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The theme running through this week’s readings is around wisdom and the ability to consider what is important. Jesus states that people must be prepared to give up everything to follow Him. He also states that planning and forethought are necessary to be a true follower. At the start of the gospel of St John we read the phrase;
“In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.
I am reliably told that in the original Greek translation, ‘Sophos’ was used instead of ‘Word’ and that Sophos translates into English as ‘wisdom’. In various readings throughout the New Testament, we hear that we need to put God at the pinnacle of what we do. For most of us, that does not mean that we must enter the life of a religious, but it does mean that we must not get caught up in physical things or be consumed by things around us. Our planning and preparation should be for something greater that is based on wisdom. In the beginning, Wisdom already existed. Wisdom was with God. Wisdom was God. It is worthwhile to reflect on how we might enable Wisdom (God) to be a fundamental part of our lives?
Last Sunday, I attended a mass at St John’s celebrating 200 years of Catholic Masses in Campbelltown. The event marked the first time that Fr John Therry said mass in Mawson Park in the centre of the city. Bishop Brian reflected on the contribution that Catholics have made toward the area and the importance of the aboriginal culture in protecting the environment for thousands of years prior. It was a memorable ceremony, and it was a pleasure for me to represent Mount Carmel.
Today around 70 of our students attended the Live event in Wollongong. This is a gathering organised by the Bishop’s Office to provide an opportunity for students to come together to share their faith. It involves a series of talks interspersed with music and celebration. In the past, the students have returned with a renewed spirit and a focus on making a difference to their own community. I thank the staff who accompanied these students and look forward to their reflections upon their return.
Next Wednesday evening (Sept 7), we will be holding our Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student evening. This is the final opportunity for teachers to give direction and advice on how students might improve their performance leading into the Higher School Certificate examinations. I encourage as many parents to attend this evening as possible.
Finally, this Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. For all the fathers in our lives, both those with us and those who rest in the peace of Christ, we remember their valuable contributions. I wish all fathers a lovely day.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
As parents of students in Year 12 are aware, this coming Wednesday night will see the final opportunity for Parent/Teacher/Student meetings before the HSC commences in just a few weeks’ time. Significantly, these discussions will be heavily informed by the students' Trial HSC results and teachers will be able to provide practical strategies with regards to how students can most effectively focus their attention on these upcoming exams. I encourage parents and students to make yourselves available for these interviews - the last of their journey here at Mount Carmel.
I also wish our Year 11 cohort the best as they commence their final week of classes in their Preliminary Course. Year 11/Preliminary Exams commence Monday 12th September and extend until Tuesday 20th September. Given the significance of this examination period, students are only required at school when they have a timetabled examination on and are encouraged to use times outside of this to prepare for future tasks. Normal classes will resume from Wednesday 21 September until the end of term, and Year 12 coursework will begin from the start of Term 4.
You may be aware that COVID isolation protocols for the general NSW population are due to change from Friday this coming week. Please note that we are yet to receive confirmation regarding how these changes translate into school settings, however, as soon as this information becomes available, we will communicate it soon after.
With that being said, I remind everyone of our ongoing COVID-safe reporting measures for Term 3. These stipulate that whilst household close contacts who have no symptoms may continue to attend school, they must adhere to the following requirements:
- The school is notified that they are intending to return as a close household contact
- They must wear a mask indoors except when eating or exercising
- Once positive cases have completed their 7-day isolation period, they should wear a mask for an additional 3 days (for days 8 to 10)
Please note that students who test positive for COVID-19, or who are unwell or showing COVID-19 symptoms, must continue to isolate at home.
All the best for the week ahead,
Mass Readings
First Reading Wis 9:13-18 - Who can know the will of God?
Second Reading Phlm 9-10, 12-17 - Paul sends Onesimus, formerly a slave, back to Philemon as a brother.
Gospel Lk 14:25-33 - Disciples must renounce all possessions.
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 12 Final Weeks in the Classroom
Students in Year 12 are fast approaching the end of their formal lessons at the College. These last few weeks are crucial in consolidating their learning, receiving feedback from their teachers, and working collaboratively to maximise their efforts. Attendance in class is therefore an essential component of accessing the support they need from their teachers and each other. Each of their subjects are running seminars on specific topics, workshops on exam skills, offering practice questions and strategies for improvement. During the Spring Holiday Break some subject workshops will be offered, as well as “Exam Experience” sessions, where students will be able to come and complete an exam paper under exam conditions.
Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - Reminder to make a booking
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews provide an opportunity for parents, students, and teachers to meet with their class teachers to review academic progress and discuss areas for growth. This conversation provides parents and students with valuable feedback and enables them to ask questions to support their child as they near the completion of their High School Certificate. Interviews for Year 12 2022 are being held on Wednesday 7 September between 4pm and 8pm in the Champagnat Centre. Further to the upcoming interviews, please note that Academic Reports will be distributed at the Graduation Ceremony and will be made available via Compass in Week 10. Interview sessions can be booked online through the Compass Parent Portal.
Year 11 Preliminary Examinations
The Year 11 Preliminary Examinations will take place between Monday 12 September - Tuesday 20 September. Regular lessons will resume on Wednesday 21 September.
Year 11 students are encouraged to make the most of the learning opportunities that this examination period can provide. This is an important time for them to exercise their focus on their learning goals and execute strategies to study and revise and work out what best works for them in preparing for examinations. Students are encouraged to continue to work with their teachers on revision, practise questions and to seek feedback. The Library is open on Tuesday afternoons between 3:30 -6:00pm, should students wish to utilise this space to study.
Week 8
05/09/2022: Year 12 Music Major Works Due
06/09/2022: Year 10 PASS Task
07/09/2022: Year 12 PTS Interviews
08/09/2022-09/09/2022: Year 7 PDHPE Task
Date TBC: Years 9 & 10 Food Technology Tasks
Date TBC: Year 9 HSIE Task
Date TBC: Year 8 Science Task
Week 9
12/09/2022-20/09/2022: Year 11 Exams
13/09/2022: Year 9 PDHPE Task
Date TBC: Year 7 Science Task
Date TBC: Year 8 Languages Task
Date TBC: Year 9 History Elective Task
Date TBC: Year 10 HSIE Task
Ms Chardy Miller & Mrs Alison Kripal
Week 10
19/09/2022-20/09/2022: Year 11 Exams
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the author speak about his love of reading and the joy he had in imitating writers who participated in the magic of making different worlds come to life by putting ‘black marks down on white paper.’ Books explained to Doerr what it meant to be here. They somehow enabled him to live multiple lives and visit multiple places.
The most powerful childhood experience Doerr can remember is that of his mother reading to him the C.S. Lewis series The Chronicles of Narnia. One of his favourite books, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is, according to Doerr, a marvellous metaphor for what a book actually is. ‘You open this cabinet and there’s this rich colourful world inside… That’s what a book is – a portable universe you can carry around with you.’
An interesting part of Doerr’s account of his childhood included his relationship with his grandmother who came to live with the family when Doerr was fourteen. Her battle with Alzheimer’s disease made Doerr profoundly aware of the fragility of memory and how precious past recollections are for the present. The tension between forgetting and memory colours Doerr’s exploration of continuity and interconnectedness. As a writer, he said he wanted to ‘wake the reader up’ and encourage them to ‘feel the awe of being alive.’
The comment that stayed with me long after the interview had ended was ‘You feel recognised in a book.’ This is so very evident in the English classroom. The look of recognition when a student encounters a character who speaks their pain or their disappointment, shows their delight or their frustration, acts out their anger or craves their need for love and acceptance, is witnessed daily as students read for pleasure.
The challenge for parents and teachers today is to redress the trend which sees reading for pleasure decline as students move through adolescence. Reading most definitely matters because it supports literacy and learning in school, it enables young people to develop their own informed perspective on life, and it allows them to understand and empathise with those in different situations, times and cultures.
Mrs Clare Murphy
English Coordinator & Literacy Instructional Coach
From the Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone
As we head into the final few weeks of Term 3, we are now entering a time that sees an upcoming assessment period for Years 7 through to 11, and the final weeks for Year 12 as they head towards the culmination of 13 years of schooling, Farewells, Graduation, final exams and formal later in Term 4.
A liturgy was conducted in the Library to commemorate the work of Brother Charles Howard, the first and only Australian to be elected to the position of Superior- General of the Marist Brothers between 1985 and 1993, and patron of Howard House. For the remaining three houses, the following activities were conducted:
Yr 7 - Pastoral Class activities centred around identifying individual strengths and skills
Yr 8 - Choice of activities: Meditation, quiet study, or outdoor activities
Yr 9 - Pastoral Class: Preparation for upcoming assessments tasks
Yr 10 - Pastoral Class: Preparation for upcoming assessment tasks
Yr 11 - Year Assembly: Procedures and expectations relating to upcoming Preliminary Exams and some tips on preparation and time management during the coming few weeks
Yr 12 - Year Assembly: Graduation and Formal arrangements.
Thank you to all year Coordinators, Assistants and Pastoral Advisors who arranged and supervised students during this time.
Earlier in the week we also had some other activities which provided opportunities to address a range of well-being and learning matters. These included:
- Year 10 immunisations and Year 10 PISA testing (Tuesday)
- HSC Creative Arts, Drama, Industrial Technology Timber and Design and Technology major works performances and exhibition (Tuesday)
- Yr 9 & 10 Child Studies Excursion (Thursday)
- Live Festival at the Wollongong Entertainment Centre (today). Around 60 students and 4 staff attended a whole day event which is scheduled to arrive back on site at around 9pm tonight. The festival is a Diocesan Youth Festival that features a range of workshops, music, presentations, and guest speakers that will allow students to celebrate, explore and build their faith.
Thanks to all students for their contribution and cooperation with these activities and to the staff who assisted with the planning and supervision.
A reminder that Year 11 Preliminary Exams commence Monday September 12 and continue until Tuesday September 20.
Elevate Education
The next webinar "How to help your child get ready for the exam room" is on Wednesday, September 7 at 6.30pm (AEST) where they will cover:
- What your child should be doing in the final week before any test or assessment
- How to establish a good routine for the night before
- How to optimise exam-room performance
The webinar is run live online where the presenter will share Elevate’s research findings and skills and will conduct a live Q&A encouraging viewers to ask questions directly.
To register, please click here
Mr Simon Huntly
At Mount Carmel Catholic College we offer a range of sports to accommodate student interests. We know that bushwalking is great for mental and physical health. Each week students, under the watchful eyes of Mr Powell and Mrs Woolley, attend bushwalking at the Freres Crossing Walking Trail. Photos courtesy of Mr Powell.

Fitness Training
Each week the students at Mount Carmel are given the opportunity to attend several gyms. Students at the school attend the following facilities: Core 9, UFC ,F45 and the Live Well Gym. Pictured below are students using the facilities at UFC at Gregory Hill. Photos courtesy of Mr Rodoreda.
MISA Sports
Results Week 7
Sport | Division | Gender | Result |
Indoor Cricket | Years 10-12 | Male | Win |
Softball | Years 10-12 | Female | Loss |
AFL | Years 10-12 | Male & Female |
Girls; Win Boys; Win |
Netball | Years 7-8 | Female | Loss |
Netball | Years 9-10 | Female | Win |
Soccer | Years 7-8 | Male | Win |
Soccer | Years 9-10 | Male | Loss |
Soccer | Years 7-9 | Female | Win |
Rugby League | U15's Div 1 & 2 | Male | Loss |
MISA Semis
Good luck to the following teams who are playing the Grand Final Week 8. Thank you to coaches for their time and effort.
- 10-12 Indoor Cricket; Coached by Miss Heath
- 10-12 AFL Girls; Coached by Mrs Christian
- 7-9 Soccer Boys; Coached by Mr mcEvoy
- 7-9 Soccer Girls; Coached by Mrs Abra
- 9-10 Netball Girls; Coached by Mrs Tyra
Communication regarding Sport
Students are reminded to continue checking the Compass dashboard for key information relating to sport during 2022. Key information will also be communicated to parents via the College Newsletter and notes sent home. Information will also be provided to staff who will communicate key messages with students during Pastoral Care in the morning.
We would love to hear if your child or someone part of our school community, past or present, experiences any sporting success. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any sporting success so we can recognise those achievements in our community.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. Information on NSWCCC events for 2022 available via Compass. See Mrs Jones for nomination procedure.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
Ms Sue Turnbull
Acting Sports Co-ordinator
Monday: 8.00am - 12.00pm
Wednesday: 12.30pm - 4.30pm
For online purchases, please visit or call 0493 122 101. Alternatively you can email @
Mount Carmel P&F Clothing Pool sells pre-owned College uniforms at less than half the cost of new uniforms.
You can bring your child's uniforms to the shop when they no longer fit or you no longer need them (Uniforms must be clean and in good condition. Blazers must be dry cleaned). The Second-hand Uniform shop will sell the uniforms on your behalf, and after they sell the P & F Committee will transfer the money to your nominated bank account. The P&F will keep 10% of all sales. You are also able to donate the uniforms and then the P&F will benefit from 100% of the sales.
The uniform shop is open from 2.30-4pm on the days listed below. Usually the first Monday of each month. The shop will next be open on Monday 5 September 2022. The shop is run by parent volunteers to raise money for the P&F Committee and to help families of the school with low-cost uniforms.
If any parent wishes to volunteer in the Second-hand Uniform Shop please contact the school office.
Term 4 2022
Monday 7 November
Monday 5 December
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities
7 Sep |
Year 12 PTS Interviews (4pm-8pm) |
12 Sep |
Preliminary Exams: 12-17 September |
19 Sep |
Preliminary Exams: 19-21 September |
21 Sep |
Year 12 Graduation Day |
23 Sep |
Term 3 Concludes |
Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who have offered their time to assist our Canteen staff. The College is now able to open the canteen two days per week. Commencing Monday 1 August, please see the following changes:
Week Days | Operation | Payment Facilities |
Mon/Tues/Wed | Lunch Orders ONLY | Cash ONLY |
Thurs/Fri | Recess & Lunch | Cash & EFTPOS |