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Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Mount Carmel,
Today we celebrated our annual feast of Champagnat Day. Unfortunately, our normal festivities were subdued by the restrictions around COVID. In a normal year, our community would come together to celebrate mass, recognise special milestones and the students would then be treated to a carnival atmosphere where we would have rides and stalls topped off by a student concert. With the inability to join as one this year, we lost some of the community spirit that would normally accompany this day. It did however give us the opportunity to highlight the importance of our Marist characteristics. These five characteristics; Simplicity, Presence, In the way of Mary, Love of work and Family Spirit are lived day in and day out throughout our community. This morning the students watched a video prepared by Br Tony Leon which showed the history of Marists and the way that they share their gifts around the world today. St Marcellin believed that Christ’s mission needed to be lived out and that people needed to stretch out the hand of help to those in need. This is particularly hard within our current pandemic but we might show this care and concern more for those closer to us. Today is a reminder that each of the characteristics can still be basic to what we do even though our own circumstances might be restricted.
I continue to be lifted by the smiles and the happy greetings of the students I pass throughout the day. Many are still very happy and grateful to be back at school but it is obvious that they are also keen to get back to their full routines. Please continue to encourage your children to maintain good social distancing and hygiene practices. We will continue to review our expectations in line with health warnings and advice from the Catholic Education Office. As restrictions ease, we will also begin to allow more activities on the College site. Students and parents are asked to please keep up to date with expectations and assist us in upholding these.
Over the past week, a number of the College leadership team have been in the parent carpark before and after school. With far greater numbers of parents choosing to transport their children to school, there is greater congestion on Spitfire Dr and in the carparks at the College. Parents and students are reminded to take care on Spitfire Dr and observe all road rules. Please be mindful that there are in excess of 1,130 students attending Mount Carmel and a further 110 staff. This means large foot traffic and cars and buses converging on the site for short periods of time. Please be mindful and courteous of others. You are also reminded that parents are to use the parent carpark when dropping off or collecting your children. Only parents with permits issued by the College should be driving past the parent carpark. This is especially for the safety of all children on site. I have also noted that by 3:35 pm, the parent carpark is virtually empty and there is little to no traffic on Spitfire Dr. There is still supervision at this time so perhaps delay your pickup for 10 minutes.
Earlier this week, The Director and I sent a join letter to all parents advising how fee concessions could be applied for. If you require this, please feel free to apply through the Catholic Education Office. As previously advised, we are currently working out which excursions etc have been cancelled and will credit these costs back to parents. These will be included in future fee statements. Some of these will not be finalised until the current lockdowns are lifted as the timing of this will impact future cancellations.
Whilst public masses have been resumed over the last few days, they have restricted numbers. Bishop Brian Mascord has continued the YouTube channel where the faithful can watch him celebrate mass with us, and on our behalf. The link to this mass is here. Please log into this site each weekend and join Bishop Brian online for the celebration of the Eucharist.
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
As the COVID19 situation continues to evolve, I would like to once again remind parents and students to inform the College should any student be advised by their doctor to be tested for COVID19. We ask that you advise the front office as soon as a test has been requested or administered, and then once again once the result is known. As per NSW Health advice, it is essential that anyone who has been tested, remains at home in isolation until a negative result is returned.
After a great deal of discussion, we have decided to gradually ease our restrictions on the use of sporting equipment during recess and lunch times as well as in PDHPE practical lessons and Tuesday afternoon sport. Students will be permitted to once again bring their own footballs, soccer balls and basketballs from Tuesday for use on the College ovals and courts. At this point, handball will not be permitted in the quad. In reintroducing these activities, we have sourced additional portable hand sanitisation stations that all students will be encouraged to use both prior to, and following, any activity.
This week has seen an increase in the number of students who have caught buses from the College of an afternoon which has resulted in a slight easing of some of the traffic congestion of an afternoon along Spitfire Drive. I would once again stress the importance of ensuring that drop offs and pick ups only take place from the bottom parent car park by turning left immediately after driving through the College gates. For safety reasons, parents are asked not to drive up to the turning circle outside the LaValla centre.
Mr David Cloran
Assistant Principal
The Most Holy Trinity

First reading Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9 Moses meets the Lord on Mt Sinai
Second Reading St Paul 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Live in peace with one another
Gospel John 3:16 – 18 Jesus tells Nicodemus of the fathers love.
REFLECTION– by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart
The second reading is like a greeting card from Paul. It is a note of encouragement and love. In Paul’s day they don’t have ‘smiley faces’ that say, ‘Have a nice day’, but Paul still cares enough to send the very best. He sends greetings and blessings in the name of God as Trinity – our Creator, our Saviour Jesus, and the Spirit they share. We share in that holy and divine Spirit whenever we greet and bless one another.
When was the last time you sent someone a greeting card that your parents didn’t make you send?
When was the last time you received a card that wasn’t a Christmas or birthday card?
Prayer is like a greeting card to God and from God. Greeting cards do not create love and friendship between people, but they are a channel so that feelings and thoughts can be shared and expressed more easily.
What feelings and thoughts does God express to you? How do you know?
Mrs Christine Meharg
REC Coordinator
Learning and Teaching at the College
Year 11 Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews
Year 11 PTS Interviews will occur on Monday 15th June from 4pm till 8pm. Interviews will be completed via ZOOM or phone. Bookings will open on Tuesday 9 June through COMPASS. Students are expected to be present with parent(s) for the interview.
Subject Selection: Year 11 2021
Week 5 - Subject Selection Information booklet shared (GOOGLE classroom)
Friday 19 June- Subject Selection Launch to occur (remotely)
Wednesday 24 June- SS (Evening) to be replaced by video / presentation shared TBC
Thursday 25 June - Subject Selection Market (TBC to be delivered remotely)
Wednesday 29 July- Subject Selection Interviews (TBC - ZOOM meetings)
Key dates and deadlines listed on the NESA website are subject to change due to the COVID-19 outbreak. NESA will continue to update you with exceptions and changes to relevant deadlines.
- 17 August - HSC TRIAL exams commence
- 31 August - HSC TRIAL exams finish
- 2 September - Security period CSSA Trial exams
- 16 September - FINAL HSC marks to CC (Changed)
- 23 September - FINAL HSC marks to NESA (Changed)
- 20 October - HSC Exams commence
- 11 November - HSC exams finish
- 18 December - HSC results released (ATAR release date TBC)
HSC Examination Timetable available on NESA website
Ms Judith Tolomeo
Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
As we have now completed our first fortnight of regular face-to-face learning, I would like to provide a couple of reminders regarding some procedures relating to student attendance and explanation of absence from school.
You will now be aware that we have fully integrated sms notifications of daily absences. This has been an adjustment that has been made with regards to our daily roll marking procedures. All rolls are now marked by 9.05am each day and a notification of student absence is sent out soon after this. Explanations of student absence can now be provided to the College using the Compass Parent Portal. The instructions for doing this are contained in the following link Compass Portal- Explaining student absence.
As per NSW Catholic Schools, Diocesan and College guidelines, explanations of absences must be provided within seven days of the absence occurring. This explanation can be via Compass portal, telephone call, written note, text message or email. If an explanation is not provided within this timeframe, students will be recorded with an unjustified absence. Contact with home will take place by email and/or phone if students accrue 3 days of unexplained absences. In those instances where extended absences are due to medical reasons or other circumstances, please provide appropriate documentation and contact your son/daughters Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator to ensure that appropriate support for their learning and wellbeing is provided.
Thank you for your support with this matter.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
This week, our Director of School's announced the COVID-19 Fee Concession plan for families financially impacted by the current situation.
To make this process as smooth as possible, the CEO in conjunction with the school have developed the following;
- A simplified COVID-19 Fee Concession Application form
- A centralised process involving a single application per family, regardless of the number of different CEDoW schools attended by children and siblings
- A clear and simple Frequently Asked Questionsdocument available on the CEDoW website
- An opportunity for families to opt in to a streamlined process by providing CEDoW with permission to access relevant Centrelink information
The application form and additional information is available from the CEDoW website, and of course directly from the school office.
Cancellation of excursions, school activities and events:
For any cancelled excursions, school activities or events, we will apply a credit as an adjustment to school fee accounts. We will send updated statements once this process is completed.
Should you have any questions please contact the Finance Office on 8796 2406 or email
Ripples is a PODCAST developed for parents on-going spiritual formation. It seeks to offer a space where people can draw on the wisdom of a series of guest speakers and can experience some treasured stillness through meditation. Practices like these create a ripple effect. They have the potential to impact the way we respond to family, friends, colleagues, to creation and to our loving God. Come and enjoy some Inspired Voices and Treasured Stillness.
This week the College engaged in an adjusted Tuesday sport program that saw all students across Years 7 - 10 participate in one period of structured physical activity / sport and one period of catching up on classwork. Meanwhile, senior students spent both periods of sport completing classwork catchup and silent study. A big thank you to all staff and students for the cooperation, patience and engagement in Tuesday sport over the past few weeks.
Week 7 will follow the same structure for sport whereby Years 7-10 students will be participating in ONE period of structured physical activity / sport on a Tuesday afternoon. The other sport period will be utilised as an academic lesson to complete silent study, revision, homework, assessment tasks and/or activities set by their Year Coordinator. Years 11 and 12 will spend the afternoon studying and catching up on outstanding class work.
In addition, sports equipment will be reintroduced into the Tuesday sport program from Week 7. In reintroducing activities that require equipment, additional portable hand sanitation stations have been sourced and all students will be encouraged to utilise these before and after participating in sport activities on Tuesday.
A more detailed outline of what the students will be participating in is outlined below:
We have decided to roll out this adjusted approach for the following reasons:
- Utilisation of space: We will have less students utilising the College sporting facilities / ovals at the one time.
- Use of equipment with hygiene promotion: We have chosen to reintroduce sporting equipment with continued promotion of hygiene practices and the availability of hand sanitisation stations. Equipment will also be wiped before, after and in between sessions.
- Promote movement and physical activity: We understand that many students would have found it challenging to find opportunities to be physically active whilst remote learning so we want to ease them back into physical activity and movement.
So did you take on the 'MCCC March in May' challenge?
Stay tuned for which house accumulated the points during this challenge!
If you require more information, please contact Miss Bowen via email (
As we are all very aware, these past 5-6 weeks have been extremely exhausting - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially. We have constantly been challenged with the many spontaneous changes and decisions that have been made regarding the health and safety of our community in light of the COVID-19 situation.
As we return to full time face to face teaching and learning next week, it is important to continue following the useful suggestions and guidance on how to keep yourself and others safe during COVID-19. These tips are below:
TIP #1 - Follow the simple health advice to protect yourself and those around you.
TIP #2 - Put some time aside to be mindful and present.
TIP #3 - Incorporate some physical activity into each day.
NB: Don’t forget to remember our social distancing rules.
TIP #4 - Stay connected with family and friends.
NB: Don’t forget to remember our social distancing rules.
More information regarding decisions around Diocesan
sporting events and COVID-19 can be found at Sport News. We will continue to update all students, parents and staff as information is provided.
The following events have been cancelled for Term 3
Secondary Athletics - Monday 27 July, 2020 CANCELLED
Secondary Netball - Wednesday 29 July, 2020 CANCELLED
The following CSNSW Sport events have been cancelled (including but not limited to):
Secondary School Sport (Years 7 - 12)
Term 2
Sunday 26 April - Sunday 3 May - School Sport Australia Baseball
Sunday 26 April - Friday 1 May - NSW v QLD 15 Years Cricket Exchange
Wednesday 29 April - NSWCCC Australian Football Boys Selections
Thursday 30 April – NSW All Schools 16 Years Volleyball Selections
Thursday 30 April - NSWCCC Australian Football Girls Selections
Friday 1 May – NSW All Schools 16 Years Girls Hockey Selections
Saturday 2 - Saturday 9 May - School Sport Australia Tennis 18 Years & Under
Monday 4 May - NSWCCC Rugby U18 Boys Selections
Monday 4 - Tuesday 5th May - NSWCCC Rugby U16 Boys Selections
Tuesday 5 May - NSWCCC Girls Rugby 7’s Selections
Tuesday 5 May – NSWCCC Netball 15 Years Selections
Wednesday 6 May – NSWCCC Netball Open Selections
Wednesday 6 May – Southern Country Rugby League Selections
Friday 8 May – NSW All Schools Swimming & Diving
Saturday 9 - Saturday 16 May - School Sport Australia Softball 17 Years & Under
Monday 18 May – NSWCCC Basketball Selections
Thursday 21 – Friday 22 May – NSWCCC Rugby League Selections
Friday 22 May – NSW All Schools 15 Years Netball Selections
Saturday 23 – Tuesday 26 May – NSW All Schools Canoeing Championships
Wednesday 27 May – NSWCCC 16 Years Football Selections
Friday 29 – Saturday 30 May – NSWCCC Rugby Camp
Sunday 31 May, Tuesday 2 June, Wednesday 3 June, Sunday 14 June, Friday 26 – Sunday 28 June – NSW All Schools Rugby
Monday 1 June – NSWCCC Tennis Championships
Monday 1 June – NSW All Schools Basketball Selections
Monday 1 June – NSW All Schools Australian Football Girls Selections
Tuesday 2 June – NSW All Schools Australian Football Boys Selections
Tuesday 2 – Wednesday 3 June – NSWCCC Football Selections
Friday 5 June – NSW All Schools Volleyball Tri-Series
Tuesday 9 – Friday 12 June – NSW All Schools 16 Years Hockey Boys Selections
Friday 12 June - NSWCCC Cross Country Championships
Monday 22 June – NSW All Schools Hockey Tri-Series
Monday 22 – Tuesday 23 June – NSW All Schools Football
Monday 22 – Tuesday 23 June – NSWCCC Open Basketball Championships
Monday 22 – Friday 26 June – NSW All Schools Golf
Thursday 25 – Friday 26 June – NSW All Schools Girls Rugby 7’s Selections
Saturday 4 – Friday 10 July – ASSRL Rugby League Championships
Monday 6 July – Saturday 11 July – NSWCCC Country Rugby League Camp
Term 3
Saturday 18 – Friday 24 July – School Sport Australia 15 Years & Under Netball Championships
Saturday 1 – Saturday 8 August – School Sport Australia 16 Years & Under Hockey Championships
Wednesday 5 – Sunday 9 August – School Sport Australia Swimming Championships
Saturday 8 - Saturday 15 August - School Sport Australia 14 Years & Under Australian Football Championships
Saturday 15 - Saturday 21 August - School Sport Australia 18 Years & Under Basketball Championships
Saturday 15 – Saturday 21 August – School Sport Australia 15 Years & Under Volleyball Championships
Friday 21 – Monday 24 August – School Sport Australia Cross Country Championships
Sunday 23 – Friday 28 August – School Sport Australia 18 Years & Under Golf
Friday 31 August – NSWCCC 15 Years Touch Camp
Saturday 1 – Sunday 2 August – NSW All Schools 15 Years Touch
Sunday 13 – Friday 18 September – School Sport Australia 16 Years & Under Boys, 18 Years & Under Girls Football Championships
Term 4
Saturday 1 – Friday 6 November – School Sport Australia Touch Championships
Saturday 21 – Friday 27 November – School Sport Australia Diving Championships
CSNSW Sport is working closely with all Diocesan and Association Representatives to ensure all information is current and available to parents.
- Each Diocese has their own process for actioning refunds. Please be patient as we work through these. Any questions should be directed to the contact details found on the top of your invoice.
- Students who have been selected in a Polding / MacKillop / NSWCCC team will be contacted directly to organise refunds and discuss uniform options. The CSNSW Sport store has been closed, for now no merchandise can be purchased until further notice.
Please continue to monitor the CSNSW sport website for updates and the most current information regarding cancelled events. Information can be found at Welcome to Catholic Schools Sports Services | CSNSW Sport Portal.
Understandably, this decision will likely have a flow on effect for all sporting events (Diocesan, CCC etc) moving forward in 2020. Information will be communicated as the situation continues to develop and unfold.
More School Sport Australia information can be found at School Sport Australia - Education through school sport.
Miss Sarah Bowen
(Acting College Sport Coordinator)
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open from 2.30pm - 4pm on the following days.
Term 3
- Monday 3 August
- 7 September
Term 4
- 12 October
- 2 November
- 7 December
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities.
Commonwealth Home Support Program
CatholicCare now offers the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) in the Macarthur region, helping seniors to access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home.
If your grandparents, parent(s) or anyone you know requires aged care assistance at home, please ask them to call 4628 0044 and ask for Melissa or Colleen.