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- Principal's Report
- 2020 Pilgrimage of St. Therese and her parents St Louis and Zelie Martin
- College Fees
- New Willowdale and Emerald Hills Bus Service
- College Sport at Mount Carmel
- MISA Sport Notices
- Diocesan Events - Term 1
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- Identifying and Building Learning Strengths
- Mount Carmel Netball Club

Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Mount Carmel,
Welcome back to what we anticipate will be another great year for the Mount Carmel Catholic College community.
At our Opening College Mass on Friday, we were blessed to have present the relics of St Therese of Lisieux and her parents St. Marie-Azélie Guérin (Zellie) Martin and St. Louis Martin. The relics are a physical connection to people that the church have declared as living lives so exceptional that they are publicly recognised as being in heaven. As I stated to the students at our opening assembly, we rarely get the opportunity to be in the physical presence of recognised saints and this may assist in focussing our thoughts and prayers toward Jesus Christ. Saints are often asked to intercede on our behalf in our conversations with Jesus. I thank the College community for their reverence during this mass and especially thank Mrs Meharg, our Religious Education Coordinator, Mr Pleitikosa (Assistant REC), Ms Dyball, Mr Follett (musical directors) and Mr Withnall (sound) for all their work in preparing for the mass and inclusion of the relics.
Whilst there was a great deal of time for rest and relaxation over the Christmas break, we also keep in mind a number of our families who have experienced loss and hardship. We had the sad news of the passing of one of our Year 10 students, Kieran Clothier in December. Many of our students and staff came together for his funeral which was a lovely celebration of a very valuable life. I am aware of a number of other families who have lost close relatives and I ask you to keep Kieran and all these families in your prayers.
At the end of 2019, we received some notable HSC results that have reinforced the excellent work that is contributed by our students and staff. With over 80% of our subjects achieving averages above the state average and more that 10% of all courses attempted achieving a band 6 (mark over 90%), our College rose in rank from number 200 in the state in 2018 to number 162 in 2019. Whilst it would be an understatement to say that we were very proud of our students, it is important to recognise the hard work that many of them and their staff had contributed over the full six years whilst at the College. I remind all students that whilst success is measured in many different ways (not just HSC results), the common factor is hard work and routine. As we start the College year, I ask all students to learn from these successes and continue the hard work and the development of routines.
In 2020, we have a number of new staff appointments. Ms Shiela Antal (English), Ms Jenny Nguyen (English), Ms Josephine Jefferies (RE/HSIE), Mrs Ingy Mikhail (SSO-Finance), Ms Belinda Brooks (Canteen) and Ms Samantha Cook (SSSO – job share), Ms Stefanie Vidovic (PDHPE) and Ms Nicola Calka (English). There will be two further staff announced in the coming weeks. I welcome all of these new staff to the Mount Carmel family and look forward to working with them into the future.
Over the coming weeks, I will be distributing summaries of the College Improvement Plan for the next few years. We will be focusing on four main areas within the three categories of Mission & Catholicity, Learning & Teaching, and People & Culture. I ask that you consider this information as it comes through as there will be opportunities for your feedback which will be very much appreciated.
We have a number of evenings coming up to which parents will be invited. On February 5, Year 11 will be having an information evening to begin their senior studies. Our first Parents and Friends’ meeting is scheduled for February 11 and our Year 7 Meet and Greet evening is on February 19. I encourage you to attend these evenings where appropriate.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Finance Information
Welcome to Mount Carmel Catholic College 2020.
We have had a number of questions regarding the College Fees. These are currently being processed and we will endeavour to have them emailed to you by week 3-4.
Once the College Fees have been emailed or posted to families please note that the annual invoice is a 30 day account only.
Families must complete a School Fee Agreement form and return to the College prior to the expiry of 30 days.
If you have an existing agreement, you are required to send in an amended School Fee agreement form.
The Diocesan School Fee Management Policy and School Fee Agreements are available from the College website.
On the website go to Our College → College Fees → Fee Calculator
Diocesan School Fee Agreement Form
Alternatively you can access these documents from the College Administration office. A School Fee Calculator on the College website can assist with calculation of the payment required to meet your commitment.
Please note that families of a Year 12 student who is their last child attending the College are required to have their fees finalised by Friday, 25 September.
Families who are experiencing financial hardship may apply for Fee Concession by contacting the College Finance Office on 8796 2405 to obtain an application form.
Welcome back to the 2020 college year. Mount Carmel Catholic College has a strong sporting culture that has evolved overtime through the successes and triumphs of our past and present students and staff. We have a team mentality here at the college that promotes participation, inclusivity, opportunity and movement. It is with this approach that we have achieved impressive results on a college, MISA and Diocesan and NSWCCC level.
There are many exciting sporting activities and initiatives that will be offered to all students throughout the college year with the overarching aim to get our students moving, passionate about health and loving physical activity. These initiatives will be mentioned in this newsletter each week, as well as emailed to all students in a weekly sports update. The Compass App will also have important information uploaded regarding College carnivals, cancellations, training sessions etc. I look forward to meeting all of the new parents / guardians to the College and working with their children in the sporting realm.
Below are some general policies that the College enforces in regards to sport.
Leave from venue notes: A reminder that if students wish to leave a venue they need to supply the Sport Coordinator with a note prior to Tuesday. A sample note is included below.
Date To Whom it May Concern, I (parent / guardian name) give permission for my son / daughter (child’s name) to not return to the College at the conclusion of sport this afternoon. Kind Regards, (Parent / Guardian signature) (Contact Number) |
Any other notes on Tuesdays: If you are sick, injured or cannot participate on a Tuesday you must have a signed note from your parent/guardian detailing the reason for non-participation. You must bring this note to Mrs Pontin (Sport Coordinator) so an alternate plan can be arranged for you during sport time.
2020 Mount Carmel Catholic College Swimming Carnival
Compulsory event for all Year 7 and 12 students and expressions of interest from competitive swimmers in Years 8-11.
If you are in Year 7 and want to be involved in the activities on the day but are not a competitive swimmer that is ok! If you want to be there - we want your there!
All other attendees (with the exception of Year 12 who will be assisting for part of the carnival) must write their name down on the lists outside the sports office. These students are expected to be competitive swimmers (participating in races) with the aim to potentially make the Diocesan Swim Team.
Date: Thursday 27 February 2020 (week 5)
Venue: Bradbury Swimming Pool (21 The Parkway, Bradbury)
Transport: All Year 7 students will be transported to and from the swimming pool by bus. All Year 8-12 students who attend the carnival will be required to arrange their own transport to and from the carnival. If transport can not be arranged, please see Mrs Pontin ASAP so transport can be organised. Times and finer details are outlined on the permission note.
Parents / guardians, family and friends are welcome to spectate on the day. ONLY OFFICIALS AND STAFF WILL BE REQUIRED ON THE POOL DECK. All spectators are asked to set up outside the pool gate.
SEEKING PARENT HELPERS: Please email or phone the Sport Coordinator if you would like to have an official role on the day
All permission notes have been distributed to Year 7 and 12 students. These are due back to Pastoral Advisors ASAP. All other notes (Years 8-11) will be issued in the coming weeks.
If students do not participate in the MISA sport program they are involved in the college’s Tuesday Recreational Sport program. This program offers students the opportunity to be active in a variety of different sports / activities either at school or in the local community. Students in Year 7 rotate with their house group through 4 different activities (a different activity each term). All other grades have the opportunity to elect what sport program they would like to participate in each term. This choice gives students the responsibility to be active according to their own interests, likes and strengths.
All Tuesday Recreational Sport groups have now been finalised and added to the timetable and NO CHANGES CAN BE MADE - unfortunately students who did not take the time to complete their sport choices last year (Years 8-11) have been placed into an appropriate sport group for each term. Please check the relevant sports noticeboard and compass for your sport group in preparation for next Tuesday.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are still experiencing some technical difficulties with Compass and the sport description showing for students. Can I please ask that students refer to the sports noticeboard for the correct sport group / activity and ignore the compass description at this stage. Hopefully we can rectify the issue ASAP as I know this makes things confusing.
House Group |
Term 1 |
What to bring |
AVILA (Yellow) YR 7 Students |
Swimming and Survival Skills (Bus to Macquarie Fields Swimming Pool) **This program won’t commence until Tuesday 12th February. Students are to meet outside the library at the end of lunch on Tuesday for an introduction to the swim program. |
Hat Drink Bottle Swimmers Goggles Towel |
HOWARD (Blue) YR 7 Students |
College Team Sports and Round Robin (School Oval) |
Hat Drink Bottle |
MACKILLOP (Green) YR 7 Students |
Gymnastics and Fitness Games (Macquarie Fields Gymnastics Centre) |
Hat Drink Bottle Towel |
MURRAY (Red) YR 7 Students |
AFL and Football Games (School Oval) |
Hat Drink Bottle |
Year 7 - What will I need to bring and where to I go for Tuesday Sport?
Details/Equipment required |
Meeting point/Venue |
Travel Method |
Swimming / Survival Skills |
Level based swim program Swimmers, towel, plastic bag, goggles & swimming cap optional. |
Meet: 12.40pm Basketball Courts Venue: Macquarie Fields Leisure Centre (Pool) NB: Except for week 2. Program commences in week 3. |
Bus |
Gymnastics |
Movement Skills Water bottle & towel |
Meet: 12.40pm Basketball Courts Venue: Macquarie Fields Indoor Sports Centre |
Bus |
College Team sports and Games |
Skills & Competition Hat, Water bottle & towel |
Meet: 1.05pm in J5 Venue: School grounds |
At School |
AFL and NRL |
Intro AFL and NRL program Hat, Water bottle & towel |
Meet: 1.05pm in J1 Venue: Oval 2 School grounds |
At School |
Mrs Tara Pontin (College Sport Coordinator)
Each year Mount Carmel competes in the MISA competition across a range of different sports. These sports change per term depending on the sporting season and what is offered to particular students.
The term 1 MISA trials will take place next Tuesday 4th February DURING sport time. If students are interested in trialling for one of the teams listed below, they are to write their name down on the lists outside the sports office before Tuesday. Thank you to those who have already completed this process.
Once trials are complete, team lists will be posted on the sports office window and the term 1 MISA competition will commence on Tuesday 11 February. Good luck to all of those students trialling for a MISA team this term.
Sport |
Year Level |
Trial Information |
Venue and Transport Information |
Girls and Boys Oztag |
Yrs 10-12 |
Students are to meet on the oval steps at 1:05pm |
Kooringa Reserve - Walk to venue |
Boys Softball |
Yrs 7-9 |
Students are to meet on the oval steps at 1:05pm |
Kooringa Reserve - Walk to venue |
Girls and Boys Volleyball |
Yrs 7-9 |
Students are to meet on the volleyball courts at 1:05pm |
Outdoor volleyball courts - Walk to venue |
Girls and Boys (no trials for the boys - Marist Team) Basketball |
Yrs 10-12 |
Meet outside the sports office at 12:35pm |
Minto Indoor Sports Stadium - Bus to venue |
Girls Indoor Cricket |
Yrs 7-9 |
Students are to meet outside the chapel at 1:05pm |
College Cricket Nets - Walk to venue |
Girls Hockey |
Yrs 7-9 |
Students are to meet on the oval steps |
Kooringa Reserve - Walk to venue |
Mount Carmel is a part of the Diocese of Wollongong so we compete in Diocesan Sporting events throughout the college year. At these events / carnivals, schools from the Diocese of Wollongong come together to compete for points towards the Vince Villa Trophy that is awarded to the Champion School at the end of the college year. Mount Carmel historically performs well at these Diocesan events and last year finished a close 3rd place overall in the Vince Villa Trophy.
Below is information for the upcoming Diocesan events in term 1:
Term 1 Diocesan Team Information / Trials
NB: A second trial will only be organised if required. Students must attend the first trial to be considered for the team.
Term 1 |
Event |
Date |
Teams / Coaches |
Trial Information |
Boys Touch |
Wednesday 19 February (Week 4) |
13’s - DONB 15’s - BOWS (need to confirm) Opens - KING |
#1 Tuesday 4 February (Week 2) AFTER sport on Oval 1. #2 Tuesday 11 February (Week 3) AFTER sport on Oval 1. |
Boys & Girls Tennis |
Thursday 20 February (Week 4) |
Boys - MACG (need to confirm) Girls - HILC / HANA (need to confirm) |
#1 Tuesday 4 February (Week 2) DURING sport at Leumeah Tennis Courts. #2 Tuesday 11 February (Week 3) DURING sport at Leumeah Tennis Courts. |
Girls Touch |
Monday 2 March (Week 6) |
13’s - DONB 15’s - HUNS (need to confirm) Opens - PONT |
#1 Tuesday 4 February (Week 2) AFTER sport on Oval 2. #2 Tuesday 11 February (Week 3) AFTER sport on Oval 2. |
Swimming |
Friday 13 March (Week 7) |
Manager - MOOT / ASUM (need to confirm) Manager - TEUD (need to confirm) |
Team is selected from the College Swimming Carnival which is on Thursday 27 February (Week 5) |
Rugby League Selection Trials |
Wednesday 18 March (Week 8) |
Selector - HARK Selector - HUNS |
Students attend trials via individual nominations. Previously this process was via a Google form. |
Boys Football |
Wednesday 1 April (Week 10) |
13’s - DALR Yrs 7-10 Pathway - KING |
#1 Tuesday 18 February (Week 4) AFTER sport on Oval 1. #2 Tuesday 25 February (Week 5) AFTER sport on Oval 1. |
Girls Football |
Wednesday 1 April (Week 10) |
13’s - BARM Yrs 7-9 Pathway - TOOR |
#1 Tuesday 18 February (Week 4) AFTER sport on Oval 2. #2 Tuesday 25 February (Week 5) AFTER sport on Oval 2. |
Further info on these events:
(To self-nominate and get approved for these events, students need to be competing at a representative level in their chosen sport).The process has changed slightly for students to nominate and register for individual trials. If you are interested in finding out more about these pathways, please come and see Mrs Pontin at the sports office.
Cricket (Boys) U19’s - Closing date 12 February 2020
Cricket (Girls) Opens - Closing date 12 February 2020
** Year 7 students are not eligible.
Softball (Boys and Girls) - Closing date 15 February 2019
** Year 7 students are not eligible.
Triathlon (Team and Individual) - Closing date 29 February 2020
To explore and find out more information regarding registration and trials please visit the following website: