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Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Mount Carmel,
Last Sunday marked the start of the Advent Season for the Catholic Church. This season is the season of preparation for the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Whilst many of our students may be winding down for the holidays, and families are being involved in the planning and preparation of Christmas festivities, it is timely to stop and reflect on the gift that we are given in the person of Jesus Christ. Each Sunday, another candle on the Christmas Wreath will be lit as a way of reminding us that our preparation is on-going and has a deeper purpose. As a community, we come together to support one another spiritually, physically and emotionally and we gain our strength from Jesus Christ. With only eight days of school left and some 19 days left until Christmas, we are each challenged to slow ourselves down at this time of year to help us focus on what is important.
Over the past week especially, we have had some difficult environmental experiences with the thick smoke that has settled in the Macarthur. I thank the staff, students and parents for your understanding when we have had to cancel certain outdoor activities to ensure heath and safety. The College will always consider and act, on advisories from health authorities, the Catholic Education Office and the government. As is always the case, parents are reminded that where appropriate, students should remain at home when parents have significant concerns about their health or safety. I ask at this time that we keep all families affected by the fires and smoke in our thoughts and prayers.
Over the last few weeks our students have been involved in a number of Social Justice initiatives in the College. These initiative have included donations of items to Christmas hampers and toiletries for those disadvantaged within our community. We have invited representatives of the appropriate charities to collect these items and distribute them where appropriate. I thank the students and staff for their overwhelming generosity and consideration of others in the leadup to Christmas.
Today our Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) students and staff left for the major gathering held in Perth. This is the culmination of a lengthy preparation process for this event and marks another stage in the spiritual development and ministry of our youth leaders. Once again I thank the students who have committed to taking on this role and to Ms Toogood and Mr Withnall for your work with the students and accompanying them to Perth.
On Tuesday evening, we held our 19th annual Creative Arts Night. The number of parents and friends who turned out for this night was impressive as was the standard of artwork that was on display. Congratulations for all our students for the variety of art that was produced and for the staff who not only set up the night, but have guided and advised these students over many months. Congratulations also to the winners of the various categories.
As this is one of our last newsletters for 2019, I would like to inform our community of a number of staff who are leaving us at the end of the year. As you would already be aware, Mr Badollato and Mr Sligar have already moved on to promotion positions in other schools. Ms Lee, Mr Daniels and Mr Mealing are completing temporary contracts, Mr Flannery and Mr Donohoe will be moving to other schools and Ms. Payne and Mrs McIntosh will be retiring. We will say our farewells from the community over the next few weeks and I thank all of these people for their service and being such strong members of our community. In next week’s newsletter, I will also list the new staff who will be joining us from 2020.
Ite in VeritateMr Steve Lo Cascio
Advanced notice - the Relics of St Therese and her parents will be visiting Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish and Mount Carmel Catholic College during January & February next year. Please be aware of dates as they become available.
Final standings and results for the Term 4 MISA competition will be outlined in the newsletter next week.
ANNUAL MCCC SPORTS AWARDS - Tuesday 10 December 2019 (Week 9)
The end of the College year is fast approaching and I want to take this opportunity to advertise the Annual MCCC Sports Awards that will be taking place on Tuesday 10 December 2019. These awards will allow the College community to celebrate the sporting success of our students across a variety of contexts; MISA teams and Most Valued Players, Recreational Sport participants, CCC teams, Diocesan medallion winners and College carnival Age Champions. There will be special sporting guests joining us for the afternoon as well as presentations to relive the ups and downs of the college carnivals and sport at MCCC this year.
Parents / guardians are welcome to join us for the afternoon. Students receiving major awards (Age Champions and CCC recognition) will be notified via mail in the coming weeks. All other award winners will be notified at school and asked to inform parents. We hope to see you there to celebrate the 2019 sporting successes.
** Please note that the 2019 Sportsperson of the Year for each year level will be presented on the day of our major awards ceremony in week 10.
Mrs Tara Pontin (College Sport Coordinator)
Read LessMount Carmel is a part of the Diocese of Wollongong so we compete in Diocesan Sporting events throughout the college year. At these events / carnivals, schools from the Diocese of Wollongong come together to compete for points towards the Vince Villa Trophy that is awarded to the Champion School at the end of the College year. Mount Carmel historically performs well at these Diocesan events and last year finished a close 3rd place overall in the Vince Villa Trophy.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS NSW SPORT (formerly known as Catholic Schools Sport Services) UPDATES
Any student who require assistance nominating for the following sports please see Mrs Pontin ASAP.
Opens Boys and Girls Softball - closing date 7 February 2020
Triathlon (Team and Individual) - closing date 19 February 2020
Any student who require assistance nominating for the following sports please see Mrs Pontin ASAP.
Further info can be found at for only a short while longer before the change
MCCC College Sporting Stars - WATCH THIS SPACE!
Opening days for Term 1, 2020
Monday 3 February - 2.30pm - 4pm
Monday 2 March - 2.30pm - 4pm
Monday 6 April - 2.30pm - 4pm
10am, 21 December at Holy Trinity Church - 57 Guernsey Avenue, Minto. Contact Sister Kerry on 9605 1838 for any enquiries.