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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
Welcome back to all members of our community for the start of 2021. I would like to extend a special welcome to our Year 7 students (the class of 2026), our new students in Years 8 – 11 and the families who are joining our community for the first time.
The Gospel from Last Sunday’s Mass was from Mark 1: 14-20. In this reading, we are told of Jesus’ calling of Simon and Andrew, James and John. His calling of them to Him is literal and practical and He asks them to join Him to be fishers of men. “At once they left their boats and followed Him”. These four men, saw an opportunity to follow someone who had a message that was powerful and meaningful. Each of us is also called to Follow Jesus and His message is as important today as it was 2000 years ago. We are asked to Love God above all others and to love our neighbour as ourselves. In these two messages, we are given the ability to become better people and make for a better world. We are challenged to act in a way that follows the message and teachings of Christ.
The start of 2021 has seen us witness the great exhilaration of the academic and leadership success of our students and the deep sadness associated with the loss of a member of our community.
As many of you would be aware, Riing Doar, a member of our Year 10 cohort tragically died following an accident during the holidays. Over the past week, we have grieved as a community and come together to support not only Riing’s family but also his many friends who are deeply feeling his loss. Many of you would be aware of the fundraiser initiated by the Parish of Mary Immaculate at Eagle Vale, who aimed to assist in the cost of the funeral arrangements. The goal was achieved within a week and we have been proud to be a small part of a very caring community. As I requested in my letter of last week, please keep an eye on your own children and their reactions and as always, please support each other and keep the College informed should your child need any assistance. May the perpetual light of Christ be upon Riing and may he rest in peace - Amen.
At the end of last year, we received the HSC results for our cohort of 2020 and were extremely proud of the efforts and achievements of our students and the supports that they had received from their teachers. Further into this newsletter, we will publish a more in depth list of these results however as a snapshot, these students received 90 band 6 results (a mark above 90), achieved 6 all-rounders, achieved 15 students with an ATAR above 90, 10 of which were above 95 and the College improved from being ranked 162 in 2019 to 132 in 2020. This improvement was the latest in a trend which has seen the College improve by over 100 positions over the last 5 years. As a community we are very proud of the students and staff and look forward to continued improvements from up-coming students.
As an addition to this, we were informed at the start of this week that Emma Jones (Dux, ATAR 99.05, College Captain 2020) has had her English Extension 2 major work nominated for NESA's Young Writers Annual Showcase anthology for 'extraordinary' Ext 2. Major Works. This is a first for a student for Mount Carmel and we wish Emma the best.
On Australia Day, Jaden Legaspi (College Captain, 2020) was named as the Campbelltown Australia Day Young Australian of the Year. This is an exceptional achievement for a young man who displayed leadership throughout his time at the College. Again we are very proud of Jaden and his efforts and congratulate him for this achievement.
At the opening College Assembly today, I briefly introduced the overall College theme for 2021 – ‘Build your resilience – bounce back’. This theme follows from the themes of the past few years; ‘push past your limits’ (2018), ‘make routines habits’ (2019), ‘set your goals’ (2020) and is appropriate following our COVID experience. At intervals over the next 12 months, I will be asking students to develop ways to bounce back and grow from experiences. Please have these discussions at home to assist us in building resilient and thoughtful young women and men.
At the end of last year we farewelled 5 staff who had moved into new roles elsewhere. I would like to welcome a number of new staff to the College in 2021;
Mr. Shane Blanksby (Science), Mr. Anthony Burden (TAS/Hosp), Mrs. Nicole Hulme (Science), Mr. Robert Kawa (Maths) Ms. Mikayla Lilli (Maths), Mr. Bernard O’Connell (PDHPE), Ms. Elizabeth Varde (English) Ms. Tanya White (HSIE), Ms. Cassandra Whitworth (Science). In addition to these, a number of staff are returning to either permanent positions or renewed contracts; Mr. Roj Dalisay (Maths), Mr. Andre Daniels (PDHPE), Mr. Jason Follett (Music), Ms. Jo Jefferies (RE/HSIE), Ms. Victoria Zullo (English). On behalf of the community I welcome all our new staff.
As you would be aware many COVID restrictions have been eased over the past few days. We will continue to monitor and take advice from Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong, Catholic Schools NSW and the relevant health authorities. One of the main impacts of the current directives are the requirement for people above the age of 12 to wear masks on public transport and hired coaches. This means that students above 12 are expected to wear masks on buses to and from school and on any school chartered bus (sport, excursions etc). Please support this health advice by ensuring your child has a mask if they are travelling on a bus (including on a Tuesday sport bus).
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
Further to Mr Lo Casico’s comments above, I too would like to extend my own welcome back to the new school year. While nobody could have predicted how 2020 would have unravelled as we commenced back last January, we remain optimistic that 2021 will see a continued return to normality as the COVID-19 situation continues to improve.
As is the case at the start of any new year, we have more parents choosing to drop our, normally younger, students off to school each morning and collect them of an afternoon. Over the coming days and weeks, can I please encourage all parents to continue exercising patience and caution when moving through the parent carpark of a morning and afternoon so that we can continue to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students.
I also remind parents of students who catch a bus of a morning or afternoon that face masks are now mandatory for students over the age of 12 while the current public health order is in place. I also remind students and parents of the three very simple measures that remain in place to ensure the ongoing health and wellbeing of all members of our community:
- Keeping your child home when they are unwell, even with very mild symptoms.
- Informing the school immediately if your child is self-isolating or undergoing testing, and informing us of the result as soon as possible.
- Following sickness with flu-like symptoms, ensuring your child is free of symptoms and can present a negative COVID-19 test, before they return to school.
Wishing you the very best for the year ahead.
David Cloran
Assistant Principal
REFLECTION by Dianne Bergant CSA
The demonic seduces us in more ways than we can count and we are often caught in its web before we recognise what has happened. There have always been many and varied voices that claim to have the remedy for our ills. Preachers and politicians have stirred up crowds and ignited their emotions. Promises have been made and predictions advanced, yet the conflict goes on, the demons continue to hold sway. The demon recognised the authority in the voice of Jesus. Do we recognise it?
When we are released by Jesus from the demons that possess us, we are freed from the stranglehold of evil and liberated to live far less encumbered and divided lives. No Earthly reality will possess us, neither relationships nor obligations nor even religious practices. Rather, we will be possessed by Christ who liberates us for the reign of God. Therefore, whether married or unmarried, whether in the midst of the community or at its margins, we will be able to heed the voice of God in our hearts and to recognise Jesus in our midst.
Learning and Teaching at the College
- 3 February – Yr 11 Information Evening (Remotely)
- 5 February – High Achievers academic Assembly
- 26 February - Staff PD day (Curriculum / Pastoral)
- 1 March – Yr 7 2022 Open Night
- 26 March – Yr 12 Academic Reports Available to parents (COMPASS)
- 31 March – Yr 12 PTS Interviews
- 1 April – 7-10 Tracking Reports Available to parents (COMPASS)
Year 12 2020 HSC
The College is very proud of the 2020 HSC results and the achievements of the 2020 HSC cohort.
- 90 Band 6s - which is a mark of between 90 and 100
- 177 Band 5s - which is a mark of between 80 and 89
- 5 students recognised as an ‘All Rounder’
- Francis Del Castillo - 4th in the State - Spanish Extension
- 15 students - ATAR 90+
- 1 successful entry into Art express – Jaala Marie Sadler
- 2 nominations for Shape (D & T) (James Gomez, Asher Tran)
- 1 nomination for encore (Music 1) (Hiruni Pereira )
- 1 nomination for NESA young writer’s annual showcase (Ext 2 English – Emma Jones)
- Over 75% of subjects were above state average
- Rank - 132nd in State (162nd in 2019)
The College will acknowledge 15 students next week at the College High Achievers Academic Assembly.
Year 11 2021 Information Evening
Due to current COVID restrictions, the Year 11 2021 Information evening will occur remotely. Year 11 students will have access next week to the information presentations and the College Assessment Handbook. It is important that all parents / carers view this presentation with their son / daughter and ensure that the College Assessment Handbook is read and understood as well.
Ms Judith Tolomeo
Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
As we commence 2021 I would like to share some information that is currently included in our College Diary and is important in terms of establishing norms and providing support for our students. The challenges of the past year have reinforced greatly that we should take nothing for granted, whilst at the same time, displaying the great sense of cooperation, community, care and resilience that exists within Mount Carmel.
Having said that, it is also important to recognise that there are certain things that we can undertake that will foster even further our common goals with respect to Learning and Wellbeing. Firstly, the Pastoral Care foundations that we are built on here at the College. These pillars are fundamental to our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing programs and stress the importance of a holistic and collaborative approach to education. It is these themes that will be integrated into our Pastoral Care program over the coming year that will provide opportunity for group and individual challenge and growth.
Secondly, the importance of maintaining a high standard of application and presentation as part of our broader community. Late last year, letters were sent out by each of our respective Year Coordinators outlining some of the expectations regarding uniform and grooming, among other things. Could I please remind students and carers of the expectations regarding hair, as outlined below:
Hair – Girls
- Hair must be tidy and neither grown nor groomed in an extreme or exaggerated fashion. Hair needs to be well brushed, combed and tidy. Extremes of cut, dyeing/foils, gels, mousse, sprays and steps must not be used.
- Hair must be of a natural colour and in such a condition that it does not invite comment
- Ribbons (cardinal red, navy blue or white) are to be used to tie back hair longer than collar length
- No patterns or lines are to be shaved into the scalp or eyebrows
- Hair should not obscure the face. No fancy clips or hair accessories.
Hair – Boys
- Hair must be of a natural colour, tidy and neither grown nor groomed in an extreme or exaggerated fashion
- The following are not allowed – steps, undercutting, dyeing, layering, colour variations, gels, too long (over collar and/or ears), obscuring the face or eyebrows, or too short. Hair may not be tied up (e.g. pony tail).
- Extremes of cut, dyeing, gels, mousse and sprays must not be used
- Nothing below a #2 gauge/blade is acceptable and no patterns or lines are to be shaved into the scalp or eyebrows. Changes in length should be blended
- Hair must be in such a condition that it does not invite comment
- All boys must be clean-shaven.
Lastly, it is important that each individual student accepts responsibility for their own level of wellbeing. The SEEEDDS program provides a scaffold for the awareness and implementation of a variety of strategies and skills that we can all apply to monitor and adapt behaviours that can influence our individual and collective wellbeing. Again, this program will be part of each Year Groups Pastoral Care and Wellbeing throughout 2021.
Each of these matters are explained in more detail in the Student Diaries. Please feel free to discuss these with your son or daughter, or contact their respective Year Coordinator for further information.
Thanks in anticipation of your support throughout 2021.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Tuesday Sport Participation
There is no doubt an inextricable link between participation in physical activity and heightened wellbeing. Mount Carmel Catholic College is a holistic school community that encourages students to fulfil their potential across a range of areas including sport and physical activity. This week I spoke to Year 7 regarding sporting opportunities available to them at the College. A key emphasis was placed on encouraging students to achieve their personal best. There are a range of sporting pathways and avenues available to students at a representative level however there are also a wide range of opportunities for all students to achieve their personal best through sport. The Tuesday sporting program is inclusive to all students and enables students to develop skills in a variety of contexts and to gain confidence through movement. I would like to encourage all students to challenge themselves through sport this year in whatever form that may look like for each individual student. As a result, the many benefits of movement and physical activity can be enjoyed.
Sport Permission Notes
Next week students will receive their sport permission note which will need to be returned by Monday 8th February. This note details that students may be required to travel to venues off-site. We are very fortunate to offer a wide range of sporting activities to students at the College. It is important that parents also include any key information relating to medical and health conditions that may impact their child's ability to participate in physical activity. It is important that the College remain informed about any changes to pre-existing conditions.
- Week 2 - Tuesday 2 February
- MISA Trials
- On-site sport groups commence sport
- Off-site group grounds will receive sport induction for their venue (no bus travel)
- Week 3 - Tuesday 9 February
- MISA Trials
- Off-site sport groups commence sport (bus travel commences, masks will be required)
2021 College Carnival Dates
What |
When |
College Swimming Carnival |
Friday 19 February (Term 1, Week 4) |
College Cross Country |
Thursday 1 April (Term 1, Week 10) |
College Athletics Carnival |
Friday 21 May (Term 2, Week 5) |
*details regarding the College Swimming Carnival will be published next week
Term 1 MISA Trials
Mount Carmel Catholic College is a part of the Macarthur Independent Schools Associate (MISA). Each term students have the opportunity to participate in the MISA Sporting competition through representative sport in which they will travel to various venues and compete against Catholic, Anglican and Christian schools in the Macarthur area. To represent the College in a MISA team students must attend trials and be selected. Students are encouraged to attend trials.
Term 1 MISA Trials will be held during Week 2 and 3 Tuesday Sport 1:05 PM- 2:45PM.
Sport |
Division |
Gender |
Meeting Time |
Meeting Location |
Indoor Cricket |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
1:05PM |
School |
Softball |
Years 7-9 |
Male |
1:05PM |
Oval steps |
Volleyball |
Years 7-9 |
Female and Male |
1:05PM |
Champagnat Centre |
Hockey |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
1:05PM |
Oval steps |
Basketball |
Years 10-12 |
Female and Male |
1:05PM |
Basketball courts |
Oz Tag |
Years 10-12 |
Female and Male |
1:05PM |
Oval steps |
Communication regarding sport
Students are reminded to continue checking the Compass dashboard for key information relating to sport during 2021. Key information will also be communicated to parents via the College Newsletter and notes sent home. Information will also be provided to staff who will communicate key messages with students during Pastoral Care in the morning.
Representative Pathways
- MISA Website
- Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed at
Higher level MacKillop and CCC trials and events status can be monitored at
More School Sport Australia information can be found at
Miss Sarah Bowen
(Acting College Sport Coordinator -
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open on the following days.
Term 1 2021
- Monday 1 February - 2.30pm - 4pm
- Monday 1 March - 2.30pm - 4pm
- Monday 29 March 2.30pm - 4pm