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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
The main theme that runs through the readings from this Sunday are around death and the raising to new life. In the gospel (John 11: 1- 45), Jesus meets Mary and Martha after their brother Lazarus has died. After an encounter with the sisters, Jesus enters the tomb and commands Lazarus to rise from the dead. This is a lead up to the Easter experience that we are soon to have over the next few weeks. The main difference between now and Easter however, is that Jesus raises Lazarus back to a life that will again cease at some point in the future. The resurrection that will happen on Easter Sunday is to a new life that will last forever. Lazarus’ raising shows the power of Jesus and whilst this is an unfathomable miracle for our minds, it pales into insignificance compared to the miracle that will occur on Easter Sunday. Jesus’ resurrection under His own authority breaks the power of death that existed prior to Holy Week. As we come to the final stages of Lent, we might reflect on the gift that Jesus gave us of a message of hope and eternal life.
This week our college celebrated several Harmony Week events. These events included playing cultural music during breaks, along with a student concert, and ‘picnics’ during the junior year meeting timeslots. Harmony week is designed to encourage students to celebrate diversity and to see the richness in encountering people who have a different ancestry and history. The idea of celebrating this in a sense of welcome is a fundamental basis of Catholicism (especially given that the word ‘catholic’ is defined by the Oxford dictionary as ‘including a wide variety of things; all-embracing’). Congratulations to all the students who entered into this week with a mindset of inclusion and gratitude for difference.
Also this week, our Year 7 students attended their camp and our Year 8’s experienced their encounter day. Both of these activities are designed to enable students to develop links with each other and to hopefully encourage a greater sense of connectedness and belonging to their peers and the College as a whole. I would like to congratulate and thank the staff for their tireless work in preparing for these things and carrying them out. There is a great deal of extra work in ensuring these are a success and our staff go above and beyond to ensure you children receive something special. Congratulations and thanks.
This week I began our interviews for Year 7, 2024. Once again, I have been energised by the feedback of parents and students who wish to join our community. Their limited experiences with us still recognise that there is something special about Mount Carmel and this is a credit to our students, parents and staff who make our community what it is. Please continue to discuss with your children what it means to be attending Mount Carmel and how they might positively contribute to who we are and what we do. A reminder that Enrolment packages were distributed on the information night and can still be collected from the College office. These are due to be returned to the College by 2pm April 6 (the last day of Term 1).
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
The past week has again seen our College community engage in a multitude of Learning and Wellbeing activities. Year 7 participated in their Camp and activities days on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A group of senior students and staff attended a live recording of Q&A on Monday night at the ABC Studios at Ultimo. On Thursday, Year 11 and 12 Studies of Religion 2 students took part in a HSC Study day at the Sydney Jewish Museum and Year 11 Hospitality participated in a Barista Training course. Years 7, 9 and 10 celebrated Harmony Week with year group picnics during their year meeting time on Thursday and Friday, our Polynesian Dance group presented a lunchtime performance on Thursday and today Year 8 participated in their annual “Encounter” Spirituality and Faith Day. Many thanks to all staff and students who assisted with the organisation and presentation of these activities.
These activities are all part of our holistic approach to student learning and wellbeing. Activities aside, there are matters that arise from time to time that require particular attention. One specific issue involves the use of Energy and Caffeinated drinks. These drinks are not recommended for sale and supply at school canteens by the NSW Department of Education because of the potential harm that excessive amounts may cause children and young adults. As such, we strongly advise students, parents and carers to be informed of the effects and potential risks associated with the use of such products and to not bring them onto school property. Please click on the following link NSW Health - Energy and Caffeine Drinks Fact Sheet should you require any information regarding this particular matter.
Mr Simon Huntly
Y9 Pearl Catholic Studies - class prayer. Yellow daisy chain with our hopes and dreams.
Yr 11 SOR 2, re-enacted the process of visiting a Shinto shrine. One element of a visit is to write wishes for the upcoming year. These wishes are placed on the Ema wall. This is our Ema wall of wishes.
FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A Mass of day with Lectionary and Missal texts of Sunday Lent 5 Yr A |
First Reading | Ez 37:12-14 | The Lord promises to raise his people from the dead |
Responsorial Psalm | Ps 129. R. v.7 |
(R.) With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption. |
Gospal Acclamation |
See Jn 11:25. 26 |
Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me will not die for ever. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! |
Gospel |
Jn 11:1-45 |
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. |
Scriptual Context - Jesus wept
‘Jesus wept’ is the shortest verse in the New Testament. Just two little words carry a world of emotion and speak volumes about Jesus. Pope Leo I used this verse to highlight the two natures of Jesus, pointing out that in his humanity, Jesus wept for the death of his friend, but in his divinity Jesus raised Lazarus to life. Lazarus and his sisters were close friends of Jesus and Jesus is clearly emotional about the death and its effect on Martha and Mary. That Jesus is about to restore Lazarus to life does not deny the grief and mourning at Lazarus’ death.
The following assessment tasks are due this week:
Year 9 - Search for Meaning - Asylum seekers research - Wednesday 8:40 am to the individual class teachers.
Year 10 - Gospel Podcast and bibliography submission - Wednesday 22nd March. By 8:40 am in the library
Studies of Religion 2U - Yr 11 and Yr 12
Visit to Sydney Jewish Museum.
Both groups experienced presentations about Judaism; its history, Ethical teachings, Marriage, and Sacred texts. Then the Yr 11s were fortunate to hear from Judy, a Holocaust survivor. It was a day filled with many new insights and learnings. We are grateful for the opportunity to visit and learn.
Harmony Day Activities
Year 9 displays their cultural flags; Lebanon, Samoa and Fijian flags.
Thanks in advance
Mrs Christine Meharg
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Year 7 Camp
A wonderful experience this week for our Year 7 students spending time at Teen Ranch and our College participating in the Year 7 Camp Program. At Teen Ranch activities such as rock climbing, abseiling, archery and the giant swing were conducted, as were some evening games and marshmallow toasting. At school, the students discovered more about self, healthy friendships and working together as a community. This initiative allows valuable time for staff and students to develop relationships and to build on some of the key ingredients of what it means to be part of a Respectful, Responsible and Safe Mount Carmel community. The experiences of the past few days will be an important reference point for the ongoing growth and development of the individual and the year group’s learning and wellbeing over the coming years.
Thank you to Mr Rees, Miss Heath and their team of staff for giving up their time to organise the camp and supervise the Year 7 students over the past three days. A special thanks to Mr McDonald and Ms Morley from CEDoW who worked closely with the students during the two days of school-based activities.
Student Reflection of Year 7 Camp
This week Year 7 students attended an overnight camp at Teen Ranch in Cobbitty. This was an amazing experience for all of Year 7 as it was a 1st camp for some people, but for most of us, it was our 2nd or 3rd camp. Everyone faced their fears and had a go, especially on the giant swing. Nearly everyone in my group participated and tried their best in all of the activities they did. One of the most popular activities was the giant swing, even though it was pretty scary, almost everyone mostly went on for the thrill of it. It was a fun activity and a memorable moment. Some of the teachers also participated in the activities with some friendly, yet serious competition taking place.
Another unforgettable memory was the campfire. It was another big highlight of the trip, everyone got the chance to roast a marshmallow over the fire and listen to performances by the staff and other students. I believe this is a must when you are on a camping trip. Every part of the day was very exciting and super memorable. The activities were all very fun and everyone had an amazing time doing them.
Everyone disliked that we could not bring our phones, but it was fun without having a phone to worry about and not bringing one, made camp way better. Besides that the meals were good, mum's food was always better, but it was pretty good. No one at school can stop talking about camp and all of the memories that they made, everyone had at least two good memories to share with someone on the bus home and have a good laugh on the way back.
On behalf of Year 7 I would like to thank all the staff at Teen Ranch and our teacher for all their work in facilitating the camp.
By Matilda Tirant
Harmony Week Celebrations
This week our College community celebrated Harmony Week. Many activities and opportunities were provided for the students to recognise our cultural diversity, to feel a sense of inclusiveness and belonging, and respect the richness of cultures that makes Mount Carmel Catholic College. In speaking to the students there were a number of highlights in the week including the lunchtime concert and the Harmony Week picnic. Unfortunately, the rain forced the Year 7 & 10 picnic to be an indoors event, but it was wonderful to see the students gathered in friendship circles sharing stories and cultural cuisines.
Interim Reports & a Growth Mindset
As we come towards the end of the first term of learning, Interim Reports for Years 7-11 and Semester One Reports for Year 12 will be distributed by the end of the term. These reports will reflect each student’s contribution and application to learning, as well as their academic performance over the first part of the year.
The summative feedback that students are given in these reports, and the formative feedback that occurs within classrooms and on individual assessment tasks, is important for their ongoing learning and integral in the development of a Growth Mindset, a concept that is fundamental to improving learning and other aspects of our life.
We ask students to reflect on their report and acknowledge and celebrate their achievements. Also, look at areas for growth and development. What have they not achieved YET, and what goals can they set for Term 2.
Elevate Education
Elevate Education's next free webinar will be taking place on Wednesday 29th March, focusing on Memory. Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.
Please use this link to register for free
The event will be covering the following on the night:
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Theresa Moore
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 11 Term 1 Tracking Reports available via Compass
The Year 11 Term 1 Tracking Reports will be available via Compass today. At this point of the year, this tracking report provides an indicator of how a student is progressing with their course work. These reports provide an overview, with an A-E grade awarded for both the student’s Academic Achievement and Effort in each course. The pastoral report will provide an insight into how students are progressing in meeting the expectations of Year 11. The consideration and effort that goes into the creation of these reports ensures that they are a tool to guide improvement and learning growth. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on these during pastoral lessons.
Year 12 PTS Interview - Wednesday 5 April
Reminder to Book
Year 12 Parents and Guardians are encouraged to book interviews with your child’s teachers to discuss their progress and determine strategies to prepare for their final six months of secondary education. Interviews for Year 12 2023 are being held on Wednesday April 5 between 4pm and 8pm and bookings can be made via the Compass Parent Portal. A guide on how to make a booking can be seen here. If you are experiencing any issues with logging into Compass or making any appointments, please contact Mrs Rina Domingo via an email to
Week 9 |
YEAR 12 27/03/2023: Biology 27/03/2023: Business Studies 29/03/023: Spanish Beginners 29/03/023: Spanish Continuers 30/03/2023: Chemistry 30/03/2023: Legal Studies YEAR 11 27/03/2023: Business Studies 27/03/2023: Legal Studies 29/03/023: Community and Family Studies YEAR 10 29/03/2023: Geography {NEW DATE} 30 - 31/03/2023: Science 30/03/2023: Commerce (100&200Hr) YEAR 9 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Catholic Studies Science Commerce YEAR 8 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Science PDHPE YEAR 7 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date PDHPE |
Week 10 |
YEAR 12 03/04/2023: 12 Visual Arts 03/04/2023: 12 Mathematics Advanced 04/04/2023: 12 Studies of Religion II 04/04/2023: 12 Community and Family Studies 04/04/2023: 12 Society and Culture 05/04/2023: 12 Ancient History 05/04/2023: 12 Mathematics Extension 1 YEAR 11 03/04/2023: 11 SLR (1unit) 03/04/2023: 11 Ceramics (1unit) 03/04/2023: 11 Society and Culture 05/04/2023: 11 Studies of Religion II 06/04/2023: 11 Studies in Catholic Thought |
Term 2 Week 1 |
YEAR 11 27/04/2023: 11 Information Processes and Technology YEAR 9 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Design & Technology
Ms Chardy Miller & Miss Rebecca Toogood
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Acting Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
The American astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan captured the critical importance of writing when he stated, ‘Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions.’ Teachers of all subjects recognise the significance of both learning to write and writing to learn. Writing promotes self-expression, creativity, critical thinking, and comprehension. It is a means of discovering, connecting, clarifying, and communicating what we know and who we are. In essence, writing helps us to think and to make sense of ourselves and our world.
Given the critical importance of writing it is disconcerting to hear the concerns being raised in educational circles about the decline of writing in Australian schools. Recent research suggests that students are no longer writing as competently nor as confidently as they once did. One study by the Australian Education Research Organisation suggests that less than half of Year 9 students are proficient at writing sentences. Given this situation, it is even more pressing that teachers equip students with the wide range of writing capabilities necessary to succeed at school and life beyond the school context. These effective writing practices and routines must begin in Year 7 in order to build student capacity, and cultivate positive attitudes to, and enjoyment of, writing.
The secondary context needs a sustained whole-school approach to writing underpinned by the belief that all students have the capacity to be writers. This has been and will continue to be the college’s literacy focus over the next few years. Our intention is to develop students' expectations that every class is a writing-focused class whether it be History, Music, English, Science or Maths. Mount Carmel recognises the importance of schools creating communities of practice where writing is valued, undertaken often and responded to regularly by teachers and peers in rich and authentic ways.
Clare Murphy
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
Around the Grounds
Below are the sports being offered in Term 2. Students are encouraged to sign up via the google form sent on Compass.
U16 Girls Rugby League |
10-12 Boys League D1 Opens |
10-12 Girls Indoor Cricket |
10-12 Boys Softball |
11-12 Girls Netball |
11-12 Boys Soccer |
10-12 Girls Soccer |
7-9 Boys Basketball |
7-9 Girls Basketball |
7-9 Boys Hockey |
7-9 Mixed Frisbee |
MISA Dance |
MISA Basketball
We would like to extend our best wishes to our senior boys basketball team as they embark on their journey to Adelaide. After an outstanding term where they remained undefeated in MISA, they are poised to go deep into the competition and cause a few upsets along the way. We would like to express our gratitude to Mr Kevin Harpley, Mr Adam Whitnall, and Mrs Milli Asuit for their dedication to the team, organising extra training sessions in their own time, and helping to raise funds through community events over the past six months. We would also like to thank the parents for their support in the background, as without them, we wouldn't be able to send the boys down. We eagerly await hearing from the team upon their return, and hopefully, they will be bringing back some silverware. Nevertheless, our school community is proud of their efforts. Good luck!
MISA Wrap Up - Semi Finals
10-12 Boys Basketball |
Win 54-34 VS MACC Into Grand Final |
Adam Prasad & Simon Krutz | Finals nerves and strong defensive play from both sides translated to a slow start to the scoring, but MCCC picked up momentum driving through the middle to be up by 10 at half time. MACC came out strong in the second half, bringing the margin back to 2 points after a couple of minutes of play. MCCC knuckled down and took back the momentum for the rest of the half, winning the semi final with a comfortable margin. |
10-12 Girls Basketball |
Bye Into Grand Final |
10-12 Boys Oz Tag |
Loss 7-5 VS JT |
Kurt Enders | A close game which nearly saw an upset win for MCCC. The boys worked hard all game and had the score level at 5 all going into the final minutes of the game. Unfortunately JTCC scored off the kick off and the boys ran out of time to make up the difference. A valiant effort from the boys. |
10-12 Girls Oz Tag |
Win 4-1 VS MAS |
Bella Ashcroft | As the competition closes, the girls played a strong game against MAS resulting in a 4-1 victory. Well done for your efforts this season! |
7-9 Girls Hockey |
Loss 3-1 VS BAC |
Hanka Filipinski | The last game before the finals and the girls hoped for another win like last week. Broughton were always down their end putting defensive pressure on the team and our goalie. Beth scored the goal with a tremendous effort from numerous members of the team to get it in the goals. Well done today for your constant defence from all the players. All the best for finals next week. |
7-9 Boys Softball |
Win 7-2 VS BAC Into Grand Final |
Josh Manson | A dominant batting display in the first innings again meant it was our game to lose. The boys rallied in the field, getting behind some strong pitching to ensure Broughton only scored one run in each innings. Excellent fielding and base running this week from our MVP, Josh Manson. Well done to all the boys. Good luck in the finals next week! |
7-9 Boys Volleyball |
Bye Into Grand Final |
7-9 Girls Volleyball |
Win 2-0 VS SBCC Into Grand Final
Smriti Pathania & Dominique Bzdega |
Entering into the semi finals undefeated the girls felt the pressure to succeed. This hindered their confidence, however after winning the first set they were able to play with confidence and demonstrated a pure love for the sport. This allowed them to dominate the second set, winning the semi’s and maintaining their undefeated title. Congratulations to the girls and I wish you all the best for the finals next week. |
Thursday Week 10; 6 April | Cross Carnival |
Friday 19 May; Term 2 | Athletics Carnival at Campbeltown Athletics Centre |
As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here
Registrations are Now Open for 2023
Please refer to attached 2023_Registration.pdf
Representative Pathways
MISA Website https:/
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
If you have any questions, please email
Mr Braydon Webb
A late night, yet a great night. Phenomenal panel and intriguing discussions regarding politics related to war, human rights and science. Q+A, a television channel focusing on heated discussions by a panel of five educated professionals hosted by Stan Grant, is broadcasted on the ABC channel across all of Australia at 9:35pm on Mondays. Alongside roughly 160 audience members, roughly 20 from MCCC, I had the privilege to travel to the studio in Ultimo and experience an hour of heated discussion. I was fortunate enough to be selected to ask a question to the panel, regarding the possibility of people in our time able to comfortably visit planets both in and out of our understanding of space. I directed it towards Kirsten Banks, science communicator, astrophysicist and PhD candidate, who responded to my question with “I sure hope so!” Her enthusiasm and dedication was truly admirable, and even acknowledged me at the conclusion of the show to have a quick chat. Speaking on behalf of everyone who attended, it was a unique opportunity to witness behind the scenes. Finally, I am truly grateful to Ms Poulton who organised the event and all staff members who accompanied seniors on Monday night. Not home prior to midnight was rough, but certainly worth it!
By Ryan Holmes, Year 10
What is Happening in TAS Term 1
10 Food Technology (200 hours)
In Year 10 Food Technology we have been investigating recent food trends that have become popular due to the rise of social media. Some of these trends include the Paleo (Caveman) diet, Plant Based diets, Value Added or Fortified Foods, and Mindful Eating. As we explored these trends, we have discovered how current popular food trends can change eventually over time. We have also been discussing the importance of Aboriginal totems on the sustainability of the environment. In our practical lessons we have also been creating delicious recipes that include some of these recent trends, such as Pork Sliders, the ‘Tik Tok Pasta’ and Biscoff Scrolls.
By Olivia Judd; 10 Food Technology B
9 Design and Technology (100 hours)
Throughout Term 1, the Year 9 Design and Technology class have learnt about the design process, how to be creative with our resources and learn how to collaborate with our peers. We have faced some obstacles such as the egg drop challenge. Here, we had to create a design with limited materials and overcome barriers in order to have a successful outcome. At the beginning of the term we looked at the different factors of design in order to identify useful and practical storage solutions for certain situations. This then followed through with our orthographic project drawings which we are learning at the moment. Here we are learning the basic methods to construct a 2D image with different views from a 3D object. This provides accurate information on the dimensions and detail of an object. Our experience of our Design and Technology class has allowed us to be innovative, work with others and learn how to be practical in our projects. In the past 8 weeks we have learnt how to bring our creations to life, express our creativity and overall to become a design student.
By Beth Martin and Veronique Ferriere; 9 Design and Technology
8 Technology (Engineered Systems)
Engineered systems have been a topic of discussion this term. We have conducted a project by learning more about this. We had to build a balloon-powered car using only the supplies provided by our teacher, but we had to provide our own wheels. Also, we were given a time limit for planning and designing, and we worked in teams of two. Although some teams were successful and some weren't, the most important thing is that we all gained new knowledge. Currently, In groups of three we are working on a power racer, but this time we are using Google Sites to present our work. At the end we are going to race other teams to see who has the best power racer.
By Olivia Amador & Aneek Gamildien; 8 Ruby Technology
For parents/guardians who are yet to action the CEDoW Student Responsible Use of Technology agreement via Compass, consent is required for your child to use digital devices and services both at school and, where relevant, outside of school.
To view the details of upcoming events please click here:
This can also be accessed via the Compass app.
On 29 March 2023 commencing at 7.00pm, Mount Carmel Catholic College will be holding an ICLT evening for Parents. The purpose of this evening is to inform parents and develop their understanding of how technology is used at MCCC. This will include:
- Overview of Google Suite.
- Use of Google Classroom, Drive and Calendar including ideas to assist their children in organising their learning.
- Use of the Macbook including safe and responsible use, understanding what their children are accessing with these devices.
- Safe and Responsible use of Social Media including VPNs, Discord Tik Tok
Parents will need to bring their child’s device for the evening. A Notification will be sent out in Compass next week for parents to RSVP.