara, Sydney, Justyce and Miriam for choreographing both of the cultural elements of our routine. Another commendation to Sebastian and Anna for choreographing the hip hop segments. I would also like to thank Maddie for creating the skirts the contemporary dancers wore and also mixing the music for our performance. On behalf of the MISA Dance Team, I would like to give another thank you to Mrs Pearce and Mrs Asuit for their support and guidance throughout the term. We are very fortunate that we get to showcase our talents and dance abilities to all the other MISA schools.
By Jessica Littlewood

MISA Sports
Thanks to all the MISA coaches whohave volunteer to coach Term 3 teams. Trials for Term 3 start next week.
Sport | Division | Gender |
Indoor Cricket | Years 10-12 | Male |
Softball | Years 10-12 | Female |
AFL | Years 10-12 | Male & Female |
Netball | Years 7-8 | Female |
Netball | Years 9-10 | Female |
Soccer | Years 7-8 | Male |
Soccer | Years 9-10 | Male |
Soccer | Years 7-9 | Female |
Rugby League | U15's Div 1 & 2 | Male |
Communication regarding Sport
Students are reminded to continue checking the Compass dashboard for key information relating to sport during 2022. Key information will also be communicated to parents via the College Newsletter and notes sent home. Information will also be provided to staff who will communicate key messages with students during Pastoral Care in the morning.
We would love to hear if your child or someone part of our school community, past or present, experiences any sporting success. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any sporting success so we can recognise those achievements in our community.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. Information on NSWCCC events for 2022 available via Compass. See Mrs Jones for nomination procedure.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
Ms Sue Turnbull
Acting Sports Co-ordinator
Results for 18/6/2022
15’s defeated by East 12 - 39
Grad C’s defeated Glenquarie 42 - 28
Division 6 forfeited to Phoenix
Division 5 defeated by East 26 - 43
27 Jun |
Year 7-10: PTS Interviews (4pm-8pm) |
30 Jun |
Year 10: Immunisation Day Year 7-10: PTS Interviews (8.30am-12.30pm) |
1 Jul |
Pupil Free Day Year 7-10: PTS Interview (8.30am-12.30pm) Term 2 Concludes |
18 Jul |
Term 3 Commences |
22 Jul |
OLMC Feast Mass |