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In this Sunday’s gospel, John 14: 15-21, Jesus talks of the way that He will be with us forever. In relation to the Father providing an advocate for us, He says “you know him, because he is with you, he is in you”. The Holy Spirit (the third person of the Trinity) has been promised to accompany us at all times. He is with us and He is in us. Part of our role is to provide the environment where the Spirit can work through us to bring God to others. In this sense, we are each called to be bearers of Christ to those around us. Over the past four weeks I had the privilege of taking some long service leave to join members of the Marist community from across Australia and the Pacific on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Lyon in France which is the birthplace of St Marcellin Champagnat and the Marist Brothers. The pilgrimage gave me an opportunity to reflect on my own spiritual formation but also to gain a closer connection to the charism of St Marcellin and our College. Whilst visiting sacred sites such as the Sea of Galilee, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and the Holy Sepulchre, I was able to reflect on the message of Jesus. In listening to a lecture on our faith and charism, there was one statement made by Br Michael Green that highlighted to me our message and goal. As is the message in this week’s Gospel, he said that the goal of all Mary-ists (Marists) is to be a bearer of Christ to others in the same way that Mary was a bearer of Jesus (in the Greek, she is referred to as Theotokos – God bearer). Our role is simple. We are to bear Christ to others.
This weekend, we celebrate Mothers’ Day. Whilst Mary was the physical bearer of Christ, she was also the bearer of His love and Him in a spiritual and a social sense. It was Mary, His mother, who brought Him to the world to be known. In the same way, our own mothers regularly bring a love that is reminiscent of Jesus’ love for us. Since ‘God is love’, we thank all mothers on this special day for being the bearer of Christ to us – our theotokos and we wish them a joyous and celebratory day.
Coming out of my pilgrimage, I would like to share two images that impacted me. The first is an image of the cross that rests on the edge of the Sea of Galilee and was at a spot where we celebrated the Mass. It shows the calm beauty of the resurrected Christ.
The second is a photo of the bedroom of St Marcellin Champagnat. It was a very powerful experience to sit in his room and read letters that he wrote whilst at his desk which was in the room next to me. This allowed me to get close to our founder but more so to his message that Christ is at the centre of what we do.
A big thank you to Mr Huntly, Mrs Meharg and the College Leadership Team for the extra work that they completed during my absence.
Today we have opened our annual survey (Tell Them From Me) where parents, students and staff are able to provide feedback on our school as a faith and learning community. This survey is open to staff and students via a login process, however, parents can simply access it Here. I request and encourage you to go online and answer this 10 minute anonymous survey so that we can guide our improvement plans moving forward and provide a better community.
On Tuesday May 23 week 5, we will be holding our next P&F meeting. This will commence at 7pm and will take place in room I3. I have invited Mrs Clare Murphy to make a small presentation on Literacy at Mount Carmel. As always, all parents are warmly invited and encouraged to come along and hear what is happening at the College.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
As you would be aware, we are looking forward to our annual College Athletics Carnival this coming Friday 19 May at Campbelltown Athletics Stadium. A reminder that students are able to make their own way to the Stadium for an 8.45am start and the day will conclude at 2.45pm. Students are asked to bring their own food for Recess and Lunch as limited canteen facilities will be available. Those students who require transport from the College, a bus will depart Mount Carmel at 8.30am and return in time for 3.15pm departures as normal. A more detailed outline of the day will be forwarded by Compass early next week.
At present, the weather looks promising for an enjoyable community day. Should the forecast change to the point that we need to cancel the day, any official communication will be made via Compass to all parents and students. Should this be necessary, a normal school day will run according to our regular Friday B timetable.
I also take the opportunity this week to inform you of two additional events taking place in Week 5. Our Year 11 PTS interview sessions will take place on Wednesday 24 May from 4pm-8pm in the Champagnat Centre. Bookings for these opened earlier this week and can be made via Compass. I also remind our families of our upcoming staff development day on Friday 26 May. I thank parents in advance for making alternate supervision arrangements on this day so that our staff can be available to engage in this worthwhile professional development opportunity.
Thanks for your ongoing support.
Mr Simon Huntly
First Reading | Acts 8:5-8. 14-17 | The Messiah is proclaimed and accepted in Samaria |
Second Reading | 1 Pt 3:15-18 |
Suffer for good deeds, not evil |
Gospel Acclamation |
Jn 14:23 |
Alleluia, alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them. Alleluia! |
Gospel |
Jn 14:15-21 |
Jesus promises disciples the Paraclete. |
All Marist schools live out these five characteristics: In the Way of Mary, presence, simplicity, love of work and Family spirit.
As we lead up to Champagnat Day, each week we are reminded about these characteristics.
This week we focused on the characteristics of “In the Way of Mary”.
We, like all Marists, have Mary at our centre. The colour blue is noted as Mary’s colour, so every day we are “wrapped in Mary’s love”.
Some other thoughts that we have about Mary as our role model, protector and intercessor include:
We see Mary as a perfect model of a Marist life, an exemplar of the Christian life, as a mother, as one who praised God;
We see Mary as a woman on a journey of Faith;
We believe Mary had a difficult life and ‘dust on her feet;
We consciously bring a Marian dimension to our teaching by prayer, imitating Mary’s tenderness, strength and constancy of faith
In the upcoming week, we are focusing on Simplicity.
This Marist characteristic expresses itself in the simplicity of behaviour, most especially in our way of relating to God and to others. We strive to be persons of integrity - truthful, open-hearted and transparent in our relationships.
Saint Marcellin was regarded as a first-class educator who related well to the young. His friendly personality and relational style allowed many children he taught to prosper in their learning because of the ease of the relationship they shared with him. Good teaching and learning demand the same relationships today.
He lived with the young Brothers at LaValla with great simplicity and unity too. Their day was spent in learning how to write, read and teach, and in manual work that sustained them economically.
Some other features of this characteristic include:
We are genuine and straightforward
We say what we believe and show it
We are honest before God and ourselves
We seek humility and modesty, ‘to do good quietly’
We use simplicity in our teaching
We encourage simplicity as a value in our lives, not seduced by possessions and fame
Howard Day
Today, Howard celebrated House Day. They took the time to reflect on their patron's name and their achievements. Howard House is named after Brother Charles Howard.
This was read out to those present:
We come together today to celebrate Howard Day.
Howard House, our house, reflects the life of Brother Charles Howard.
He is warmly remembered for his energy, compassion, humour, unwavering commitment to social justice and the poor as well as his profound faith.
In 1997, he was awarded a Member of the Order of Australian
recognition of his service to the Catholic Church and the community,
particularly in the fields of education, social justice and reform.
He was born on the 29th October, 1924 and passed away on the 14th January in 2012. He was 87 years old. He dedicated his life to being a Marist Brother. He was a School Principal several times. He was the Superior General of the Marist Brothers worldwide from October 1985 to 1993. At the centre of what the Marist Brothers do, is to make Jesus, Known and Loved. And they do this through education - schools - our School.
He was in this role as Superior General when Mount Carmel was being formulated. He would have known that there was a very strong demand for Catholic education of children in this area and he acted upon it, by allowing for Br Clarence, our first principal, and Br Jeff Barrington, to be part of the foundation staff. He has and will be always commemorated both in Australia and overseas as a visionary and Catholic education trailblazer.
He was the first Australian Marist Brother to be elected to the General Council of the Marist Brothers in Rome.
He certainly portrayed all the qualities of Marcellin Champagnat by being aware of the needs of young people everywhere and reaching out to them to make sure that they were getting the best education possible. He led by example, “rolling up his sleeves and doing the hard work with others.” He believed that education gave every child a chance to make a real contribution in life, whatever their chosen profession.
The Marist values which Marcellin initiated were lived out by Brother Charles Howard in his life as a Marist Leader.
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 11 2024
Students in Yr 10 have been invited to join a Google Classroom for Year 11 2024 Subject Selection. This is the first stage of the subject selection process. Students will receive information about the timeline and process primarily via this Google Classroom, so it is vital that they join as soon as possible. There are a number of steps in the Subject Selection Process, including the distribution of a course description booklet, subject videos, subject markets, an information evening and interviews. These steps will take place during Term 2 and 3.
Students are encouraged to speak with their class teachers or KLA coordinators, if they have subject specific questions and begin considering the learning pathway that they wish to pursue for Yr 11 and 12. Mr Daniels (Transition and Pathways Coordinator) is also a valuable resource for advice on TAFE, university and career pathways.
Year 9 and 10 2024
Stage 5 (Year 9 and 10) subject selections will commence in Term 3.
YEAR 11 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - Wednesday 24 May
Bookings Are Open
Year 11 Parents and Guardians are encouraged to book interviews with your child’s teachers to discuss their progress and determine strategies to prepare for the second half of their preliminary HSC year. Interviews are being held on Wednesday May 24 between 4pm and 8pm in the Champagnat Centre.
Bookings can be made via Compass. A guide on how to make a booking can be seen here. If you are experiencing any issues with logging into Compass or making any appointments, please contact Mrs Rina Domingo via an email to
Year 11 Half Yearly Academic Reports will be available via Compass on 18 May.

Week 4 |
Year 11 15/05/2023: 11 Work Studies (1 unit) 17/05/2023: Visual Design (1 unit) Year 10 15/05/2023: IT:Timber (100 & 200hr) Year 9 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date ITT IST Music Year 8 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Catholic Studies Year 7 History |
Week 5 |
Year 12 22/05/2023: 12 Investigating Science Year 11 22/05/2023: 11 Photography, Video & Digital Imaging 14/05/2023: 11 Numeracy Year 10 22/05/2023: 10 Drama (100hr) 25/05/2023: 10 Information & Software Technology (200hr) Year 8 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Languages Year 7 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Catholic Studies Music |
Week 6 |
Year 12 29/05/2023: 12 Mathematics Standard 1 29/05/2023: 12 Mathematics Standard 2 31/05/2023: 12 Studies of Religion 2 01/06/2023: 12 Physics 02/06/2023: 12 Biology {NEW DATE} Year 11 31/05/2023: 11 Visual Arts 01/06/2023: 11 Work Studies (2unit) Year 9 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Catholic Studies History Mathematics 5.3 Mathematics 5.2 Mathematics 5.1 |
Ms Chardy Miller & Miss Rebecca Toogood
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Acting Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
House Assemblies
The creation of smaller communities within the larger Mount Carmel Catholic community allows each student to belong to something in which they can find meaning. Houses can strengthen friendships and allow connections and faith to be developed further.
Today saw the celebration of Howard Day. Howard House is named after Brother Charles Howard, a dedicated Marist Brother, School Principal and Superior General of the Marist Brothers. Howard House strongly promotes the qualities of courage and passion in its students in honour of the legacy left by its patron.
Howard students invited all members of the College to celebrate and raise money for Marist Asia-Pacific Solidarity through the sale of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and a volleyball game between the Howard All stars and the Marist Basketball Champions.
This morning, all House groups prepared for the upcoming Athletics Carnival. A significant event in the College Sports calendar and another opportunity for every student to get involved and to earn points for their House. All points earned at the carnival will go towards the annual House Cup Competition.
Thank you to all members of our respective Houses and the House Captains and Vice Captains for the creation, organisation and to staff for their supervision of these activities today.

Sports Carnival Uniform
A reminder to all students the requirement of full sports uniform to be worn to and from Campbelltown Sports ground next Friday 19 May. Only Year 12 students are allowed to dress up for the carnival. This is a Year 12 privilege. Students may wear a coloured accessory to represent their House once they arrive at the sports ground and return back to full College sports uniform prior to leaving the venue.
onverse or Volleys), skate shoes and/or slip-ons.
Free webinar for parents and carers
Getting the most out of gaming – Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Tuesday 23 May 7.30pm
This 45-minute free webinar provides families with strategies for supporting children and young people to have safe, positive experiences when playing games online. It is designed for parents and carers of children aged 7 to 14.
The webinar will cover:
- when gaming can be beneficial and strategies to promote better in-game experiences
- how to keep children safe online – using safety and privacy settings in games and platforms
- strategies to promote more balanced gaming and how to create smoother transitions from game-play to other activities
- the key online risks and where to find help for things like bullying and harassment in games
- Getting the most out of gaming
Elevate Education
Upcoming Webinar - Ask Elevate Anything
Wednesday 24 May @ 6.30pm (AEST)
We are excited to announce that Elevate Education's next free webinar will be taking place on Wednesday 24 May, titled ‘Ask Elevate Anything’. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you feel have been unanswered by Elevate in their webinars so far, whether that relates to your child’s study space, their motivation levels, the way they study – sign up to their webinar for an opportunity to have your question answered!
Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school. Please click here to register.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Theresa Moore
Tuesday of this week I had the opportunity to teach a Year 7 English class as their teacher was absent for the day. They had just started reading Kenneth Grahame’s marvellous novel The Wind in the Willows, so I decided to begin the lesson with a passionate discussion about the joys of being an avid reader and an enthusiastic writer. I highlighted the important role the students themselves played in the reading process. Although this particular novel was published over one hundred years ago, each student in Tuesday’s class was co-authoring the text by bringing their own particular world to the words on the page. Consequently, their individual reading experiences in that classroom transformed the one book into twenty-five different texts.
The following day I had a double lesson with my own Year 12 English Advanced class. I always look forward to this day in the teaching cycle as it means two wonderful hours immersed in the subject English. I had specifically set aside this time to commence our study of the final HSC module, The Craft of Writing. While writing is embedded throughout the HSC course, these next seven weeks will provide students with the exciting opportunity to strengthen and extend their knowledge, skills, and confidence as accomplished writers. As part of this study, students will read and analyse two prescribed texts – a poem by Gwen Harwood called ‘Father and Child’ and a prose fiction text by Franz Kafka entitled Metamorphosis – as well as texts from their own wide reading. These texts will serve as rich and engaging models for the development of their own complex ideas and written expression.
These two different teaching contexts – one Year 7 and the other Year 12 – clearly highlight the importance of creating an environment where abundant reading and purposeful talk are interwoven continually with the art and the craft of writing.
Clare Murphy
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
Around the Grounds
Sport seems to never slow down. We had numerous events held last week with our Football players competing in Bill Turner and the Open Boys Diocesan Carnival. Diocesan Boys Open Football teams managed to get two wins in their pool games but did not progress past that stage. They ended their competition in 6th place. Both our Girls and Boys Bill Turner teams went up against John Therry and we came away with the win in the girls and unfortunately lost in the boys games. MISA games had a mix of results with many teams dropping valuable points in their respective competitions. Only our Girls Netball and Cricket teams remain undefeated. Looking ahead we have our last College Sports Carnival on Friday the 19th. A lot of information has already been sent out to parents and students via compass. Students are reminded that they need to make their own way to and from the Campbelltown Athletics Centre. Parents are welcome to come and watch, although they will need to stay on the southern end of the ground on the grass hill.

Last week, Simun Krpez attended the NSWCCC Opens Boys Basketball selections held at Waratah Park, Rawson Ave, Sutherland. Simun put in a great display at the selections and was selected in the team which will be competing later this year in September. This is a great achievement for Simun off the back of the success of the Australian Marist Basketball competition. Well done Simun!
Sam Glinatsis YR 12 - Wollongong CCC Football Shadow
Congratulations to Sam Glinatsis who earned a shadow selection into the Wollongong CCC Opens Football teams. Sam Glinatsis is currently playing U20’s for St George Football Club in the NPL. While he was unlucky to be selected as the first choice goalkeeper although his performances at the Diosecan Football Carnival was recognised and was unlucky to not be selected.
Michael Bzdega YR 12 - NSWCCC Volleyball
Michael went to Menai in South West Sydney to the NSW CCC Volleyball Selection trials. Michael was successful in being selected to the NSWCCC volleyball team which is set to compete at NSW All Schools. Congratulations to Michael!
Parker competed in the The Easter Classic which focuses on the development of talent in the Northern Region, providing a chance for aspiring players to play alongside and against unfamiliar faces while developing key skills and game knowledge. Parker was one the top pitchers at the U14 Australian Softball championships. His team Frost won the championships and he was placed in the top 25% of batters.
Sport |
Result |
Short Report |
Softball 10-12 Boys Mr Withnall |
VS Mag Loss 8-1 |
Jason Dennis |
With dwindling numbers due to illness, injury and the all important HSC, the boys performed with improved skills and camaraderie. Our fielding efforts tremendously improved with a number of outstanding catches, however, our base running and batting is still something that needs developing and I’m sure the boys will pick up the finer details as the season progresses. It is fantastic to see the team show Mount Carmel spirit week in, week out. |
Basketball 7-9 Boys Mr Rodoreda |
VS THAC Loss 45-38 |
Keanu Ormsby |
The MCCC boys basketball team demonstrated good skill with solid end to end play. Despite trailing, the team never gave up and fought hard throughout the match displaying excellent teamwork and sportsmanship. They are to be commended on their efforts despite losing the match 48-35. Well done boys! |
Basketball 7-9 Girls Ms Turnbull |
VS THAC Loss 36-21 |
Chelsea Baltazar |
The game started at a furious pace, with the opposition scoring from a few fast breaks. We did not box out our opposition under the ring; they got some easy points. At the end of the first half, we were down 25 to 2, with Allana scoring our only points. The second half was a different game. We hassled the ball, scoring several turnovers. Chelsea, aka Tiger, was a defensive threat that forced several errors from the opposition. While Isabella, Beth, Ysabella, and Veronique refused to back down against their bigger opposition. Sophie was aggressive and picked up three fouls but put the opposition on the back foot. Eva, Lovina, and Chelsea combined teamwork to score lots of points. Queen of the rebounds, Gabriella found her grove and dominated under the key. We won the second half from 19 to 11. Look out next time we play this team, as we have found our swagger and are on track to win. |
Indoor Cricket 10-12 Girls Mr O’Connell |
VS MAG Win 76-81 |
Rhianna Gascoine |
The girls set a strong total of 81 runs batting first. Keeping Magdalene to low runs for the first four overs saw a confident Mount Carmel team prepared for a solid win. Magdalene put in their strongest batting pair who scored 38 runs in their two overs. The game came down to the final over, Rhianna had the pressure on her but managed to limit Magdalene to 81 runs with one ball remaining. Magdalene went for a run to get the win but miscommunicated and Mount Carmel was able to get a run out which saw a 76-81 win. Well done to the girls and Rhianna for performing under pressure. |
Netball 11-12 Girls Mrs Armour |
VS JTCC Win 33-10 I had 37/10 JTCC 29/10 |
Krystal Borello |
When John Therry and Mount Carmel meet on the court, a battle ensues. Tensions were high as we started the game against our local rivals. We clashed point for point during the first quarter, but quickly gained momentum and controlled the final three. MVP is awarded to Krystal Borello this week for her demonstration of expert footwork and skillful goals. The nerves are building as we prepare for our toughest game of the season against St Pats next week, watch this space! |
Hockey 7-9 Boys Mr Rees |
VS SBCC Loss 2-0 |
Jivesh Puri |
The boys put on a solid defensive display this week and managed to park the bus for most of the match frustrating the skilled opposition that featured a number of proper hockey players. Jivesh was a revelation in goals, comfortably defending his line for most of the game while a couple of new members to the team looked threatening down the right with some nice one-two combinations. This group of boys are asking lots of technical questions about hockey skills this year and some have been practising outside of school so hopefully some wins are on the horizon. |
Rugby League 10-12 Boys Mr Kawa & Mr Harpley |
VS JTCC Loss 48-10 |
John Sghaby |
The battle of battles. In a match of two halves, the boys put on an incredible first half performance which matched the powerhouse of John Therry Catholic College finishing with a half time score of 12-10. MCCC chased down each line break against a very speedy fullback however ultimately were unlucky with the brute power and strength of JTCC to go over the try line. The boys put in a valiant effort with big hit ups and a couple of line breaks of our own. Overall a great effort from the boys and plenty of positives to take out of the match. On to the next. |
Rugby League U16 Girls Mrs Abra & Miss Heath |
VS JTCC Loss 28-8 |
Jane Mikaele |
With our new jerseys, MCCC stepped out onto the field today ready to take on JT.CC The team were prepared and confident as they put some hard hits on to the JTCC side. Jane Mikaele was our MVP and really showed everyone how to tackle with the right technique and no fear. Every week Maria puts her body on the line and gives it everything she has. Lauryna and Erica used their force to drive forward over JTCC’s try line and Tina showed more confidence working with Jane, to bring anyone down who came into her vicinity. Olivia also displayed confidence in her tackles. A great game and result for week two. The girls are working well as a team and with more experience every week, they will be a force to be reckoned with. A big thankyou to Jerome, Brody and Preston, our assistant coaches, for warming the girls up and teaching them some of the fundamentals of tackling, passing and fitness. |
Frisbee 7-9 Mixed Mr Martin |
VS MAG Loss 15-6 |
Baxter Bastoli |
Good effort from the team today with 4 out and up against a big squad, both in height and numbers. Windy conditions meant the game would come down to who could score against the wind. We missed a couple of opportunities and got caught out on a couple of fantastic counter-attacks from Magdalene. Great effort from Baxter, leading the team at the back, and playing the whole game. We are looking to improve on our coordination in attack, and man-to-man marking in defence. Great effort from Chelsea who played injured and stayed competitive right up until the end of the game. |
Soccer 11-12 Boys Mr Berkeley |
Bye |
Soccer 10-12 Girls Miss Nimac |
Bye |
MISA Debating |
VS SPT Loss |
Great effort from both Year 9 and Year 10. Each team demonstrated some great and compelling arguments. Year 9 came through with the win which was well done to them! They worked hard to collaborate rebuttals that saw them the stronger team against their component school, St Patrick’s College. Year 10 unfortunately unlucky this week, but it was a very close call as described by the adjudicator. They too worked hard on collaboration within their team. Both teams deserve to be congratulated. |
Friday 19 May | Athletics Carnival at Campbeltown Athletics Centre |
Monday 22 May | Diocesan Cross Country at Willandra |
Friday 16 June | Diocesan Netball at Narellan Sports Hub |
Again a very busy term for sport with a lot of events occurring throughout the term. As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here
Registrations are Now Open for 2023
Please refer to attached 2023_Registration.pdf
Representative Pathways
MISA Website https:/
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
If you have any questions, please email
Mr Braydon Webb
Working Mathematically' is an integral part of the learning process in the study of Mathematics. NESA states that 'it provides students with the opportunity to engage in genuine mathematical activity and develop the skills to become flexible, critical and creative users of mathematics'.
This term, students at the College have engaged in a variety of learning activities that have provided the opportunity for 'working mathematically'. For example, 10 Diamond developed their skills in problem solving, reasoning and justification whilst working collaboratively with peers to solve complex coordinate geometry problems. Elijah and Chase are pictured below, using white boards and diagrams to complete a formal proof. This activity required students to recall key knowledge and concepts from the five week topic that preceded the activity, interpret and solve complex problems from unfamiliar situations, reach conclusions, justify their strategic thinking and prove their results.
Mrs Stefania Campbell

At the end of Term 1, as well as this week, students in stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) engaged in two workshops run by Talk Money. Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation is a free financial education program that teaches young people money lessons for life and helps students be confident when talking about money and making informed financial decisions. Delivered by trained facilitators, the workshops are aligned to the Australian curriculum and the National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework.
Students were able to delve deeper into the world of financial literacy, building on information from workshop A they were able to learn more about taxation and superannuation, which was particularly poignant this week given the Federal Government’s budget. Students also took a look at how they can make earning money work for them, narrowing in on payslips and the concepts of wages vs salaries. The majority of students were engaged during these free workshops and managed to walk away with information pertinent to their day to day lives.
“You are tough as a diamond yet beautiful as a pearl.”
Here are some photos of our senior students creating Mother’s Day gifts to give to some wonderful mums at our liturgy next Monday morning.
We wish all our mothers and mother-like figures a very happy Mother’s Day.
Ranier Schoolwear has informed the College there will be a uniform price increase as from 15 May 2023. The last price increase Ranier has applied to the school was 9 years ago, in 2014.