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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
Welcome to 2023.
“No one lights a lamp to put it under a tub…. Your light must shine”. (Matt 5: 13-16).
This Sunday’s readings refer to the importance of using our talents and goodness to shed ‘light’ on the world. This light becomes the message of Christ to help to guide those around us and assist in the realisation of the Kingdom of God alive in our world. When we each strive to be the best we can be, with an aim of improvement rather than competition, the people with whom we come into contact will also be improved. Today we held our High Achiever’s assembly where we recognised the headline achievements of our HSC class of 2022. We were honoured for many of the students who achieved high ATARs or band 6 results, to return to the College to celebrate with us and to speak with our current HSC students. It is important that we celebrate these successes with the whole college community but equally important that we recognise the hard work of many other students who achieved great personal results. It was lovely to have parents join us for this, given the restrictions of the past few years. The celebration of these students and the recognition of the work of all those who achieved in the HSC is an active and tangible example of how we might be a light for the world. Using our talents, ensures that our lamp is not put under a tub, and we shine for those around us.
The week before students returned to school, I sent a welcome letter to all families where I introduced our new staff. We welcomed them and our new students at our short first College assembly on Tuesday morning. Since that letter, we also welcome our new sport Coordinator, Mr Braydon Webb who joined us at the start of the year. Over the next few weeks, I hope to also introduce a few more staff that we hope to appoint to some leave positions as a few of our current staff take family and health breaks.
The students were excited to see the changes that occurred over the holidays to our Mathematics block. The refurbishments are mostly completed and small finishes such as painting and the installation of openable walls to two rooms are due soon. We will then instal new blinds and place new chairs into the classrooms when they arrive over the next few weeks. This refurbishment is similar to those which will occur in our English and TAS blocks over the next year and will complement the new STEM block which will start to rise out of the ground over the next few weeks.
Next Wednesday evening we will be hosting the Year 11 commencement evening. Each year, this is an opportunity to remind the students of expectations of the Preliminary year and encourage them to build routines and a mindset that sets them for success. The evening ensures students are aware of their responsibilities and the supports that are in place. I encourage all Year 11 students and parents to attend.
Following the Year 7 first day, parents were invited to attend a short introductory talk on literacy at Mount Carmel. It was exciting to see over 100 people took this opportunity to understand some of the important aspects of literacy. Congratulations to Mrs Murphy who ran this short introduction and we look forward to providing more opportunities for this in the near future. On Wednesday (Feb 15) we will invite our Year 7 parents for an evening to meet and greet their teachers. More information on this will be forthcoming.
A reminder that our P&F AGM and our Year 7, 2024 information evenings are scheduled in a few weeks’ time. More information on these will follow in the next few newsletters.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
I take the opportunity to welcome students and families back to Mount Carmel and to what we hope will be a successful year. After dealing with the significant disruptions of the past couple of years, it is refreshing to kick-off our academic year with a renewed sense of normality.
Monday saw us welcome our new Year 7 cohort as they transition into high school and become official members of the Mount Carmel Community. Their arrival on Monday coincided with the return of our Year 11 and 12 students and a significant number of Year 10 students who volunteered their time to assist Year 7 with their first day of school. Year 7 were able to experience Pastoral time in the newly renovated classrooms of D-Block, which have provided a breath of fresh air to our teaching and learning spaces.
The remainder of Year 10, along with our Year 8 and 9 cohorts returned on Tuesday and for the first time in a long time, we were able to gather as a full school community to commence the year. Earlier this morning, we also had the opportunity to welcome back our High and Distinguished achievers from the HSC class of 2022. Thanks to all students, ex-students, staff and families for your cooperation and support over the past week which has enabled a very smooth and positive start to the year.
For new parents to the College, and as a reminder to parents who drop off and pick up their children, we ask that you do not enter the turning circle in front of the Admin office at peak times each morning and afternoon. Students need to be dropped off in the parent carpark which is to the left as soon as you drive through the College gates, or they can be dropped off or collected from Spitfire Drive. As is the case at the start of each year, there is generally an increase in traffic at 3:15pm of an afternoon, however, if you are in a position to slightly delay your arrival, it is generally flowing quite smoothly by 3:30pm.
Finally, a reminder that Technology and Image Consent forms are now available through the Compass portal. Please check your notifications for information regarding these two important documents which will ensure that your son or daughter has the appropriate permissions to be able to access loan devices and have their images included in a range of College and CEDoW publications.
Mr Simon Huntly
What does this mean?
Salt of the earth refers to people who are honest and very good!
First Reading Is 58:7-10 Share with those in need and you will be rewarded.
Second Reading 1 Cor 2:1-5 Faith is a gift from God.
Gospel Acclamation Jn 8:12
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
the man who follows me
will have the light of life.
Gospel Mt 5:13-16 Salt of the earth, the light of the world.
Year 7 Culture Day
Part of the first day for year 7 was spent exploring "What it means to be a student at Mount Carmel?"
The students were split into 3 groups that were rotated through presentations about Chapel and Prayer, The House Groups, and being Carmelite and Marist.
They discovered that we have a blue uniform because paintings depicting Mary from over 800 years ago, used blue Azure paint; the most expensive mineral on the planet! So it was only used for Mary, and as a College with Mary as our patron, we honour her with blue.
Mount Carmel means 'Gods garden".
Each House group has specific house values that they work towards, and the Carmelites are a contemplative order, while the Marists are a teaching order, but Mary is important to their stories.
Many thanks to Mr Paul Martin - Current teacher, former College Captain in 2015, Mr Andrew Rees- the Yearr 7 Coordinator, and Mrs. Christine Meharg, the Religious Education Coordinator.
Religious Education otherwise RE, shows up on the student's timetable as CAT. This is short for Catholic Studies.
In Stages 4 and 5, the units are 8 weeks long. The focus of each unit is:
Year 7 - What does it mean to be Catholic
In this unit students explore what it means to be ‘Catholic’. They identify key beliefs, values, and practices of the Catholic Tradition and explore how this influences the life of Catholic communities. They examine the organisational structure of the Catholic Church and identify significant people and events within it. This unit also explores the different expressions of Catholicism found in Eastern Catholic Churches. Students will be encouraged to draw on their own experience of belonging in a Catholic community and to consider the contribution they can make to the life of the Church.
Year 8 - Disciples, Martyrs, and Witnesses
In this unit, students will examine the life of the early Christian communities, which began with the disciples emboldened by the Spirit at the first Pentecost. Students come to an understanding of the key events and people whose influence shaped Christianity, including Paul's role as the 'Apostle to the Gentiles, and they will examine the men and women who were martyred and persecuted as witnesses to the faith. Students will be challenged to reflect upon the role of the Spirit in their lives and the enduring challenges for all Christians.
Year 9 - Search for Meaning
The desire for knowledge and understanding has been evident throughout human history, from ancient philosophers to modern scientific inquiry. Our Catholic tradition teaches that all knowledge comes from God and that it can only be fully understood in this context. For Catholics, the search for meaning is an expression of our inherent desire to know God. It is only when we bring together knowledge and meaning, faith and reason, that we uncover the truths of life.
Year 10 - The Gospels
In this unit students will examine the Gospels as the accounts of Jesus’ life and teaching and as testimonies to the faith of the early Church in Jesus as the Christ as well as their significance in the lives of Christians today. The Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, wrote these accounts from their own perspectives, taking into account the oral tradition, the historical, social and political contexts of the communities to which they belonged as well as the needs of their communities. Students will develop an understanding of the Biblical tradition of exegesis to identify the person of Jesus as presented by the Gospel writers, as well as points of comparison and contrast between the different Gospel accounts.
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Welcome to a new year of learning
As we commence the new school year, it is a great time for students to set new goals for their learning and challenge themselves to implement strategies to maintain their focus and enthusiasm. We look forward to a positive year where students will take on the opportunities for excellence that are presented to them in each and everyone of their learning environments.
HSC 2022 High Achievers
Today the College had the opportunity to celebrate and congratulate the High and Distinguished Achievers and award the College Dux of the 2022 HSC cohort. We are proud of all the students from the 2022 HSC cohort who harnessed determination, grit, resilience and perseverance during their HSC year and by doing so, have given themselves opportunities beyond Mount Carmel.
Congratulations to the following Distinguished Achievers on achieving a Band 6 in one or more courses:
Name | Subject | Name | Subject |
Baduria, Jasmine |
Mathematics Standard 2 |
Bhambak, Sara | Ancient History |
Curry, Toby | Mathematics Standard 2 | Frost, Joshua | Investigating Science |
Lo, Caitlin Grace | Visual Arts | Lun, Anthony | Mathematics Standard 2 |
Madangeng, Russell Jordan | Investigating Science | Singh, Gia | Visual Arts |
Smith, Abbey | Mathematics Standard 2 | Vakayil, Charlotte | Mathematics Standard 2 |
Zachan, Kaila Maree | Construction Examination | Zamani Sadeh, Parham | Mathematics Advanced |
Bocarro, Gelya |
English Standard Food Technology |
Govender, Llewellyn |
Mathematics Advanced Studies of Religion 1 |
Miller, Jack |
Mathematics Extension 1 Mathematics Extension 2 (Notional Band 6) |
Stewart-Hall, Hunter |
Business Studies Mathematics Standard 2 |
Whitehead, Blake |
Food Technology Mathematics Standard 2 |
Garcia, Gabriel |
Ancient History English Advanced English Extension 1 History Extension Studies of Religion II |
Jakoub, Youstina |
English Standard Mathematics Advanced Studies of Religion I |
Malaesilia, Eseta |
English Advanced PDHPE Studies of Religion I |
Myatt-Kane, Jeremiah |
English Advanced Mathematics Standard 2 Studies of Religion II Visual Arts |
Nader, Emma |
Business Studies Food Technology Mathematics Advanced |
Congratulations to the High Achievers who’s HSC results facilitated their attainment of an ATAR over 90.
Student | ATAR Score |
Llewellyn Govender | 90.1 |
Jack Miller | 90.5 |
Parham Zamani Sadeh | 90.9 |
Hunter Stewart-Hall | 91.05 |
Emma Nader | 91.3 |
Eseta Malaesilia | 93.6 |
Jeremiah Myatt-Kane | 94.15 |
Youstina Jakoub | 95.15 |
Gabriel Garcia - ATAR 97.55
Thank you to the High Achievers for also spending time in conversation with our current Yr 12 students and imparting advice and strategies that they found useful during their HSC experience.
Year 11 Commencement Evening - Wed 8 Feb 7pm
This coming Wednesday evening Year 11 students and their parents/guardians are invited to attend the Year 11 Commencement Evening. The purpose of this event is to ensure that Year 11 commence their Stage 6 learning journey in a positive and informed manner and will be an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s pastoral advisor. The evening will commence at 7pm in the Champagnat Centre.
Year 7-10 Class Groupings
In 2023 we will continue to implement an organisational process where we cluster groups of students in ability groups. This is a broader concept than streaming because students are placed into groups by considering a number of measures of their academic performance and progress. The groups are flexible because we constantly monitor student progress and will move the learning environment appropriately. Realistically in our educational setting, this will occur at two points in a year.
We create homogenous groups of students grouped together based on identified learning needs. In these groups like-learners have the opportunity to learn together in an appropriate learning environment. Students are placed into an environment that will best support their learning needs so that they can achieve their full potential.
This grouping practice also allows teachers to explicitly focus on addressing learning needs.
A focus on pedagogical design will allow teachers to adjust the learning environment, teaching instruction and content organisation. Each of these explicit approaches should enable students to achieve in the full range of achievement in the Common Grade Scale.
2023 Class Groupings Summary
Change of Course Requests
We have had a number of conversations with students from Years 9, 10 and 11 wanting to change courses or electives. Please note that Friday February 24th will be the last opportunity for students to submit any Change of Course forms to Ms Toogood. If you are unsure about your child’s request, please do not hesitate to contact the College to discuss. Significant changes to their pattern of study will be brought to your attention prior to the Change of Course form being approved and processed.
Assessment Handbooks
Year 12 and Year 11 have now received their 2023 Assessment Handbooks. Students and parents are encouraged to read these carefully to ensure that College and NESA Assessment Policies and Procedures are followed and due dates for formal assessment tasks are met.
Year 7-10 will receive their Assessment Handbooks over the next fortnight.
Week 3 |
07/02/2023: 12 English Ext 2 08/02/2023: 12 SICT |
Week 6 |
07/03/2022: 12 English Ext. 1 08/03/2022: 12 IT: Timber 08/03/2023: 11 Sport Lifestyle & Recreation (2 Unit) 09/03/2023: 12 Physics 10/03/2023: 11 Mathematics Standard 1 10/03/2023: 11 Mathematics Standard 2 |
Ms Chardy Miller & Ms Rebecca Toogood
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Acting Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon and a warm welcome to all in our Mount Carmel community for the 2023 school year.
As we commence the school year, I would like to highlight some important information that is included in the Student College Diary. I encourage all parents/carers to read the student diary and discuss its contents with your children. There is some very valuable information in the diary that supports your child in their educational journey and identifies what Mount Carmel Catholic College stands for.
The Pastoral Care foundations and values are what the College is built upon. These pillars are fundamental to our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing programs and stress the importance of a holistic and collaborative approach to education. It is themes of responsibilities, relationships and high expectations that will be integrated into our Pastoral Care program over the coming year and will provide opportunities for challenge and growth.
I congratulate the vast majority of the student population who have returned to the College abiding by these expectations, and I thank parents/carers for their continued support. As outlined in the College enrolment package and your child’s enrolment interview, maintaining a high standard of presentation is an important aspect of our community. Each student is the face of Mount Carmel Catholic College. The way they dress and present themselves, travelling to and from the College and on school grounds is noticed. We have College uniform and grooming guidelines in place to create safe and supportive environments for all. I remind parents/carers of the expectations and ask that you review pages 17-20 of the diary for any clarification.
The student diary is like a passport for your child while they are at school. It is imperative they have it with them each day and this has been communicated to your child in Pastoral Care class and assemblies. The diary is a great means of communication between school and home and teaches your child about the importance of organisation. The student diary not only helps your child stay organised and on top of their workload, but can also be used to track progress, set goals, and reflect on their learning process. I encourage Parents/Carers to review their child’s diary regularly. There is a space in the diary for parents/carers to sign each week.
Lastly, it is important that each individual student accepts responsibility for their own level of wellbeing. The SEEEDSS program provides a scaffold for the awareness and implementation of a variety of strategies and skills that we can all apply to monitor and adapt behaviours that can influence our individual and collective wellbeing. Again, this program will be part of each Year Groups Pastoral Care and Wellbeing throughout 2023.
I look forward to working in partnership with you and your children throughout 2023. Thank you in anticipation of your support this year.
Mrs Theresa Moore
At the beginning of each school year, I make a point of sharing the following quote with staff and students: ‘The limits of my language are the limits of my world.’ This assertion by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein has become an important mantra for the English faculty at Mount Carmel and as a result, many students have come to appreciate its significance over the years. The one hundred and more Year 7 parents and carers who attended our first literacy conversation last Monday morning, were also privy to this powerful statement.
Language shapes our understanding of ourselves and our world. Literacy – the ability to use and interpret language – involves reading, writing, viewing, speaking, and listening for different purposes in a range of contexts. Given literacy’s profound impact on student learning and wellbeing, it is timely to revisit the literacy landscape at Mount Carmel – a landscape central to the intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development of all students. The five literacy focus areas for 2023 are reading, writing, vocabulary, background knowledge and note making.
Parents are a vital part of the literacy learning process. Parent engagement in learning is known to lead to improved outcomes for students of all ages. The role of parents and other adult carers is therefore critical. Connecting learning at home and learning at school in the form of a literacy partnership is an exciting initiative at Mount Carmel. The Mount Carmel Home-School Literacy Partnership is a commitment to joint action in which parents and teachers work together to improve student learning outcomes. This partnership recognises that parents and carers are the first and continuing educators of their children, that learning is life-long and occurs in multiple settings, and that schools and communities flourish when the diversity and strengths of families are valued and privileged. As part of this literacy partnership, Mount Carmel is committed to engaging with parents and carers to explore ways to support learning at home, offering development and training opportunities that bring teachers and parents together, and providing resources to support and facilitate home-based learning.
I look forward to working with parents and carers throughout the year to maximise student learning. I’m confident this partnership between home and school will result in positive and beneficial outcomes for all – students, parents, and teachers.
Clare Murphy
English Coordination and Literacy Instructional Coach
Around the grounds
Welcome back to sport for 2023.
Firstly, thank you to everyone who made sports possible in 2022. The sacrifices from staff and parents to help students participate in school or representative sport is huge. It is a vital part of many of our lives and I would like to continue providing students from Mount Carmel every opportunity possible to succeed this year. These sacrifices helped Mount Carmel be so successful in the Wollongong MISA competition and other representative events. We have a huge calendar coming up this term with sporting events nearly every week. You will find information below regarding school sport, MISA, DIO and NSWCCC events. A few of our students have been successful over the break. Let us please congratulate the following students:
Cadence Sultana YR10 - Gymnastics
Cadence Sultana has been invited to join an Australian gymnastics team to perform at World Gymnaestrada 2023 in Amsterdam throughout July next year. The World Gymnaestrada is a world-wide event held every four years, attracting over 20,000 athletes from over 50 nations.
Deniel Vermeulen YR9 - Karting
Deniel took part in her first National event in Albury this past weekend. The Pink Plate is an all-girls race with women and girls coming from all over the country. Deniel got the win in the fastest category for the weekend and brought home the Pink Plate.
A huge congratulations to both girls on their huge achievements over the break. If anyone has news on great achievements outside of school.
School Sport
A big term coming up with both our swimming and cross country carnivals being hosted this term. Please note that our annual swimming carnival will be a competitor only carnival again this year. We are looking for our best and brightest swimmers to continue their representative journeys in the coming months. School sport returns on Tuesday the 7th of February. Students have been sent on compass rotations for sport this year.
Tuesday Week 2; 7 February | Recreational Sport & MISA trials |
Friday Week 4; 24 February | Competitors only School Swimming Carnival |
Thursday Week 10; 6 April | Cross Carnival |
Friday 19 May; Term 2 | Athletics Carnival at Campbeltown Athletics Centre |
Recreational sport will resume on Tuesday in week 2. Students MUST have brought back their sports notes. A list of students who have not returned their note is on compass. MISA trials commence in week 2. Students should have registered their interest in wanting to trial for a representative team. A list of the sports MCCC will be competing in this term is as follows.
Indoor Cricket | Years 7-9 |
Female |
Softball | Years 7-9 | Male |
Basketball | Years 10-12 |
Male & Female |
Oz Tag | years 10-12 |
Male & Female |
Volleyball | Years 7-9 |
Male & Female |
Hockey (East & West) | Years 7-9 |
Female |
Again, a very busy term for sport with a lot of events occurring throughout the term. Students are encouraged to sign up to trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here
Registrations are Now Open for 2023
Please refer to attached PDF flyer.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website https:/
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
If you have any questions, please email
Mr Braydon Webb
Sports Co-ordinator
Ranier Schoolwear are accepting the Back to School NSW Vouchers which can be used towards the costs of College school uniforms. Please contact Ranier Schoolwear for more information.
For online purchases, please visit or call 0493 122 101. Alternatively you can email @
Mount Carmel P&F Clothing Pool sells pre-owned College uniforms at less than half the cost of new uniforms.
You can bring your child's uniforms to the shop when they no longer fit or you no longer need them (Uniforms must be clean and in good condition. Blazers must be dry cleaned). The Second-hand Uniform shop will sell the uniforms on your behalf, and after they sell the P&F Committee will transfer the money to your nominated bank account. The P&F will keep 10% of all sales. You are also able to donate the uniforms and then the P&F will benefit from 100% of the sales.
The Clothing Pool is open from 2.30-4pm on the first Monday of each month. The shop will next be open on Monday 6 February 2023. The shop is run by parent volunteers to raise money for the P&F Committee and to help families of the school with low-cost uniforms.
If any parent wishes to volunteer in the Second-hand Uniform Shop please contact the school office.