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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
Welcome back to Term 3.
This weekend’s Gospel is the story of the loaves and the fishes (John 6: 1-15). In this story, Jesus preaches to the crowd and then ensures all are fed. The traditional message is that under the miraculous power of Jesus, 5000 people are fed with 5 loaves and two fish. Galilee at the time (as it does now), had people from many different backgrounds and beliefs. The fact that 5000 people were able to sit quietly together and listen to Jesus and share a meal was as miraculous then as it would be today. The message of Jesus was simple; love others as yourself. Treat others as you would like to be treated. The message is carried on through the charisms that our college is built on and should be a focus of our relationships with those around us.
Today we celebrated the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast Day with Mass and a small celebration during recess. Whilst this feast is not our major event for feast days (that is Champagnat Day), it is important and symbolises much of what we aim for as a community. Both the Carmelite and Marist charisms focus on recognising and knowing Jesus through a connection to Mary His mother. St Marcellin said that we get ‘To Jesus through Mary’ and St Teresa of Avila said that “Prayer is nothing other than friendship with God, taking time frequently to be alone with him:” St Teresa of Avila lived prayer rather than said prayers. Prayer is something that occurs 24/7.
After the Mass, I spoke briefly to the students about some of the values we aim for at Mount Carmel and some of the thoughts from the two themes above. In our interactions with those around us, we need to respect the dignity of each person and imitate the life that Mary would have lived. In this way we show dignity to all and help make the world a better place.
Earlier this week, we said farewell to two of our demountable buildings that served as temporary laboratories. Whilst this is not a major change to the College, it was quite a symbolic day as it recognised the start of the end of our current building program. We hope to have the front of the College completed in the next month along with the return of our A block and lower J block. This has been delayed by the rain a few weeks ago but we hope that these delays will not continue. I will keep you informed as buildings begin to come online.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Earlier today we gathered as a community to recognise the Feast Day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It was great to have the opportunity early in the term to again come together for a Eucharistic Celebration of such a significant figure. Many thanks to Father Sam from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Father Leo from Mary Immaculate at Eagle Vale, who co-celebrated the Mass and also to Sisters Therese, Kathryn and Judy from the Missionaries of God’s Love at Carmel House for attending our mass.
At recess today we were then able to provide a small gesture of appreciation and thanks to our student body with the provision of a sausage sizzle and drinks. Many thanks to members of our maintenance team, Mr Arturo Miranda and Mr Callum Donnelly, who prepared the cooked sausages in the morning, and to our Year 11 Youth Ministry Leaders and Carmelite Captains who distributed the meal and drink, and our Year Coordinators for their assistance with this initiative.
As is often the case at the commencement of each term, there are some matters that students and carers need to be raised with respect to learning and wellbeing. The College has received some concerns about the manner that students are crossing the road in the afternoon when school finishes. Could all students and carers be reminded that there is no designated Pedestrian Crossing on Spitfire Drive or on St. Andrews Road and that students need to be vigilant when crossing each of these access routes and take the appropriate care when departing the College in the afternoon.
At the end of Term 2, students received their Semester One Academic Reports and Parent Teacher Student Interviews were conducted during Week 10. Students, in particular, are encouraged to look closely at their reports to identify areas of progress and improvement and use these to set goals for the second part of the year. This will be addressed in Year group and Pastoral classes over the coming weeks and it is important that reports are used as a valuable tool in enabling growth for all students and their learning. Should you have any questions regarding your son or daughter’s academic progress, please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher, Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator.
As always, thank you for your support and cooperation with your child’s learning and wellbeing and in particular, the smooth return to school over the past week.
Mr Simon Huntly
REFLECTION by Dianne Bergant CSA
In this reading, we are reminded of God’s providence. We live in a world that feeds us and shelters us and supplies us with everything that we need to grow and to thrive, and all of this comes to us from the hand of God. It is usually when we are in desperate straits that we become painfully conscious of our dependence on God, but this dependence is always there. God does not merely intervene when we are helpless; God's providence operates in our lives at all times.
Living in a society that promotes individualism, we sometimes undervalue the communal dimension of life. God certainly cares passionately for each of us (not even a sparrow falls without God knowing it), but God's concern is for the whole people. We are first and foremost members of a people. We would never have seen the light of day, we would not endure or develop, without others. As unique as we may be, we are a unique expression of a communal reality. God created a race; God formed a people; Jesus died for the world. By the grace of God, we belong to the community.
As members of the people of God, we are called to a way of life that is noble, not selfish. We are to live with each other in humility and gentleness, with patience. We are to bear with one another in love. Through baptism we all live by the same Spirit of Jesus; we are all united through the bond of God's love. The bread that we receive from the hand of God is the bread of full life, life in all its dimensions, life in Christ.
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Welcome to Term 3!
Term 3 is an exciting time of the year for learning. For students in Year 7-10 they enter the second semester of the year and have the opportunity to reflect on the feedback they received in their Semester 1 Academic Reports to set themselves learning goals for the remainder of the year. Students in Years 11 and 12 both enter their final term of their courses. Year 11 will have Preliminary Exams to be preparing for at the end of the term, while Year 12 will undertake their Trial Examinations in the coming weeks and continue to prepare for their HSC examinations. Especially for seniors, Term 3 is an opportunity for students to prioritise their learning and use their organisational skills to ensure that their learning is at the forefront of how they spend their time. Small adjustments in their study and revision habits can lead to improvement and momentum towards maximising their learning opportunities.
Year 11 2025 Course Selection
Course Selection Interviews
The next phase is the Course Selection Interviews on 7 August. Students and parents/guardians will meet with a KLA Coordinator or Year Coordinator who will discuss the selections students wish to make and will ensure that their pattern of study is suitable for their intended pathway beyond school. Bookings can be made via Compass. If you are unable to attend interviews on this date, please contact Ms Millerl to make an alternate arrangement for a time and date, before 7 August.
KLA Coordinator Conversations for Course approval
Where a student needs to seek approval from a KLA Coordinator for a course they wish to do, they must do this prior to the Subject Selection Interview on 7 August. Year 10 students are asked to check the Course Selection google classroom for the times that KLA Coordinators are available.
For any questions regarding the Subject Selection process or HSC pathways, please contact Ms Miller or Mr Teuma. Mr Daniels (Careers and TAPS Coordinator) is also contactable to discuss post school pathways and Mr Clark (VET Coordinator) can be contacted to discuss EVET and SBAT options. Any inquiries about external courses (such as Language courses), can be directed to Ms Miller.
Year 12 Trial Examinations Additional Study Afternoons
To assist students with their preparations and study, the College Library will be open on additional evenings (3:30-6:30pm) during Week 2, 3 and 4. A schedule of these times has been shared with Year 12 students. Please note that the additional evenings are only for Year 12 students. Years 10 and 11 students continue to be welcome to attend Senior Study on Tuesdays.
TERM 3 |
Week 2 |
01/08/2024: 11 Society and Culture |
Week 3 |
Year 12 Trial Exams commence Year 11 14/08/2024: 11 Food Technology |
Week 4 |
Year 12 Trial Exams continue |
Week 5 |
Year 12 Monday - Year 12 Trial Exams conclude |
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Welcome back to Term 3
Welcome back to students and parents to another fresh and chilly but bright start to our term. A reminder that students should be wearing the College Blazer to and from the College and that any damage repairs or washing concerns require a note for the student to be excused from having at school. Any variation to the required uniform will result in a recess detention where students have the opportunity to communicate home and inform you of why they were attending the detention. Please review your emails to ensure you are keeping up with their progress on Compass and in relation to lateness or uniform.
Learning Note Reminder
The Learning Note was a valuable introduction to communication from teachers to parents that has been introduced this year. The note allows you a short insight into a learning concern that the teacher may have encountered such as incomplete homework or disorganisation in some capacity. For further information about the learning in that class, please email the classroom teacher to best follow up and support your child.
Student Helpers: OLMC Celebrations
Students of Year 10 and 11 have contributed significantly to the preparation and set up of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast Day Mass and celebrations. Congratulations and thanks to all those students who gave of their time to ensure the day ran smoothly, inclusive of a sausage sizzle recess distributed to all students on the day.
Safe Guarding Our Kids Online
The AFP-led ThinkUKnow program has released a range of age-based tips and content to help parents and carers keep children and young people safe online across all stages of development.
Children and young people may use smart devices such as tablets for educational purposes, watching videos, playing games and social interaction. Children and young people can readily access the internet and technology in public places, schools and at home.
AFP Commander Helen Schneider said parents and carers needed to begin regular conversations with their children about online safety during early childhood to help children and young people understand the challenges they may face online and how to get help and support. "We are urging families to 'have the talk - the online child safety talk' this year," Commander Schneider said."We know about 52% of parents and carers talk to their children about online safety, which includes topics like online grooming and inappropriate contact online, but we are aiming to increase this in 2024”.
Advice from the AFP
While older children may want to use their devices independently and want more privacy around their relationships and online interactions, it is still important to be engaged in their online activities.
- Young people in this age group are likely to be playing online games, watching videos and using social networking platforms to interact with friends.
- Learn about the features of the apps, games and sites your child uses and the safety challenges so you can talk to them about implementing safety measures to keep them safe online.
- Encourage 'friends only' or 'private' security settings.
- If your child has public social media accounts, be aware of the privacy challenges and encourage your child to think critically about information sharing.
- Your level of supervision or oversight may vary across this age group, however you should always stay in touch with what your child is doing online and encourage them to come to you for help and support.
- Encourage your child to recognise safe or unsafe situations and inappropriate contact. This can empower them to make informed decisions, including when they are in unsupervised environments.
Mrs Theresa Moore Miss Rebecca Toogood
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Welcome back to sport for Term 3! We have an exciting term with many of our best athletes going on to represent the College either the Wollongong Diocesan or in NSWCCC events. This is a great reflection of the offered pathways within our Diocesan giving our students the opportunity to move into representative teams. Next week our College athletics team will meet at Campbelltown Stadium to compete in the 2024 Diocesan Athletics Carnival Championship. This again is a great opportunity for students to excel and move onto an even bigger stage. Congratulations and good luck to all our students who are competing on the day.
Across the previous two terms, our school has had the privilege of participating in various prestigious events, including the Macarthur Independent Schools Association (MISA). As mentioned last term Mount Carmel is currently leading the MISA championship overall. In addition to this we are currently leading Junior and Senior Girls championships. Our Senior and junior boys are currently second only a few points behind John Therry. With Term 3 MISA sports beginning Tuesday week 2 we hope our teams can continue their success in the following term 3 MISA sports:
- 10-12 years boys indoor cricket
- 10-12 years girls softball
- Under 15 years boys league
- 10-12 years boys AFL
- 10-12 years girls AFL
- 9-10 years girls netball
- 7-8 years girls netball
- 7-9 years girls soccer
- 7-8 years boys soccer
- 9-10 years boys soccer
Bill Turner Trophy - Round Of 32
The dream continues! The girls won their area final against Cecil Hills High School which has crowned Mount Carmel as the South West Sydney area champions. This is a significant achievement for the College and the deepest we have gone into the competition in our history. A solid performance on Thursday of week 1 sealed the deal with a dominant 4-1 win with a hattrick to Charlee Yule and one goal to Makeilah Langi. A huge congratulations to all the girls and we look forward to our upcoming game against the West Sydney area champion.
Liesl Hopoate - Year 12
Australian Schoolgirls Rugby League
That's fantastic news for Liesl Hopoate! Earning a spot in the 2024 Australian Schoolgirls Rugby League is indeed a significant achievement, and her versatility is further highlighted by her participation in the under-20s Tonga netball team. It's wonderful to see such talent and dedication being recognized across multiple sports. Congratulations to Liesl on her impressive accomplishments!
Ethan Littlewood - Year 10
NSW All Schools Cross Country
As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website | https:/ |
Diocesan Sport News | Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here |
NSW CCC/CSNSW Sport News | Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. |
School Sport Australia Sport News | More School Sport Australia information can be found here |
MCCC & Community Service Announcements
Transit Systems
Please see letter regarding School Opal Card use and the importance of tapping on and off every time.
Transit Systems school bus route timetable is available via this link. Contact phone number is 8118 7102. This timetable now in includes the Willowdale transit routes.
Wednesday 14 August 2024
Year 7 will have their immunisations on Wednesday August 14 (Week 4 Term 3). Final catch up immunisations for Yrs 7, 8, 10 & 11 will be held on Tuesday Nov 26 (Week 7 Term 4). As was the case in 2023, registration for Immunisations occurs through the Services NSW website or App. Please click on the following link for instructions on how to complete this process - Parent information for Immunisations. Consent is required through Service NSW electronically prior to this date and a list will be provided on the day. Please visit this link to provide electronic consent if not already completed. It is recommended all students requring a vaccination to please be in sports uniform.
Enrolments 2024 Onwards
The CEDoW has transitioned to a new online enrolment platform, called Funnel, removing the use of all paper forms. Please take note, particularly for sibling applications. The online application form is accessible from the College website.
Social Media – Facebook & Instagram
Coming soon! Watch this space!
Ranier School Wear
The Ranier uniform shop will only be open Wednesdays and Thursday until 2 August. Please see attahed flyer for new training times and July holiday trading days.