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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
In last week’s Gospel (Mark 1: 29-39) Jesus visits Simon’s mother and heals her of a fever. The next morning He “departed for a deserted place, and there spent time in prayer”. By healing Simon’s mother, Jesus was carrying out His miraculous works and reaching out to others. He followed this up almost immediately by taking time to Himself to go away and take the opportunity to pray. These actions reinforce our notion that the path to life requires both an outreach to help others and a very personal inward connection to God. Just as if an athlete only focuses and concentrates on developing one set of muscles at the expense of others, their body will become lopsided and not function as effectively. In the same way, if our actions only involve good works, we are not fully open to the message of God and the opportunities that this might present. By taking time in prayer, we allow the influence of the Holy Spirit into our lives and this combined with good works and attitudes to others will help us to bring about a better world.
Unfortunately, our Opening College Mass scheduled for today needed to be postponed. This is a result of the requirement to adhere to diocesan COVID guidelines for running masses where the 4 square metre rule still applied. It therefore became impossible to gather the entire College together for this. Rather than hold a smaller liturgy, we have postponed the mass until Week 6 in the hope that these rules might be relaxed. If we are able to invite parents, we will communicate this at a later stage.
Last Wednesday evening we hosted our Year 7 Meet and Greet evening. This was a great opportunity for parents to meet the Pastoral Advisors in small groups and hear information important to clear communication and College expectations. Thank you to the many parents who attended this important evening and had opportunities to ask questions.
On February 26, We will be holding our scheduled Staff Development Day. For new parents in particular, please be advised that this is a Pupil Free day. The staff will be focussing on how we best meet the needs of individual students and ensure that different approaches might be used to enable all students to reach their potential. I thank parents in advance for your support of this important staff professional development.
At this point in time we still intend on holding our Year 7, 2022 Information Evening on Monday March 1 in some form. The specific format for this evening will be communicated as the date draws nearer, however, I ask anyone who may be considering enrolling children at Mount Carmel in Year 7 next year, to keep this evening free and potentially join us. The final format of this evening will obviously be determined by COVID safety considerations at the time. Please circulate this date to any friends whom you know may also be interested in enrolling.
An early reminder that the Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting will be held on March 9. At this stage, the meeting will occur on site and parents will need to sign in. At this meeting, the P&F executive for 2021 will be elected. Should anyone wish to stand for these positions, please attend on the evening. P&F meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month during school terms and are held in room I3 at the College. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
In the College newsletter last week, I took the opportunity to remind students and parents of the need for all students over the age of 12 to wear masks on bus services to and from the College. There has been a marked increase in the number of students who are wearing masks and I thank everyone for their support in this regard. Again, while the College or bus companies are not responsible for enforcing this mandate, we will continue to urge students to wear a mask for as long as this public health order is in place.
There were many brave faces on display on Wednesday here at the College when all of Year 8 and 10 received their immunisations from nurses from NSW Health. As a school we are certainly keen to support this service and will continue to do so moving forward. I remind parents of students in Year 7, that we have scheduled two immunisation days this year, the first taking place on Friday 23 April and the second booster injection on Friday 29 October. Information packages regarding these will be sent home in due course.
Finally this week, I thank all parents and students who have supported our COVID-19 processes over the first few weeks of the school year. These include:
- Keeping your child home when they are unwell, even with very mild symptoms.
- Informing the school immediately if your child is self-isolating or undergoing testing, and informing us of the result as soon as possible.
- Following sickness with flu-like symptoms, ensuring your child is free of symptoms and can present a negative COVID-19 test, before they return to school.
If you have any questions regarding these processes, please contact the front office. As the public health advice evolves, we will continue to keep you updated on how we are responding as a College community.
David Cloran
Assistant Principal
REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate
Lepers were social outcasts forced to live outside the villages and towns. Jesus heals the leper, allowing him to return to communal living, but, in touching him, Jesus put himself on the outer. The Gospel says that Jesus ‘had to stay outside where nobody lived’. Jesus willingly changed places with the leper!
This incident prefigures the deepest mystery and scandal of the Gospel. Because of our deliberate wrongdoing, we are ‘on the outside’ with God. Our Lord and Saviour willingly experienced that alienation on Calvary, outside the walls of Jerusalem, in a desolate place where no-body lived. He suffered the dis-locating consequences of sin in his body and mind: ‘My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?’
He took our place outside the human awareness of the loving presence of His Heavenly Father so that we might be located in the right place, insiders with God.
We might pause for a moment to lovingly thank our Saviour for leading us into ‘the One in Whom we live and move and have our being’.
Learning and Teaching at the College
- 26 February - Staff PD day (Curriculum / Pastoral)
- 1 March – Yr 7 2022 Open Night
- 8 March – Yr 7 BEST START Periods 1-2
- 26 March – Yr 12 Academic Reports Available to parents (COMPASS)
- 31 March – Yr 12 PTS Interviews
- 1 April – 7-10 Tracking Reports Available to parents (COMPASS)
Year 7 will be completing "Best Start" Testing this Term. Best Start Year 7 is a literacy and numeracy assessment package for schools to use in the first five weeks of Year 7. It is designed to:
- provide teachers with consistent and up-to-date information about new students' skills and abilities in literacy and numeracy
- identify students at risk of falling behind
- help inform targeted teaching and intervention strategies
All Year 7 students will attend PC as usual and stay in PC rooms with their PC Teacher for P1-P2 to complete both tests (50 mins each). Tests are online and hence students will need a charged device
Numeracy in 2021
By the end of 2021:
- All staff will acknowledge that they are teachers of Numeracy and will engage in professional dialogue, professional learning and professional experiences to support their own learning, development and ability to teach Numerical skills in their own subject context.
- Mathematics teachers will acknowledge their critical role as a teacher of Numeracy
- Students will have an awareness and understanding of cross KLA Numeracy and the connections between subject specific content
- Students will have improved Numeracy skills through consolidation of concepts taught in Mathematics
Watch this space… for Numeracy updates
Ms Judith Tolomeo
Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
After the completion of our first two weeks of the new academic year, our Pastoral Teams (year groups) conducted a range of assemblies and class activities earlier today to assist students with a variety of wellbeing and learning matters. Each of these presentations refer specifically to our Pastoral Care framework centred on Responsibilities, Relationships and High Expectations. Below is a list of the key elements from each year group:
- Year 7: The Marist Charism of Family Spirit, Hygiene and Youth Ministry
- Year 8: Organisation and preparation for learning, Extra-curricular opportunities
- Year 9: Building relationships and getting to know one another in pastoral classes
- Year 10: Academic expectations, extracurricular opportunities, planning for future pathways and ROSA requirements
- Year 11: Resilience, Goal setting and organisation, responsible use of technology
- Year 12: Careers information, support for learning during the HSC year and HSC special provisions.
Sports uniform reminders
Shoes: as outlined late last year, a change to the expectations regarding Sport shoes occurred, which recognised the difficulty in acquiring predominantly white shoes. As outlined in this earlier notification, and as per page 18 of the Student Diary, please be reminded that
“ Appropriate runners or cross-training sport shoes with arch support must be worn with the College sports uniform. Students are not permitted to wear canvas or leather shoes with a flat sole (eg. Converse or volleys), skate shoes and/or slip ons”.
Sports Jackets: Please also be reminded that the Mount Carmel jacket is to be worn only on days where sports uniform is worn to school (eg. Tuesdays or PDHPE scheduled practical days). In the event of cooler weather in terms one and four, the College jumper is to be worn if warmer clothing is required.
As always, thank you for your continued support with these initiatives and the ongoing wellbeing and learning of all members of our community.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Sport Permission Notes
A reminder that any student who has not returned their sport permission note must do so ASAP. Should your child’s medical conditions/injury status change throughout the year it is important that the College is notified.
Bus Travel Week 4 - Tuesday 9 February
Next week we will commence bus travel for MISA sports and recreational bus groups will again travel via bus to their various venues. Meeting Locations for buses:
Group |
Meeting Location at 12:40PM |
Recreational groups |
Basketball courts |
MISA groups |
Meet outside the sports office |
Communication regarding sport
Students are reminded to continue checking the Compass dashboard for key information relating to sport during 2021. Key information will also be communicated to parents via the College Newsletter and notes sent home. Information will also be provided to staff who will communicate key messages with students during Pastoral Care in the morning.
MISA Sport
This week the final MISA trials were conducted for various sporting teams. Congratulations to all students who were successful in their selection. To those students who were unsuccessful and may be experiencing disappointment - I urge you to use this disappointment to reflect, seek feedback from selectors and to work hard. We look forward to seeing you at future trials.
Round 1 MISA Draw
Sport |
Division |
Gender |
Versing |
Meeting Time |
Meeting Location |
Location |
Indoor Cricket |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
1:05PM |
Outside the sports office |
National Indoor Sports, Campbelltown |
Softball |
Years 7-9 |
Male |
1:05PM |
Outside the sports office |
Cowpasture Reserve |
Volleyball |
Years 7-9 |
Female and Male |
1:05PM |
Champagnat Centre |
Mount Carmel Catholic College |
Hockey |
Years 7-9 |
Female |
1:05PM |
Outside the sports office |
Macarthur Hockey Complex , Narellan |
Basketball |
Years 10-12 |
Female and Male |
1:05PM |
Outside the sports office |
Minto Basketball Stadium , Minto, |
Oz Tag |
Years 10-12 |
Female and Male |
1:05PM |
Outside the sports office |
Victoria Park, Minto |
Date: Friday, 19 February, 2021 |
Location: The Gordon Fetterplace Aquatic Centre, Bradbury |
Depart College: 10:45am (meet outside the sports office) |
Finish: approximately 3:00pm |
Transport: Bus |
Uniform: College Summer Sports Uniform |
Students must bring: Lunch, snacks, water bottle, hat, sunscreen, appropriate swimwear, goggles, towel, anaphylaxis and / or asthma medication if required. |
Food: Students are expected to bring their own food. |
Additional information: Students are welcome to bring a smaller bag. Students will be dismissed from the venue from 2:30pm and no later than 3:00pm. A bus will be provided to those who require transportation back to the College at 2:30pm in time for buses. Students will attend period 1 and period 2 lessons however they will not be expected to have their laptop on this day. |
Parent helpers |
Thank you to all parents who have volunteered to help on the day. You will recive an email in the coming days. |
NSWCCC Sport Registrations
NSWCCC Sport Registrations 2021 for pathway sports opened on 1 February.
For instructions on how to register go to -
Term One Individual Nominations Sport Registrations
- Cricket – 19s Boys - 9 & 10 February – Close 3 February
- Cricket - 15 Years Girls - 15 February – Close 10 February
- Softball – Boys & Girls - 22 February – Close 12 February
- Tennis - Boys & Girls - 1 March – Close 22 February
- Cricket – U16 Boys – 1 March – Close 18 February
- Baseball – Boys – 3 March – Close 26 February
- Golf – Boys & Girls – 8 March – Close 25 February
- Volleyball – Boys & Girls – 10 March - Close 5 March
- Water Polo – Boys & Girls – 15 March – Close 11 March
- Hockey – Open Boys & Girls, 16s Girls – 22 March – Close 15 March
- Diving – Boys & Girls – 29 March – Close 19 March
Swimming and Touch Football registrations are through the Diocesan/Association pathways.
For further information visit
Upcoming Diocesan Events
Good luck to all students competing at the following events:
Event Name |
Diocesan Tennis - Girls and Boys 7-11 |
Event Date |
Thursday 18 February, 2021 |
Event Location |
Beaton Park, Wollongong Aces, Figtree |
Event Name |
Diocesan Touch Football (Boys) - 13’s, 15’s and Opens |
Event Date |
Monday 15 February, 2021 |
Event Location |
Thomas Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow |
Trial Information
Trials for the following Diocesan Events will be held during Week 4. Students are to nominate their interest in attending trials via completing the relevant Google Form shared on Compass.
Event Name |
Diocesan Touch Football (Girls) - 13’s, 15’s and Opens |
Event Date |
Monday 1 March, 2021 |
Event Location |
Thomas Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow |
Trial Information |
What |
When |
College Swimming Carnival |
Friday 19 February (Term 1, Week 4) |
Competitors only |
College Cross Country |
Thursday 1 April (Term 1, Week 10) |
All students |
College Athletics Carnival |
Friday 21 May (Term 2, Week 5) |
All students |
Representative Pathways
- MISA Website
- Diocesan Sport News - Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed at
- NSWCCC/CSNSW Sport News - Higher level MacKillop and CCC trials and events status can be monitored at
More School Sport Australia information can be found at
Diocesan Update
Students are NOT to register for the teams listed below as they need to be selected in the Wollongong Diocesan team prior to any registration. Sports where Diocesan teams are selected and students DO NOT register until they are officially selected in the Diocesan team include:
- 15's Touch (B&G)
- Opens Touch (B&G
- 15's Rugby League
- Open's Rugby League
- Open Football (B&G
- Swimming
- Cross Country
- Athletics
Miss Sarah Bowen
(Acting College Sport Coordinator -
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open on the following days.
Term 1 2021
- Monday 1 March - 2.30pm - 4pm
- Monday 29 March 2.30pm - 4pm
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities.
Everyone should have the opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith - to ask questions, and share their point of view in an open, friendly environment.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that create a safe space to explore life, faith and meaning. When you come to an Alpha session, you will have the chance to meet great people, share a simple meal with others, watch a film and discuss with others, questions of life and faith in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish is holding an evening to launch our first Alpha for 2021. Our launch night is a Come and See night – a chance to experience an Alpha evening without having to commit to the whole Alpha series. Due to COVID, we do have limited seats available, please register you and your guest’s attendance via the website or by calling the parish office.
Date: March 2, 2021
Location: OLMC Parish Hall 193 St Andrews Rd, Varroville
Time: 6:45 for a 7pm start
Phone: 9603 7373