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- Principal's Report
- Postponement of Avila & Howard Working Bee
- 2020 Mount Carmel Cross Country Carnival
- Aladdin
- Uniform Shop - Winter Fittings
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- 2019 HSC High Achievers Presentation at Campbelltown Council
- Project Compassion
- College Fees
- MISA Sport Notices
- College Sport at Mount Carmel
- Diocesan Events - Term 1
- Lenten Penance & Obligations
- Safe Talk
- Mount Carmel Netball Club

Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Mount Carmel,
Last Sunday’s Gospel was the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. This was the moment when He went up to the mountain top and His clothes were transformed and the voice of God stated “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”. The message here is one which is repeated a number of times throughout the Gospel when even Jesus Himself tells us that the way to the father is through Him and we need to follow His guidance in our lives. Within this Gospel however, there is a second phrase that Jesus makes to His disciples: “Don’t be afraid”. As Catholics and people who follow the message of Jesus, it is this second phrase which fills us with hope and joy. In our lives we can constantly be comforted by the knowledge that God is with us. Whilst it is important to be cautious and careful with our decisions, if we follow the message of Jesus, we have no need to be afraid.
Last Tuesday evening, the Parents and Friends Association held their Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, the P&F Executive presented a report on 2019 and were thanked for their tireless and consistent support. Following this, elections were held for the 2020 executive team. I congratulate the following parents who were elected unopposed:
- President, Ms Stephanie Jenkins
- Vice President, Mr Damian Calderbank
- Treasurer, Ms Kelly Calderbank
- Diocesan Delegate, Alex Dziubinski
The positions of Secretary and second Vice President remain unfilled and will be readvertised at the next meeting. At the meeting which followed the AGM, I requested the P&F support a number of financial requests from the College. They have very generously agreed to a number of these including the provision of a Catholic Care Counsellor one day per week to assist with student counselling. There were a number of other requests which will be outlined in future newsletters. I thank the P&F for their ongoing support and providing a forum for discussion.
Once again a reminder that the working bee which was scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled. I apologise if this decision has caused any inconvenience. We will look for a possible new date in Term 2.
As most of our community is aware, we have been reminded in the news in recent weeks of the spread of the coronavirus around the world. Over the past week, the students have been reminded of safe practices around handwashing and sneezing handwashing. We have placed hand sanitizer in a number of places around the College including Student Services, Year Coordinator offices and the Library as well as ensuring the toilets have adequate soap. I can assure all parents that whilst we are cautious, we have been advised to continue as normal and we are following all advice from the NSW Ministry of Health and Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong.
Consistent with current guidelines, children, students and staff who are unwell with respiratory illness should remain at home until symptoms resolve. In accordance with our current practice if any student becomes unwell we will implement our infection control guidelines and follow the advice provided by the NSW Ministry of Health as appropriate.
For more information, visit NSW Health. Maintaining good hygiene standards is an important way to reduce the risk of acquiring and spreading respiratory infections. I ask all families to be aware of requirements for self-isolation or seeking medical support especially if you intend to travel through infected areas during the Easter holidays.
Once more, a reminder that enrolments for Year 7 2021 are currently being accepted at the College Office. The closing date for these applications is Friday April 3.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Postponement of Avila & Howard Working Bee
Unfortunately the Avila & Howard Working Bee on Sunday, 15 March is postponed. As such, the Second Hand Uniform Shop will not be open on this day.
2020 Mount Carmel Cross Country Carnival
The 2020 College Cross Country Carnival is on the last day of term - Thursday 9 April 2020 (Week 11). More specific details will follow in the coming weeks, but we wanted to advertise to parents / guardians that this College carnival has an early finishing time.
Year 12 students will be dismissed at 1:45pm to avoid congestion and traffic in the student / parent parking area.
All other students (Years 7-11) will be dismissed at 2:00pm.
If students are unable to make arrangements to accommodate this early finish time, staff supervision will be available at the College until normal afternoon buses arrive.

Opening days for Term 1, 2020
- Monday 6 April - 2.30pm - 4pm
- Monday 4 May - 2.30pm - 4pm
Please note that there are no EFTPOS facilities. Cash or cheques only.
In Cambodia, 1 in 8 people live below the poverty line.
This week through Project Compassion we learn about Phany (pronounded Parn-ee).
Struggling to earn a living as a farmer in Cambodia, Phany was forced to leave her daughter behind in the village to take up construction work in the city.
Thankfully, through a Caritas funded program, Phany learnt new farming techniques which enabled her to get a better yield from her vegetable crops and to conserve water in her drought-stricken region. Phany’s community also took part in training in health, nutrition, hygiene and disaster preparedness, arming them with better strategies to cope with environmental changes. Watch a short film about Phany’s story.
Let’s Go Further, Together! Please support the Project Compassion:
Finance Information
Please note that the annual invoice is a 30 day account only. Families must complete a School Fee Agreement form and return to the College prior to 17 March.
If you have an existing agreement, you are required to send in an amended School Fee agreement form.
The Diocesan School Fee Management Policy and School Fee Agreements are available from the College website.
On the website go to Our College → College Fees → Fee Calculator
Diocesan School Fee Agreement Form
Alternatively you can access these documents from the College Administration office. A School Fee Calculator on the College website can assist with calculation of the payment required to meet your commitment.
Please note that families of a Year 12 student who is their last child attending the College are required to have their fees finalised by Friday, 25 September.
Families who are experiencing financial hardship may apply for Fee Concession by contacting the College Finance Office on 8796 2405 to obtain an application form.
Round 5 Results vs St Benedict’s
Sport |
Opposition |
Result |
Yrs 10-12 Boys Oztag |
St Benedict’s |
MCCC WIN 11-5 |
Yrs 10-12 Girls Oztag |
St Benedict’s |
MCCC WIN 4-2 |
Yrs 7-9 Boys Softball |
St Benedict’s |
SBCC WIN 11-3 |
Yrs 7-9 Boys Volleyball |
St Benedict’s |
MCCC WIN 3-0 |
Yrs 7-9 Girls Volleyball |
St Benedict’s |
MCCC WIN 3-0 |
Yrs 10-12 Boys Basketball |
St Benedict’s |
MCCC WIN 71-11 |
Yrs 10-12 Girls Basketball |
St Benedict’s |
MCCC WIN 65-6 |
Yrs 7-9 Girls Indoor Cricket |
St Benedict’s |
MCCC WIN 65-14 |
Yrs 7-9 Girls Hockey |
St Benedict’s |
DRAW 0-0 |
Round 6 (Semis / Finals) Information - Tuesday 17 March 2020 (Week 8)
Sport |
Opposition |
Venue |
Transport Information |
Yrs 10-12 Boys & Girls Oztag |
Victoria Park - Minto |
BUS TO VENUE - Please meet outside the sports office at 12:35pm. |
Yrs 7-9 Boys Softball |
Cowpasture Road - Camden |
BUS TO VENUE - Please meet outside the sports office at 12:35pm. |
Yrs 7-9 Boys & Girls Volleyball |
Champagnat Centre |
Please meet outside the Champagnat Centre at 12:35pm. |
Yrs 10-12 Boys & Girls Basketball |
Minto Indoor Sports Stadium |
BUS TO VENUE - Please meet outside the sports office at 12:35pm. |
Yrs 7-9 Girls Indoor Cricket |
National Indoor Sports Centre |
BUS TO VENUE - Please meet outside the sports office at 12:35pm. |
Yrs 7-9 Girls Hockey |
Narellan Hockey Fields |
BUS TO VENUE - Please meet outside the sports office at 12:35pm. |
Below are some general policies that the College enforces in regards to sport.
Leave from venue notes: A reminder that if students wish to leave a venue they need to supply the Sport Coordinator with a note prior to Tuesday. A sample note is included below.
Date To Whom it May Concern, I (parent / guardian name) give permission for my son / daughter (child’s name) to not return to the College at the conclusion of sport this afternoon. Kind Regards, (Parent / Guardian signature) (Contact Number) |
Any other notes on Tuesdays: If you are sick, injured or cannot participate on a Tuesday you must have a signed note from your parent/guardian detailing the reason for non-participation. You must bring this note to Mrs Pontin (Sport Coordinator) so an alternate plan can be arranged for you during sport time.
2020 Mount Carmel Catholic College Athletics Carnival
WATCH THIS SPACE - The 2020 College Athletics Carnival is fast approaching. Students received a letter on Monday for parents / guardians. NB: This letter only needs to be returned if students require transport.
Some minor details are outlined below:
Date: Monday 23 March 2020 (Week 9)
Venue: Campbelltown Athletics Stadium - Leumeah
Roll Call Time: Students are to be at the stadium no later than 8:30am for roll call.
Dismissal: The carnival will conclude at 3:00pm. Students will not be permitted to leave the carnival early unless signed out by a parent / guardian (please note if sign out occurs before 2:00pm, a partial absence will result).
Transport: Students are to arrange their own way to and from the carnival. If transport can not be arranged, students are to indicate this on the note they will receive in Pastoral on Monday.
Student drop off: Students are not to be dropped off on Pembroke Rd because it is extremely dangerous at that time of morning. Parents / guardians are asked to drop their child/ren off in the Wests Leagues car park where they can walk up to the stadium safely. For year 12 students who are driving, you are to park in the commuter car park off Airds Rd and utilise the yellow foot bridge. Please don’t park in the Wests Tennis Club carpark. Cars will be towed if using this facility. A flyer has been included in this report for your reference.
Uniform: Full College sports uniform. Students are encouraged to bring house coloured clothing to change into for the carnival festivities.
If students do not participate in the MISA sport program they are involved in the college’s Tuesday Recreational Sport program. This program offers students the opportunity to be active in a variety of different sports / activities either at school or in the local community. Students in Year 7 rotate with their house group through 4 different activities (a different activity each term). All other grades have the opportunity to elect what sport program they would like to participate in each term. This choice gives students the responsibility to be active according to their own interests, likes and strengths.
All Tuesday Recreational Sport groups have now been finalised and added to the timetable and NO CHANGES CAN BE MADE - unfortunately students who did not take the time to complete their sport choices last year (Years 8-11) have been placed into an appropriate sport group for each term. Please check the relevant sports noticeboard and compass for your sport group in preparation for next Tuesday.
Mount Carmel is a part of the Diocese of Wollongong so we compete in Diocesan Sporting events throughout the college year. At these events / carnivals, schools from the Diocese of Wollongong come together to compete for points towards the Vince Villa Trophy that is awarded to the Champion School at the end of the college year. Mount Carmel historically performs well at these Diocesan events and last year finished a close 3rd place overall in the Vince Villa Trophy.
Below is information for the upcoming Diocesan events in term 1:
Term 1 Diocesan Team Information / Trials
NB: A second trial will only be organised if required. Students must attend the first trial to be considered for the team.
Term 1 |
Event |
Date |
Teams / Coaches |
Trial Information |
Rugby League Selection Trials |
Wednesday 18 March (Week 8) The bus departs MCCC at 7:00am sharp. |
Selector - HARK |
Students attend trials via individual nominations. Notes have been issued to successful nominees and these are due back before the selection date. |
Boys Football |
Wednesday 1 April (Week 10) Thursday 30 April (Week 1) |
13’s - DALR Yrs 7-10 Pathway - KING Opens - KRIP |
All trials have taken place, team lists are on the sports office window and notes have been issued. These are due back before the carnival date. |
Girls Football |
Wednesday 1 April (Week 10) Friday 1 May (Week 1) |
13’s - BARM Yrs 7-9 Pathway - TOOR Opens - HARR |
All trials have taken place, team lists are on the sports office window and notes have been issued. These are due back before the carnival date. |
Further info on these events:
(To self-nominate and get approved for these events, students need to be competing at a representative level in their chosen sport).The process has changed slightly for students to nominate and register for individual trials. If you are interested in finding out more about these pathways, please come and see Mrs Pontin at the sports office.
2020 Registration Closing Dates:
(NB: All registrations close at 12am on the closing date)
Opens Boys & Girls Hockey - closes 16 March
Opens Boys & Girls Golf - 18 March
U12's - Opens Boys & Girls Diving - 27 March
U14's Boys AFL - 27 April
To explore and find out more information regarding registration and trials please visit the following website:
Students who already have a CCC account will need to create a new account through CSNSW.
MCCC Sporting Stars
If you have had some recent sporting success we want to hear about it! Please contact Mrs Pontin via email (
Mrs Tara Pontin
College Sport Coordinator
Looking to get fit while enjoying a great sport and making new friends? Netball might just be the sport for you! Mount Carmel Netball Club is looking for players to complete our 13 years team for the 2020 season. Come on … you know you want to!
Please contact Cathy Baird on 0413 496 919 or Jeanette Sirec on 0412 427 546 for more information.