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- Principal's Report
- From The Assistant Principal
- From the REC
- Learning and Teaching at the College
- From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
- Champagnat Awards
- College Sport at Mount Carmel
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- Mount Carmel Uniform Shop
- Year 12 Medallions
- Year 12 HSC Tuesday Evening Study Session
- Studio 5
- The Hermitage at Mittagong
- CatholicCare Counselling

Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Mount Carmel,
Tomorrow we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption (Aug 15). This is the celebration of the day that Mary the mother of Jesus was ‘assumed’ (taken up) into heaven. The assumption of Mary is different to the ascension of Jesus because Jesus ascended under His own authority and power, however, Mary was taken up by the power of God. Both of these feasts remind us of the divine power of Jesus and the undeniable fact that He was in fact God. In knowing that Mary was taken to heaven body and soul, we are shown the enormous love and value that Jesus had for His mother. This complete and unending love is reflected through her to each of us. Mary is the ultimate symbol of human perfection and is a guide for how we might live life and answer “yes” to God’s call. I wish all of you a very special feast of the Assumption.
Today a number of our students received Champagnat Day awards. These are awards that we would usually acknowledge on Champagnat Day but were unable to distribute this year. The awards are given to students who have been recognised for their manners, compassion, generosity, motivation and prayerfulness. They are the example of what we hope a graduating student from Mount Carmel will become. Congratulations to each of the recipients who are listed further in this newsletter.
Over the past few weeks I have given parents the opportunity to provide feedback on our reports and PTS meetings. I thank those who took the time to provide feedback. In summary, all respondents found the reports very easy or somewhat easy to access, read and understand. All but 1 in every case found them sufficient or better than previous reports in their level of detail, personal profiles and appropriateness of the comments. 64% preferred them in digital format and 56% said they were somewhat better or significantly better than the previous reports. There were a number of very good suggestions around the comments that we will explore over the next few months.
In terms of the Parent/Teacher/Student meetings; 56% preferred zoom and 20% phone. More than 75% found the instructions given to access the zoom or phone were good and they were easy to access. 40% still prefer face to face with 28% preferring zoom, 8% preferred phone and 24% any combination. There were a number of comments around parents appreciating the opportunity of remote PTS during COVID but some frustration with the technology. Again I thank parents who contributed as this feedback is essential to ensure improved communication.
Last Tuesday evening, we held our first P & F zoom meeting. This is a significant first for our College and has presented us with opportunities to consider how we might run future meetings. Once again, I thanked the P & F for the generous contribution toward the upgrade of the audio-visual system in the Champagnat Centre (hall). This is currently being undertaken and will hopefully be completed before the end of this term. I am sure the students will notice these improvements and will also be very appreciative.
As I explained in last week’s newsletter we have placed a Staff Development Day on Friday November 13 (Term 4 Week 5). The staff will be focussing on our School Improvement Plan around vision and mission and wellbeing. As this will now be a Pupil Free Day, I again ask parents to be aware of this addition to the College calendar and mark it in your own planning.
Toward the start of next week, each parent will receive a letter emailed from the Catholic Education Office in Wollongong regarding my upcoming appraisal. An appraisal occurs for each principal in our diocese every three or four years and is aimed at gaining feedback on their performance in leading their school. You will be invited to complete a short survey and given an opportunity should you also wish to be interviewed. I encourage parents to complete the survey and thank you in anticipation of providing this valuable and welcome feedback.
Over the past few months, Bishop Brian had been celebrating Sunday Mass and livestreaming it. This stopped a few weeks ago, however, Bishop Brian has decided to reintroduce these online masses. These will be returning from August 30 and can be accessed here.
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
As you may be aware, at the beginning of each year, the College publishes a number of strategic priorities that we intend on addressing that calendar year. While much of the work that has been achieved this year could not have been foreseen due to the sudden nature of the pandemic, one priority that has still received a great deal of attention has been in the area of feedback.
From a basic perspective, it is easy to assume that feedback in a school sense is generally limited to the feedback that teachers can provide their students with in order to achieve their desired academic outcomes. While the development of this type of feedback has certainly remained at the forefront of much of our work, indeed the Term 1 Staff Development Day was focused on this area, we have also deliberately expanded the scope of what feedback means to us as a College.
Over the past few months we have taken the opportunity to explore the types of feedback that we as teachers and support staff receive on a daily basis as a means of reflecting on the effectiveness of our work. Student attendance data, Compass data, information from our team of counsellors, parent surveys and the discussions that take place with our P & F committee are all forms of feedback that help inform our current practices and shape their development moving forward.
Over the last week, we have participated in a very detailed feedback program known as Pivot Professional Learning. Over the course of the week students have been invited to complete a research based questionnaire known as the Pivot Survey. This survey focuses on the students perception of a range of teacher qualities that are linked to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. This important feedback is intended to allow teachers to gain an understanding of their perceived strengths as noted by their students, as well as identify particular areas that they can develop moving forward.
I thank the teachers at Mount Carmel for their ongoing commitment to their professional development as has been evident through their involvement in this program. Significantly, however, I thank the students who have engaged so thoughtfully and maturely in providing this feedback that will go a long way towards allowing us to further cater for their learning needs.
Mr David CloranAssistant Principal
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time
First Reading Is 56:1,6-7 The Lord’s justice is about to be revealed
Second Reading Rom 11:13-15, 29 -32 God’s gifts are irrevocable
Gospel Mt 15:21-28 A Canaanite woman asks Jesus to heal her daughter.
REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart
In Jesus’ time the Jewish faith had very strict dietary laws regarding what foods could be eaten and what kinds of dishes the food could be eaten from. On the other hand, Gentiles could eat anything. Some Jews likened them to dogs, who would often be given leftover food to eat off the ground. So when Jesus and this woman speak about children and dogs, they are definitely talking about the Jews and the Gentiles.
This Gentile woman is brave, standing up to the disciples and even to Jesus. She has a point to make, and they listen. Have you ever been that persistent in a conversation with someone who had ‘higher’ status than you? If so, what happened?
Does our society think of some people as ‘dogs’? If so, who are the dogs of our society? Who is seen as holding lower status? What is your usual response to people such as these? What would be the Christian response that Jesus calls us to? What makes that such a difficult response?
Do you have any close friends who are Jewish? If you have friends who are Orthodox Jews, then they still obey certain dietary rules. Have you ever heard them talk of kosher foods? What kinds of things do they eat?
Carmelite Charism
Last week there was some information about the Carmelite characteristic of service. This week, the second characteristic in the series is called fraternity or brotherhood.
Carmelites seek to form communities where each person feels accepted and valued not for what he can do but simply because he is. This kind of community is in itself a witness that the love of Christ can break down the barriers which human beings set up and that it is possible for people of different backgrounds and nationalities to live together in peace and harmony. Carmelites are also aware of being part of an international fraternity that is present in many parts of the world.
The challenge for us is how do we live this out in our homes and work life!
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning and Teaching at the College
Examinations commence Monday with all students completing English Examinations. If any student is unwell they must not attend examinations, and they must follow Illness/Misadventure procedures.
We wish all Year 12 Students well as they commence their examinations on Monday.
HSC STUDY NIGHTS – The College will be once again offering supervised study nights in the Library to support Year 12 students during the HSC Trial Examinations. These study nights will continue through till Thursday 27 August. Students have received information regarding this and will continue to receive updated information via email throughout the Examination period.
Yr 12 PTS Interviews are scheduled for Wednesday 2 September. Due to current restrictions, Interviews will occur via ZOOM or phone call. Bookings will be made through COMPASS. Details regarding how / when to book will be made available to parents next week.
All Year 9 and Year 10 students have been given access to a GOOGLE classroom page. All information related to the Subject Selection process will be communicated via this page. Please ensure you speak with your son/daughter and discuss the relevant elective choices available, prior to making final selections for 2021.
All Year 11 students will receive information, including the Examination Timetable, next week regarding the Yr 11 Examination period. Please ensure your son/daughter is aware of the processes and expectations regarding such.
Key dates and deadlines listed on the NESA website are subject to change due to the COVID-19 outbreak. NESA will continue to update you with exceptions and changes to relevant deadlines.
- 17 August - HSC TRIAL exams commence
- 31 August - HSC TRIAL exams finish
- 2 September - Security period CSSA Trial exams
- 16 September - FINAL HSC marks to CC (Changed)
- 23 September - FINAL HSC marks to NESA (Changed)
- 20 October - HSC Exams commence
- 11 November - HSC exams finish
- 18 December - HSC results released (ATAR release date TBC)
HSC Examination Timetable available on NESA website
Ms Judith Tolomeo
Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
As we approach the midpoint of our term, it is timely to remind students and carers of a few issues that arise from time to time which cause interruptions to learning and disruptions to the day to day management of students.
The first matter relates to the use of Mobile Phones and other Electronic devices. Students and carers are reminded, as pointed out in the student diary, that:
- Phones and other electronic devices are discouraged from being brought to Mount Carmel and the College can take no responsibility for the safekeeping of these items.
- Should it be necessary (as is often the case) for students to have a mobile phone/device on them, they are not to be a distraction and must be kept on their person, turned off and out of sight at all times during school hours, unless instructed otherwise by a member of staff.
- While there may be times that a teacher deems their use as acceptable during a lesson, devices which are used inappropriately during class and/or College times will be confiscated and only be returned to parents/guardians.
- Mobile phone/ device is permissible before 8.40am and after 3.15pm as a means of students maintaining contact with home or to play music. Their use at these times is not to play games, make videos/take photos or for social networking.
Following on from the use of phones, it is expected that in the event of a student becoming unwell or wishing to contact home during the day that they do so by reporting to Student Services or their respective Year Coordinator. By not following these channels, support for students may not be appropriately provided and the unannounced arrival of a parent or carer to the Front Office often causes disruption. A reminder also that students who have pre-arranged appointments or are leaving the site early are to provide a note from home which is then countersigned by their respective Year Coordinator before presenting to the Front Office for signing out. These are important steps in ensuring that attendance and care for students are maintained at the high levels that all members of our community would expect.
Thank you for your support with these matters, it is much appreciated.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Congratulations to the following students who received a Champagnat Award today.
Bronze. Tyrone Austin, Alexander Dutfield, Alyssa Eccles, Lereit Faasoa, Hiraya Getigan, Skylah Gilbang, Maximillian Loyola, Meghannn Peeters, Gloria Rivadeneira Pino.
Bronze. Abigail Amurao, Catherine Clarke, Mescha Di Franco, Lachlan Duggan, Amelia Filipinski, Monique Jakovljevic, Jessica Le, Jessica Littlewood, Tiam-Li Mackenzie, Mikaela Molina, Mia Nakad, Fiona Nguyen, Jenny Nguyen, Zachary Peters, Austin Scales.
Bronze. Tahlia Bell, Sara Bhambak, Gelya Bocarro, Isabella Breen, Hannah Caple, Abbey Carter, Hannah Dwyer, Taylor Faasoa, Gabrielle Forbes, Tiana Frketic, Gabriel Garcia, Jack Goncalves, Jasmine King, Jacklyn Kumar, Russell Jordan Madangeng, Eseta Malaesilia, Jack Miller, Angel Miller-Andrews, Gabriel Nicolasora, Fedriel Santos, Pranav Sharma, Gia Singh, Jezal Taie, Matilda Tamasese-Faasoa, Charlotte Vakayil, Parham Zamani Sadeh.
Bronze. Ashwin Antonyraj, William Boyton, Kristy Buckley, Charleen Gebrael, Anna Lima Bartosek, Kate Lincoln, Kate Puckeridge, Charlene Ross, Dilnaz Saini, Shanaya Sarkari, Tania Singh, Alexis Tyrrell, Jasmin Williams.
Silver. Maureen Abdelnour, Laura Alivio, Maria Louise Baccay, Tristyn Ball, Giselle Byrne, Joshua Drumond, Tiana Kostic, Serena Locke, Rita Ndayra, Jamie Pandopoulos, Noah Stuart, Maria Tuyor, Jaiden Valencia.
Bronze. Jeremy Acanto, Joshua Altejos, Jayden Brunt, Maddison Dunn, James Gomez, Calan Hay, Sibert Makuzha, Gabrielle Russell.
Silver. Alyanna Kayla Abadilla, Jireh Alivio, Beyonce Bennett, Jenna Burke, Frances Del Castillo, Christopher Fathallah, Caitlyn Poole, Jaala Marie Sadler, Sydney-Julia Vergara, Sally Williamson.
Gold. Mia Asuit, Tamsyn Clarke, Lara Hatton, Emma Jones, Jaden Legaspi, Alexander Maturan, Nova Milton, Marlou Mistula, Daniel Peeters, Zarina Pereira, Regina Rivadulla, Brandon Tannoury.
Recreational Sport
Unfortunately most outdoor sport groups were cancelled on Tuesday due to the weather not being in our favour. Yoga, pilates, taekwondo, basketball, netball, hip hop dance, handball and walking groups were able to participate in their activities as usual. Thank you to all staff and students for their patience in testing times. I understand the disappointment that comes with sport being cancelled and we will continue to do all that we can to safely provide sporting opportunities at the college.
It is hoped that we will be able to use buses for sport again soon however at this stage we will not be utilising buses to visit venues. We have been in contact with many of the venues that we utilise and are currently seeking and receiving COVID-19 Safety Plans from venues. The sport schedule is pinned to the Compass dashboard each week in which students and staff have access to. The schedule highlights the cancellations, location and the period in which study/sport is occurring for each sport group. Contact sports continue to be suspended in CEDoW schools until further notice. As a result, students will be participating in skills-based activities and small-sided modified games.
MISA Term 3
As mentioned in the newsletter last week, advice received from CEDoW leadership has directed that sports that involve contact which include netball, basketball, rugby league, rugby union, AFL and soccer will remain suspended until further notice. This decision will be reviewed regularly by CEDoW leadership.
This week we received the announcement that MISA has been cancelled for Term 3. The decision has been made to utilise this term for MISA teams to develop and refine the skills of successful players in a competitive environment through skills-based activities and small-sided modified games. Planning is underway for MISA to resume for Term 4 and details regarding trials will be communicated via the College newsletter later in the term. In many cases, umpires and referees are required for many MISA sports. I encourage any student who is interested in these roles to please speak with me at the sports office or via email.
Safety and Hygiene Reminders
- Students are encouraged to sanitise before and after participating in activities during sport.
- Equipment will continue to be cleaned and wiped both before and after use.
- Students are to respect social distancing between themselves and adults (teachers / instructors that support the College’s sport program)
Sports Detention and Non-Participation
If a student is unable to participate in sport on a Tuesday they must provide a note to the Sports Coordinator at recess on the day that they cannot participate. This will provide the opportunity for discussion and for an alternative plan to be put into place for the afternoon. In most cases, students will attend either their group or another group as decided upon by the Sports Coordinator and will adopt another role such as scoring, timekeeping or refereeing. This is of course dependent on the reason for non-participation.
Below are some general policies that the College enforces in regards to sport.
Leave from venue notes: A reminder that if students wish to leave a venue they need to supply the Sport Coordinator with a note that is signed prior to departing for sport. A sample note is included below:
Date To Whom it May Concern, I (parent / guardian name) give permission for my son / daughter (child’s name) to not return to the College at the conclusion of sport this afternoon. Kind Regards, (Parent / Guardian signature) (Contact Number) |
- Any other notes on Tuesdays: If you are sick, injured or cannot participate on a Tuesday you must have a signed note from your parent/guardian detailing the reason for non-participation. You must bring this note to Ms Bowen so an alternate plan can be arranged for you during sport time. Students who are unable to participate in their sport due to injury are asked, where possible to still attend the event with their group and to assume another role as instructed by the teacher such as timing, scoring or umpiring.

Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed at
Please note that all Term 3 Diocesan events have been cancelled.
Updates on specific events secondary events can be viewed at
Higher level MacKillop and CCC trials and events status can be monitored at
In each case a COVID-19 safety plan will be developed inline with normal risk assessment procedures. These events will be subject to existing NSW government restrictions and advice along with CEDoW leadership input.
Please note: all Term 3 Diocesan sporting events have been cancelled.
Each Diocese has their own process for actioning refunds. Please be patient as we work through these. Any questions should be directed to the contact details found on the top of your invoice. Students who have been selected in a Polding / MacKillop / NSWCCC team will be contacted directly to organise refunds and discuss uniform options. The CSNSW Sport store has been closed, for now no merchandise can be purchased until further notice.
Please continue to monitor the CSNSW sport website for updates and the most current information regarding cancelled events. Information can be found at Welcome to Catholic Schools Sports Services | CSNSW Sport Portal.
Understandably, this decision will likely have a flow on effect for all sporting events (Diocesan, CCC etc) moving forward in 2020. Information will be communicated as the situation continues to develop and unfold.
More School Sport Australia information can be found at School Sport Australia - Education through school sport.
Miss Sarah Bowen
(Acting College Sport Coordinator -
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open from 2.30pm - 4pm on the following days.
Term 3
- 7 September
Term 4
- 12 October
- 2 November
- 7 December
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities.
The Mount Carmel Uniform Shop is located at the top end of the School, past the Champagnat Centre.
Please note the following COVID-19 procedures
Ranier requests ordering online prior to collecting from store.
If you are unsure of the size required, purchase your best estimate online. Can be exchanged for free if required (unworn items only).
For online ordering please visit
For first time users
- Registration requires the student name, number and the College password (mtcar2566).
- Email for any problems with registration.
For your safety and ours
- Please observe social distancing advice (at least 1m apart)
- Only 1 family is permitted within the shop at a time
- Please expect longer waiting times
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Opening Hours (During School Term)
Mon: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Wed: 12:30pm – 4:30pm
Ranier Customer Service 8337 7200
Young People need to aim high and to know that their community support them. Our children are our most valuable resource and, all too often, their academic achievements can be neglected. We want to encourage learning and to reward as many students as possible.
To this end, I am asking for donations towards the Year 12 Academic Medallions. The cost of each medallion is $40.00 or three for $100.00. If you wish to donate towards a particular subject, please contact Trish Mooney on 9603 3000 or email
Year 12 HSC Tuesday Evening Study Session
This opportunity is supervised by 2 HSC staff each Tuesday. We also have extra staff who make themselves available each week to assist with student requests.
We highly recommend that your child attend and make the most of this opportunity to help them reach their HSC goals.
The Hermitage has a wide range of Religious items, crucifixes, spiritual books, journals, cards and many gift ideas. You can view what we have available on our website by clicking on the shop icon ( . You can order and pay on line.
Our facilities are available for those seeking some time out for reflection & prayer. We have cottages & Villas available plus accompaniment for those seeking this. Bookings can be made via the booking form on our website. You have the options of self-catered or catered for meals.
In August we are offering a Brunch & Morning tea on the weekends of August 22 & 23 and August 29 & 30 9am – 2pm. Booking is essential to ensure a place is available. Ring our office on 4872 1911 during business hours 9am – 4pm to reserve a place.
The Hermitage has two comfortable cottages set in a peaceful, relaxing and scenic environment. The Hermitage is located in the Southern Highlands, 75 minutes south of Sydney. These self-contained cottages are ideal for a family get away. If you are considering a weekend away why not stay in one of our cottages at the Hermitage? The weekend rate of $340 (2 people) includes all linen. To make a booking complete a booking enquiry form on the Hermitage web site. We look forward to welcoming you to the Southern Highlands!