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Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Mount Carmel,
Last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of the Holy Trinity. This feast recognises the nature of God as being three persons in one. In the Nicene Creed, Catholics state that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are ‘consubstantial’. This means that they are of the one substance and therefore are three persons of the one being. Whilst this concept may be difficult for many to understand, it is essential in recognising that God is there for us at all times. Whether it is in our original creation, leading us to salvation or being constantly with us on our journey, we have the gift that we are in the care of our creator. With many people returning to normality following the gradual lifting of COVID restrictions, it is important that we know we have this gift of God’s presence. Whilst all of this is a very superficial explanation of a fundamental Catholic belief, it is a comfort to simply know that God is there for us. Given that Simplicity is a Marist characteristic, sometimes just using the simple ideas allow us to accept the beauty in mystery.
A few weeks ago, I was pleased to accept a gift from Ms Caitie Oldfield who is our Aboriginal Education Officer. Caitie created a beautiful painting which highlights some of the basic characteristics of our community in a magnificent artwork. The vibrancy and colours of this reflect what I hope our community feels and contains the beautiful blues that link back to our Marian charisms through the Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Marist traditions. I thank Caitie for this artwork which will be proudly displayed in our College library.
From Monday, we have appointed a new staff member to replace Mrs Pontin’s teaching position. I have the pleasure of announcing that Ms Andrea Terkalas will become a member of our staff for the next 12 months. We welcome Ms Terkalas into our community.
Whilst public masses have been resumed over the last few days, they have restricted numbers. Bishop Brian Mascord has continued the YouTube channel where the faithful can watch him celebrate mass with us, and on our behalf. The link to this mass is here. Please log into this site each weekend and join Bishop Brian online for the celebration of the Eucharist.
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
This past week has seen the College continue our progression towards regular routines and procedures. There was a clear sense of relief as students were able to bring in sporting equipment for use during recess and lunchtime, and this was complemented by a return to a wider variety of practical experiences in PDHPE and Tuesday afternoon sport. While these restrictions have been relaxed to an extent, as a College we remain vigilant in ensuring our ongoing promotion of good hygiene practices and social distancing measures.
The gradual easing of some restrictions has also allowed us to secure a number of dates on the College calendar that I would draw your attention towards. As was originally planned, the 2020 College Photo Day will proceed on Thursday 25 June, with a catch-up day scheduled for the following Monday 29 June for students who are absent on the main day. Personalised order forms will be distributed to all students in homerooms early next week which will allow families to purchase photos that are taken on the day. An opportunity for family portraits will also be provided at recess on the main photo day.
Also confirmed are our rescheduled immunisation dates for 2020. As a result of our recent period of remote learning, students in Year 7 will now only have a single immunisation this year (as opposed to the two that were originally scheduled). This will take place on Monday 29 June. NSW Health are currently working on a strategy to ensure the second injection can take place in the first half of next year when students are in Year 8. The previously scheduled Year 10 immunisations will now take place on Thursday 15 October.
Finally, while community transmissions of COVID19 remain low, I again request that parents inform the school of any student that is tested for the virus, and then again once the result is confirmed. I also continue to encourage parents to keep their child/ren at home if they are feeling unwell or showing even the mildest of symptoms. I thank those families who have supported us in these measures and, in the process, assisted us in providing a healthy and safe environment here at the College.
Mr David Cloran
Assistant Principal
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
First Reading Deut 8:2-3, 14-16, Moses reminds the people of the hardships God saved them from
Second Reading 1 Corinthians 10:16 - 17 We are a single body eating from a single loaf
Gospel John 6:51-58 Whoever eats and drinks of the body and blood of Christ has eternal life
The first reading for today concentrates on the blessing of God and the responsibility that accompanies that blessing. God’s graciousness is not to be squandered. Moses directs the people to remember events of their past and from them learn the lesson of total confidence in God. The manna was meant to teach them that the source of their life was not merely the bread, but the promise of God. A recital of various examples of the providence of God completes this reading.
The psalm highlights God's protection of and solicitude toward the people of Israel. God protects them by fortifying the city of Jerusalem. The psalmist calls the people to praise God who has strengthened that city precisely at its most vulnerable spot, at its gates (v.13). Protected as they are, the people of Jerusalem/Zion are truly blessed. God’s peace has enabled them to prosper. Prosperity is symbolised by the wheat, which is abundant and is of the finest quality. The psalmist paints a dynamic picture of the powerful word of God. God merely speaks, and God’s word is accomplished. God promises to protect and to provide for the people, and the promise is realised. God’s special word is the law which ensures God's continued protection and care.
‘Cup of blessing’ was a common Jewish expression for the cup of wine taken at the end of a meal. At the Passover meal, the third of the four cups taken is called ‘the cup of blessing’. Here the significance of the cup of wine is not in its material substance but in its incorporation of the partakers in the blood of Christ. It is through Christ’s death-blood that we participate in his life-blood. Community is established with the breaking of the bread, not with the subsequent eating of it. Paul insists that when we partake in the Eucharist, it does not so much become part of us as does other food, but we are transformed into it.
In today’s gospel Jesus identifies his flesh as the bread of heaven, and he alludes to his death given for the life of the world. He declares this four times (vv.53-56). Jesus is ‘flesh and blood’ first as the sacrificial victim on the cross and then as food and drink. Like the manna, the flesh and blood of Jesus have become the source of life for those who partake of it. Eternal life comes from feeding on Jesus, not simply from believing in him. Jesus teaches that eternal life is not merely something that believers hope to enjoy in the future. Rather, those who share in this meal already possess eternal life. Jesus further maintains that just as we and the substance that we eat and drink become one, so Jesus and those who feed on him form an intimate union. They abide in him and he abides in them.
Mrs Christine Meharg
REC Coordinator
Learning and Teaching at the College
Year 11 Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews
Year 11 PTS Interviews will occur on Monday 15 June from 4pm till 8pm. Interviews will be completed via ZOOM or phone. Bookings can be made through COMPASS. Students are expected to be present with parent(s) for the interview.
Year 7-10 Semester 1 Academic Reports
Teachers are currently completing Semester 1 Academic Reports for students in Year 7-10. These reports will reflect student achievement and application for Semester 1, including the remote learning period. Reports will be available to parents through the COMPASS portal. More details regarding reports and PTS Interviews will be communicated to parents in the coming weeks.
Subject Selection: Year 11 2021
Friday 19 June- Subject Selection Launch to occur (remotely through GOOGLE classroom)
Wednesday 24 June- SS (Evening) to be replaced by video / presentation shared
Thursday 25 June - Subject Selection Market held during periods 1-4
Wednesday 29 July- Subject Selection Interviews (TBC - ZOOM meetings?)
Statement regarding 2020 ATAR Results and 2021 University Admissions – see attached document.
Key dates and deadlines listed on the NESA website are subject to change due to the COVID-19 outbreak. NESA will continue to update you with exceptions and changes to relevant deadlines.
- 17 August - HSC TRIAL exams commence
- 31 August - HSC TRIAL exams finish
- 2 September - Security period CSSA Trial exams
- 16 September - FINAL HSC marks to CC (Changed)
- 23 September - FINAL HSC marks to NESA (Changed)
- 20 October - HSC Exams commence
- 11 November - HSC exams finish
- 18 December - HSC results released (ATAR release date TBC)
HSC Examination Timetable available on NESA website timetables/hsc-written-exam-timetable
Ms Judith Tolomeo
Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everybody,
As we are about to conclude another week, one which is again going to allow for further lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, the past week has again seen our community again take some significant steps towards some degree of normality.
Ball games were finally re-introduced during Sport, PDHPE lessons and at recess and lunchtime. As mentioned last week, this resumption of equipment use is done with the availability of hand sanitiser at the ovals and courts, which are in addition to those placed at various points and thoroughfares around the College site. Equipment used at sport and in PDHPE lessons is also wiped down after use. The opportunity to resume games at breaks and in lessons is certainly something that we have looked forward to for some time and something that we value as an integral part of our wellbeing structure. All students are to be commended for the patience, cooperation and maturity that they showed throughout the past few weeks leading to this resumption.
Our weekly Pastoral Care and Wellbeing time has again been productive this week. Earlier today, Year groups were engaged in a range of wellbeing initiatives. These are listed below:
Year 7 - Time management and creating a study timetable
Year 8 - Learning catch-up
Year 9 - Racism Presentation
Year 10 - Numeracy Standards
Seniors - Reflection on Managing their Learning and Study Habits.
As we enter the latter part of what has been a roller-coaster term, it is important that students continue to remain focused on their learning and wellbeing, and that if there are times that are challenging, please speak to someone who can help.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Young People need to aim high and to know that their community support them. Our children are our most valuable resource and, all too often, their academic achievements can be neglected. We want to encourage learning and to reward as many students as possible.
To this end, I am asking for donations towards the Year 12 Academic Medallions. The cost of each medallion is $40.00 or three for $100.00. If you wish to donate towards a particular subject, please contact Trish Mooney on 9603 3000 or email
This week, students in Years 7 - 10 participated in one period of structured sport and movement activities and one period of independent study. However, this week also marked the re-introduction of equipment which meant that many students engaged in games including soccer, touch football, basketball, volleyball netball and slider hockey. It was quite an incredible sight to once again see our fields, courts and Champagnat Centre filled with the excitement of students participating in some friendly sporting competitions under the direction of staff. Meanwhile, external instructions led Years 8 and 10 through a range of activities including fitness circuits, yoga and zumba. Please see below a few images of students participating in sport over the past two weeks:

We have decided to continue with this adjusted approach for the following reasons:
- Utilisation of space: We will have less students utilising the College sporting facilities / ovals at the one time.
- Use of equipment with hygiene promotion: We have chosen to reintroduce sporting equipment with continued promotion of hygiene practices and the availability of hand sanitisation stations. Equipment will also be wiped before, after and in between sessions.
- Promote movement and physical activity: We understand that many students would have found it challenging to find opportunities to be physically active whilst remote learning so we want to ease them back into physical activity and movement.
This adjusted approach will continue to evolve and develop as does the guidance and advice from the CEO.
A reminder that all Term 2 MISA, Diocesan, CCC, All Schools and School Sport Australia events have been cancelled (and unfortunately will NOT be rescheduled), as well as the following College sporting events:
- College Athletics Carnival
- College Cross Country Carnival
- Marist Basketball
- Marist Netball
- Diocesan Rugby League selection trials
- Diocesan Boys & Girls Football (U13’s and Yrs 7-9 / Yrs 7-10 Pathway)
- Term 2 MISA competition
- Diocesan Boys & Girls Football (Opens)
- Diocesan Cross Country carnival
- Diocesan Boys & Girls Volleyball carnival
- Diocesan Boys & Girls Hockey carnival
Stay tuned for which house accumulated the points during this challenge!
If you require more information, please contact Miss Bowen via email (
More information regarding decisions around Diocesan
sporting events and COVID-19 can be found at Sport News. We will continue to update all students, parents and staff as information is provided.
The following events have been cancelled for Term 3
Secondary Athletics - Monday 27 July, 2020 CANCELLED
Secondary Netball - Wednesday 29 July, 2020 CANCELLED
The following CSNSW Sport events have been cancelled (including but not limited to):
Secondary School Sport (Years 7 - 12)
Term 2
Sunday 26 April - Sunday 3 May - School Sport Australia Baseball
Sunday 26 April - Friday 1 May - NSW v QLD 15 Years Cricket Exchange
Wednesday 29 April - NSWCCC Australian Football Boys Selections
Thursday 30 April – NSW All Schools 16 Years Volleyball Selections
Thursday 30 April - NSWCCC Australian Football Girls Selections
Friday 1 May – NSW All Schools 16 Years Girls Hockey Selections
Saturday 2 - Saturday 9 May - School Sport Australia Tennis 18 Years & Under
Monday 4 May - NSWCCC Rugby U18 Boys Selections
Monday 4 - Tuesday 5th May - NSWCCC Rugby U16 Boys Selections
Tuesday 5 May - NSWCCC Girls Rugby 7’s Selections
Tuesday 5 May – NSWCCC Netball 15 Years Selections
Wednesday 6 May – NSWCCC Netball Open Selections
Wednesday 6 May – Southern Country Rugby League Selections
Friday 8 May – NSW All Schools Swimming & Diving
Saturday 9 - Saturday 16 May - School Sport Australia Softball 17 Years & Under
Monday 18 May – NSWCCC Basketball Selections
Thursday 21 – Friday 22 May – NSWCCC Rugby League Selections
Friday 22 May – NSW All Schools 15 Years Netball Selections
Saturday 23 – Tuesday 26 May – NSW All Schools Canoeing Championships
Wednesday 27 May – NSWCCC 16 Years Football Selections
Friday 29 – Saturday 30 May – NSWCCC Rugby Camp
Sunday 31 May, Tuesday 2 June, Wednesday 3 June, Sunday 14 June, Friday 26 – Sunday 28 June – NSW All Schools Rugby
Monday 1 June – NSWCCC Tennis Championships
Monday 1 June – NSW All Schools Basketball Selections
Monday 1 June – NSW All Schools Australian Football Girls Selections
Tuesday 2 June – NSW All Schools Australian Football Boys Selections
Tuesday 2 – Wednesday 3 June – NSWCCC Football Selections
Friday 5 June – NSW All Schools Volleyball Tri-Series
Tuesday 9 – Friday 12 June – NSW All Schools 16 Years Hockey Boys Selections
Friday 12 June - NSWCCC Cross Country Championships
Monday 22 June – NSW All Schools Hockey Tri-Series
Monday 22 – Tuesday 23 June – NSW All Schools Football
Monday 22 – Tuesday 23 June – NSWCCC Open Basketball Championships
Monday 22 – Friday 26 June – NSW All Schools Golf
Thursday 25 – Friday 26 June – NSW All Schools Girls Rugby 7’s Selections
Saturday 4 – Friday 10 July – ASSRL Rugby League Championships
Monday 6 July – Saturday 11 July – NSWCCC Country Rugby League Camp
Term 3
Saturday 18 – Friday 24 July – School Sport Australia 15 Years & Under Netball Championships
Saturday 1 – Saturday 8 August – School Sport Australia 16 Years & Under Hockey Championships
Wednesday 5 – Sunday 9 August – School Sport Australia Swimming Championships
Saturday 8 - Saturday 15 August - School Sport Australia 14 Years & Under Australian Football Championships
Saturday 15 - Saturday 21 August - School Sport Australia 18 Years & Under Basketball Championships
Saturday 15 – Saturday 21 August – School Sport Australia 15 Years & Under Volleyball Championships
Friday 21 – Monday 24 August – School Sport Australia Cross Country Championships
Sunday 23 – Friday 28 August – School Sport Australia 18 Years & Under Golf
Friday 31 August – NSWCCC 15 Years Touch Camp
Saturday 1 – Sunday 2 August – NSW All Schools 15 Years Touch
Sunday 13 – Friday 18 September – School Sport Australia 16 Years & Under Boys, 18 Years & Under Girls Football Championships
Term 4
Saturday 1 – Friday 6 November – School Sport Australia Touch Championships
Saturday 21 – Friday 27 November – School Sport Australia Diving Championships
CSNSW Sport is working closely with all Diocesan and Association Representatives to ensure all information is current and available to parents.
- Each Diocese has their own process for actioning refunds. Please be patient as we work through these. Any questions should be directed to the contact details found on the top of your invoice.
- Students who have been selected in a Polding / MacKillop / NSWCCC team will be contacted directly to organise refunds and discuss uniform options. The CSNSW Sport store has been closed, for now no merchandise can be purchased until further notice.
Please continue to monitor the CSNSW sport website for updates and the most current information regarding cancelled events. Information can be found at Welcome to Catholic Schools Sports Services | CSNSW Sport Portal.
Understandably, this decision will likely have a flow on effect for all sporting events (Diocesan, CCC etc) moving forward in 2020. Information will be communicated as the situation continues to develop and unfold.
More School Sport Australia information can be found at School Sport Australia - Education through school sport.
Miss Sarah Bowen
(Acting College Sport Coordinator -
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open from 2.30pm - 4pm on the following days.
Term 3
- Monday 3 August
- 7 September
Term 4
- 12 October
- 2 November
- 7 December
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities.
Ripples is a PODCAST developed for parents on-going spiritual formation. It seeks to offer a space where people can draw on the wisdom of a series of guest speakers and can experience some treasured stillness through meditation. Practices like these create a ripple effect. They have the potential to impact the way we respond to family, friends, colleagues, to creation and to our loving God. Come and enjoy some Inspired Voices and Treasured Stillness.