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This Sunday is the feast of the Ascension. This is the feast where Jesus raised Himself under His own authority to heaven. This event had the potential to be one of great sadness and despair as the disciples realised that the person they had followed for three years, had left them. They had witnessed His miracles and His teachings and eventually were present at His torture and death. But this was not a time of negativity. The final line in this section of the Gospel from St Matthew reads; “know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time”. This simple statement underlines one of the most important concepts of our faith. The notion that we are a people of hope and that we have God always with us – yes, to the end of time.
Over the past three days, I attended the NSW Catholic Principal’s conference where the theme was built around hope and growth. Our focus as a Catholic community is clearly that belief in Jesus enables us to always know that hope is present. This ‘hope’ however, is not a futuristic ideal. It is part of our thinking in the present. Hope is an optimism that is based in action. As I had stated in last week’s newsletter, we are bearers of Christ to others and following from this, hope is the recognition that each of us has this capacity to bear Christ. Our challenge is to ensure that we become hope for another by the way that we bear Christ to them.
On Monday we hosted a small number of parents and students to help celebrate Mothers’ Day. This started with a light breakfast and was followed by a liturgy in the morning. We did keep this early in the day to ensure we did not ask parents to take time off work to attend. Thank you to Mrs Meharg and the staff for organising this and ensuring that our mothers were recognised.
This week we conducted our annual ‘Tell Them From Me’ survey where parents, students and staff were able to provide feedback on our school as a faith and learning community. Thank you to the over 1,000 students, parents and staff who submitted a response. This is important for us to gain an understanding of the impact of our work and where we might look to move in the future. As always, we are happy to accept any feedback during the year through our normal communication processes directly with teachers or through our front office.
On Tuesday May 23 (this coming Tuesday), we will be holding our next P&F meeting. This will commence at 7pm and will take place in room I3. I have invited Mrs Clare Murphy to make a small presentation on Literacy at Mount Carmel. This year and last, Mrs Murphy ran a few specific evenings for parents detailing how literacy and English are taught at the College. This is another opportunity for parents to gain an understanding of our work in this vital area. One of our goals this year is around increased parent engagement, and the P&F is an opportunity for parents to engage with the College. As always, all parents are warmly invited and encouraged to come along and hear what is happening.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Earlier today we held our Annual Athletics Carnival at Campbelltown Sports Stadium. This is one of our major events of the year and is another important step in our endeavours to re-establish and reconnect our community on a range of levels - competitive, house spirit and whole school participation. Many thanks to our students, staff and parents who helped organise, participate and support the day.
On Wednesday morning we allocated some valuable time for students to complete the annual Tell Them From Me survey. The information provided by students, staff and carers is important for both the College and the Diocese to address the needs of our individual school and diocesan communities. Again, thanks to all who have responded so far and we look forward to analysing the feedback from our community to help plan for the future.
Earlier in the year I placed some information regarding the latest COVID-19 updates courtesy of New South Wales Health and the Catholic Education Office Diocese of Wollongong. The latest data courtesy of New South Wales Health saw almost 13,000 cases of Covid detected by RAT or PCR tests in the week ending on May 11th. As such, along with the Cold and Flu season, we need to be conscious of the need to continue to adopt measures that were in place during the height of the pandemic to minimise the risk of transmission of Covid, Colds and Flus. Should your son or daughter display signs or symptoms, the following advice is in place from NSW Health and CEDoW:
Students and staff who are unwell with any cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms (whether they have tested positive or not) should not attend school until their symptoms are gone. They do not need to present a negative test to the school before returning.
The College also still has a small supply of Rapid Antigen Test kits available for those students or families who may require them. Please contact the Front Office should you wish to collect a kit for home use.
Yesterday afternoon Senior Constable Allan Clapham, our Schools Liaison Officer from Campbelltown City Police Area Command conducted a Cyber Safety presentation to our Year Seven students. Constable Clapham provided valuable information relating to the benefits and dangers of the Cyber World. Information that supports this presentation is located on the e -safety commission website.
Looking ahead to next week, Year 11 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be conducted on Wednesday evening between 4pm and 8pm. Bookings are still available through the Compass Portal. Friday May 26 is a pupil free day, with staff engaging in their annual Staff Spirituality Day.
All the best for the week ahead.
Mr Simon Huntly
THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD A Mass of Solemnity with Lectionary and Missal texts of the Ascension of the Lord A |
First Reading | 1:1-11 | Jesus is taken up into heaven |
Second Reading | Eph 1:17-23 |
Christ is head of the church |
Gospel Acclamation |
Mt 28:19. 20 |
Alleluia, alleluia! Go and teach all people my gospel. I am with you always, until the end of the world. Alleluia! |
Gospel |
Mt 28:16-20 |
Jesus sends forth the apostles with the promist to be with them always.
REFLECTION by Dianne Bergant CSA
The feast of the Ascension is really a kind of liminal moment in the Easter season. It is a time between times, a moment when we have left one place in our journey but have not yet arrived at a second. The glory of the Risen Christ has already been revealed in us, but not yet totally. The feast itself celebrates the exaltation of Jesus. Today we stand awestruck, watching Jesus ascend into the clouds of heaven, there to be enthroned at the right hand of God. Today we are overwhelmed by the reality of the divinity of the one whom we have known in his humanity. Like the conquering creator-god, he has overcome his enemy (death) and now reigns over his new creation (the church).
Christ who ascended into heaven in his body carries on what he began on earth through his new body, the church. He teaches through its apostles and evangelists. He ministers through its prophets and pastors. In and through the church, Jesus continues to heal and to comfort; to forgive and to include. We have not been left alone; we have his power, the same power with which he performed marvels when he walked the earth. We have not been left alone; we have each other. Together we make up the new body of Christ. Together we await the fullness of this body. It is this new body that stands in between the times, secure in what we have, confident of what we will be given.
Next week our Marist Characteristic is Family Spirit
Family Spirit expresses itself in the simplicity of behaviour, most especially in our way of relating to God and to others. We strive to be persons of integrity - truthful, open-hearted and transparent in our relationships.
Saint Marcellin was regarded as a first-class educator who related well to the young. His friendly personality and relational style allowed many children he taught to prosper in their learning because of the ease of the relationship they shared with him. Good teaching and learning demand the same relationships today.
He lived with the young Brothers at LaValla with great simplicity and unity too. Their day was spent in learning how to write, read and teach, and in manual work that sustained them economically
- In our College family we want - Acceptance and belonging - we walk in truth, forgive and reconcile with each other.
- We are genuine and considerate. We undertake to build community; We offer a warmth of welcome, acceptance and belonging
- We share life’s successes and failures
- We set clear standards of honesty, mutual respect and tolerance
Therefore we look out for other family members and this year we are looking out for those in Bouganville - its a small school and community north of Australia.
- In our College family we want - Acceptance and belonging - we walk in truth, forgive and reconcile with each other.
- We are genuine and considerate. We undertake to build community; We offer a warmth of welcome, acceptance and belonging
- We share life’s successes and failures
- We set clear standards of honesty, mutual respect and tolerance
Therefore we look out for other family members and this year we are looking out for those in Bouganville - its a small school and community north of Australia.
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 11 2024
Year 10 students have now received some introductory documents for Yr 11 2024 Subject Selection via the google classroom. Students are encouraged to read these documents with their parents/carers.
These document include:
- Understanding Key Concepts which explains information relating to Stage 6 studies including the requirements to receive an ATAR.
- Process Timeline with key dates that are significant in your subject selection process.
- Entry Requirements for automatic eligibility in courses on offer. As explained at the beginning of 2023, Semester 1 grades will be used to determine the courses which students are automatically eligible for.
Next week, students will receive the Subject Information Handbook which will contain descriptions of the courses that will be offered as well as requirements of Year 11 and 12 patterns of study.
Students are encouraged to speak with their class teachers or KLA coordinators, if they have subject specific questions and begin considering the learning pathway that they wish to pursue for Year 11 and 12. Mr Daniels (Transition and Pathways Coordinator) is also a valuable resource for advice on TAFE, university and career pathways. Mr Clark (VET Coordinator) can also assist in answering any questions about School-Based Apprenticeships and TAFE VET courses, which students may wish to study in conjunction with courses at the College. For any questions regarding the Subject Selection process or HSC pathways, please contact Ms Miller or Ms Toogood.
YEAR 11 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - Wednesday 24 May
Bookings Are Still Open
Interviews are being held this Wednesday (24 May) between 4pm and 8pm in the Champagnat Centre. This is an important opportunity for parents and students to meet with teachers to discuss the learning progress of students and share feedback and strategies for improvement.
Bookings can be made via Compass. A guide on how to make a booking can be seen here. If you are experiencing any issues with logging into Compass or making any appointments, please contact Mrs Rina Domingo via an email to
Bookings will close at 3pm Tuesday 23 May.
Year 11 Half Yearly Academic Reports are now available via Compass.

Week 5 |
Year 12 22/05/2023: 12 Investigating Science Year 11 22/05/2023: 11 Photography, Video & Digital Imaging 14/05/2023: 11 Numeracy Year 10 22/05/2023: 10 Drama (100hr) 25/05/2023: 10 Information & Software Technology (200hr) Year 8 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Languages Year 7 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Catholic Studies Music |
Week 6 |
Year 12 29/05/2023: 12 Mathematics Standard 1 29/05/2023: 12 Mathematics Standard 2 31/05/2023: 12 Studies of Religion 2 01/06/2023: 12 Physics 02/06/2023: 12 Biology {NEW DATE} Year 11 31/05/2023: 11 Visual Arts 01/06/2023: 11 Work Studies (2unit) Year 9 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Catholic Studies History Mathematics 5.3 Mathematics 5.2 Mathematics 5.1 |
Week 7 |
Year 12 05/06/2023: 12 Work Studies 05/06/2023: 12 PDHPE 05/06/2023: 12 Business Studies 06/06/2023: 12 Legal Studies 07/06/2023: 12 SLR 07/06/2023: 12 English Advanced 07/06/2023: 12 English Standard 07/06/2023: 12 English Studies 07/06/2023: 12 Modern History 07/06/2023: 12 Spanish Beginners Year 11 05/06/2023: 11 Biology 05/06/2023: 11 Investigating Science 05/06/2023: 11 English Extension 1 05/06/2023: 11 Mathematics Extension 1 |
Ms Chardy Miller & Miss Rebecca Toogood
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Acting Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Mother's Day Breakfast
Thank you to all the mothers who joined us on Monday morning to celebrate Mother’s day and to the Mount Carmel staff who made this possible. It was a great morning for the special women in our community.
Community spirit - the MCCC Sports Carnival
Thank you to all members of our community for their involvement in our Athletics Carnival earlier today. This is a significant event on our College calendar. A first experience of a Mount Carmel Athletics Carnival for Year 7, and for our Year 12’s, their last. I thank Year 12 for getting into the spirit and dressing up for the event. A long-standing tradition at the college.

A very special thank you to the House Captains and Vice Captains who helped organise students into events and worked tirelessly to promote House spirit.
Year Assemblies This Week - A focus on Year 10
Year 10 Assembly 18 May 2023
Today, the Year 10 cohort engaged in an insightful and constructive assembly, run by the House Captains. The period began with a prayer activity focused on the notion of presence and cherishing the value of the current moment. This involved a prayer being composed by one of the House leaders, along with a nostalgic video of photographs of students from the ‘Class of 2025’.
Year 10 subsequently had the privilege of receiving a brief insight into Stage 6 regarding core subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science, facilitated by the Year 12 SRC Academic Captains: Emma and Zac.
The House Captains then delivered a presentation focused on addressing the Term 1 assessment period as well as providing new strategies for more effective study. This divulged key organisational tips as well as explored three study methods (flashcards, blurting and mind mapping) that could be implemented for greater content retention. This attempted to foster better study habits in the cohort whilst encouraging a greater commitment to schoolwork nearing the determination of Stage 6 subject eligibility.
This was followed by a Youth Violence Awareness presentation and video. The video featured a student interviewing Elijah Tattersall (ET) from the Australian hip-hop/rap group The 046 regarding his personal experience with violence as a teenager. This aided to reinforce the notion of anti-violence to better the community in a relatable manner.
Finally, the students deepened their understanding of the five Marist characteristics inclusive of Simplicity, Presence, Family Spirit, in the Way of Mary and Love of Work, in light of the upcoming Champagnat Day. Conclusively, the Year 10 assembly proved to be both engaging and informative, helping to establish these young individuals as well-rounded students of Mount Carmel and the wider community.
By Zahie Wahhab - Year 10
Free webinar for parents and carers
Getting the most out of gaming – Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Tuesday 23 May 7.30pm
This 45-minute free webinar provides families with strategies for supporting children and young people to have safe, positive experiences when playing games online. It is designed for parents and carers of children aged 7 to 14.
The webinar will cover:
- when gaming can be beneficial and strategies to promote better in-game experiences
- how to keep children safe online – using safety and privacy settings in games and platforms
- strategies to promote more balanced gaming and how to create smoother transitions from game-play to other activities
- the key online risks and where to find help for things like bullying and harassment in games
- Getting the most out of gaming
Elevate Education
Upcoming Webinar - Ask Elevate Anything
Wednesday 24 May @ 6.30pm (AEST)
We are excited to announce that Elevate Education's next free webinar will be taking place on Wednesday 24 May, titled ‘Ask Elevate Anything’. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you feel have been unanswered by Elevate in their webinars so far, whether that relates to your child’s study space, their motivation levels, the way they study – sign up to their webinar for an opportunity to have your question answered!
Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school. Please click here to register.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Theresa Moore
At this week’s staff meeting I shared with teachers the following reflection by John Steinbeck – the author of wonderful novels such as The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck’s comments powerfully capture the essence of good teaching. The sentence which resonated with me the most was: ‘They all loved what they were doing.’
My eleven-year-old son came to me recently and in a tone of patient suffering, asked, “How much longer do I have to go to school?”
"About five years," I said.
"Oh! Lord," he said despondently. "Do I have to?"
"I’m afraid so. But I can tell you this – if you are very lucky, you may find a teacher and that is a wonderful thing."
"Did you find one?"
"I found three," I said.
I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. It might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.
My three had these things in common – They all loved what they were doing. They did not tell – they catalyzed a burning desire to know. Under their influence, the horizons sprung wide and fear went away and the unknown became knowable. But most important of all, the truth, that dangerous stuff, became beautiful and very precious.
I shall speak only of my first teacher because in addition to the other things, she brought discovery.
She aroused us to shouting, book-waving discussions. We could never stick to the subject, geometry or the chanted recitation of the memorised phyla. Our speculation ranged the world. She breathed curiosity into us so that we brought in facts or truths shielded in our hands like captured fireflies. She left a passion in us for the pure knowable world and me she inflamed with a curiosity which has never left me. I could not do simple arithmetic but through her I sensed that abstract mathematics was very like music. When she left, a sadness came over us but the light did not go out. She left her signature on us, the literature of the teacher who writes on minds. I have had many teachers who told me soon-forgotten facts but only three who created in me a new thing, a new attitude and a new hunger. I suppose that to a large extent I am the unsigned manuscript of that high school teacher. What deathless power lies in the hands of such a person.
Clare Murphy
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
Around the Grounds
Our College Athletics Carnival occurred on Friday and was not only a celebration of physical prowess but also a testament to the strength and unity of our college community. From the dedicated athletes who pushed their limits to achieve personal bests, to the enthusiastic supporters who cheered them on with boundless enthusiasm, every individual played an integral role in creating an unforgettable experience showcasing the very best of our house spirit at Mount Carmel. First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to our exceptional staff members who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the carnival. From the meticulous planning and coordination to the logistical arrangements, their dedication and attention to detail were instrumental in making this event a resounding success. A report and results will be published alongside our house champions in next week's newsletter.
Away from the college carnival we had the resumption of our recreational sports activities and MISA sports. Mount Carmel has a bunch of mixed results although a special mention goes to our inaugural MISA Girls Rugby League team who won their very first game. This is a huge step forward in the progression of the game in young females.
Sport |
Result |
Short Report |
Softball 10-12 Boys Mr Withnall |
10 - 1 Loss VS BAC |
Cooper Harrison |
Another tough week of competition with some serious heavy hitters on the Broughton team. The boys have definitely improved on the choices made when both fielding and batting, however, our lack of confidence in split second decisions has tended towards some easy mistakes. In spite of this, with each game we continue to get a stronger grasp of the fundamentals and put in some excellent effort, representing MCCC well. |
Basketball 7-9 Boys Mr Rodoreda |
34-30 Loss VS JTCC |
Lee Ombina |
The boys continued to improve as a team, with strong passing and movement up the court, and an improvement in our shooting. They played hard all game, against a team that was physically much bigger, and I continue to be impressed with the positive support this team displays on the court and from the sideline. We have some work to do on our defence, to counter those larger teams, but it is pleasing to see the team improve week to week. Keep up the hard work boys! |
Basketball 7-9 Girls Ms Turnbull |
41-8 Win VS JTCC |
Report update held over to next week | |
Indoor Cricket 10-12 Girls Mr O’Connell |
49-67 Loss VS JTCC |
Report update held over to next week | |
Netball 11-12 Girls Mrs Armour |
11-20 Loss VS THAC |
Hailee Meurant |
A tough game against the ladies from St Pat’s, our skill and consistency held them accountable but unfortunately we were unable to walk away with the win. Player of the match goes to Hailee who was recognised as a talent from the opposing coach. Looking forward to a rematch at Dio in a few weeks! |
Hockey 7-9 Boys Mr Rees |
5-0 Loss VS BAC |
Marcus Furnari |
A couple of good plays strung together got us down the other end with some good chances to convert, however we were outplayed by Broughton boasting a few genuine hockey players. |
Rugby League 10-12 Boys Mr Kawa & Mr Harpley |
18-12 Win VS Mag |
Adam Prasad |
A great match up this turned out to be! The boys started strong in the first half with three converted tries to nil. The score at half time, 18-0. The second half was all Magdalene. With a short dropout working out for our opposition, we were set to have a defensive half with the next 9 minutes being played in our half. The boys managed to come away with the win after Magdalene had one last chance to tie the game after the siren coming up millimetres short of our try line. A good lesson to all the boys to carry through the first half form throughout the entire match. On to next week. |
Rugby League U16 Girls Mrs Abra & Miss Heath |
28-20 Win VS MAG |
Monte Sauvao |
A great win by the girls this week against Magdalene. The girls are improving every week with their tackling, passing and communication. MVP this week goes to Monte who showed no fear running up the ball and finding gaps in the Magdalene defence. Congratulations girls! Let's keep the momentum going for our next game against St Pats where we can narrow the score from our last encounter! |
Frisbee 7-9 Mixed Mr Martin |
22-12 Win VS JTCC |
Katerina Krsteski |
The team improved this week on developing possession into point scoring opportunities and coordinating defence. Katerina played her position perfectly, finding space behind the opposition defence. Other notable performances included Hudson Warren who, in his first game, inspired the team with his athleticism, Jeremiah Leota-Brown with his insightful vision, and Smriti Pathania showing physicality in defence. The team will look to improve on our focus for the full 40 minutes. |
Soccer 11-12 Boys Mr Berkeley |
2-1 Loss VS SBCC |
Brayden Greer |
The team performed admirably despite apprehensions of overcoming difficult opponents. Some excellent performances by Max and Abdul moving the ball throughout the pitch. The team was unlucky to not come out with a win. Some great movement in the middle of the park by Sam and Dylan. Brayden Greer made a standout save with one glove in the first half spurring the team on to extra energy in the second half where he contributed excellently in defence Well done! |
Soccer 10-12 Girls Miss Nimac |
1-1 Draw VS MAS |
Alexis Brunt |
The team worked well against solid opponents. They were shaky in the first half however, came together for a strong second half. Their goalie and MVP Alexis Brunt saved several excellent shots to hold off the attack however, with the team under pressure and a classy effort the opposition moved ahead. The students remained calm and pulled together to see a solid through ball to Jessica Forde who put away an excellent goal to equalise. The girls are to be commended on their sportsmanship and effort to draw the match 1-1. Great work girls! |
Monday 22 May | Diocesan Cross Country at Willandra |
Friday 16 June | Diocesan Netball at Narellan Sports Hub |
Again a very busy term for sport with a lot of events occurring throughout the term. As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here
Registrations are Now Open for 2023
Please refer to attached 2023_Registration.pdf
Representative Pathways
MISA Website https:/
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
If you have any questions, please email
Mr Braydon Webb