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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
“Baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit….. And know that I am with you always; yes to the end of time”. Matthew 28: 16-20
This Sunday is known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. It is the Sunday where we acknowledge that God is three persons in one being. For non-Christians, it can be a difficult concept to grasp the idea that God is three in one. For those who believe, the simple truth is that we know a God that loves us enough to create us, to redeem us through His actions and to remain with us always through His spirit. There is a great comfort in knowing that God is with us always – yes to the end of time. As Christians, we have an obligation to bear Christ to others (I have spoken in the past that we are Theotokos – Bearers of God). This may mean that we can let the Holy Spirit work through us for others. I encourage members of our community to consider how we bring God to others and help to provide the environment where His spirit can act.
For any visitors to the College, you will have noticed that the buildings beside the admin block are being demolished. These will make way for a covered open space that will be used for student movement and as a recess and lunch space. We will also review our bus line up requirements when it becomes available. In the meantime, thank you to all parents, students and staff for your flexibility and cooperation whilst this building is in progress.
Next Friday, will be a staff development day which will be focussed on our spirituality. These are important opportunities for staff to explore their own faith formation in terms of mission and how this might support our students in a positive way. As always, I am conscious of the impact of these pupil free days on parents and students and appreciate your support for these vital days. They also provide an opportunity in the middle of term for students to stop and take a breath.
This week we welcomed back Mr Huntly into the Acting Assistant Principal role. Mr Huntly has been on leave and has come back refreshed and energised. I thank Mrs Meharg for her work and assistance during Mr Huntly’s leave.
A reminder that on Tuesday next week (May 28), we will be hosting the Term 2 P&F meeting. A large portion of this meeting will be a tour of the new building and explanation of the next stage of the project. As always, all parents are welcome. The meeting will start at 7pm in room I3.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
It is wonderful to be back at school after my recent break, a significant part of which was being part of a Marist Pilgrimage to Greece, Turkey, Italy and France. The opportunity to retrace the footsteps of St. Paul’s second missionary journey to places such as Ephesus, Philippi, Thessaloniki, Athens and Corinth, coupled with the immersion into the life and times of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, is one that I am very grateful for and am looking forward to sharing my spiritual experiences with members of our community. The faith, commitment and sacrifice shown by many of our forebears over the centuries has enabled our Church, and specifically our College, to be what it is today. The universal and global nature of our faith is certainly evident when we retrace the stories of the people and places that are so prominent in our story, as well as the adaptability of Jesus’ teachings to suit the challenges of the times throughout the ages. The current tensions in our world are possibly no different to the many significant events that have occurred throughout history, and the pilgrimage has certainly reinforced the crucial role that faith, hope, belief and community has played in supporting one another through times of challenge. I would also like to thank Mrs Meharg for filling in for me during my absence and for all the staff and students who have supported me during my time away.
As part of our ongoing attempts to provide opportunities for families, parents and carers to be involved more in some of the initiatives that we offer regarding spirituality, learning and wellbeing, the College has engaged the services of David Kobler from YourChoicez to present a webinar for parents and carers titled ‘Brave Parenting”. David’s company has had a long standing relationship with Mount Carmel and presents seminars to our Years 8 & 9 students each year on the issues associated with sexuality, sexualisation in the media, consent and the impact of Social Media. This year we have been able to secure his services to present an online webinar for those interested in being part of this conversation. I have included the time, date and a couple of resources for your benefit. Details regarding registration for the event will be forwarded by newsletter and through the Compass portal over the coming weeks.
Your Choicez Parent Night Webinar
Tuesday 18 June 6.45pm to 8pm
As we enter the midway point of the term, the cycle of learning, assessing and reporting continues in earnest. Coupled with the ongoing aims of providing opportunities for growth in the areas of faith and wellbeing, we again will see a range of activities next week. These include:
- Year 11 PTS Interviews Wednesday
- Bishop Brian visiting Year 12 Wednesday Lessons 3 & 4
- Year 9 & 10 Food Tech Incursion Thursday
- Pupil Free Day Friday
Many thanks to all staff and students involved in these upcoming events for their anticipated success. As usual, thank you for your ongoing support with the Learning, Wellbeing and Faith development of our students. Please do not hesitate to contact the Office or your son or daughters respective Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator should you have any questions or require support.
Mr Simon Huntly
Second Reading: Romans 8:14-17; We are heirs with Christ.
Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20; Jesus sends forth the Apostles with the promise to be with them always.
Who are the Romans? This refers to St Paul's letter that he wrote to the Roman Christians. This epistle - Greek for letter, is the longest and the most important for doctrine (a set of beliefs held by the Church).
The Religious Education Curriculum is divided into 5 strands. In Week Six of this term, Stage 4 and Stage 5 students will be commencing new units of work based on these strands.
Below are the Strand statements that underpin these units of work.
Strand A: Scripture and Jesus
Through this study it is hoped that students will appreciate the breadth and wisdom of the Scriptures and their significance for their lives and the lives of others, and they will use the Scriptures and find in them the story of God’s revelation to the People of God, brought to fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the heart of the Christian message and the one on whom all teaching is based. Through reflection on the meaning of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, students can recognise the profound significance of Sacred Scriptures within their lives.
Strand E Morality and Justice
This strand area develops values, understanding, and skills in relation to Catholic moral teaching, its relationship to moral character, the way it addresses moral issues and the call to work for justice in the world. It should assist students to appreciate their personal responsibility for moral decision-making, believing in their own potential to effect change, and apply principles of justice and compassion in their lives.
Strand C God, Religion & Life
This strand area explores the action of God in creation, the reality of good and evil, and the human search for meaning in life. It hoped that students will reflect on and appreciate the diverse expressions of God’s presence in the world, respect the religious diversity of humanity, acknowledge the tension between good and evil, make informed responses in their search for meaning, and be open to the need to integrate religion with life.
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 11 2025 Course Selection Process
Next week Year 10 students will receive the Course Information Handbook which will contain descriptions of the courses that will be offered as well as requirements of Year 11 and 12 patterns of study.
Parents and students of Year 10 please note the following key dates:
- 19 June 2024: Year 11 2025 Course Selection Information Evening
From 6:30pm, KLA Coordinators and specialist teachers will be available in the Champagnat Centre to answer questions regarding the courses that they have on offer. At 7:00pm, members of the College Leadership Team will present information on patterns of study (ATAR/non-ATAR), HSC expectations and the process of selecting courses for 2025. Students will also receive their personalised Course Eligibility Letter.
27 June 2024: Course Market
This is an opportunity for students to engage in short lessons, to gain an understanding of the requirements of each course and to speak with specialist teachers. Students will not be able to attend every subject offered, so the Course Selection Handbook is used to help refine the list of courses that you may wish to find out more about. This will occur at the College during periods 1 to 5.
7 August 2024: Course Selection Interviews
Students and parents/guardians will meet with a KLA Coordinator or Year Coordinator who will discuss the selections students wish to make and will ensure that their pattern of study is suitable for their intended pathway beyond school. Bookings for these interviews will open towards the end of this term.
Students are also expected to attend both the Information Evening and Course Selection Interviews in their full College winter uniform.
Students are encouraged to speak with their class teachers or KLA Coordinators if they have course specific questions and begin considering the learning pathway they wish to pursue for Year 11 and 12. Mr Daniels (Transition and Pathways Coordinator) is also a valuable resource for advice on TAFE, university and career pathways. Mr Clark (VET Coordinator) can also assist in answering any questions about School-Based Apprenticeships and TAFE VET courses, which students may wish to study in conjunction with courses at the College. For any questions regarding the Course Selection process or HSC pathways, please contact Ms Miller or Mr Teuma.
Year 11 Parents and Guardians are encouraged to book interviews with your child’s teachers to discuss their progress and determine strategies to prepare for the second half of their preliminary HSC year. Interviews are being held on Wednesday 29 May between 4pm and 8pm in the Champagnat Centre.
Bookings will open via Compass on Wednesday 8th May. A guide on how to make a booking can be seen here. If you are experiencing any issues with logging into Compass or making any appointments, please contact Mrs Rina Domingo via an email to
Year 11 Half Yearly Academic Reports will be available via Compass on Friday 24 May.
TERM 2 |
Week 5 |
Year 12 20/05/2024: 12 Investigating Science 20/05/2024: 12 Legal Studies Year 11 20/05/2024: 11 Numeracy Year 10 20/05/2024: 10 Music (200hr) 27/05/2024: 10 Drama (100hr) 28/05/2024: Catholic Studies 29/05/2024: IST (200hr) Year 9 Music - See Assessment Notification for specific dates |
Week 6 |
Year 12 05/06/2024: 12 Numeracy 05/06/2024: 12 Biology 06/06/2024: 12 Mathematics Standard 1 05/06/2024: 12 Mathematics Standard 2 05/06/2024: 12 SLR Year 11 03/06/2024: 11 Photography,Video & Digital Imaging (1 unit) 03/06/2024: 11 Biology Year 9 Year 9 Catholic Studies - See Assessment Notification for specific dates Year 9 PDHPE - See Assessment Notification for specific dates Year 9 Mathematics Core - See Assessment Notification for specific dates Year 9 Mathematics Paths - See Assessment Notification for specific dates Year 7 Year 7 Music - See Assessment Notification for specific dates |
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Champagnat Day Currency Update
Student Groups Up and Running By Week 5
Table Top Gaming Society
The gaming society will run every Tuesday afternoon and will allow like-minded students to connect through various tabletop board games during the afternoon.
Students will be supervised by a teacher from 2:50-3:50 where appropriate games can be shared and played in a respectful and friendly atmosphere.
All age groups are welcome to participate from 7-12.
No Stress Book Club
Wednesday Lunchtimes in K1
All age groups are welcome, come and share what you are reading or find like-minded readers to trade good books to read or discuss awesome stories that you have experienced lately with interested students.
Elevate Education
Thank you for your ongoing support of the College and your children.
Mrs Theresa Moore Miss Rebecca Toogood
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
A useful approach when teaching reading to adolescents is to encourage them to recognise their level of engagement with a text. Prompting a student to be aware of what is happening in their head when reading enables them to develop an understanding of the intricate processes involved. This awareness also allows students to examine the complexity of what happens when they read a range of different texts well. Referred to as a metacognitive or reflective reading capability, this strategy assists students to read their world with increasing levels of confidence and competence.
In supporting students to reflect on reading strategies more generally as well as their own personal reading practices, a reflective survey is particularly useful. The statements listed below have been suggested by Amanda McCraw and Mary Mason in their text Activating Reading Capabilities in English. Parents and carers could also use some of these statements to initiate a discussion with their children around reading.
Disengaged reading:
I stop reading because I don’t get it.
I look at the words and turn pages but comprehend little.
I skip chunks of writing when I read.
I find myself thinking of other things when I read.
I understand parts of what I read but easily forget what’s happening.
I have negative feelings about myself as a reader.
I am easily distracted when I read.
I don’t know how to improve my reading skills.
Engaged reading:
I see pictures in my head when I read.
I sometimes stand in the shoes of certain characters.
I experience pleasure when I read.
I get lost in books.
I make connections to my own experience when I read.
I make connections to things that are happening in the world when I read.
Reading helps me to learn about myself.
Reading makes me wonder.
Metacognitive reading:
I see patterns and themes developing in texts.
I pause and think about what I have just read and try to digest.
Sometimes I just keep reading when I feel confused because I know that things will soon make sense.
I am aware that I make predictions about what might happen next when I read.
I make judgments about what is important in a text.
I make a mental note of words I don’t understand.
I pose questions in my head based on things that happen in the text and what might happen next.
I engage in internal conversations with myself, with characters and with the author when I read.
I stand outside of the text and think critically about the ideas and values in the text.
Clare Murphy
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
It's a big week of sport with multiple Bill Turner Cup games and the resumption of MISA sport on Tuesday. Next week, the Diocesan Cross Country Championships are being held in Nowra. This will mean an early morning for our keen runners, and we look forward to seeing what success they bring back from the long day. There have been many encouraging results in MISA, with Mount Carmel continuing to chase down the MISA Championship title for a third year in a row, staying within touching distance of the accolade. As always, keep an eye out on Compass for upcoming sporting events.
Bill Turner Trophy VS Good Samaritan Catholic College
On the 21 of May, the soccer team demonstrated a strong performance, maintaining control over the majority of positions on the field and creating numerous opportunities with a high number of shots, although converting these into goals proved challenging. The team scored in the first half and successfully held on to their lead towards the end of the game, showcasing solid defensive skills. Prodigy Seleena Mifsud was highly influential and skillful throughout the match, contributing significantly to both offensive and defensive plays. Veronique Ferriere was named the Most Valuable Player (MVP) for her exceptional performance and pivotal role in securing the team's success. Next up in round 4 is Freeman Catholic College College on the 3 of June.
Bill Turner Cup VS Saint Gregory's College Campbelltown
On 22 May, the Mount Carmel Catholic College Under 15s soccer team played a Bill Turner Cup match against St Gregory's College, Campbelltown. The game was closely contested at halftime, but a series of strong offensive plays from St Gregory's in the second half resulted in a 4-1 defeat for Mount Carmel, leading to their elimination from the nationwide knockout tournament. Despite the loss, the team showed commendable effort and sportsmanship. Special thanks go to Mr King who put effort into training and coaching the young side. The College is proud of the team and looks forward to their future success next year.
NSWCCC Swimming Selection
Congratulations to our talented swimmers who excelled in the recent NSWCCC selection events!
Daniel Lill (17 Boys Multi Category)
2nd in 50 Metre Freestyle
Nathan Williams (17 Boys)
2nd in 50 Metre Freestyle
2nd in 200 Metre Freestyle
1st in 400 Metre Freestyle
3rd in 200 Metre Individual Medley (IM)
Ava Antala (16 Girls)
1st in 50 Metre Backstroke
3rd in 100 Metre Long Course (LC) Backstroke
The first three placegetters, including relay teams, qualify for selection in the CCC team. We are incredibly proud of our students' achievements and look forward to their continued success. Go team!
MISA Term 2; Round 2
Sport |
Result |
MVP | Short Report |
Netball Years 11-12 PONT
Win 29-23 |
Sienna Finn |
The girls played a good game against a solid St Patrick’s opposition. Krystal and Sienna were consistent in the shooting circle, not only scoring goals but strong in the air with important rebounds. Taylah, Isabella A and Isabella N worked hard for each other to bring the ball smoothly down the court. Gemma and Rebecca went for every ball and this hunger got the team some important turnovers. A good win that showcased the girls ability to work for each other as a team. |
Basketball Years 7-9 Girls HOBR
VS STP Win 10-7 |
Avah Paea |
The MISA Junior Girls Basketball team secured a victory against St. Patrick's in round 3 of their competition. Throughout the game, the team demonstrated impressive cohesion and collaboration. The MVP title this week was awarded to Avah for her outstanding shooting skills which kept the team in the lead throughout the entire game. Looking ahead to round 4 next week, the team are determined to continue their winning streak and add another triumph to their record. |
Basketball Years 7-9 Boys RODC
VS JTCC Win 43-24 |
Christos Glinellis |
After last week's loss the MISA Junior Boys team were keen to secure a win, and this showed in a very strong start that put us up by 10 points in the first 5 minutes. Continuous pressure on the ball and great team play kept Mount Carmel in front with a healthy lead despite improved play from the opposition. It was a strong win which we hope to build upon next week. |
Indoor Cricket Years 10-12 Girls OCOB
VS MCCC Win 92-38 |
Mikaela Simpson |
The girls came into the game undefeated and were hoping to keep the streak going. The opponent was a strong Broughton team that are a definite title contender. MCCC were sent into bat and posted their highest total so far hitting an incredible 92 runs. There was some stellar batting from Jorja Lewis and Mikaela Simpson posting the highest paired total of the game. MCCC went into bowl and were on point from the very beginning with some early wickets from Alisha Philip and Mikaela Simpson. MCCC were able to keep BAC to a total of 38 runs. Congratulations to our MVP this week Mikaela Simpson who performed well all round with bat and ball. And great work overall to the team who have been performing week in and week out. |
Hockey Years 7-9 Boys ELID
VS BAC Loss 1-0 |
Isaiah Nakasenh | The team started strong in the top of the table clash against a very strong Broughton team. Cooper and Harry had a couple of chances to put us ahead but we narrowly missed the goal. Despite playing the game with one player less, the team didn't give up and ran all afternoon. Jivesh made some key one on one stops in the second half to keep the score even. Unfortunately, a late goal separated the teams but the team played with great team spirit and increased confidence for the rest of the season. |
Frisbee Years 7-9 Mixed MARP |
VS MAS Win 30-3 |
Caitlin Ramos & Ryder Faiai | The team’s first game ended with an excellent win against MacArthur Anglican College, resulting in a score of 30-3, our way. They effectively adjusted tactics throughout the game with the team collectively supporting and motivating each other. Overall each player played a vital role in our win today. |
Softball Years 10-12 Boys KING |
VS OPAC Loss 5-3 |
Parker Cameron | A loss to start the delayed competition. The inexperienced team started well in the first innings controlling the game and getting a few batters across. Unfortunately the final innings saw the boys concede multiple runs with some poor fielding. Plenty to work on going forward to get the maiden win. |
Rugby League U16's ABRN |
VS JTCC Win 28-16 |
Makeilah Langi | What a fantastic first game played by our wonderful Girls Rugby League team. They have been keen to get on the field and with the last 2 weeks being rained out, they did not hold back their excitement, enthusiasm and joy to be active. I have to commend the whole team for their courage to step on the field. Rugby League can be daunting, especially when you haven’t played before. Our preparation with Mr Harpley, Shannon Gallant and our wonderful coach, Lauren Ahovelo and assistant coach Erica Saunders, has helped prepare our girls with a solid foundation on which to build on. A big wrap goes to our MVP, Makeilah, who was fierce in defence and made some great breaks in attack. I also have to mention Monte, Fua and Shante. Their experience and leadership on the field are invaluable, especially to our new players. Another wrap goes to our debut winger, Clara. Clara made a few breaks and did not back down with the JT defence. Watch out next week, as this team can only get better! |
Rugby League Year 10-12 Boys HARK |
VS JTCC Draw |
Mitchell Carney | The start to the game saw us earn possession through a one on one strip from Preston Gallant. Unfortunately with a few mistakes we were not able to take advantage. The opposition let us off the hook and we were able to keep the ball in their half for most of the first 10 minutes but we were not able to capitalise. After allowing them passage to our end with some poor mistakes and penalties we were able to hold strong and keep them from scoring. The game finished a hard earned 0-0 draw. With MVP going to Mitchell Carney for his tireless work in the middle of the park. |
Football Years 11-12 Boys KAWR |
VS BAC Loss 1-0 |
Lachlan Hayton | With a very tightly contested game where things could have gone either way, the boys battled for the full match however they ultimately gave up a goal to BAC after some weary legs. Quite an improvement from all the boys today, onto next week. |
Football Years 10-12 Girls HEAS |
VS MAS Won 2-1 |
Marina Frangieh | A great performance from the girls to come back from 1 nil down, to win the game 2-1. The girls displayed great resilience with only 10 players and a number of players playing their second game of the day. Great effort girls. Look forward to the next round. |
27 May: Diocesan Cross Country Championships
14 June: Diocesan Netball Championships
17 June: College Athletics Carnival
As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website | https:/ |
Diocesan Sport News | Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here |
NSW CCC/CSNSW Sport News | Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. |
School Sport Australia Sport News | More School Sport Australia information can be found here |
MCCC & Community Service Announcements
Wednesday 14 August 2024
Year 7 will have their immunisations on Wednesday August 14 (Week 4 Term 3). Final catch up immunisations for Yrs 7, 8, 10 & 11 will be held on Tuesday Nov 26 (Week 7 Term 4). As was the case in 2023, registration for Immunisations occurs through the Services NSW website or App. Please click on the following link for instructions on how to complete this process - Parent information for Immunisations. Consent is required through Service NSW electronically prior to this date and a list will be provided on the day. Please visit this link to provide electronic consent if not already completed. It is recommended all students requring a vaccination to please be in sports uniform.
John Therry Catholic College
Mount Carmel School Bus Routes
Transit Systems (formerly Interline) school bus route timetable is available via this 2024_Transit_Bus_Timetable.pdf. Contact phone number is 8118 7102. This timetable now in includes the Willowdale transit routes.
Enrolments 2024 Onwards
The CEDoW has transitioned to a new online enrolment platform, called Funnel, removing the use of all paper forms. Please take note, particularly for sibling applications. The online application form is accessible from the College website.
Social Media – Facebook & Instagram
Coming soon! Watch this space!
Rainer School Wear
Winter uniforms orders now available. Please click here.