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- Principal's Report
- LIVE Festival 2019
- College Canteen Closures
- Diocesan Launch of World Mission Month
- College Sport at Mount Carmel
- MISA Sport Notices
- Diocesan Events / TRAILS - Term 3
- Uniform Shop
- Mary Immaculate Spring Fair - Saturday 19th October
- Growing Good Men - Father & Teenage Son Weekend Experience
- ACYF 2019
- Mount Carmel Netball Club

Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Mount Carmel,
Last Sunday’s Gospel included a story that is quite well known amongst Christians. It was the story of the prodigal son, sometimes also known as the story of the forgiving father or the story of the lost sons. Depending on how we look at this story, we will get a different perspective on its meaning. In the first instance, the son who feels that he has betrayed his father, goes through a process of reflection and remorse and then plans to beg his father for forgiveness. This is a journey to redemption. In the second instance, it is the story of a father who loves and forgives his child no matter what hurt they have caused him. In the third, it is the story of two sons who are lost to those around them for very different reasons but need love and care in order to live a healthy and happy life. Whatever the perspective, a common theme is around reflection on what has occurred and being able to communicate and care for others. As a community of faith, we must realise that actions have consequences but communication and care for all needs to be paramount in our thinking.
On Wednesday, Mr Teuma and four of our students travelled down to St John the Evangelist Catholic High School in Nowra for the launch of World Mission Month. There is an article on this later in this newsletter but it is worth noting that this starts a period of focus on those less fortunate. I thank Mr Teuma and the students for representing us at what included a very long trip.
On Thursday and Friday our Year 10 students attended the annual Gender Camp. This is where our young women and men are taken to different venues to discuss and reflect on issues around their own growth and how they interact with each other. Separating the students gives us a great opportunity to discuss these issues in a context that allows open dialogue. I thank the 14 staff who gave their time to lead this integral program to our students.
Our Year 11 students have been undertaking their Preliminary exams during this week. These exams have run very smoothly and this is a credit to the students and the staff in organising the process. With changes to HSC requirements, this is the last formal opportunity for an examination period for these students until the Trial HSC in term 3 next year. Once the exams are completed, I encourage the students to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses in this area and develop the necessary skills to improve. This will obviously be assisted by conversation with their teachers. Academic Reports on the Preliminary course will be distributed at the end of the course (which is the middle of term 4). For the first time, these reports will be completed in our new student management format on Compass. More information will be given on this as the reports come out. As a College, we have taken the opportunity to refine the information on these reports and they will look significantly different to our current reports. This new format will then be progressively rolled out by the First Semester reports next year.
Finally, good luck to our Year 12 students as they enter their last week of formal studies at school. We wish them the best for their farewell week and beyond.
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
LIVE FESTIVAL - which welcomes systemic and congregational students from Years 9 to 12 - combines worship, wisdom and encounters with Jesus in a festival experience. The popular event includes live music, a DJ, food trucks, merchandise stalls, games and activities. This year this Festival was held at the WIN Entertainment Centre.
Please click on the link below to view the article and photo gallery about the recently held LIVE Festival.
The College canteen will not be open for breakfast on Monday 23 September and will only be open at recess on Friday 27 September, it will be closed for lunch.
Diocesan Launch of World Mission Month
Diocesan Launch of World Mission Month – 18 September 2019
On Wednesday 18 September, students from Mount Carmel were presented with the opportunity to attend the Diocesan Launch of World Mission Month at Saint John the Evangelist Catholic High School, Nowra. The day started off with a 7:30am departure from school for what would be a 2 hour drive, filled with the music of the Beatles, Queen and Elton John (Mr Teuma’s *amazing* playlist). We arrived at the venue by 9:30am and were greeted by the students and their principal, Mrs Sandra Hogan. As we entered their hall, we were given the opportunity to use a virtual reality headset which allowed us to experience the initiatives of Catholic Mission in Ghana and observe the conditions at the Nazareth Home for God’s Children.
The mass began with an Indigenous performance as the acknowledgement of country which was truly exquisite and demonstrated a genuine sense of culture. Special guests included Fr Brian Lucas, the National Director of Catholic Mission, and Monsignor Thomas Ahoomoa, who spoke of the underprivileged conditions in Ghana and challenges encountered by the orphans, the impoverished, and the disabled. Monsignor Thomas Ahoomoa and Fr Brian Lucas presented each school of the diocese, across primary and secondary levels, with a traditional, hand-made musical instrument, the African Kiss Kass, as a token of appreciation. This instrument will be placed in our school library and showcased for all students to view.
The Gospel and Homily of the mass were centred around the story of Jesus healing the leper (Mark 1:40-45). This story related closely to the issue of Ghana and Sister Stan’s involvement in establishing inclusivity of children who are out casted from society due to their disabilities or becoming orphans. The Monsignor described that the children would say, “Look at the gift they got for us,” following their journeys overseas for surgeries that were unable to be conducted in Ghana. He expressed that the children remained selfless and considered their peers, as Sister Stan has been able to create a place of education, but also a home in which they experience a sense of belonging, security and love.
In saying this, we hope that if you come across an opportunity like this, do not ignore it. We encourage you to embrace it, taking the chance to experience the journey we did, including having a fun time while you’re at it. During this month, strive to make a difference in our local community to help make a positive impact in our world. In its simplest form, helping is kindness, and kindness is compassion, which Jesus taught us to demonstrate to our brothers and sisters.
Sonali Singh, Charmaine Marquinez, Noah Stuart, Brayden Quinn

Below are some general policies that the College enforces in regards to sport.
Student sport groups on Compass: Students are asked to check their Compass for their sport group allocation. This is now ‘locked in’ and unfortunately can not be changed as selections and changes are now closed. It is important that students attend the correct sport group to ensure that they are accounted for and supervised for the afternoon of sport. If they attend the incorrect group they will be marked as ‘absent’ from the group where they are supposed to be and this will affect their attendance record. Please make sure you are attending the correct group each week.
Also as mentioned at previous assemblies and meetings please ignore the large sport description on your Compass page (according to this every student is in Fit HQ and this is an error) . Refer to the code below this description for your sport allocation. If you have any questions please see Mrs Pontin at the Sports Office.
Leave from venue notes: A reminder that if students wish to leave from a venue they need to supply the Sport Coordinator. Notes can be signed at the sports office before, and up until, recess on Tuesday. A sample note is included below.
Date To Whom it May Concern, I (parent / guardian name) give permission for my son / daughter (child’s name) to not return to the College at the conclusion of sport this afternoon. Kind Regards,
(Parent / Guardian signature) (Contact Number) |
Any other notes on Tuesdays: If you are sick, injured or can’t participate in sport on a Tuesday you must have a signed note from your parent/guardian detailing the reason for non-participation. You must bring this note to Mrs Pontin (Sport Coordinator) during recess on Tuesday so an alternate plan can be arranged for you during sport time.
If students do not participate in the MISA sport program they are involved in the college’s Tuesday Recreational Sport program. This program offers students the opportunity to be active in a variety of different sports / activities either at school or in the local community. Students in Year 7 rotate with their house group through 4 different activities (a different activity each term). All other grades have the opportunity to elect what sport program they would like to participate in each term. This choice gives students the responsibility to be active according to their own interests, likes and strengths.
Students are asked to check the relevant sports noticeboard for their term 4 sport group in preparation for next term. Changes to sport groups can be made up until the end of term.
If you would like to change your term 4 sport group you are to see Mrs Pontin at the sports office at recess or lunch BEFORE the end of term. At times Mrs Pontin is on duty so if she isn’t there the first time please try again. NO CHANGES CAN BE MADE VIA EMAIL - because some changes aren’t possible due to student numbers and Mrs Pontin will need to discuss other options and alternatives for you.
If you have any questions please see Mrs Pontin or your Pastoral Advisor for clarification.
Mrs Tara Pontin (College Sport Coordinator)
Information for all MISA students is below.
Grand Final |
John Therry |
Eschol Park Football Field |
BUS - Please meet outside the sports office at 12:35pm. |
Term 4 MISA trials will be taking place DURING sport next Tuesday. If you are interested in trialing for a sport can you please complete the form below to express your interest.
MISA sports running in Term 4 include:
Yrs 7-9 Boys & Girls Oztag
Yrs 7-9 Boys Indoor Cricket
Yrs 7-9 Boys & Girls AFL 12's
Yrs 10-11 Mixed Frisbee
Yrs 10-11 Boys & Girls Volleyball
Yrs 7-9 Girls Softball
Students who are currently in a MISA team but don't want to trial for a term 4 sport will be in the MISA OVERFLOW group next Tuesday. These students are to meet outside the chapel at the end of lunch.
Any questions please see Mrs Pontin at the sports office on Monday.
Mrs Tara Pontin (College Sport Coordinator)
Read LessDiocesan Events / TRAILS - Term 3
Mount Carmel is a part of the Diocese of Wollongong so we compete in Diocesan Sporting events throughout the college year. At these events / carnivals, schools from the Diocese of Wollongong come together to compete for points towards the Vince Villa Trophy that is awarded to the Champion School at the end of the College year. Mount Carmel historically performs well at these Diocesan events and last year finished a close 3rd place overall in the Vince Villa Trophy.
Yrs 7-9 Boys Diocesan Cricket
Trial 1 - Tuesday 24 September
(after sport from 2:45pm - 3:30pm on Oval 1)
Yrs 7-9 and Yrs 10-11 Boys & Girls Diocesan Basketball
Junior Boys & Girls Trial 1 - Tuesday 24 September
(after sport from 2:45pm - 3:30pm on the basketball courts)
Senior Boys & Girls Trial 1 - Thursday 26 September
(lunchtime on the basketball courts)
Further info on these events:
More specific information including a program of events can be accessed via the link below:
Good luck to:
Blake Bolwell, Alexis Brunt, Nathaniel Calvelo, Nathan Cann, Tye Fepuleai, Matthew Galvin, Joey Gossayn, Ben Kaufusi and Jordan Darnley.
MC are cheering for you!
(To self-nominate and get approved for these events, students need to be competing at a representative level in their chosen sport).
Please refer to the information sheet provided by the Sports Coordinator for the process for individual student nominations for trials for NSWCCC events. All trial closing dates will be advertised in the newsletter and in the student weekly sport update emails. Students can register for events at any time.
MC SPORTING STARS - Bexleigh Sultana (Yr 9), Amber-Leigh Ferrari (Yr 10) and Bethany Ferrari (Yr 8) have had great success at a recent gymnastics event in the Gold Coast. Full article to be included in next week’s edition of the newsletter. Watch this space!
If you have experienced any recent sporting success please share it with us! The college wants to celebrate and congratulate you for your achievements.
Mrs Tara Pontin (College Sport Cordinator)
Our Annual General Meeting and Presentation night will be held on Friday 18 October 2019 starting at 6.30pm in the College library.
The 2020 committee will be voted in and pizza and drinks will be provided after the presentation. We hope to see all players and their families on the night.