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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
Welcome back to Term 3.
Today we celebrated the MCCC Feast Day Mass. This is the official Feast Day of the College however, traditionally we have our main celebration on Champagnat Day since this signifies solidarity with our sister schools around the world. In our dual charism, Mary plays a role only second to that of Jesus who we strive to know and to love. The reason that Mary is so important is that she provides a role model to each of us. In newsletters and assemblies last term, I referred to Mary as Theokotos (bearer of God) and how Mary lived this in its most intimate way. The devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel reminds us that we are each able to emulate the behaviours, actions and values of a truly human person and that those behaviours can help us to be the bearer of Christ to those around us. Our feast is celebrated as a way for us to acknowledge that this is important and to have a goal to make it a bigger focus.
Following the Mass, we recognised staff who have reached significant milestones in their service at Mount Carmel. Congratulations to Ms Kristin Evans and Ms Anne-Marie Withnall who have been at Mount Carmel for 10 years, Mrs Wendy Hili for 25 years and Mr Clarrie Jenkins and Mrs Clare Murphy who have been at the College for 30 years. These people have each made enormous contributions to students’ lives and the positive reputation that the college enjoys. Thank you and congratulations.
Last Sunday, many of our students were also involved in the OLMC Feast Day Mass and activities held in the parish. Our students assisted with activities for children as well as performing in the concert. Thank you to those involved and especially to Mr Follett, Ms Nguyen, Ms Abra and Mrs Meharg for you organisation of students before and on the day.
Over the holidays, we undertook a number of small renovations and improvements around the College to enhance facilities and resources. These included technology works in installing new display systems in classrooms and improved access to wireless technology around the College. We also gyprocked and painted several spaces (including the student toilets) and improved lighting in the girl’s toilets. A number of trees were pruned or removed with blinds and tinting of windows and steam cleaning of carpets. Whilst all of this was occurring, Year 12 HSC holiday classes were held and the major construction of the STEM building continued. A huge thank you to all the staff who were involved in these activities and for the positive impact this has on our students’ learning.
We were notified at the end of the holidays that one of our past students, Grace Roodenrys (Year 12, 2018) has just been awarded the University of Sydney medal for English. This is a significantly prestigious award and is given the best students in their final year of their degree. On behalf of the College we congratulate Grace and I thank all teachers who may have had any positive impact on her education at Mount Carmel.
Finally, we welcome Ms Peta Teuma who joins us leading our finance department. Ms Teuma replaces Mrs George and comes to us with a wealth of experience in banking and business. I thank Ms Teuma for taking on this responsibility and welcome her as a member of the Mount Carmel Catholic College community.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Welcome back to the start of Semester 2, which much like the end of Semester 1, has allowed our College to celebrate through liturgy our connections to our Carmelite founders. It provided an opportunity for our community to recognise the contribution of a number of staff for their service as mentioned by Mr Lo Cascio. I would like to thank each of these staff members for their contribution to the College throughout their association, both in terms of supporting learning and also the role modelling that they provide for students and staff with respect to their care and concern for all members of the College.
CEDoW and the College seek your consent to use material created by your child/ren for the purpose of learning and education, and/or promoting the school, CEDoW or Catholic school education at state and national levels The date of consent is 18 August 2023. Please note that failure to consent will not allow students photos to appear in any publication including the College yearbook. Reminders emails will be sent out today.
As is often the case at the commencement of each term, there are some matters that students and carers need to be raised with respect to learning and wellbeing. The College has received some concerns about the manner that students are crossing the road in the afternoon when school finishes. Could all students and carers be reminded that there is no designated Pedestrian Crossing on Spitfire Drive or on St. Andrews Road and that students need to be vigilant when crossing each of these access routes and take the appropriate care when departing the College in the afternoon.
At the end of Term 2, students received their Semester 1 Academic Reports and Parent Teacher Student Interviews were conducted during Week 10. Students, in particular, are encouraged to look closely at their reports to identify areas of progress and improvement and use these to set goals for the second part of the year. This will be addressed in Year group and Pastoral classes over the coming weeks and it is important that reports are used as a valuable tool in enabling growth for all students and their learning. Should you have any questions regarding your son or daughter’s academic progress, please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher, Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator.
As always, thank you for your support and cooperation with your child’s learning and wellbeing and in particular, the smooth return to school over the past week.
Mr Simon Huntly
First Reading | Wisdom 12:13.16-19 | God is mighty and gentle |
Second Reading | Romans 8:26-27 | The Spirit overcomes our weaknesses |
Gospel | Matthew 13:24-43 |
Parables of the weeds in the field and the mustard seed. |
The College has Mackillop House, because the first Assistant Principal, Sr Maria Casey, was a Josephite sister. Sr Maria was instrumental in the process of creating Australia's first saint.
Some background to the Mackillop story is below:
In 2010, Mary Mackillop became the first ever Australian to be formally acknowledged as a saint. A life that reveals the extraordinary in the ordinary.
She was born in Melbourne in 1842 and died on the 8 August 1909. Her family experienced painful economic and social change. Their poverty resulted in Mary’s early maturity. She gave emotional and financial support to her family and learned what it meant to be responsible for those too young and helpless to care for themselves. She received a sacred calling: to be with the poor and to work for their spiritual and social wholeness. The spirit of St Joseph inspired her.
She walked the way of the Cross through her harsh interactions with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church of the time. She was rejected and abandoned by the Church authorities and she grew spiritually and became a woman wrapped in God.
Her Sisters of St Joseph struggled for survival and she worked tirelessly to have them recognised and accepted.
Saint Mary MacKillop’s life teaches us never to give up…to keep walking….to refocus on Christ who is our compass.
She was courageous, compassionate, and responsible. Her last words were “GO ON”.
This is a heritage for us at Mount Carmel. To go on no matter how hard anything is in our lives and we are so privileged to have our house named after her.
“Love is the one thing that we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.” Fr. James Arblaster began his keynote presentation with these insights from the Scientist, Brand, of Interstellar. The movie captures the essence of space and its accompanied complexities, yet Fr. James eloquently related its religious symbolism as a beautiful way of interpreting God – as unconditional love itself. That God was beyond a dimension that humans cannot fathom, yet, “maybe [love] means something more- something we can’t yet understand…a higher dimension that we can’t consciously perceive,” (Interstellar). This was a ‘lightbulb’ moment, the highlight of the day, that brought so much more curiosity into the sacred mysteries of Catholicism and much more meaning into the Liturgical Ministry Training endeavoured. After this insightful beginning of the day, year 10 and 11 students from Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Wollongong split off into the following liturgical roles: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers of the Word, and Musical Cantors. In the Cathedral, the soon-to-be E.M.H.C’s went behind the scenes with Fr. James discussing lightheartedly, the what-to-do’s, the worst-case scenarios and the use of each sacred vessel. The denouement of the day was the coming together of an Instructional ‘slow’ mass: a celebration of the feast day of Sts John Fisher (bishop), and Thomas More, both martyrs. The recessional hymn, Be God’s by Danielle Rose, in particular a lyric really aligned with the day: “With God’s love change the world with your life.” Training to become Extraordinary Minister was a way for me to deepening my faith, and sharing my time to become an active participant in the Church community – a way to spread God’s love. In manifesting this sense of presence, I took away from the experience, a newfound ‘calling to serve.’
Lots of love and light, from Sabina Celiz, on behalf of the new Liturgical ministers (Lexie Garcia, Alex Dutfield, James Turingan)
Religious Life Around the College
Year 12 Meeting with the Bishop

Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Term 3 is an exciting time of the year for learning. For students in Year 7-10 they enter the second semester of the year and have the opportunity to reflect on the feedback they received in their Semester 1 Academic Reports to set themselves learning goals for the remainder of the year. Students in Years 11 and 12 both enter their final term of their courses. Year 11 will have Preliminary Exams to be preparing for at the end of the term, while Year 12 will undertake their Trial Examinations in the coming weeks and continue to prepare for their HSC examinations. Especially for seniors, Term 3 is an opportunity for students to prioritise their learning and use their organisational skills to ensure that their learning is at the forefront of how they spend their time. Small adjustments in their study and revision habits can lead to improvement and momentum towards maximising their learning opportunities.
Year 11 2023 Subject Selection
The next phase is the Subject Selection Interviews on 2 August. Students and parents/guardians will meet with a KLA Coordinator or Year Coordinator who will discuss the selections students wish to make and will ensure that their pattern of study is suitable for their intended pathway beyond school. Bookings can be made via Compass. If you are unable to attend interviews on this date, please contact Ms Millerl to make an alternate arrangement for a time and date, before 2nd August.
KLA Coordinator Conversations for Course approval
Where a student needs to seek approval from a KLA Coordinator for a course they wish to do, they must do this prior to the Subject Selection Interview on 2 August. Year 10 students are asked to check the Subject Selection google classroom for the times that KLA Coordinators are available.
For any questions regarding the Subject Selection process or HSC pathways, please contact Ms Miller or Ms Toogood. Mr Daniels (Careers and TAPS Coordinator) is also contactable to discuss post school pathways and Mr Clark (VET Coordinator) can be contacted to discuss EVET and SBAT options. Any inquiries about external courses (such as Language courses), can be directed to Ms Miller.
Year 12 Trial Examinations
A letter was distributed today via Compass to Parents/Carers and Year 12 students outlining the expectations and processes for the upcoming HSC Trial Examination period. The examinations will take place on Monday 31 July - Monday 14 August. Year 12 will resume regular lessons on Wednesday 16th August, following their Retreat Reconnector Day on Tuesday 15 August.
To assist students with their preparations and study, the College Library will be open on additional evenings (3:30-6:30pm) during Week 2, 3 and 4. A schedule of these times has been shared with Year 12 students. Please note that the additional evenings are only for Year 12 students. Years 10 and 11 students continue to be welcome to attend Senior Study on Tuesdays.

TERM 3 |
Week 2 |
Year 11 Society and Culture: 24/07/23 |
Week 3 |
Year 12 Trial HSC examinations |
Week 4 |
Year 12 Trial HSC examinations |
Week 5 |
Mon - Last day of Trial HSC exams Work Studies: 16/08/23 |
Ms Chardy Miller & Ms Rebecca Toogood
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Acting Curriculum Administration
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Welcome to Term 3
I hope that everyone enjoyed the mid-year break and have returned to semester two refreshed and re-energised. Today we celebrated Our Lady of Mount Carmel feast day with a whole school Mass. I was lovely to be able to join as a community and celebrate such a significant event. Thank you to all staff and students for their involvement in today’s celebration.
As we embark on the commencement of another term of learning, all students have the opportunity to reflect on their past semester of learning and identify areas of growth and areas for improvement in each of their respective subjects. Semester One reports provide clear feedback regarding each of these areas and are a valuable starting point for the setting of learning goals and as a stimulus for conversation with class teachers and Pastoral Advisors over the course of the next few weeks.
Campbelltown Council Youth Forum
Thank you to Ms Armour for organising for the 2023 House and Vice Captains to attend a youth forum in Campbelltown with Mayor George Greiss at the end of last term. This was a unique opportunity to identify and discuss the current lived experiences of Campbelltown’s young people with other students and community leaders. A great opportunity for our students to have a voice in their local community.
A Student Reflection
On Thursday the 29 of June, the Year 10 House Captains and Vice Captains attended Campbelltown Council's Youth Forum at Campbelltown Civic Centre. This was a unique opportunity to identify and discuss the current lived experiences of Campbelltown’s young people with other students and community leaders, including Campbelltown Mayor George Greiss.
Year 10 students broke off into groups, collaborating with students from other schools to formulate various ideas for possible initiatives aimed at appealing to the youth of society. These ideas were centred around key ideas such as sustainability, road safety and sporting opportunities.
Below is a summary of one of the initiatives presented to the Mayor on the day:
Combined with students from other schools, the strategy for our group was targeted around ‘the voice’ of the youth. As a group, we proudly proposed that the Campbelltown City Council invest in the construction and implementation of youth centres. These youth centres would be large-scale buildings featuring community gardens, sporting equipment, pet therapy areas, a library for study, complimentary nutritious food as well as psychologists and career advisors available to support the youth of Campbelltown. This initiative would place all the facilities that the youth require into one central hub to foster connection, improve mental health, increase employment opportunities through business advertising within the centre, decrease crime and overall, improve the well-being of young people in this LGA.
Message from CEDoW - Take It Down Platform
"Take It Down" Platform - Preventing the Unwanted Spread of Intimate Child Images Online.
A powerful new tool has emerged to safeguard the online privacy of young people who have unwillingly or unknowingly shared intimate images or videos of themselves with malicious recipients.
The Take It Down platform empowers individuals under the age of 18, regardless of their location, to remove or prevent the online sharing of nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit images or videos taken of them.
This service is provided anonymously and does not require the uploading of any images or videos to the platform's system.
Take It Down sends a unique fingerprint of the intimate content to their participating social media/content ditribution platforms who use the fingerprint to block the content.
The participating platforms include Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pornhub, OnlyFans, Clips4Sale and Yubo.
Instances of image-based abuse can also be reported to eSafety or the police.
Uniform Reminder
- Only College caps to be worn to, from and at school.
- School shoes should be polished, plain black leather lace up (with a slightly raised heel). Variations of leather, canvas or athletic type shoes are not part of the uniform.
- Only MCCC school or sports socks are to be worn.
- Sports jackets to be worn on Tuesday for sport, or designated practical days for PDHPE, SLR or PASS only.
- Refer to pages 17-20 of the student diary for further information regarding uniform expectations.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Theresa Moore
Around the Grounds
Welcome back to sport for Term 3! We have an exciting term with many of our best athletes going on to represent the college either the Wollongong Diocesan or in NSWCCC events. This is a great reflection of the offered pathways within our Diocesan giving our students the opportunity to move into representative teams. Next week our College athletics team will meet at Campbelltown Stadium to compete in the 2023 Diocesan Athletics Carnival Championship. This again is a great opportunity for students to excel and move onto an even bigger stage. Congratulations and good luck to all our students who are competing on the day.
Charlise Zabat - YR11
A big congratulations to Charlise Zabat who during the school holidays competed at two international taekwondo competitions in Brisbane, the Australian Open and the Oceania Presidents Cup. Elite Taekwondo athletes all around the world competed at this event. Charlise had a very successful meet winning the international gold medal for Australia in the Australian Open and bronze in the Oceania Presidents Cup in the female juniors under 42kg division. This is her biggest achievement to date in her competitive journey in Taekwondo. We are very proud to have such an amazing athlete enrolled at our school.
MISA - Term 3 Teams
Softball 10-12 Girls Mr Withnall Round One VS SPT |
Hannah Casey, Maria De Lima, Alyssa Eccles Rhianna Gascoine, Eva Grados, Leira Hornilla Jorja Lewis, Jessica McMillian, Sienna Pavoncelli Alisha Philip & Olivia Webster |
Netball 7-8 Girls Ms Jefferys Round One VS MAG |
Eva Alvardo, Georgia Metekingi, Disney Teiotu Annalise Montgomery, Mikaila Tha, Miyah Meurant Genevieve McGuiness, Emily Cooper, Ella Van Kalker, Alexis Sweeney, Emma Gorham & Isabella Hutchinson |
Netball 9-10 Girls Mrs Armour Round One VS MAG |
Lauren Ahovelo, Kaylee Attard, Rebecca Barnes Charlotte Carney, Taylah Faiai, Sienna Finn, Isabella Nakasenh, Taryn O’Brien, Gabriella Sammak, Chelsea Sirec, Laylah Tupou & Sienna Wagstaff |
Indoor Cricket 10-12 Boys Mr O’Connell Round One VS JTCC |
Arjun Rajpal, Dylan Anbu, Karthik Kumur, Matthew Manjon, Zane Brooks, Joshua Dennis, Jake Darr, Aryan Krishnan & Blake Reyes |
Soccer 7-9 Girls Miss Heath Round One VS MAS |
Olivia Amador, Gayathri Anoop, Summer Blayden, Brianna Bolwell, Dominique Bzdega, Veronique Ferriere, Marina Frangieh, Cara Glinatsis, Lauren Lo, Beth Martin, Mickey Robinson, Charli Sinclair, Samantha Stewart, Lara Underwood & Alissiah Marmont |
Soccer 7-8 Boys Mr King Round One VS BAC |
Fabian Bakulic, Vincent Brancati, Brayden Croke, Tadhg Healy, Ritchie Kan, Isaiah Nakasenh, Izral Marmont, Harrison Parker, Ace Phommasaeng-Hoang, Sean Phonthaphanh, Aman Pulikot, Shou Ye, Keeden Robinson, Petar Spyropoulos, Valentino Spanno, Shadow Players Cooper Smith, Diesel Wagstaff, Christos Glinellis & Dylan Jacobs |
Soccer 9-10 Boys Mr Berkeley Round One VS MAS |
David Abraham, Lachlan Baker, Baxter Bastoli, Nathanael Camilleri, Brodie Cutajar, Ivan Espinoza Costa, Marcus Furnari, Lachlan Hayton, Riley Keith Jayden Kurniawan, Chad Locke, Liam Luxford, Harry Nobel Michel, Harry Peeters, Anthony Peric, Ryan Pullicino, Sebastian Ratajczak, Adorn Shaji George, & Cameron Taylor |
Rugby League U15’s Boys Mr Harpley Round One VS Bye |
Jack Ashcroft, Marcus Brown, Hunter Burton, Rhys Channer, Isaac Danford, Ryder Faiai, Beau Kendall, Nicholas Lalic, Jacob Latu, Jeremiah Leota-Brown, Rishabh Malhotra, Joshua Manson, Caleb Matamua, Ibrahim Mhaiche, Paul Mikaele, Barukh Semaia, Paul Sghaby, Ashton Taeiloa, Leon Teiotu & Hudson Warren Managers Joel Lannstrom & Kayde Hughes |
AFL 10-12 Girls Mrs Abra Round One VS JTCC |
Timara Semaia, Sydney Fanolua, Miriam Warwick-Smith, Krystal Borello, Soraya Ahmad, Chanelle Khamlu, Gemma Olling, Demi Smith, Lereit Faasoa, Mia Aiono, Emily Sawyers, Alivia Albanese, Isabella Ashcroft, Hailee Meurant, Mikaela Molina, Liesl Hopoate & Luci Carter |
AFL 10-12 Boys Mr Kawa Round One VS JTCC |
Kalan Aguilar, Michael Al Alam, Pelesasa Andrews, Alex Audish, Preston Gallant, Pete Baltazar, George Chahda, Harrison Doris, Kurt Enders, DeAngelo Finau, Sam Glinatsis, Xavier Lafleur-Isaacs, Ryan Locke, Adam Prasad, Will Radman, John Sghaby, Seth Sinclair, & Bailey Smith Team Assistant Zephaniah Leota |
Friday 28 July | Diocesan Athletics |
Again a very busy term for sport with a lot of events occurring throughout the term. As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here
Registrations are Now Open for 2023
Please refer to attached 2023_Registration.pdf
Representative Pathways
MISA Website | https:/ |
Diocesan Sport News | Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here |
NSW CCC/CSNSW Sport News | Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. |
School Sport Australia Sport News | More School Sport Australia information can be found here |
As the end of Semester 1, students in 7-10 finished up their current HSIE subject for the year (history or geography). As of Term 3, Years 7 and 9 will be starting the Geography component of HSIE, while Years 8 and 10 will be beginning history. Although the subjects are grouped together, they are quite different in the topics of study and skills associated with them. I hope all students have enjoyed this semester's topics, and I wish all students luck for next semester.
On Monday 15 May, Year 9 students attended an incursion on the experiences of Australian troops in WWI. WWI - Fighting the Kaiser was a performance that focused on an ANZAC soldier, returned from war, who recounted experiences and showed signs of the mental scars sustained in the fighting. Students were engaged in this presentation that did a great job of illustrating the experiences of soldiers in WWI, and some were even pulled up on stage to participate. Year 9 were excellent in the way they participated on the day, and asked a range of relevant and insightful questions.
Year 10 students were visited by Professor Rob Brander, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UNSW, to discuss coastal management. This talk expanded on students' understanding of the different ways governments seek to preserve our coastline, and the geological processes that impact them. Professor Brander also spent some time exploring the important issue of beach safety. Once again, students were excellent in the way they listened and participated, with Professor Brander saying that they were the most attentive, well behaved group of students he has presented to.
Thank you to all the teachers who helped in the organisation and facilitation of these incursions, particularly Mrs Ellsmore. These events are valuable learning experiences for students, but are often time consuming to organise.
Thank you to all HSIE staff for the work they have done in Semester 2 in providing engaging, meaningful learning opportunities for students. A special thank you to the staff who offered holiday classes to our year 12 students.
On Friday the 23 July, the Year 11 PDHPE classes attended Wollongong University and had the privilege to participate in some hands-on, interactive lessons about the currently studied topic; The Body In Motion. Throughout the day, both classes were able to see and learn more about human organs, bones, muscles and joints. Witnessing real life cadavers was very helpful in extending our understanding of the human body and being able to touch organs and put together a human skeleton made the experience all the more interesting and exciting. We were also lucky to spend some time in the Biomechanics lab, where we participated in a range of practical activities to broaden our knowledge of how motion, force, balance and stability are applied and used by individuals to improve performance. We were able to practise balance by attempting to complete a two-person hold that depended on one’s centre of gravity, and we interacted with force by using a track that measured the force an individual exerts on the ground when running and walking. Overall, the experience was very enjoyable and informative. I would like to thank the instructors at Wollongong University for their interactive and helpful lessons, as well as the PDHPE teachers that were involved in organising and accompanying us on the excursion. Thank you!
By Meghann Peeters