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- Principal's Report
- From The Assistant Principal
- From the REC
- Learning and Teaching at the College
- From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
- From the Finance Office
- College Sport at Mount Carmel
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- Mount Carmel Uniform Shop
- Coping With Change
- School Opal Cards Expiring
- CatholicCare Counselling

Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
In last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus told the Parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 14-30). In this parable, a wealthy man entrusted three of his servants with talents (a unit of money) whilst he went on a journey. Two of the servants took the talents and invested them to reap a profit for their master. The third was fearful of his master and took his talent and buried it so that it would not be stolen. When the master returned, he congratulated the two wise servants and condemned the one who had buried his talent.
In our translation, we see a clear connection between the gifts that God has given us to use (our talents) and the expectation that we use those gifts in a productive way. As with many of the Gospel readings, we do not have to look far to find the relevance of these in our everyday lives. For students at Mount Carmel, this story might very easily be reflected in the fact that as we approach the end of the year, they will each be completing assessment tasks and exams that might reflect how well they have used the talents they have been given by God. Have these talents been used wisely to reap productive rewards, or squandered and hidden? Given that one of our Marist characteristics is ‘love of work’, I encourage all students to adopt the idea that using your talents appropriately is one of the greatest ways that we can honour the gifts given to us by God.
Last Friday, our staff completed a Staff Development Day on wellbeing. Staff undertook an on-line training session rather than a face to face professional development (thanks to COVID). This session provided them with an opportunity to stop and reflect on what wellbeing is and what strategies might be used to enhance it. Many of these tools are also appropriate for students and might be used in a Pastoral way over the coming months. I thank all parents and students for your support in enabling staff to take time to look after such an important aspect of their lives.
On Friday December 4 (week 8), our Year 7 2021 students will be attending an Orientation Day at the College. This date was moved to allow us to hold a day where the students could come together onsite and complete some activities. The students will be kept separate from the rest of the College on the day and activities will be conducted in alignment with COVID directives. Each Year 7, 2021 parent has been sent an email and orientation pack outlining the details. For the rest of our students, the day will proceed as normal.
On Tuesday evening we were able to hold our final Parents and Friend’s meeting for 2020. via Zoom. Unfortunately, we received a few apologies and were not able to make a quorum to hold a regular meeting. This was the last opportunity for 2020 for the P&F to meet as our next meeting will not be until term 1 next year. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the P&F executive Ms Stephanie Jenkins (President), Mrs Kelly Calderbank (treasurer), Mr Damian Calderbank (Vice President) and Mr Alex Dziubinski (Diocesan Rep) for their continued support and efforts during 2020. This year has been frustrating in terms of what we were unable to do but I have appreciated the ability to discuss ideas and unveil ideas to our committed group of parents. I encourage all parents to consider joining us for the P&F meetings next year.
You may be aware that over the previous two weeks we have conducted an evacuation drill and a lockdown drill. For safety, these events must be practiced each 12 months and were scheduled for earlier in the year but were unable to be carried out due to COVID and weather. They were very successful drills and have been evaluated with the intent to implement slight adjustments to improve them. We hope to conduct these again at the start of 2021 and appreciate the efforts of the staff and the cooperation of the students.
Over the past few months, Bishop Brian has been celebrating Sunday Mass and livestreaming it. These Masses each Sunday and can be accessed here.
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Today saw the first year assemblies that we have held at the College since the second half of Term 1. This has been a result of the relaxation of a number COVID-19 directives that have significantly limited our opportunities to gather in large groups throughout most of 2020. This coming Friday will mark the first time that we have gathered as a College community, also for the first time since Term 1, as we badge our Student Representative Council for 2021 and particularly focus on the academic achievements of our new Year 12 cohort now that they have completed their Preliminary Course.
The relaxing of COVID-19 directives have also allowed us to confirm a number of plans that we have for the conclusion of the current school year, and the commencement of next year. Term 4 will officially conclude on Tuesday 15th December with our End of Year Mass and Awards Ceremony. This will be followed by online Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews on the Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. The first day back in Term 1 2021, will be Thursday 28th January for students in Years 7, 11 and 12, and Friday 29th January for all remaining year groups.
Finally this week, consistent with the range of programs that we are implementing now that the COVID-19 restrictions are easing across the state, I wish our Year 10 students and staff all the very best for this coming Monday and Tuesday as they participate in what is normally our Year 10 Gender Camp Program. Although the overnight portion of this event has been removed, I believe the core contents remain as relevant for all students and certainly encourage them to enthusiastically engage in the program that is being offered. I thank Mr Harrison and Miss Bowen in particular for the meticulous planning that has been invested in providing this very worthwhile experience for our students.
Mr David Cloran
Assistant Principal
First Reading Ez 34:11-12. 15-17 The Lord will rescue his sheep.
Second Reading 1 Cor 15:20-26.28 When all has been subjected to Christ, all will be one in Him.
Gospel Mt 25:31-46 Whenever you serve the least of people, you serve Christ.
REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate
Necessities of [Eternal] Life
The eternal destiny of every human being of a certain maturity is determined by decisions made in relation to food and drink for the famished, clothing and housing for those without decent clothing or shelter, visiting those in circumstances which cut them off from life-giving contact with others (the sick and prisoners).
Those who provide such assistance, in the words of Pope Francis, touch the wounds of Christ! A Christian can be fully conscious of this, but for non Christians it is possible to do so without any of our awareness or belief. Christ is completely incognito to them: ‘When did we ever see you hungry and feed you …?’.
We know the doctrine of the Real Presence in the poor and marginalised. Woe betide those of us who ignore this fact of faith. We are on the way to a Hellish state of existence. That is equally possible for those who do not share our faith, but who ignore the plight of the marginalised and continue in a self-absorbed way.
We could pause for a moment to pray that we, and many billions of non-Christians, may hear the invitation: ‘Come you blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’
© Fr Michael Tate;
RE Curriculum update
Year 11 have now moved into the Year 12 course.
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning and Teaching at the College
- 14 December - 7-10 Academic Reports available to parents (COMPASS)
- 15 December - 4pm-8pm - PTS Interviews via Zoom
- 16 December - 8:30am- 12pm - PTS Interviews via Zoom
- 18 December - HSC results released (ATAR released at 9am)
Year 10 Alternate Program Week 9
In preparation for and transition into the Senior School to start Year 11 courses, Year 10 students will engage in a week of alternate activities in week 9. These activities will include: completing “All My Own Work” Modules which is a mandatory requirement for NESA, an Academic Symposium to prepare students for Year 11 courses, a spirituality day, a Leadership day and a Pastoral day. Specific details of each day and the requirements for each will be shared with all Year 10 students next week.
Year 10 Alternate Week (Wk 9) – DRAFT – FINAL details to be shared next week
Day |
Activity |
Details |
Tuesday 8 Dec |
Spirituality / Retreat day |
P1-P4 |
Wednesday 9 Dec |
Academic Symposium |
P1-P6 |
Thursday 10 Dec |
Assessment / NESA / Curriculum AMOW |
P1-P2 P3-P6 |
Friday 11 Dec |
Year 11 2021 Leadership Day |
P2-P6 |
Monday 14 Dec |
Year 10 Pastoral / Recreational Day |
P1-P6 |
HSC ATAR BBQ – 18 December
Year 12 students and all staff are invited to attend the College on Friday 18 December @ 10:30am for a BBQ in celebration of the 2020 HSC results.
HSC Key Dates:
- 18 December - HSC results released (ATAR release date TBC)
- 18 December – HSC BBQ – 10:30am
Ms Judith Tolomeo
Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
Today saw the College host Year assemblies for the first time since the lockdown in March. The face to face presentations, not only by our Year Coordinators and teams, but also guest presenters throughout the year, has been missed. However, as we enter the remaining month of 2020, the chance to reflect, remind and reset for 2020 and 2021 is something that we are looking forward to. Today’s meetings for each of the year groups include:
- Year 7 - Relationships, Bullying and Harassment, Motivation and Merits for learning.
- Year 8 - The second of Gender specific presentations. This week the girls will be looking at the role of Physical Activity and life balance and the boys will be Engaging in a presentation on Respectful, Responsible Relationships.
- Year 9 - Leadership and Careers information for 2021.
- Year 10 - Preparation for activity days on Monday and Tuesday and using the last few weeks of Year 10 as a springboard for senior schooling.
- Year 11 - Setting the standard for the HSC and Year Group theme for 2021.
Thank you to all Year teams for the work that has gone into the preparation and presentation of these sessions.
Elevate Education is hosting one remaining webinar this year. As part of the Mount Carmel Community, families and students are provided with access to these webinars. To be part of this presentation, simply click onto the links below. The topic being covered on December 2 is related to Technology. Each seminar goes for approximately one hour.
Elevate Education Register here Next Session @6pm on Wednesday December 2 2020 Elevate are a global education organisation that helps over 1-million students to improve their study skills and boost academic performance. You can learn more about them at |
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
School Fee Statements have been emailed to all families for November 2020. Please ensure your school fee payments are finalised by Friday, 4 December 2020. Should your family be experiencing financial hardship, please make contact with the school finance office.
If you have a fee credit and have no children attending Mount Carmel in 2021, please email to request a refund including your bank account details BSB and account number.
For families that have fee credit and their children are attending Mount Carmel in 2021 the fee credit will be applied toward next year’s school fees.
Recreational Sport
This week marked mid-term rotations for many groups in which I’d like to extend a very big thank you to the students for their adaptability. A number of changes have continued to occur due to venue and bus restrictions. This particularly has impacted groups who would otherwise have been attending pools this term or venues where there would be more than one sport group. Students are reminded to ensure that they check Compass on a Tuesday morning for any change to the sport schedule. Students are reminded that sun safety remains a priority.
MISA Results Week 5
Congratulations to all teams for some exceptional results this week. Coaches have been very impressed with both the performance and attitude of all players.
Sport |
Opposition |
Result |
Winning Team |
Most Valuable Player |
7 - 8 Girls Softball |
Magdalene Catholic College |
5 - 4 |
Magdalene |
Jessica McMillan Sienna Pavoncelli |
9 - 10 Girls Volleyball |
Magdalene Catholic College |
3 - 0 |
Timara Semaia |
9 - 10 Boys Volleyball |
Magdalene Catholic College |
3 - 0 |
Toby Curry |
7 - 8 Girls AFL |
Magdalene Catholic College |
42 - 1 |
Skylah Gilbang |
7 - 8 Boys AFL |
Magdalene Catholic College |
42 - 42 |
Draw |
7-8 Girls OzTag |
Magdalene Catholic College |
9 - 0 |
Taylah Faiai Janita Leota-Brown |
7-8 Boys Oztag |
Magdalene Catholic College |
5 - 4 |
Preston Gallant |
9 - 10 Mixed Frisbee |
Magdalene Catholic College |
18 - 11 |
Mersedes Mansfield Ryan Topolski |
Years 9 - 10 Boys Indoor Cricket |
Magdalene Catholic College |
42 - 40 |
Matt Galvin |
MISA Week 6 draw and locations:
Sport |
Opposition |
Venue |
7 - 8 Girls Softball |
Oran Park Anglican College |
7 - 8 Girls AFL |
Oran Park Anglican College |
7 - 8 Boys AFL |
Oran Park Anglican College |
7-8 Girls OzTag |
Oran Park Anglican College |
7-8 Boys OzTag |
Oran Park Anglican College |
9 - 10 Girls Volleyball |
Oran Park Anglican College |
9 - 10 Boys Volleyball |
Oran Park Anglican College |
9 - 10 Boys Indoor Cricket |
Oran Park Anglican College |
9 - 10 Mixed Frisbee |
Oran Park Anglican College |
Students are reminded that College Sport is a compulsory requirement of enrolment at Mount Carmel Catholic College.
- If a student is unable to participate in sport on any given Tuesday they must provide a note signed by their parent/guardian to the Sports Coordinator at recess on the day that they cannot participate.
- If a student is to miss their bus they must see the Sports Coordinator at lunch so that a new sport can be assigned. If the student cannot locate the Sport Coordinator they are to go to the front office. Students are reminded of the importance of checking Compass and being organised in going to the correct room on Compass.
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed at
Higher level MacKillop and CCC trials and events status can be monitored at
More School Sport Australia information can be found at School Sport Australia - Education through school sport.
Miss Sarah Bowen
(Acting College Sport Coordinator -
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open on the following days.
Term 4
- Year 7 2021 Orientation Day 4 December 10am - 2pm
- 7 December 2.30pm - 4pm
Term 1 2021
- Wednesday 27 January 9am - 12noon
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities.
From January onwards, there will be a number of School Opal cards expiring, as the physical card has reached its lifespan.
These are cards for students who will be in Years 8 to 12 in 2021, and only those Opal cards which haven’t been replaced in the last five years.
Impacted students and/or their parent/guardian will be contacted directly by Transport for NSW via email or post. They will be asked to confirm their details online in order for a new School Opal card to be sent to the correct postal address in time for the new school year.
If contacted by Transport for NSW, details should be submitted online by December 1, 2020 at the latest. Affected students who do not confirm their details in time will have a new School Opal card posted to the address that they currently have on file.