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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
In this week’s Gospel (Matthew 16:13-20), Jesus asks Peter; “Who do you say I am?” Peter responds without hesitation and does not give a long winded or complicated answer. He says simply “You are the Christ”. The title ‘Christ’ comes from the Greek word Christos (originally Hebrew ‘Messiah’) meaning the ‘anointed one’. Peter recognised that Jesus was God and was prepared to say this loudly to those around him. I have regularly spoken to students and staff and explained that one of the main aims or our college is to be Christ-centred. This means that we should place Jesus at the middle of our thoughts and actions and should consider His values in all our dealings with others. It would be interesting for each of us to look into our hearts and consider what we would say if Jesus were in front of us and asked, “who do you say I am?”. Would our answer be vague or ambiguous or would we be prepared, like Peter, to say loudly and without hesitation that Jesus is our saviour?
On Monday this week, we named the SRC students from Year 11 who will take over at the end of this term. Congratulations to the following students who have accepted a leadership role.
Tyrone Austin Skylah Gilbang Meghann Peeters Matias Rennert |
Sabina Celiz Isabella Inthavong Aaron Pereira Gloria Riyandeneira Pino |
Alexander Dutfield Janita Leota Brown Jacob Ramos Liam Tannoury |
In the next few weeks, we will run a leadership day with these students and from that, we will confirm our college captains and various portfolios.
Earlier this week our HSC Industrial Technology - Timber students submitted their major works for marking. This process involves external markers coming to the College to inspect the student’s work and their folios. Congratulations to the timber students who now have part of their final HSC exams completed.
On Thursday, I met with our project managers and facilities staff from Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) for our regular project meeting, to discuss the major building program. I am pleased to confirm that we will soon take occupancy of the new senior girl’s toilets at the back of the property. This will enable us to re-arrange the amenities blocks to separate the senior and junior boys’ toilets. The intention is for the junior boys to take over the current senior girls, so that there will be both boys’ and girls’ toilets in the centre and at the back of the property. A soon as this can happen, we will inform the community.
At the same meeting, the builders have confirmed that we are on track to take possession of the new STEM block in early February. This is an exciting stage in the College history, and I encourage the students to look at the build from J block and the ovals and to ask me any questions they may have.
Recently we became aware that one of our families lost all of their possessions in a fire. The P&F have requested that I include the link to a GoFundMe page where community members might make a donation. Please find the link here should you wish to support this family as they try to recover from this tragedy.
On September 4, we will hold a small Father’s Day breakfast similar to the gathering we held for Mother’s Day. This will be before school on the Monday to avoid any possible clashes with our local primary schools. Please keep an eye out for the invitation.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
The past week has allowed a range of year groups and key subject areas to engage in activities that complement the day to day work of classroom teaching and learning. On Wednesday, approximately 85 students and 3 staff attended the Year 11 Investigating Science and Biology excursion to Bicentennial Park at Homebush. The purpose of the excursion was to investigate changes in past ecosystems, the role of changing climate on ecosystems and to explore practices used to restore damaged ecosystems. Year 9 Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) students took part in a Wheelchair Basketball Incursion. This opportunity supported their current area of study relating to Physical Activity for Specific Groups.
Yesterday saw all of Year 10 attend the Bstreetsmart program at Qudos Bank Arena. Bstreetsmart is a driver training initiative established by the Trauma Unit at Westmead Hospital, where young people aged between 15 – 30 are disproportionately represented in road trauma. The purpose of the Bstreetsmart program is to reduce the fatality and injury rates of young people by promoting safe behaviour as drivers, riders and passengers through the provision information and strategies aimed at avoiding serious injuries and the reduction of risk taking behaviour through greater awareness of the consequences of distracted driving, inattention, speeding, drink and drug driving and driver fatigue. The program supports the unit of study completed last term on Road Safety. Thank you to the staff who organised and supervised each of these activities and to our students for the manner in which they engaged and supported the opportunities to put some of their classroom learning into a practical reality.
Next week will see further co-curricular activities including:
- Year 12 HSC Major Works exhibition on Tuesday evening
- Year 9 & 10 Elective Music excursion to the Sydney Opera House on Wednesday
- Year 8 Science Incursion on Thursday
- Bangawarra Cultural Day excursion to Kiama for Indigenous students on Thursday
- 2024 SRC Induction Day on Thursday
- MISA Year 10 Public Speaking competition on Thursday
- MISA Chess Championships on Friday.
As usual, thanks in advance to all staff and students involved in these various initiatives that support Student Learning and Wellbeing.
Finally, a couple of reminders for students and carers.
- Please check-in at the Front Office if you wish to drop things off to your son or daughter during the school day. We have a duty of care for all students to ensure that all interactions with people from off site during the day are signed in.
- Both Interline and Busabout are experiencing some issues with bus numbers and students tapping on and off in the morning and afternoon. The use of cards is compulsory and ultimately the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are being used. The cards are also important for tracking bus use so that companies can lodge an application for extra services, particularly in our area which is still experiencing rapid population growth. Could students and carers please ensure that they have an Opal Card and tap on and off each time that they use the free travel to and from school. If you have any issues regarding the acquisition or use of an Opal Card, please go to School Student Opal Card.
Thank you for your assistance with these matters. Please contact the College if you have any questions regarding them.
Mr Simon Huntly
TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A Mass of day with Lectionary and Missal texts of Sunday Ord Time 21 Yr A |
First Reading | Isaiah 22:19-23 | The Lord appoints Eliakim over the house of Judah, |
Second Reading | Romans 11:33-36 | Who kows the mind of God? |
Gospel | Matthew 16:13-20 |
Jesus asks, "Who do people say I am?" |
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Wednesday 6 September
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews provide an opportunity for parents, students and teachers to meet with their class teachers to review academic progress and discuss areas for growth. This conversation provides parents and students with valuable feedback and enables them to ask questions to support their child as they near the completion of their High School Certificate. Interviews for Year 12 2023 are being held on Wednesday September 6 between 4pm and 8pm in the Champagnat Centre. Further to the upcoming interviews, please note that Academic Reports will be distributed at the Graduation Ceremony and will be made available via Compass in Week 10. Bookings will open this week via the Compass Parent Portal.
Year 11 Preliminary Examinations
The Year 11 Preliminary Examinations will take place between Monday 11 September - Tuesday 19 September. Regular lessons will resume on Wednesday 20 September. Students have received the examination timetable.
Year 11 students are encouraged to make the most of the learning opportunities that this examination period can provide. This is an important time for them to exercise their focus on their learning goals and execute strategies to study and revise and work out what best works for them in preparing for examinations. Students are encouraged to continue to work with their teachers on revision, practise questions and to seek feedback. The Library is open on Tuesday afternoons between 3:00 -6:00pm, should students wish to utilise this space to study.
Stage 5 2024 Electives Selection: Selections close on 28 August 2023 at 9:00am.

TERM 3 |
Week 7 |
Year 11 28/08/2023: 11 Ceramics 28/08/2023: 11 Visual Arts 28/08/2023: 11 Photography,Video & Digital Imaging Year 8 History PDHPE Year 7 History PDHPE |
Week 8 |
Year 11 05/09/2023: 11 English Ext 1 07/09/2023: 11 English Studies 07/09/2023: 11 Numeracy Year 10 08/09/2023: 10 English 06/09/2023: 10 PASS (100 & 200hr) Year 7 PDHPE |
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Addressing Vandalism & Vaping on College Grounds
I would like to draw your attention to some pressing issues within our school community – vandalism and vaping have become major issues in the male and female bathrooms. While we work tirelessly to maintain a safe and respectful environment for our students, these problems persist, posing serious concerns for both student health and college property.
Vandalism not only damages school property but also diverts valuable resources away from educational needs. We urge parents to discuss the importance of respecting public spaces with their children. Also, please remind your children that these spaces are not areas to meet friends, socialise or hang out. Students are to use the bathrooms for their intended purpose, one student per cubicle at all times. No food or drinks are to be taken in or consumed in the bathrooms. Students are to access the bathrooms during break times, or have their diary signed by their class teacher to use the facilities during class time.
Vaping is prohibited on school grounds, it is a violation of school policy, but also a significant health hazard for our children. The harmful effects of vaping are well-documented by NSW Health and Australian Medical Professionals, and we must collaborate to prevent our students from engaging in this risky behaviour. Serious consequences, including external suspension, will be issued to any student found to be involved in vaping in any form.
We are committed to addressing these issues with a combination of increased supervision, awareness campaigns, and discussions with students about the consequences of their actions. Your support is crucial in creating a safer and healthier school environment for everyone.
Together, we can make a positive change.
Mrs Theresa Moore
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Dear Parents,
RE: Upcoming webinar for parents – How To Help Your Child Improve Their Note Taking
We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education will be hosting a free webinar for our parents on Wednesday 30 August.
Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school:
From Our Catholic Care Counsellors
Child protection week is coming up in early September. The Senior practitioners from the SSFP team (School, Student and Family Program) have put together several parent presentations to support the theme 'Where we start matters'.
Please see attached flyer information for presentations being held during child protection week which are relevant for secondary school students. These presentations are open to all parents at CEDoW schools. Parents are welcome to attend more than one presentation.
Mount Carmel is hosting the Supporting Teens with Friendships presentation on 7th September from 7-8pm. Please click here to register.
St Francis College, Edmondson Park, is hosting the Supporting Your Child to Develop Resilience presentation on 5th September 6.30-7.30pm (suitable for students in both primary and secondary. Please click here to register.
Around the Grounds
In the latest edition of our school sports newsletter, we are recapping an eventful week that was marked by significant games in MISA, as well as a trophy win in MISA Golf. Our 9/10 MISA girls' netball team concluded the season in second place, while our 7/9 girls' soccer team secured first place with an impressive victory throughout the week. We are also sending our best wishes to our two Senior AFL teams, the 7-8 Boys' football team and the 9/10 boys' football team as they are heading into their semi-finals during week 7.
As we look ahead, we have an exciting week in Week 8 with a Staff vs Year 12 competition scheduled. This event aims to bid farewell to the Year 12 cohort with some 'friendly' sport for ultimate bragging rights. We anticipate this will be a fantastic community-building occasion, and all students are encouraged to come and spectate.
Baxter Bastoli - Year 9
On Wednesday, August 16, the MISA Golf Championships were held at Camden Lakeside Golf Course. Three Mount Carmel students represented the College in an attempt to compete against some of the best golfers from schools across the Macarthur region. We are thrilled to announce that Baxter Bastoli was crowned the Junior MISA Golf Plate Champion. He had an exceptional day on the course, surpassing his fellow competitors and securing the trophy. We are incredibly proud of his achievement.
MISA - Term 3 Round 3
SPORT | RESULT | MVP | Short Report |
Softball 10-12 Girls Mr Withnall |
VS BAC Win 10-6 |
Alisha Phillips | A dominant performance from the pigtail-clad team! Bouncing back from a series of challenging losses, the team rallied with excellent batting and fielding, specifically addressing the simple errors that had previously cost us. Intelligent base running and unwavering determination propelled us to victory. As always, the girls embodied the MCCC spirit both on and off the diamond. |
Netball 7-8 Girls Ms Jefferys Finsihed 4th overall |
VS BAC Loss 22-12 |
Emma Gorham |
The girls worked diligently in each quarter, but unfortunately, they didn't secure a win this week. However, during the second half of the game, the girls showed significant improvement in their offensive play, while the defence players demonstrated their talent. |
Netball 9-10 Girls Mrs Armour |
Bye |
Finished 2nd overall. |
Indoor Cricket 10-12 Boys Mr O’Connell Finished 2nd overall |
VS BAC Win 74-62 |
Karthik Kumar |
The boys came on strong, led by Jake Darr who won the toss and chose to bat first. Each pair delivered a fantastic batting performance, hitting a plethora of beautiful boundaries. The total score of 74 runs stood out, especially considering the strong bowling effort from BAC. The boys entered the field with enthusiasm to prove themselves and showcased a remarkable display of fielding, including some extraordinary catches. Jake Darr's two incredible catches stood out, and Abdul Khan and Karthik Kumar demonstrated their prowess with their two-over bowling performances. Congratulations to the boys for securing a significant victory. As the semi-finals approach, let's hope for another strong result in the upcoming week. |
Soccer 7-9 Girls Miss Heath Finished 1st overall |
VS JTCC Win 6-1 |
Beth Martin | The girls exhibited a well-rounded game today against JT. Abundant skills and quality finishing were on display, leading to an impressive 6-1 victory, firmly positioning MCCC at the pinnacle of the table. Congratulations, girls! Let's eagerly anticipate the finals. |
Soccer 7-8 Boys Mr King Finished 4th overall |
VS JTCC Win 4-3 |
Isaiah Nakasenh |
A pivotal game for the boys this week, as a win was imperative to secure a spot in the finals. The boys delivered an exceptional performance, particularly in the first half against JT. They appeared poised to dominate, showcasing excellent possession and an impressive hat-trick from Isaiah Nakasenh. After establishing a commanding 3-0 lead, the boys eased off the pressure, leading to three quick goals from the opposition, levelling the score. Despite numerous opportunities for Vincent Brancati and Keeden Robinson to score, it wasn't until the final minute that the deadlock was finally broken. Isaiah Nakasenh's fourth goal sealed the victory. A determined and gutsy win for the boys today—well done! |
Soccer 9-10 Boys Mr Berkley Finished 3rd overall |
VS JTCC Loss 2-1 |
David Abraham |
A game that demanded victory to secure the top spot was on the line. The team seemed to be on track for that outcome after leading 1-0 at halftime with a relatively dominant performance. However, in the second half, JT's team adopted an aggressive high-press strategy, displaying a great deal of determination to shift the momentum. This posed challenges for MCCC in terms of clearing their lines, and throughout the entire half, we struggled to maintain possession. We managed only a few chances through counter-attack plays. Eventually, JT managed to score twice, one of which was contentiously offside, and the other resulted from a simple defensive breakdown. Despite this outcome, MCCC still managed to finish near the top of the table, earning a spot in the semi-finals next week. |
AFL 10-12 Girls Mrs Abra Finihsed 3rd Overall |
VS MAS Loss 16-10 |
Timara Semaia |
Coming off a bye is always challenging when we've been working well and in good form. Unfortunately, today our team appeared rather flat, and the advantage of playing at home was not in our favour. We arrived late at the venue, and the girls had to step off the bus and onto the field. Additionally, many of our girls were still grappling with illness, so we truly needed an energy boost for the game against MAC. Credit goes to MAC for maintaining consistent defence and applying relentless pressure on our girls. MCCC faced difficulties with our kicks, and it turned out to be one of those games that offer valuable lessons for learning and moving forward. Congratulations to Timara Semaia, our highest scorer and MVP of the game. Looking ahead, we are set to face MAC once again in the semi-finals next week, with the chance to meet THAC in the final. Embracing the role of underdogs, we will come out swinging from the gates. The girls are well aware of what it takes to win, so MAC better be prepared for next week! |
AFL 10-12 Boys Mr Kawa Finished 4th Overall |
VS WAC Win 22-18 |
Ryan Locke |
The boys stepped up when it mattered most, securing the victory in the final minute of the match through a strong performance from the entire team. Onwards to the finals! |
Again a very busy term for sport with a lot of events occurring throughout the term. As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here.
Registrations are Now Open for 2023
Please refer to attached 2023_Registration.pdf
Representative Pathways
MISA Website | https:/ |
Diocesan Sport News | Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here |
NSW CCC/CSNSW Sport News | Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. |
School Sport Australia Sport News | More School Sport Australia information can be found here |
Stage 5 Visual Arts Excursion to the Art Gallery NSW
A Year 10 Perspective
On Thursday 17 August, Year 9 and 10 Visual Arts classes visited the Art Gallery of New South Wales and Sydney Modern Gallery. Year 10 headed to the Sydney Modern first where we collaborated in a participatory installation “Archive of Minds”, by making clay spheres and adding them to the installation. We found the activity fun, as not many artworks are interactive. Year 9 and 10 classes then viewed the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes. We were able to take a closer look at the artworks by taking thorough notes about the ones we enjoyed most, based on its structure, meaning and aesthetics. We had lunch in the Domain, enjoying the sunshine and the open grassy area. After lunch we headed back to the Sydney Modern Gallery to view an exhibition called ‘Dreamhome’ and viewed the Indigenous gallery. A great excursion enjoyed by all!
By Giselle Roson Year 10
A Year 9 Perspective
Last Thursday, on the 17 of August, the Year 9 and 10 Visual Art students visited the Art Gallery of NSW. At 8:45 am, these Art students awaited the bus in front of the Sports Office. We were all excited about this trip. We wanted this trip to strengthen our friendships with one another. Many conversations, both loud and quiet, were spread throughout the bus. Laughs and whispers echoed and sometimes caused a chain reaction within the students.
Before entering the Art Gallery we settled down in front of the entrance of the Botanic Gardens. We instantly felt thrilled for the day that we had ahead of us. As we sat and ate our recess, we began to discuss the marvellous view of the gallery itself. We pondered about the different sorts of artworks that lie inside knowing many have been treasured for decades. A series of emotions began to come to us as we still couldn’t believe that the day we have been waiting for has finally come. Bonding with each other about our shared likeness of art was a great beginning of the day, before entering the gallery.
Upon arriving at the gallery, we were instantly hooked by the impressive sight of the first building. We took a group photo, then ventured inside. Our excitement had peaked once we entered the gallery and marvelled at its inner beauty. The interior was an even greater atmosphere to wrap our heads around, because the delicate designs of the walls, the ceilings and even the floor, reminded us of something you’d see in movies.
The units in Year 9 Visual Arts that we were currently focusing on were Landscapes and Still Life, so we kept a lookout for them. We swept through the rooms like flipping through book pages. There were paintings framed with burnished gold of historical illustrations and impressive scenic views and landmarks, paintings of dormant household items, canvases so large that they swallowed up walls, and sculptures captured in glass cases. One of the more impressive works was the mirrors bordering a single structure that created a perplexing illusion of an infinite building stretching into what the ceiling and floor were altered as an empty canyon. It was all mesmerising. We were drawn to each artwork, their distinct painting styles and the colours crafted to capture. And of course, we took photos.
Walking throughout the art gallery gave us amazement. The diverse amount of artworks had their very own spark. Still being absorbed into the paintings, we had realised the artworks of the Young Archies had come upon our gaze. The Young Archie, is a competition held by the Art Gallery of NSW that encourages youth to express creativity through a portrait. As we entered this section we were astonished by the skillful artworks from young people our age. They all had their unique story and touches, making it fascinating to look at. It was definitely an inspiration to catch sight of the Young Archies art. Especially having a passion for art, artworks created by artists our age have motivated us to keep cherishing and undoubtedly enjoy art.
As students did not know that this excursion would be a memorable experience in our high school life. We gathered happiness as well as peace from viewing these well-known art pieces. Smiles creased on our faces when we found an artist or an artwork that was familiar to us. New information filled our brains and stayed in our memory. For some, this was the first time they entered the Art Gallery of NSW. When we entered this gallery, we did not expect nor think that our emotions would replicate the sunlight that shone on that day. Photos and selfies were taken with artwork, friends, teachers and classmates. On that bus ride back to our school, we felt relieved that we escaped reality and entered the creative world of Art.
By Lovinia Camasosa, Jilliane Castrodes and Cassandra Tuyor

Community Service Announcement
Studio 5 HSC Studies
Congratulations to our Grads team who won their Preliminary Final last Saturday, defeating Glenquarie All Stars 34 – 17 and earning their spot in the Grand Final to play Bluejays at 12.10pm this Saturday 26 August.
Our Senior team will play their Grand Final against Emerald Hills Ravens at 3.00pm.
The girls would love to have support from the College community so everyone is invited to come down to the courts at Minto to cheer them on.