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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
This week as a community, we have experienced the deepest of sadness as we heard the news of the death of one of our beloved Year 12 students. This type of news always strikes at the heart of any community, but it can have a far deeper impact on a school community. These events encourage us to consider what we might do to support one another and to respond to the needs of those around us. As a Catholic community, we return to the comfort of our faith and the support of Jesus as our protector. At assemblies over the past few years, I have reminded students that we are a people of hope and that no matter how sad we may become, the belief in the resurrection and our connection to Jesus leads us to eternal life. We take comfort in the knowledge that at our darkest moments, Jesus wraps His arms around us and often does this through our family and friends.
“And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time” (Matthew 28:20)
May we keep all our families who are suffering and experiencing grief in their lives within our hearts and prayers and may our dearly departed rest in the peace of Christ.
Over the past few months, we have been trying to get more parent volunteers to assist with the running of the College canteen. We have made a number of requests through the College newsletter, emails and phone calls directly to those who had shown an interest. As you would be aware, the difficulty in sourcing volunteers has meant that we have not been able to open the canteen regularly to the students. This has meant that despite the incredible efforts of our canteen staff and the volunteers that did attend, we could only guarantee lunch orders. This is not ideal for students. We have therefore, taken the difficult decision that we need to look at outsourcing the canteen from the start of 2023. This will mean several changes but should guarantee a continuous service for students. I thank our current staff and we will relocate them to other areas in the College. When we confirm a canteen provider, I will notify the community.
Next Wednesday evening, we will be hosting our Year 8 students and some Year 9s for their Stage 5 information evening. This evening is designed to give students information around choosing their electives subjects. I encourage all Year 8 parents to attend to gain this information and I thank the staff who will be present in the evening to provide this advice.
Unfortunately, I have been informed that only one of the Parents and Friend’s executive are available for the meeting scheduled for next Tuesday evening. As this would mean there is no quorum, we have taken the decision to cancel this evening and move any agenda items to the meeting in term 4. If any parent would like to raise any concerns or questions, as always, I encourage you to contact the College directly either through the front office phone number (9603 3000) or through the info email (
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
At the outset this week, I take the opportunity to congratulate our Year 12 students for their application towards their Trial HSC Examinations over the past fortnight. Although there is still one day to go this coming Monday, as a cohort, their approach to these assessments have placed them in a strong position as they continue their preparations for the HSC at the start of next term.
I also take the opportunity to congratulate the Year 11 cohort for their participation in the Mount Carmel Leadership Program over the past two days. This program is designed to assist the discernment process among our students whether it be in regard to their own preparedness to consider a leadership role, or in determining the team of students that will represent them in their own HSC year in 2023. Having spent time with this cohort over the past couple of days, I am extremely confident that we will have an exceptionally strong Student Representative Council that will act on the behalf of all students next year.
A reminder that as per our Compass Calendar, our Term 3 Staff Development Day will be taking place on Friday August 26. The focus on this occasion will be on the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing of our students. I thank those parents and carers in our community that are required to organise alternate supervision on this day so that all staff can participate in these worthwhile professional development opportunities.
Earlier today, students in Years 7-10 were issued with their latest supply of RAT kits. Students are encouraged to use these if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms or if they are in the same household as a positive COVID case.
Finally this week, I remind everyone of our COVID-safe reporting measures for Term 3. These stipulate that whilst household close contacts who have no symptoms may continue to attend school, they must adhere to the following requirements:
- The school is notified that they are intending to return as a close household contact
- They must wear a mask indoors except when eating or exercising
- Once positive cases have completed their 7-day isolation period, they should wear a mask for an additional 3 days (for days 8 to 10)
Please note that students who test positive for COVID-19, or who are unwell or showing COVID-19 symptoms, must continue to isolate at home.
All the best for the week ahead,
The Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles, one of the seven Laudato Si’ Goals, is grounded in the idea of sufficiency and promoting sobriety, or moderation, in the use of resources and energy.
The home is one of the first and best places we can adopt a simple and virtuous lifestyle. Nine actions toward this goal could include:
- Reducing waste and increasing recycling
- Adopting sustainable dietary habits, such as opting for a more plant-based diet and reducing meat consumption
- A greater use of public transport
- Choosing active mobility like walking and cycling
- Avoiding single use items, especially plastic
- Discussing together what lifestyle changes you as a family can make to avoid getting caught up in “a whirlwind of needless buying and spending.” (LS 203)
- Exploring with one another the ways in which you can live in a good relationship with nature right outside your door
- Spending time together as a family in parks, forests, by the seaside, or just observing wildlife
- Repairing broken toys and sports equipment instead of throwing them away and buying new ones
First Reading Jer 38:4-6. 8-10 King Zedekiah saves Jeremiah from the well.
Second Reading Heb 12:1-4 Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
Gospel Lk 12:49-53 Jesus tells his disciples he has come for division.
Important Days
Children’s Book Week
15th Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
16th Saint Stephen of Hungary
19th Saint John Eudes and World Humanitarian Day
20th Saint Bernard
21st Saint Pius X
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Stage 5 2023 Electives Selection
This week we have begun the process of Elective Subject Selection for Yr 9 and Yr 10 2023. All information regarding elective selection will be communicated to students via the Stage 5 Electives Selections Google Classroom. All students currently in Yr 8 and 9 should ensure that they have joined this Google Classroom.
The following are key dates for the Stage 5 Electives Selection process:
12 August 2022: Elective Launch Presentations
Students will be sent a series of videos via the Stage 5 2023 Elective Selections Google Classroom explaining the electives on offer and the options available. Students are encouraged to seek advice from KLA Coordinators and subject specialists if they have any questions regarding any of the electives explained within these videos.
17 August 2022: Stage 5 2023 Information Night
From 6:30pm, KLA Coordinators and specialist teachers will be available in the Champagnat Centre to answer questions regarding the electives that they have on offer. At 7:00pm, members of the College Leadership Team will present information regarding the process of selecting electives for 2023. For students who are currently in Year 8, attendance at the Information Night is fundamental to ensuring that an informed decision is made when nominating their elective selections for 2023. Students in Year 9 are encouraged to attend however given their familiarity with the process (having completed it in Year 8 2021), attendance is not required. Students are expected to attend the information night in their full College winter uniform.
18 August 2022: Elective Form Opens
At approximately 4:00pm, students will be emailed a link and instructions on how to make their selections. A video will also be released explaining this process.
29 August 2022: Selections close at 9:00am
If you have any questions regarding any of the above dates or events, please contact the College via an email to or a phone call to (02) 9603 3000.
Week 5
15/08/2022: Trial HSC Exams
15/08/2022: 12 Work Studies Task
17-18/08/2022: 9 Catholic Studies Task
Week 6
24/08/2022: Year 8 Catholic Studies Task
25/08/2022: Year 7 Catholic Studies Task
Date TBC: Year 10 Mathematics 5.3 Task
Week 7
29/08/2022: Year 11 English Studies Task
29/08/2022: Year 9 PASS Task
29/08/2022-02/09/2022: Year 8 HSIE Task
30/08/2022: Year 11 Visual Arts Task
31/08/2022: Year 11 Photography Task
01/09/2022: Year 11 IT: Timber Task
02/09/2022: Year 11 Ceramics Task
02/09/2022: Year 11 Computing Applications Task
Date TBC: Year 10 History Elective Task
Date TBC: Year 8 PDHPE Task
Ms Chardy Miller & Mrs Alison Kripal
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
Our discussion of ways to encourage student engagement centred on the importance of teacher enthusiasm, expertise, and empathy. We were mindful of privileging purposeful and focused engagement as distinct from mere entertainment. For many years now I have been advocating three essential attributes for teachers – passion, presence, and challenge. Good teachers have a passion for teaching and learning, a passion for their students, and a passion for their subject. Good teachers know their students and foster a belief that all students can learn. Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness, an ability to laugh at themselves, and a commitment to high expectations of self and others. And good teachers know that teaching is a daily exercise in vulnerability.
I agree with the assertion that caring is the foundation of all successful education. Students feel emotionally ‘met’ and able to perform at their best when their teachers care about them and communicate this care during the process of teaching and learning. Lockdown powerfully highlighted the critical importance of intelligent caring, and we need to constantly remind ourselves of this. I say ‘intelligent’ because discernment needs to be exercised in the process of caring for students to ensure that autonomy, resilience, and self-discipline are fostered.
Recognition of the very real link between learning and wellbeing is particularly critical in our educational context today. Again, lockdown provided us with opportunities to witness this substantial connection. In endeavouring to address concerns about student wellbeing, let’s look firstly at quality learning and teaching, and appreciate the significant and powerful relationship between the two.
And finally, speaking from the perspective of an English teacher with a particular interest in literacy and learning, research has found that literature provides an inbuilt capacity to engage students, to mobilise their abilities for deep learning, to sustain their interest and to challenge their thinking.
Mrs Clare Murphy
English Coordinator & Literacy Instructional Coach
From the Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
This week we welcomed Mr Brian McDade, our new CatholicCare Counsellor who has replaced Ms Madelene Grauland. Brian comes to Mount Carmel with a broad range of Counselling skills and experience. We thank Madelene for her work over the past 18 months and wish her every success for her future endeavours. A reminder that we currently have Counsellors on site 9 days per fortnight, who are available to support students in a range of wellbeing needs. Students who might be interested in counselling support are to speak to their Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator for details of how to engage with the service.
Alternatively, should students or families be in need of wellbeing support outside of school hours or in case of emergency, please find below a list of contact details for agencies that might be of assistance.
Earlier today, a range of Year Assemblies were held to address a range of Wellbeing and Learning matters. These included:
Year 7
General Reminders relating to Learning and Wellbeing, Resilience and Respect
Years 8 & 9
2023 Elective Information and introduction to the selection process.
Year 10 - General reminders relating to Wellbeing, Learning and ROSA expectations.
Year 11 - Day 2 of Leadership Training (Day 1 was yesterday at Teen Ranch)
Year 12 - Finishing HSC Trial Examinations
Thanks to all Year Coordinators, Pastoral Advisors and Staff who assisted in the preparation and delivery of these activities today.
Finally, please do not hesitate to contact the College or the appropriate Classroom Teacher, Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator should you have any questions or require any assistance with matters relating to the wellbeing or learning of your son or daughter.
Mr Simon Huntly
Sport | Division | Gender | Result |
Indoor Cricket | Years 10-12 | Male | Win |
Softball | Years 10-12 | Female | Win |
AFL | Years 10-12 | Male & Female |
Girls; Forfeit Boys; No Game |
Netball | Years 7-8 | Female | Loss |
Netball | Years 9-10 | Female | Win |
Soccer | Years 7-8 | Male | Loss |
Soccer | Years 9-10 | Male | Win |
Soccer | Years 7-9 | Female | Win |
Rugby League | U15's Div 1 & 2 | Male | Win |
Communication regarding Sport
Students are reminded to continue checking the Compass dashboard for key information relating to sport during 2022. Key information will also be communicated to parents via the College Newsletter and notes sent home. Information will also be provided to staff who will communicate key messages with students during Pastoral Care in the morning.
We would love to hear if your child or someone part of our school community, past or present, experiences any sporting success. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any sporting success so we can recognise those achievements in our community.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. Information on NSWCCC events for 2022 available via Compass. See Mrs Jones for nomination procedure.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
Ms Sue Turnbull
Acting Sports Co-ordinator
Results for 5/8/2022:
15’s defeated by Ingleburn 10 - 61
Grad C’s defeated Glenquarie 42 - 6
Division 6 defeated by St Thomas More 31 - 39
Division 5 defeated by East 16 – 58
Congratulations and best of luck to our 15’s, Grad C and Division 5 teams who will all play in the Semi Finals this Saturday.
MOTU of Western Sydney Performance
Within the term 2 holidays, a selected group of students were able to experience the ‘Motu of Western Sydney’ performance, held at the Joan Sutherland Performing Art Centre. This programme transformed students' perspective of culture by infusing modernised topics and issues present today, to traditional stories that originated many years ago. To observe how much hard work and effort was implemented in this project, created an eye-catching performance impressing the likes of many within the audience.
The show was written and co-directed by Moemoana Shwenke and Taofia Pelesasa. The Matavai Cultural Arts directors, Fred and Mary-Jane Schwenke were also the performance co directors who led a cast of 100 dancers representing various cultures including the Maori, Fijian, Hawaiian, Tongan, Cook island, Samoan and Tokelau culture. Between these sections, the actors were able to portray the hardship of understanding the history behind our family and where we belong, due to the pressures of fitting in within society's standards.
This opened the eyes of the Mount Carmel students present, seeing a different conception of culture within contemporary times. As a result, it allowed us to deeply reflect on our lives and whether finding the best job or discovering the passions and dreams of oneself is truly what it means to succeed in life. Throughout the performance, we were also able to proudly enjoy one of our very own students participating in this incredible project, inspiring us and hopefully others in not only the realm of performing arts but also finding connection with our own culture. This opportunity was an honour and with the support of Mrs Abra, Mrs Maulguet and Mr Withnall, the day was able to be perfect for everyone involved.
By Alexis Brunt
On Thursday the 18th of August Mount Carmel Catholic College will have a special day dedicated to the people of Ukraine. We will be selling donuts and drinks at recess outside the LaValla Centre and there will also be a liturgy during lunch in the Marian Chapel.
Students are also encouraged to bring in a gold coin donation to wear a splash of blue and yellow. All money raised will go directly to the people of Ukraine via Caritas Australia.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Mr O'Connell and the Youth Ministry Leaders
Mount Carmel P&F Clothing Pool sells pre-owned College uniforms at less than half the cost of new uniforms.
You can bring your child's uniforms to the shop when they no longer fit or you no longer need them (Uniforms must be clean and in good condition. Blazers must be dry cleaned). The Second-hand Uniform shop will sell the uniforms on your behalf, and after they sell the P & F Committee will transfer the money to your nominated bank account. The P&F will keep 10% of all sales. You are also able to donate the uniforms and then the P&F will benefit from 100% of the sales.
The uniform shop is open from 2.30-4pm on the days listed below. Usually the first Monday of each month. The shop will next be open on Monday 5 September 2022. The shop is run by parent volunteers to raise money for the P&F Committee and to help families of the school with low-cost uniforms.
If any parent wishes to volunteer in the Second-hand Uniform Shop please contact the school office.
Term 3 2022
Monday 5 September
Term 4 2022
Monday 7 November
Monday 5 December
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities
8 Aug |
Trial HSC Examinations: 8 Aug - 16 Aug |
11 Aug |
Year 11 Leadership Day 1 - Teen Ranch |
12 Aug |
Year 11 Leadership Day 2 - MCCC |
16 Aug |
Term 3 P&F Meeting: 7pm |
17 Aug |
Stage 5 2023: Information Night |
23 Aug |
Year 12: Retreat Reconnector |
26 Aug |
Pupil Free Day |
2 Sep |
Live Festival (4pm-6pm) |
7 Sep |
Year 12 PTS Interviews (4pm-8pm) |
Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who have offered their time to assist our Canteen staff. The College is now able to open the canteen two days per week. Commencing Monday 1 August, please see the following changes:
Week Days | Operation | Payment Facilities |
Mon/Tues/Wed | Lunch Orders ONLY | Cash ONLY |
Thurs/Fri | Recess & Lunch | Cash & EFTPOS |
Young People need to aim high and to know that their community support them. Our children are our most valuable resource and, all too often, their academic achievements can be neglected. We do encourage learning and reward relevant students.
If you would like to donate towards the Year 12 Academic Medallions, the cost of each medallion is $40.00 or three for $100.00. If you wish to donate towards a particular subject, please visit our office or contact us on 9603 3000 to pay over the phone.