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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
This week’s second reading (James 2: 1-5) has a very simple yet clear message that needs no explanation. It states that we are not to make distinctions between classes of people. Jesus’ message throughout His parables and actions, consistently encourages us to consider the dignity of each person and treat them with the value of a person created in the image of God. With this as a focus, we can help to be bearers of Christ’s love.
Over the past week, a series of events occurred which highlight the numerous opportunities for excellence that we offer to our students. I am proud of the work that our staff contribute and the high standard to which our students participate.
On Tuesday evening, our Creative Arts, Society and Culture and Extension II English Major Works night was held. This evening enabled guests to see the visual artworks and major works that will be presented by our students for their HSC. As always, the standard is extremely high and there was something of interest for everyone. The works reflected the high expectations of the staff and the efforts of our students. Congratulations to the students and thank you to Ms Cortes and the CAPAL, HSIE and English staff for the evening and the support of the students.
On Wednesday, we held our SRC induction day where our 12 Year 11, 2025 SRC students had an opportunity to work together and develop individual and teamwork skills for leadership. This day culminated in the students presenting speeches on leadership and will help to determine the main roles and portfolios for next year. The final positions will be announced on Monday and included in next week’s newsletter.
On Thursday we had three events that showcased the various talents of our students. In the morning, we held our Academic Assembly for Year 7 – 10 based on their Semester 1 results. This assembly enabled us to recognise those students who excelled in their achievements and/or their level of effort in their academic pursuits. Overall, there were in excess of 90 certificates distributed to students who had taken up the challenge to ‘get off the couch and into the game’. We were fortunate to have around 70 parents and family members join us in celebration. Thank you for all those who joined us and congratulations to our achievers.
During the day, two of our students participated in the Year 10 MISA Public Speaking competition. Our entrants, Patrick Arthur and Cassandra Tuyor represented us with distinction and were very competitive amongst the 22 speakers from Christian schools across the Macarthur. It was fantastic to hear that Patrick secured second place with his insightful speech on the relevance of history in our ever-changing society. Congratulations to Patrick and Cassandra.
In the evening, I travelled to Wollongong to attend the Bishop’s Excellence Awards. These awards are given each year to one student from each secondary school within the diocese. This student is an all-rounder who represents the faith, service and academic effort that we hope each of our graduates will aim for. This year, our award recipient was Sabina Celiz. Sabina was acknowledged for her continued support of faith development and social justice. She was a worthy recipient of this award and I congratulate her on behalf of the College.
Thank you to the 40 or so fathers and grandfathers who joined us for our Father’s Day breakfast on Monday. This was a special event and moving liturgy. Thanks to Ms Borg, Ms Nguyen and Ms Meharg for the liturgy and to Mr Daniels, Mrs Trimarchi and the Hospitality students and staff for the lovely breakfast.
We have been advised that our canteen renovations will begin by the end of week 9 (approx. two weeks). Whilst this canteen will be a significant internal refurbishment, it is anticipated that it will only take around four weeks (two of which will be the holidays). This will mean there will be a reduced offering from the canteen during this time and we will relocate it temporarily across the passageway into the old science building. They will serve the students from a window. We will advise more details around this in the coming weeks.
As announced last week, we have begun posting to our Facebook account from this week and hope it will grow quickly. Please follow our link. It would be great if you could pass this on and like our posts so they can increase as a form of communication with parents.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio

Week 7 of the term has come and gone with another range of initiatives held that support the faith, learning and wellbeing dimension across all levels of our community. These have included
- Father’s Day Breakfast before school on Monday morning
- HSC Major Works Exhibition Tuesday
- Year 12 Academic Reports
- 2025 SRC Induction Day on Wednesday
- Years 7-10 Semester 1 Academic Assembly yesterday
During Pastoral lessons earlier today, each of the year groups participated in targeted activities designed to support their specific needs at this time of the term. These included:
- Year 7 Mass and Encounter Day
- Year 8 - Pastoral Class activities centred on Friendships and Interpersonal relationships
- Year 9 - Careers Pathway planning
- Year 10 - Year Assembly and time in pastoral classes in preparation for next week’s assessment tasks
- Year 11 - Study time in preparation for Preliminary exams which commence next Friday
- Year 12 - Year Assembly presentation by members of the College Leadership Team and Mr Harpley in preparation for the final week’s HSC.
I would like to extend my thanks to all staff and students who assisted in the preparation, presentation and participation of each of these events.
Next week will also see a further range of activities held to support the day to day work of the classroom and provide important feedback to students and carers regarding learning progress.
- Monday: Year 9 Fast Forward Careers excursion
- Tuesday: SRC Bishop’s Mass and Lunch at Wollongong
- Wednesday: Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews from 4pm
- Thursday: Yr 7-10 Tracking report data accumulated for production of end of term reports.
Thanks to all staff and students in anticipation for their preparation and participation relating to these upcoming activities.
As always, thanks for your ongoing support with all matters relating to Learning and Wellbeing. Please contact your son or daughter’s respective Year Coordinator or Pastoral Advisor should you have any questions or concerns.
Mr Simon Huntly
First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7
God comes with vindication.
Second Reading: James 2:1-5
Do not judge by appearance.
Gospel Acclamation: Mattheew 4:23
Alleluia, alleluia!
Jesus preached the Good News of the kingdom and healed all who were sick.
Gospel: Mark 7:31-37
Jesus heals the deaf man.
Year 10 RE in the Classroom
In their deep dive into Catholic traditions, 10 Sapphire Catholic Studies had an eye-opening experience at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Mass that was nothing short of captivating! As they entered the church, they were drawn to the many traditions the priest and parishioners did. The ancient rituals—like the reading of Scriptures and the Eucharist ceremony—felt like a live class lesson. The students were intrigued by the meaningful symbols around them, from the grand altar to the incense. Joining in with the prayers and rituals, they felt a respectful connection to the rich traditions and the sense of community that made the Mass so special. This firsthand experience brought Catholic worship to life in a thrilling and deeply insightful way!
By Gabriel Senorin
Mrs Christine Meharg
Inspiration from our Carmelites
During the Season of Creation, our common prayer and action can help us listen for the voices of those who are silenced. In prayer we lament the individuals, communities, species, and ecosystems who are lost, and those whose livelihoods are threatened by habitat loss and climate change. In prayer we centre the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.
This week we reflect on the ‘deep interconnection of all aspects of creation and the enormous capability of all humanity to act in a role of stewardship or to be a source of environmental destruction.’
Learning & Teaching at the College
Year 7-10 Semester 1 Academic Awards
This week the College celebrated the academic success of a number of students from across Year 7 - 10. These students have been recognised by their teachers for demonstrating a high level of commitment to their learning during the first half of the year, resulting in commendable Semester 1 reports. The students received awards for academic effort, academic achievement or academic excellence.
The award for academic effort is attained by students who have received a high rating in all capacities of the learning profile across all of their subjects. Meaning that they have consistently applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort in all aspects of their learning.
The award for academic achievement is attained by students who have consistently achieved at a high grade level across their subjects. Demonstrating extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these to new situations.
The award for academic excellence is attained by those students who have achieved both high academic achievement and effort across all subjects.
Congratulations to the following students:
Year 10 |
Year 9 |
Academic Achievement |
Sharon Praveen Sethma Rajapakse Emmanuel Ramos Deniel Vermeulen |
Raphael Alba |
Academic Effort |
Ruby Brcic Maryben Ysabelle Flores Kyla Greenwood Madison Jackson Lauren Lo Zoe Meic Maja Mukherjee Isabella Nakasenh Lee Ombina Jazmyn Raksadan Mia Rezo Emma Russell Emily Skipper Isabelle Villena |
Leila Coulson Mireya Isabel David Tanishka Dhembare Isabella Hutchinson Janet Le Emily Lovett Genevieve McGuiness |
Academic Excellence |
Patrick Arthur Chelsea Baltazar Lovinia Camasosa Jilliane Castrodes Michael Gabas Jiageng He Katerina Krsteski Beth Martin Keith Patrick Monzon Smriti Pathania Monique Pleadin Darby Scales Gabriel Christian Senorin Maria Cassandra Tuyor Alexa Woo |
Meenakshi Arun Pisharody Caitlin Ramos Abigail Serrano Morakoth Siackhasone |
Year 8 |
Year 7 |
Academic Achievement |
Nathan Drew Bicomong Klara Grbavac Ashlyn Lo Sophia Masilungan Georgia Metekingi Isaiah Nakasenh Emilia Rennert |
Akansha Chougla Ethan De Guzman Anitta Jino Elijah Potter Tahlia-Rose Quinn Dylan Reyes Liya Sebastian Eleni Theofilopoulos |
Academic Effort |
Matthew Attard Sapana Ghale Aiden Holmes Dyanne Rivera |
Taalia Abrahams Mary Alzohairy Lucinda Caronna Oliviya Carr Johanna Gabas Molly Hawkins Danielle Housea Celeste Joseph Kristo Keri Chiara Molina Armanii Swan |
Academic Excellence |
Eliana Afeworki Kiflom Eva Alvarado Eliana D'Coutho Emily Dsouza Emily Fulcher Therese Guarin Juliana Maria Musumeci Ysabella Segovia Alexis Sweeney |
Alyssa Hamilton Katelyn Murray |
Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Wednesday 11 September
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews provide an opportunity for parents, students and teachers to meet with their class teachers to review academic progress and discuss areas for growth. This conversation provides parents and students with valuable feedback and enables them to ask questions to support their child as they near the completion of their High School Certificate. Interviews for Year 12 are being held on Wednesday September 11 between 4pm and 8pm at the College. Further to the upcoming interviews, please note that Academic Reports will be distributed at the Graduation Ceremony, and will be made available via Compass in Week 10. Bookings will close on Tuesday September 10 at 3pm.
Year 11 Preliminary Examinations
The Year 11 Preliminary Examinations will take place between Friday 13 September - Tuesday 24 September. Regular lessons will resume on Wednesday 25 September. Students have received the examination timetable and exams will appear on their Compass schedule. On Monday, students will receive all of the assessment notifications for the exams.
Year 11 students are encouraged to make the most of the learning opportunities that this examination period can provide. This is an important time for them to exercise their focus on their learning goals and execute strategies to study and revise and work out what best works for them in preparing for examinations. Students are encouraged to continue to work with their teachers on revision, practise questions and to seek feedback. The Library is open on Tuesday afternoons between 3:00 -6:00pm, should students wish to utilise this space to study.
TERM 3 |
Week 8 |
Year 11 09/09/2024: 11 Visual Design 09/09/2024: 11Ceramics 09/09/2024: 11 English Studies 11/09/2024: 11 Numeracy 13/09/2024: 11 Music 13/09/2024: 11 Construction Year 10 09/09/2024 and 10/9/2024: 10 PDHPE 11/09/2024: 10 History Year 8 Year 8 PDHPE - See assessment notification for specific date |
Week 9 |
Year 11 16/9/2024: 11 SOR 2, SOR 1, SICT, Photography, Visual Design, Ceramics, SLR1, Work Studies 1 17/09/2024: 11 English Advanced, English Standard, Business Studies, Work Studies 2 18/9/2024: 11 PDPHE, Modern History, SLR 2 19/09/2024: 11 Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Standard 1 & 2, Investigating Science 20/09/2024: 11 CAFS, ITT, Hospitality, Legal Studies, Music, Biology Year 10 20/09/2024: 10 Science Year 9 PASS - See assessment notification for specific date 9 Science - See assessment notification for specific date Year 8 Technology Mandatory - See assessment notification for specific date Year 7 Technology Mandatory - See assessment notification for specific date |
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
National Child Protection Week
It’s National Child Protection Week, and this year’s theme, “Every Conversation Matters”, is a timely reminder of how powerful everyday chats with children can be – especially when it comes to their online lives.
The online world offers incredible opportunities but also has its share of risks we need to educate children about. Think of it like teaching a child to ride a bike. You wouldn’t send them off without practice or a helmet. The same goes for the online world – we need to ensure children are prepared and protected before they start navigating it on their own.
A growing concern in Australia and around the world is child sexual abuse online. It’s a tough topic, but it’s one we need to address head-on. This issue is affecting children of all ages, showing up in different ways like non-consensual sharing of intimate images, tech-facilitated child sexual abuse, sexual extortion and the grooming of a child with the intention to abuse them online or in person.
With 11% of teens aged 14-17 reporting they’ve been solicited sexually online, it’s more important than ever to create environments where children feel safe to speak up – whether they’re at home or school.
So, what can you do? The good news is that as parents, carers and educators, you can take practical steps to make a real difference. Our research shows that when we strengthen the support systems around children, we give them the best chance to stay safe online.
To help you get started, visit the eSafetyCommissioner website for more information and many resources.
Afternoon Detentions
While most students adhere to College expectations regarding academic and behavioral standards, some are struggling to meet the necessary requirements.
Afternoon Detention serves as a critical consequence and intervention to reinforce our community's values of responsibility, respect, and high expectations. Along with Recess Detentions and parent/carer communication, these sessions are essential in addressing and correcting student behaviour. Year Coordinators and KLA Coordinators are responsible for issuing Afternoon Detention letters and supervising the bi- weekly sessions, which will be held every second Wednesday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. During this time, students will participate in reflective activities and receive assistance with their learning as required.
To effectively support your child in modifying their behaviour, we ask that parents and carers ensure their child is in attendance at the scheduled Afternoon Detention. If your child is unable to attend, it is crucial to communicate with the Year Coordinator as soon as possible. We encourage you to discuss with your child the reasons for their detention and the importance of using this time to reflect on their actions and commit to positive behaviour moving forward.
We appreciate your continued support in these matters. If you need any assistance with your child’s learning or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact the College, their Classroom Teacher, Pastoral Advisor, or Year Coordinator.
Emotional Regulation Strategies
Event Reminder - Supporting Our Teens
Parent Workshops for Child Protection Week
We look forward to seeing you there! Please register via the link.
Mrs Theresa Moore Miss Rebecca Toogood
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
Last week I made mention of the wonderful educator Roslyn Arnold and her book Empathic Intelligence: Teaching, Learning, Relating. This week I’d like to draw attention to more of Arnold’s views on the ‘person-centred nature’ of effective teaching and learning, reiterating her assertion that ‘caring is the bedrock of all successful education.’
Arnold states that education for the best and fullest human consciousness requires that we understand and respect the inner worlds of individuals, in which thought and feeling are complementary processes. She suggests that it’s equally important to understand how individuals interact with others, and how they derive significance from such interactions. The rich world of interpersonal life between people and the equally rich world enjoyed by those of a reflective nature, are the foundations for deep and meaningful learning.
Learning is an interactive experience best achieved in a climate of relatedness, care and mutual respect. I am seeing more and more – particularly in our current educational context – that students’ motivations and feelings about learning are just as important as the content of their learning. In teaching – as in parenting – sensitivity, attunement to others, acute observational skills and honest self-scrutiny and self-understanding are necessary if the young people in our care are to flourish. I can vividly remember the teachers who made my own school life meaningful and positive. They were passionate about their students, passionate about their subject, and passionate about teaching and learning. In reflecting on this, I recall the words of the American educator Parker Palmer who said, ‘Good teachers weave a life-giving web between themselves, their subject and their students, helping their students learn how to weave a world for themselves.’
Clare Murphy
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
Around the Grounds
It’s been a busy week for MISA, with several teams securing grand final spots after solid semi-final wins. We also revealed our athletics carnival results at the College assembly and look forward to the annual Staff vs Year 12 competition in Week 8. This event is a great opportunity for students and staff to celebrate the sporting contributions of the grade, giving Year 12 a chance to challenge their mentors. Best of luck to all involved in these events next week.
Athletics Carnival Round Up
Over 800 students, staff, and parents gathered at Campbelltown Athletics Stadium on June 17 for the annual Mount Carmel Catholic College Athletics Carnival. The weather was perfect, and the talent on display was exceptional, with a competitive Diocesan team selected. Aged champions dominated multiple events, and it was great to see strong House Spirit, energy, and participation across all age groups.
A big thank you to all the teachers, student helpers, parents, and athletics staff for making the day run smoothly. Students earned points for their performances, with Age Champions recognized for their achievements. Congratulations to the 2024 Athletics Age Champions!
Age Group | Girls | Boys |
12 | Nuala Fashoyin | Emmanuel Pereira |
13 | Lyla Grech | Lincholn Thebridge |
14 | Janet Le | Shou Ye |
15 | Monte Sauvao | Patrick Grant |
16 | Zoe Brue | Ethan Littlewood |
17+ | Amelia Thompson | Aaron Pereira |
Multi Class | N/A | Daniel Lill |
As well as calculating the Age Champions for the carnival, the points system also determines the Champion House at the carnival. This Champion House is the house that has not only competitive, talented athletes, but who gets multiple athletes in each race and field event. Participation is vital in winning this award. Howard house was victorious this year winning the overall champion house trophy.
1st | MACKILLOP | 1053 |
2ND | MURRAY | 1028 |
3RD | HOWARD | 1011 |
4TH | AVILA | 758 |
Congratulations to Ms Armour and all of the Mackillop house who have been a force to reckon with in the sporting realm in 2024. Well done.
Round 6 - Semi Finals
Sport |
Result |
MVP | Short Report |
AFL Years 10-12 Boys MARP |
vs JTCC Loss 77-22 |
Mateo Andrews |
An absolute blistering start to the game with the boys taking an early lead of 18-6 however as JT grew into the game, their game went to another level taking a 24-18 lead into half time. The boys tried their hardest to compete however IT proved to be the superior side of the competition. Congratulations to all the boys involved. |
AFL Years 10-12 Girls ABRN |
vs THAC "Semi Final" Loss 17-7 |
Taylah Faiai | Congratulations to the girls AFL team. Although we did not come away with the win, the girls played with heart and soul and made THAC work for the win. This season has been tough for the girls as many of our players were unavailable due to exams. That did not stop us from recruiting some new talent, and teaching the girls how amazing AFL can be. A big shout out to my senior girls who never fail to perform. Taylah, Gemma, Bella, Mia A, & Janita. Next week we will play for 3rd position. Well done girls! |
Netball Years 7-8 Girls PONT |
vs MAG "Semi Final" |
Maliya Pupuke-Hona |
Despite what the final suggests, we did have Magdalene worried in the opening quarter of the game. With a consistent lead, the girls found momentum and thrived in their defence. Unfortunately, the game came away from us but was still an excellent display of skill and passion on the court. Maliya blew us away with her talent in the defence circle, well done! |
Netball Years 9-10 Girls BELT |
vs BAC 5th Place Playoff Win 25-20 |
Zoe Bruce |
What a way to finish the season! All the girls played their hearts out today and their grit and determination finally paid off. All parts of the court pulled their weight, getting much needed intercepts and finding space around the court to provide many options. Special mention goes to Zoe who played an amazing game as WD, taking many of our intercepts throughout the game. Thank you for an awesome season girls, the games may not have gone our way but you put in 110% every week! |
Softball Years 10-12 Girls HOBR
vs STP Draw 5-5 |
Smriti Pathania |
The MISA Senior Girls Softball team faced off against St. Patrick's in a hard-fought match on Tuesday afternoon. Key moments included Smriti's impressive catch, Rhianna and Jaimee’s exceptional play to tag out a runner at home, and Alisha’s batting, which helped two teammates run home. Despite the intense competition, the game had to revert to the first innings due to time constraints. The final score ended in a 5-5 draw, reflecting the closely matched teams’ effort. |
Football Years 7-9 Girls HEAS
vs JTCC "Semi Final" Won 3-0 |
Makeilah Langi |
Great performance again today in the Semi Final against John Terry to win 3-0. An early goal by Charlee Yule set the tone for the first half. Great defensive performance by Makeilah Langi to keep the score sheet at 0 after a number of attacking passages of play by the John Terry strikers. Looking forward to the Grand Final next week against MAC. |
Football Years 9-10 Boys BERB |
vs B AC "Semi Final" Win 3-1 |
Jayden Kurniawan |
After some sluggish weeks of just scraping by, today the boys really turned on the heat. They all appeared pretty pumped from the start to be playing in a semi-final. In the first half we didn’t quite capitalise on our chances and for the most part we were losing too many one-on-one battles in the middle of the park. Despite some solid defending from our main back 4, a late run into the box untracked and unmarked lead to BAC’s first goal. Walking into half-time, the boys didn’t want to give up. A few tweaks were made at half-time and some key reminders around certain phases of play left them in good stead for the second half. Immediately the boys started strongly, getting the ball in high areas and putting lots of pressure on their defence. Eventually, with a stroke of luck, Jayden put in a cross that floated in from the sideline and over the goal keepers head; his reaction told us it wasn’t intentional, but it was a catalyst for the team to shift into second gear. From here it was just total domination, battles were being won and BAC barely had any opportunities. Lots of good one-touch, two-touch football which led to two more goals. Special mention to Jayden Kurniawan scoring the first hat-trick of the season for MCCC. Well done gents! Onto the Grand-Final next week. |
As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website | https:/ |
Diocesan Sport News | Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here |
NSW CCC/CSNSW Sport News | Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. |
School Sport Australia Sport News | More School Sport Australia information can be found here |
MCCC & Community Service Announcements
A weekend experience for fathers and their teenage sons.
One of the most important influences in the lives of men is the relationship they had with their father or significant father figure. The encouragement and affirmation that this relationship could, and should, provide, is a key ingredient for how young men view themselves and embrace their faith and gifts as they take their place in the world.
Growing Good Men is an experientially-based program which encourages and enables fathers and sons to strengthen their relationship and to explore important issues of growing into manhood. It is designed for fathers and their adolescent sons aged 12 to 17 years (school years between 7 and 11).
Compass: Catholic Family Camping WeekendPlease see letter regarding School Opal Card use and the importance of tapping on and off every time.
Transit Systems school bus route timetable is available via this link. Contact phone number is 8118 7102. This timetable now in includes the Willowdale transit routes.
Enrolments 2024 Onwards
The CEDoW has transitioned to a new online enrolment platform, called Funnel, removing the use of all paper forms. Please take note, particularly for sibling applications. The online application form is accessible from the College website.
Social Media – Facebook & Instagram
Coming soon! Watch this space!