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- Principal's Report
- From The Assistant Principal
- From the REC
- Learning and Teaching at the College
- From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
- Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
- College Sport at Mount Carmel
- Year 12 Medallions
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- Ripples Podcast
- CatholicCare Counselling

Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Mount Carmel,
Last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi. This translates literally to ‘the Body of Christ’ and is one of the feasts that helps us to recognise the physical presence of God in our world and His connection to each of us through the church. This celebration recognises specifically a belief that is central to Catholic teaching. The idea that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist and gives Himself fully to us. This is called the ‘Real Presence’ where we believe that during the Consecration at Mass, the bread and wine is transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ which we receive in Holy Communion. This gift enables us to receive Jesus physically and spiritually into our lives and is one of the greatest gifts that can be shared with us. In only the past few decades, this celebration, even in Australia, was often accompanied by a procession through the streets where Catholics publicly gathered and voiced their belief and celebration. Whilst this has become less explicit (and practically impossible during COVID-19), we might ask ourselves how we publicly acknowledge our belief in Jesus Christ and how we live it in our day to day lives. This gift is one that is available to all but often not accepted. With the feast of Corpus Christi, let us live this gift by sharing it with others.
Our teachers are currently completing academic reports on each of our students in Years 7 – 10. The reports that you will receive for the end of Semester 1 will look very different from those up until now. These reports contain the same information as previously however will contain far more detail on how your child is performing in their Contribution to Learning, Interpersonal Skills and Organisation and Assessment. Each subject report will also list some things that your child has done well and an area in which they might improve. These reports will enable you to have far more specific discussions with your child to assist them with improvement. For the first time, these reports will be released electronically so that you are able to download and keep them or access them in the future via the Compass portal. As this is the first release of these reports, we will review them toward the start of Term 3 to fine tune them for the end of the year. I am happy to accept any feedback on these you may wish to offer.
In terms of these reports, I ask parents and students to understand that the information and interaction that teachers are using to decide their grades, outcomes and statements has been impacted by the remote learning period. If your child has not fully engaged in lessons whilst they were at home, or their submission of work since then has been limited, this will make the detailed evaluation by teachers difficult. Our teachers have been working very hard to help students catch up work and ascertain what the students have learned, however, six weeks away from face to face teaching will limit these judgements. Please use the data from these reports as a point of discussion rather than an end in themselves. Once again I would like to publicly thank the staff for all their hard work and professionalism over the past few months.
Following the release of the reports, we have decided to continue with our scheduled Year 7 – 10 Parent / Teacher / Student meetings at the end of this term. These meetings will occur via Zoom or phone call. We ran this format for the recent Year 11 PTS meetings and the feedback was very positive. Whilst face to face meetings are certainly the preference, I look forward to parents having the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress in some format. More details on this process and booking meetings will be delivered over the next few days.
Next week our Year 12 leaders will be meeting with Bishop Brian Mascord. In the past, the Bishop has met with all Year 12 students, however, this has had to be reduced this year. The students will be given an opportunity to discuss important issues with him around their schooling and their broader interests. We hope to have a report on this in the next newsletter.
Whilst public masses have been resumed over the last few weeks, they have restricted numbers. Bishop Brian Mascord has continued the YouTube channel where the faithful can watch him celebrate mass with us, and on our behalf. The link to this mass is here. Please log into this site each weekend and join Bishop Brian online for the celebration of the Eucharist.
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
This week has seen a further easing of COVID-19 restrictions with the first of our year group gatherings taking place since we entered into remote learning towards the end of Term One. Furthermore, despite what has been a rather cold and wet week, it has been pleasing to see the courts and ovals at the College once again becoming a hive of activity as an increasing number of students take advantage of the reintroduction of activities that involve the use of sporting equipment at recess and lunch times.
While the threat of a COVID-19 infection has certainly eased since the beginning of the pandemic, it has become necessary for schools to develop procedures for responding to a positive case in the unlikely event that this may occur. Earlier this week, the College circulated a Compass alert that invited parents to give pre-approval for their child/ren to be dismissed from the College to make their own way home prior to our normal finishing time should we be informed of a positive case. If this were to occur, students who have been given this pre-approval would be invited to leave the College grounds at the earliest possible opportunity. For those without pre-approval, parents would still be able to collect them in person, or of course they would be permitted to remain supervised on site until the end of the scheduled conclusion of the school day. For parents who are yet to give their pre-approval and would like to, please visit your Compass Events page to give your consent.
This coming Thursday is our annual College Photo Day. Photo envelopes were distributed during the week and I remind families that should you wish to purchase the images taken on the day, you are required to bring the envelopes in on Thursday and hand them directly to the photographer. Please do not hand them in at the front office or to your Pastoral Adviser. Siblings who would like their photo taken together may do so at recess, however, you are required to collect a ‘Sibling Envelope’ from the front office prior to Thursday so that these can be ordered in advance.
Earlier this week, the Catholic Education Office further clarified their stance on the requirement of students to seek medical clearance after being away from school due to being unwell. Please note that this expectation for medical clearance applies if a student is absent following an illness that includes flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat and shortness of breath. Again, if a student is tested for COVID-19, we ask that you inform the College as a matter of priority once the test is requested, and again once the result is returned. I thank all members of our community for their attention to this important process.
Mr David CloranAssistant Principal
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading Jeremiah The Lord is with Jeremiah
Second Reading Romans 5:12 - 15 As sin entered the world through one man, so through one man are we saved
Gospel Matthew 10: 26-33 Those who acknowledge Christ will be known to the Father
Jeremiah is the innocent victim of slander, entrapment and vengeance. Still he is confident, for God is on his side as a mighty champion who will fight for him. This military imagery calls to mind the cosmic war that God victoriously waged against evil (see Ps 24:9-11). Jeremiah believes that God will turn upside down the plans of his assailants. They watched for him to mis-step, but God will cause them to stumble; they hoped to prevail over him, but they will not triumph; they tried to take vengeance on Jeremiah, but God will take vengeance on them. They will be put to shame and confusion, a fate sometimes worse than death.
Elements of a lament can be detected in the psalm: the cry of lament (vv.14, 17); reasons for the lament (vv.8-10); expressions of confidence (vv.33-34); and praise for having been heard (v.35). We may not be accustomed to complain to God, but a lament is a statement of profound faith. Acknowledging that God has power over the circumstances of life, it is an expression of humble faith that God will come to the aid of those who cry out. This passage contains covenant vocabulary: lovingkindness; truth; salvation; and passionate love. The psalmist brings the strength and the personal dimension of the covenant to the plea for deliverance.
Paul proclaims the incomparable nature of God's salvific grace by contrasting the actions of Adam and Christ. Though the contrast appears to be between Adam and Christ, it is really between the epochs that each inaugurated. Adam brought in the era of sin and death; Christ established the eschatological era of acquittal and life. Paul points to the first offence (Gen 3:6) and the common experience of all people to explain the pervasive presence of sin and death in the world. All die, therefore all must have sinned. However, as death for all entered the world through the sin of one – Adam, so grace was won for all through the gift of one – Christ.
Jesus exhorts: Fear no one! Neither those who resist the gospel, nor those who might put you to death. Rather fear total destruction in Gehenna and rejection by God. It is now time for the gospel to be proclaimed openly and boldly. The doors have been flung open:
what was concealed, must be revealed;
what was secret, must be made known;
what was said in darkness, must be spoken in light;
what was whispered, must be shouted.
Jesus encourages the disciples to trust in God despite hardships. Suffering is not proof that God is disinterested. Rather, if God cares for the insignificant sparrows, how much more will God care for them? If God can count the hairs on their heads; how much more does God know their needs?
REC Coordinator
Learning and Teaching at the College
Year 7-10 Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews
Year 7-10 PTS Interviews will occur on Monday 29 June and Thursday 2 July from 4pm till 8pm, along with Friday 3 July from 8:30am till 12:30pm. Interviews will be completed via Zoom or phone. Bookings can be made through Compass. Students are expected to be present with parent(s) for the interviews.
Year 7-10 Semester 1 Academic Reports
Teachers are currently completing Semester 1 Academic Reports for students in Year 7-10. These reports will reflect student achievement and application for Semester 1, including the remote learning period. Reports will be available to parents through the Compass portal. Reports will be accessible to parents as of Friday 26 June, in readiness for Year 7-10 PTS Interviews being held in Week 10, as outlined above.
Subject Selection: Year 11 2021
Thursday 25 June - Subject Selection Market held during periods 1-4
Wednesday 29 July- Subject Selection Interviews
Key dates and deadlines listed on the NESA website are subject to change due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
NESA will continue to update you with exceptions and changes to relevant deadlines.
- 17 August - HSC TRIAL exams commence
- 31 August - HSC TRIAL exams finish
- 2 September - Security period CSSA Trial exams
- 16 September - FINAL HSC marks to CC (Changed)
- 23 September - FINAL HSC marks to NESA (Changed)
- 20 October - HSC Exams commence
- 11 November - HSC exams finish
- 18 December - HSC results released (ATAR release date TBC)
HSC Examination Timetable available on NESA website
Ms Judith Tolomeo
Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
As we head towards the end of what has been a rather different term of schooling, behind the scenes we continue to maintain some of the regular non-negotiables that are part and parcel of contemporary schooling. A few of these are particularly relevant as we enter the final two weeks of the term - Semester One Reports, Parent Student Teacher Interviews and Absentee Notes.
With respect to reporting, this semester will see Years 7-10 receive their report in a new format. This roll out to our junior year groups is the culmination of a process that started with the seniors last year. The new format provides for more explicit information relating to Pastoral Care areas such as Attendance, Uniform, Grooming, Contribution to Pastoral Class, involvement in Extra Curricular Activities and a comment from their Pastoral Advisor on areas of accomplishment and for growth. It is hoped that this new format will provide sufficient information for students to reflect on their previous semester’s work and to set some achievable goals for growth for Semester Two.
In conjunction with the reports, Parent/Teacher/Student interviews are scheduled for Week 10. Although these will be conducted by Zoom or phone, they are still a valuable opportunity for students to gain further feedback and advice to assist with their learning for the latter part of the year.
Finally, notes have been forwarded home regarding unexplained absences. Please be reminded that explanations are required within 7 days of an absence as per College, Diocesan and Catholic Education requirements. If you have any questions relating to this matter, please contact the College Office or speak to your son/daughter’s Year Coordinator or Pastoral Advisor.
Although these reminders have a particular academic focus, it is important to remind ourselves of the link between learning and wellbeing. A happy student maximises their learning and sometimes the best form of wellbeing we can provide a student is a productive day’s learning. Either way, learning and wellbeing go hand in hand.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
This week, students in Years 7 - 10 participated in one period of structured sport and movement activities and one period of independent study. This structure will remain until the end of Term 2 largely due to spacing availability and council restrictions remaining for school based sport on local grounds. All Year 11 students will spend the first half of sport completing independent silent study and will then have the option of either staying in their classroom for their second half of sport or electing to participate in sport for one period.
With existing sporting cancellations there are no Diocesan sporting events scheduled for next term. However, during the week we received the confirmation that MISA will resume in Term 3 which is certainly an exciting prospect for many students and staff who are eager to return to competitive sport at the MISA level. Students in Years 7 - 12 will have the opportunity to nominate their interest in the following MISA sports for Term 3:
Netball |
Years 7/8 |
Female |
Netball |
Years 9/10 |
Female |
Soccer |
Years 7/8 |
Male |
Soccer |
Years 9/10 |
Male |
Soccer |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
Years 10-12 |
Male and Female |
Rugby League |
Under 15’s Div 1 and 2 |
Male |
Indoor Cricket |
Years 10-12 |
Male |
Softball |
Years 10-12 |
Female |
Information regarding the selection process will be provided in the newsletter next week and will be communicated with students via email and Compass.
We have decided to continue with this adjusted approach for the following reasons:
- Utilisation of space: We will have less students utilising the College sporting facilities / ovals at the one time.
- Use of equipment with hygiene promotion: We have chosen to reintroduce sporting equipment with continued promotion of hygiene practices and the availability of hand sanitisation stations. Equipment will also be wiped before, after and in between sessions.
- Promote movement and physical activity: We understand that many students would have found it challenging to find opportunities to be physically active whilst remote learning so we want to ease them back into physical activity and movement.
This adjusted approach will continue to evolve and develop as does the guidance and advice from the CEO.
Students are reminded to continue checking the sport schedule that is pinned to their Compass dashboard each week. An overview of sport activities for each year group and pastoral class can be found below.
Please see below a range of photos of students participating in sport this week:
A reminder that all Term 2 MISA, Diocesan, CCC, All Schools and School Sport Australia events have been cancelled (and unfortunately will NOT be rescheduled), as well as the following College sporting events:
- College Athletics Carnival
- College Cross Country Carnival
- Marist Basketball
- Marist Netball
- Diocesan Rugby League selection trials
- Diocesan Boys & Girls Football (U13’s and Yrs 7-9 / Yrs 7-10 Pathway)
- Term 2 MISA competition
- Diocesan Boys & Girls Football (Opens)
- Diocesan Cross Country carnival
- Diocesan Boys & Girls Volleyball carnival
- Diocesan Boys & Girls Hockey carnival
Stay tuned for which house accumulated the points during this challenge!
If you require more information, please contact Miss Bowen via email (
More information regarding decisions around Diocesan
sporting events and COVID-19 can be found at Sport News. We will continue to update all students, parents and staff as information is provided.
The following events have been cancelled for Term 3
Secondary Athletics - Monday 27 July, 2020 CANCELLED
Secondary Netball - Wednesday 29 July, 2020 CANCELLED
The following CSNSW Sport events have been cancelled (including but not limited to):
Secondary School Sport (Years 7 - 12)
Friday 12 June - NSWCCC Cross Country Championships
Monday 22 June – NSW All Schools Hockey Tri-Series
Monday 22 – Tuesday 23 June – NSW All Schools Football
Monday 22 – Tuesday 23 June – NSWCCC Open Basketball Championships
Monday 22 – Friday 26 June – NSW All Schools Golf
Thursday 25 – Friday 26 June – NSW All Schools Girls Rugby 7’s Selections
Saturday 4 – Friday 10 July – ASSRL Rugby League Championships
Monday 6 July – Saturday 11 July – NSWCCC Country Rugby League Camp
Term 3
Saturday 18 – Friday 24 July – School Sport Australia 15 Years & Under Netball Championships
Saturday 1 – Saturday 8 August – School Sport Australia 16 Years & Under Hockey Championships
Wednesday 5 – Sunday 9 August – School Sport Australia Swimming Championships
Saturday 8 - Saturday 15 August - School Sport Australia 14 Years & Under Australian Football Championships
Saturday 15 - Saturday 21 August - School Sport Australia 18 Years & Under Basketball Championships
Saturday 15 – Saturday 21 August – School Sport Australia 15 Years & Under Volleyball Championships
Friday 21 – Monday 24 August – School Sport Australia Cross Country Championships
Sunday 23 – Friday 28 August – School Sport Australia 18 Years & Under Golf
Friday 31 August – NSWCCC 15 Years Touch Camp
Saturday 1 – Sunday 2 August – NSW All Schools 15 Years Touch
Sunday 13 – Friday 18 September – School Sport Australia 16 Years & Under Boys, 18 Years & Under Girls Football Championships
Term 4
Saturday 1 – Friday 6 November – School Sport Australia Touch Championships
Saturday 21 – Friday 27 November – School Sport Australia Diving Championships
Please continue to monitor the CSNSW sport website for updates and the most current information regarding cancelled events. Information can be found at Welcome to Catholic Schools Sports Services | CSNSW Sport Portal.
Understandably, this decision will likely have a flow on effect for all sporting events (Diocesan, CCC etc) moving forward in 2020. Information will be communicated as the situation continues to develop and unfold.
More School Sport Australia information can be found at School Sport Australia - Education through school sport.
Miss Sarah Bowen
(Acting College Sport Coordinator -
Young People need to aim high and to know that their community support them. Our children are our most valuable resource and, all too often, their academic achievements can be neglected. We want to encourage learning and to reward as many students as possible.
To this end, I am asking for donations towards the Year 12 Academic Medallions. The cost of each medallion is $40.00 or three for $100.00. If you wish to donate towards a particular subject, please contact Trish Mooney on 9603 3000 or email
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open from 2.30pm - 4pm on the following days.
Term 3
- Monday 3 August
- 7 September
Term 4
- 12 October
- 2 November
- 7 December
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities.
Ripples is a PODCAST developed for parents on-going spiritual formation. It seeks to offer a space where people can draw on the wisdom of a series of guest speakers and can experience some treasured stillness through meditation. Practices like these create a ripple effect. They have the potential to impact the way we respond to family, friends, colleagues, to creation and to our loving God. Come and enjoy some Inspired Voices and Treasured Stillness.