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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
The readings this weekend encourage us to reflect on the purpose of life and ask us to consider why we might struggle and slave to build wealth on earth. During the last century, the church regularly spoke of the seven deadly sins. These sins were called deadly because if we allowed ourselves to be consumed by them, they would take life away from us. One of these deadly sins is greed. When our decisions are based on how we can get more or what we are able to accumulate rather than how we can build relationships or care for those around us, our thoughts and actions can drain our energy rather than being ‘life giving’. In these readings we are reminded that there is a greater goal than accumulating wealth on earth. That goal is for eternal life by resurrection through and in Christ Jesus. Making fair and considerate decisions helps us to maintain our focus on goodness and leads us to eternal life.
On Wednesday evening, our English staff hosted a Year 7 Parent Library evening. There were over 30 parents in attendance and the evening was an opportunity for parents to chat with the English staff in a casual format. Parents were given the opportunity to borrow texts that their child might be reading so they can understand the nature of what is occurring in English. There was a large number of books donated by staff or no longer required by the College library, which were available for parents to take and add to their home collections. The evening was a lovely opportunity for parents to browse and ask questions or simply have a conversation. The intention of the evening was to give parents the opportunity to engage with their child’s learning and to also come into the College grounds as a first stage after COVID restrictions. I thank the English staff along with Mr Lozelle and Ms Miller for their involvement in the evening and availability to parents. Thank you also to Mrs Murphy who has now provided several opportunities for parents to come into the College and find out how they might assist their child’s learning in English and Literacy. Hopefully we will be able to offer similar evenings to parents of students in other year groups.
Next week our Year 12 students will begin their Trial HSC examinations. These students missed a number of opportunities last year for exam type practice and many of them will be nervous leading into the experience. I have laser cut a quote that sits on my office wall that I encourage the students to regularly reflect on. It is a quote from St Mary MacKillop which simply says; “Do all you can with the means at your disposal and calmly leave the rest to God”. For our students, I hope this calms the nerves enough for them to realise that if they have worked to capacity, their work will be rewarded. Please keep our Year 12s in your thoughts and prayers that they gain greatly from the experience of their Trials.
Last Friday, I sent a letter to all parents outlining some proposals for the start of 2023. This letter explained changes to lesson lengths and requested feedback on proposals for a change to the start and conclusion times of the day, as well as possible changes to our senior school structure and finally, changes to the junior girls’ uniform. There was a link in this letter to a survey where parents have an opportunity to give their opinion and make further comment. The link was re-shared today. I encourage all parents to feedback on these proposals by Monday so that we can determine the next step.
As part of the survey above, some parents have raised other issues worth mentioning. One large concern is the process of student drop off and pickup. There is a very short space of time in both mornings and afternoons where the carpark and surrounding streets are very congested. I remind parents that courtesy and following road rules are essential even in the carpark. Please watch for pedestrians and it is vital that students are picked up from the carpark and parents do not drive up into the College to collect students. This is where the buses pick up and they require a clear run. Since they take hundreds of students offsite, they will have priority. Often by about 3:30, much of the congestion has dissipated so possibly delay your pickup by 10 minutes to avoid delays.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Towards the end of last week, Mr Lo Cascio circulated an update to our College community to inform you of the COVID-19 precautionary measures that we have in place as case numbers remain high within and beyond our College environment. I take the opportunity to remind you of these steps and to stress that as the situation evolves with regards to the broader health climate, so too will our responses.
- Staff and students are regularly reminded and supported to practise good personal hygiene throughout the school day, particularly in relation to shielding coughs and sneezes, and hand washing.
- We continue to provide enhanced cleaning throughout the school, with a particular focus on high touch surfaces.
- We are expecting another delivery of Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits, which will again be provided to families. We strongly encourage you to test your child if they have even very mild flu-like symptoms.
- We are taking additional steps to lower the risk of COVID-19 for school events and activities. Many of these measures—like limiting the number of people at a venue and hosting events outside—will be familiar to you now, after more than two years of responding to the pandemic.
- Natural ventilation is maximised in all indoor spaces.
- All students and staff are supported to wear masks if they choose to do so.
- All students who are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination are strongly encouraged to stay up to date according to the ATAGI guidelines.
Finally this week, I remind everyone of our COVID-safe guidelines for Term 3 which carry over from those in place last term. These stipulate that whilst household close contacts who have no symptoms may continue to attend school, they must adhere to the following requirements:
- The school is notified that they are intending to return as a close household contact
- They must wear a mask indoors except when eating or exercising
- Once positive cases have completed their 7-day isolation period, they should wear a mask for an additional 3 days (for days 8 to 10)
Please note that students who test positive for COVID-19, or who are unwell or showing COVID-19 symptoms, must continue to isolate at home.
All the best for the week ahead,
Welcome to August- The season of Ordinary Living!
Some thoughts about August
Jesus helps me to enter into the joyful dimension of my work. Let me not be so involved and serious about my work that I miss the many pleasures and joys that are inherent in it. Lighten me up when I'm feeling my work’s heaviness. May I remember that I need balance in my life, that laughter and leisure are essential for my health and wellbeing. Take me to sources of zest and enthusiasm without guilt or hesitation!
Action - ask others what makes them laugh :)
Make way for some family time that brings about laughter!
Mass of day with Lectionary and Missal texts of Sunday Ord Time 18 Yr C
First Reading Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23 All things are vanity.
Second Reading Col 3:1-5, 9-11 Set your heart on the greater things.
Gospel Lk 12:13-21 Parable of the rich man with a good harvest.
Important Days
31st Saint Ignatius of Loyola, National Tree Day
1st Saint Alphonsus Liguori
2nd Saint Eusebius of Vercelli Saint Peter Julian Eymard
3rd Saint Dominic
4th Saint John Vianney
6th The Transfiguration of the Lord
6th Hiroshima Day
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 11 2023 Subject Selection
Subject Selection Interviews are on this Wednesday (3 August). These interviews will be conducted in the College Library. Students and parents/guardians will meet with a KLA Coordinator or Year Coordinator who will discuss the selections students wish to make and will ensure that their pattern of study is suitable for their intended pathway beyond school. If you are unable to attend interviews on this date, please contact Mrs Kripal ( to make an alternate arrangement for a time and date, before 3 August.
For any questions regarding the Subject Selection process or HSC pathways, please contact Ms Miller or Mrs Kripal. Mr Daniels (Careers and TAPS Coordinator) is also contactable to discuss post school pathways and Mr Clark (VET Coordinator) can be contacted to discuss EVET and SBAT options. Any inquiries about external courses (such as Language courses), can be directed to Ms Miller.
Year 12 Trial Examinations
The examinations will take place on Monday 1 August - Monday 15 August. Yr 12 will resume regular lessons on Tuesday 16th August.
Students are reminded to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start time of their exams. If students have morning and afternoon examinations they are not permitted to leave the College between examinations. Students are welcome to stay after an examination to study in the Library or arrive earlier in the day to study before an afternoon examination. In these instances students will be required to sign in at the Library and remain in this space to study. On days students do not have a scheduled examination they are also welcome to attend the Library to study. A reminder that they can only sign in and out of the Library once during the school day.
To also assist students with their preparations and study, the College Library will be open on additional evenings (3:30-6:30pm) during Week 3 and 4. A schedule of these times has been shared with Yr 12 students. Please note that the additional evenings are only for Yr 12 students. Yr 11 students continue to be welcome to attend Senior Study on Tuesdays.
If, for any reason you are ill or cannot attend the examination because of an accident or misadventure, you must contact the College to inform Mr Harpley (, Ms Gardner ( , Ms Miller ( and Mrs Kripal ( as soon as possible. The general rule is that the student is to attend the examination if possible, unless there is significant medical advice not to do so. If a student does miss an examination, they must follow the College Illness/Misadventure process. Mrs Kripal or Ms Miller will be in contact with students to make arrangements for missed examinations.
Week 3
01/08/2022 - 05/08/22: Trial HSC Exams
Week 4
08/08/2022 - 12/08/22: Trial HSC Exams
11/08/2022: IT Timber Major Works Due
Week 5
15/08/2022: Trial HSC Exams
15/08/2022: 12 Work Studies Task
Date TBC: 9 Catholic Studies Task
Ms Chardy Miller & Mrs Alison Kripal
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
From the Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
After the opportunity to finally come together as a whole school community last week, this week has seen us return to some sense of regularity as we embark on our second semester of learning. As such, today was an opportunity for individual year groups to come together to address a range of learning and well-being matters. These included:
- Year 7: Assembly addressing a range of housekeeping matters and some goals for the upcoming semester. Earlier in the week Year Seven students wrote letters of good luck to Year 12 students who are about to sit their HSC Trial examinations.
- Year 8: Year Assembly with a focus on the upcoming term.
- Year 9: Combination of individual Pastoral class activities and a short Year meeting.
- Year 10: Pastoral Class Job Jump activities which encompasses a range of information relating to pathways in the Workplace, University, TAFE and other associated training options.
- Year 11: Year Assembly with a focus on leadership preparation and the process that they are about to undertake over the coming weeks, commencing with a Leadership Training Day on August 11th.
- Year 12: HSC Trial Examinations overview which will commence on Monday and continue for the next 2 weeks.
Thanks to Year Coordinators, Assistant Year Coordinators and Pastoral Advisors for their organisation and presentation of the various activities.
Absentee explanations
Please be reminded that explanations are required within 7 days of an absence as per College, Diocesan and Catholic Education requirements. These explanations can be handwritten notes, emails or responses via Compass. If you have any questions relating to this matter, please contact the College Office or speak to your son/daughter’s Year Coordinator or Pastoral Advisor. Please refer to the attachment below for some information regarding student attendance.
CEDoW Attendance Information for Parents
The next webinar, “How to help your child’s essay writing”, is on Wednesday 10 August at 6:30pm (AEST) where they will be covering live:
- The importance of goal-setting in essay writing
- How you can provide real-time support and feedback to support the process of improvement
- How students can begin to self-assess their work so they can become independent writers
The webinar is run live online where the presenter will share Elevate’s research findings and skills and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask them questions directly.
You can register by clicking here
We wish Year 12 all the best for their Trial Exams which commence on Monday, which is another “last time” milestone for our graduating class of 2022. Finally, please do not hesitate to contact the College or the appropriate Classroom Teacher, Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator should you have any questions or require any assistance with matters relating to the wellbeing or learning of your son or daughter.
Mr Simon Huntly
This Parent Library initiative is part of the Mount Carmel Home-School Literacy Partnership program – a program which invites and supports parent engagement in the education of their children in order to improve the learning and wellbeing outcomes for all of our young people. This rich collaboration between home and school is already seeing positive and beneficial outcomes for students, parents, and teachers. We intend holding more of these Parent Library events and opening them up to parents of students from Years 7 – 12.
Below is the list of novels purchased for parent borrowing. If any parent would like to borrow these texts, they can do so by contacting our librarian, Mr Greg Lozelle. These books can be on loan for the duration of the term.
Chinese Cinderella – Adeline Yen Mah
I am Malala – Christina Lamb and Malala Yousafzai
The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – C.S. Lewis
A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas – John Boyne
Animal Farm – George Orwell
Once – Morris Gleitzman
The Silver Sword – Ian Serraillier
Hatchet – Gary Paulsen
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – J.K. Rowling
The Diary of a Young Girl – Anne Frank
Tomorrow When the War Began – John Marsden
To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
Mrs Clare Murphy
English Coordinator & Literacy Instructional Coach
Thanks to Ms Tyra, Mrs Christian and Mrs Ellsmore for taking the girls to the Diocesan Netball tournament.
Junior Div 1 & 2

We were aware going into the carnival that our preparation was limited, as both teams had been selected only days before. As such, we knew that the day would prove to be challenging but we were fearless and ready to deal with whatever came our way.
Both Junior teams came away from the day with one win from nine games. All players displayed an exceptional level of sportsmanship, cooperation, and teamwork. Special thanks to Chelsea Sirec who not only played in our Division 2 team but also umpired a number of our Division 1 team’s matches.
Mrs Julie Ellsmore
The whole team worked so well together throughout the day. The team ended up with 8 wins and 1 loss in total, putting them into equal first position with St Mary’s. However on count back of for and against, they finished in second place overall. All team members displayed high levels of athleticism, with strong passes, accurate footwork, and amazing intercepts. Well done!
Ms Denise TyraThe Senior Girls Netball Team of 2022 had a fabulous time at the Dio Netball Competition. It was a gloriously sunny day, and the girls were ready to have a wonderful time playing with friends for what would be the last Netball competition for all of our Year 12 students. Our division one team finished with two wins for the day, but played exceptionally well for all games. We were strong in all areas of the court, but the other teams were just marginally better on the day. Our division two team also had a great day, with one amazing win but worked exceptionally hard in all other games. Many thanks to Mrs Turnbull, Mrs Tyra and Mrs Ellsmore and all students for all the hard work and preparation. A truly fantastic day, well done girls!
Mrs Melissa Christian
Senior Division 2
Paula Zaballero and Harrison Doris! These two talented athletes were selected in the NSW Softball schools team to compete at the Australian Championships.
Paula Zaballero has been playing softball since 2011. Starting out Paula was so incredibly uncoordinated, but her passion, drive and dedication has lead to her success over the years.
Paula’s main position is Catcher, the position on the diamond that calls the pitches, the plays and controls the game.
Her second position is 3rd base and she is also an outfielder.
Paula is what we call a power hitter and bats 3 or 4 in the line up of 9 batters.

Harrison Doris has played softball for almost 10 years. Harrison says: "I enjoy playing softball because I love playing the sport and being part of a team environment. I'm passionate about the sport and my position is 3rd base or as people like to call it the hot corner as that is where the ball usually gets hit the hardest. I usually bat 4-6 in the batting lineup because I can hit for average and power. As a softball player, I have represented Macarthur at the state Championships since U13s and have made the NSW U16 and U18 squads and am currently in the U19 squad with team selection in the imminent future."
MISA Sports
Thanks to all the MISA coaches who have volunteered to coach Term 3 teams. Competition starts next week
Sport | Division | Gender | Result |
Indoor Cricket | Years 10-12 | Male | Loss |
Softball | Years 10-12 | Female | Washed out |
AFL | Years 10-12 | Male & Female | Washed out |
Netball | Years 7-8 | Female | Win |
Netball | Years 9-10 | Female | Win |
Soccer | Years 7-8 | Male | Washed out |
Soccer | Years 9-10 | Male | Washed out |
Soccer | Years 7-9 | Female | Washed out |
Rugby League | U15's Div 1 & 2 | Male | Washed out |
Communication regarding Sport
Students are reminded to continue checking the Compass dashboard for key information relating to sport during 2022. Key information will also be communicated to parents via the College Newsletter and notes sent home. Information will also be provided to staff who will communicate key messages with students during Pastoral Care in the morning.
We would love to hear if your child or someone part of our school community, past or present, experiences any sporting success. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any sporting success so we can recognise those achievements in our community.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. Information on NSWCCC events for 2022 available via Compass. See Mrs Jones for nomination procedure.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
Ms Sue Turnbull
Acting Sports Co-ordinator
Mount Carmel P&F Clothing Pool sells pre-owned College uniforms at less than half the cost of new uniforms.
You can bring your child's uniforms to the shop when they no longer fit or you no longer need them (Uniforms must be clean and in good condition. Blazers must be dry cleaned). The Second-hand Uniform shop will sell the uniforms on your behalf, and after they sell the P & F Committee will transfer the money to your nominated bank account. The P&F will keep 10% of all sales. You are also able to donate the uniforms and then the P&F will benefit from 100% of the sales.
The uniform shop is open from 2.30-4pm on the days listed below. Usually the first Monday of each month. The shop will next be open on Monday 1 August 2022. The shop is run by parent volunteers to raise money for the P&F Committee and to help families of the school with low-cost uniforms.
If any parent wishes to volunteer in the Second-hand Uniform Shop please contact the school office.
Term 3 2022
Monday 1 August
Monday 5 September
Term 4 2022
Monday 7 November
Monday 5 December
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities
1 Aug |
Trial HSC Examinations: 1 Aug - 6 Aug |
3 Aug |
Year 11 2023: Subject Selection Interviews |
8 Aug |
Trial HSC Examinations: 8 Aug - 16 Aug |
11 Aug |
Year 11 Leadership Day 1 - Teen Ranch |
12 Aug |
Year 11 Leadership Day 2 - MCCC |
16 Aug |
Term 3 P&F Meeting: 7pm |
17 Aug |
Stage 5 2023: Information Night |
23 Aug |
Year 12: Retreat Reconnector |
26 Aug |
Pupil Free Day |
Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who have offered their time to assist our Canteen staff. The College is now able to open the canteen two days per week. Commencing Monday 1 August, please see the following changes:
Week Days | Operation | Payment Facilities |
Mon/Tues/Wed | Lunch Orders ONLY | Cash ONLY |
Thurs/Fri | Recess & Lunch | Cash & EFTPOS |