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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary represents all that is good about humanity and sits at a place of honour within our Catholic tradition. As a fully human being, she is the closest thing to perfection that has existed within humanity and obviously holds special significance to our community. Being named after Our Lady of Mount Carmel and having a charism based in the Marist (Little Brothers of Mary) charism, we look to Mary as a guide and role model. On the Feast of the Assumption, we solemnly celebrate the way that Mary was taken to heaven under the authority and power of God. This is different to the Ascension (where Jesus rose under His own power) and signifies the special place the Mary holds within creation. This Sunday, we honour Mary and pray through her for her intercession before God on our behalf.
Over the first few terms of this year, I spoke with the students at assemblies and in newsletters about the importance of taking time occasionally to stop. The Marist theme for this year is ‘Breathe’ and it highlights the importance of stopping to catch breath. As Remote Learning has progressed, I have asked staff to provide regular ‘catch up’ lessons where students do not get new work and are able to finish work where they may be behind. This has had mixed success. Following the last few weeks of remote learning, it is time to put this concept of breathing again into practice. Over the last few weeks, I have been speaking with staff, students and parents and believe we are at a point where we need to stop and breathe. For this reason, I will be asking teachers to provide this opportunity for the students next Friday. Whilst the school will still be open for those students who require essential supervision, next Friday (August 20) will be a day where NO zooms occur, NO new work is given and NO formal lessons occur. This will be an opportunity for students to catch up on work where they may be behind or take a breath if they are up to date. I will be asking staff to do the same thing, so they will not be answering emails or phone calls. The only group who will still have access to teachers will be Year 12 as they prepare for their final assessments. Again whilst there will be no formal classes, the Year 12 students will be able to contact their teachers during their normal timetabled lessons. For all students, this will be recorded as a flexible day so students will NOT be required to check in at all during the day. I hope this will provide a small circuit breaker that many people currently need.
I am aware that some parents may be receiving multiple emails from a variety of staff to inform you if your child has missed work during remote learning. As much of our normal communication is reduced, I realise the stress that this may place on some parents. For this reason, I am asking staff to now wait for multiple missed work prior to emailing parents. I realise this is a change in process however, in the current conditions it is necessary to give students a chance to catch up. Please regularly discuss with your child how they are coping and engaging in their classes.
Last Tuesday, we held the Term 3 Parents and Friends Meeting. Thank you to those who attended. Amongst the things discussed was the decision around Year 12 and 11 final assessments and a discussion around introducing pants as an optional part of the Senior Girl’s uniform. This uniform suggestion was received with unanimous support and I will be pursuing this as a potential change for next year. It is possible to do this with the senior uniform as it is a simple option to wear the skirt or pants. Discussions may occur later with regard to junior uniforms however this would be a more substantial change.
As always, a very big thank you to the staff, students and parents for your flexibility and ongoing support during remote learning.
Ite in VeritateMr Steve Lo Cascio
Since the distribution of last week’s newsletter, the health advice that has been distributed to schools has continued to evolve as an extension to the current remote learning arrangements seems likely. Earlier this week, in addition to a range of measures that addressed Year 12 students and their upcoming assessments (which were communicated to these students and parents) a cosigned letter from Mr Lo Cascio and the Director of Schools Mr Hill, outlined the following developments for students in Years 7-11:
- Remote learning will continue until at least the end of Week 7, Term 3 (27 August 2021).
- Whether face-to-face learning can resume from Week 8, Term 3 will depend on the health advice at that time. CSNSW is seeking the earliest possible advice from the government about this. An update will be provided to families as soon as we have confirmation from CSNSW.
- We are prepared to continue providing remote learning for the remainder of Term 3 if it is required. Students who absolutely need to attend school for supervision will continue to be supported to do so.
- Appropriate adjustments for assessment and reporting for Year 7-11 students are currently being developed and more information will be provided as soon as possible.
Finally, another reminder that despite the overwhelming majority of students now working remotely for the time being, I would ask families to please continue following our COVID recording procedures, which include:
- Informing the school immediately if your child is self-isolating or undergoing testing, and informing us of the result as soon as possible.
- Following sickness with flu-like symptoms, ensuring your child is free of symptoms and can present a negative COVID-19 test, before attending the College site for any reason.
All the best for the week ahead.
David Cloran
Assistant Principal
Mass of Solemnity
First Reading Rv 11:19; 12:1-6, 10 Vision of the coming of salvation.
Second Reading 1 Cor 15:20 - 26 Christ is the first-fruits
Gospel Lk 1:39 - 56 The Magnificat.
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his Name.
He has mercy on those who fear him
in every generation.
He has shown the strength of his arm,
he has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
and has lifted up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of his servant Israel
for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
the promise he made to our fathers,
to Abraham and his children forever.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
REC Coordinator
Learning and Teaching at the College
Remote Learning
Students are expected to be participating in the learning activities set out by their teachers as best they can. Just as they would in a face to face lesson, students are encouraged to ask their teachers if they have questions or are unsure about the requirements for a lesson. Communication is essential at this time to maintain the learning partnership between teachers and students. Teachers are designing learning activities for a 40 minute lesson and incorporating catch up opportunities into their teaching sequence.
Year 12 Final Assessment Week
From the 20 August - 27 August, Year 12 will be completing their Final Assessments via online submission. Parents/caregivers please encourage your child to remain focused and be prepared for these tasks. The schedule has been emailed to students and is available to them on the Year 12 Google Classroom. Parents/caregivers can view the schedule via the news feed on Compass.
Year 11 2022 Subject Selection
Students have finalised their preferences. Year 11 2022 Subject Choices will be distributed to Year 10 students on 3 September.
STAGE 5 2022 Elective Selections
Year 8 and 9 can now access KLA videos about the electives on offer in 2022. These are available on the Subject Selection google classrooms. Students are encouraged to watch the videos with their parents/caregiver to ensure that they are informed about their options. Online selections are open, students have until 20th August to make their entries.
The advice from NESA is frequently updated on their website:
Ms Chardy Miller
Acting Curriculum Coordinator
From the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Good afternoon everyone,
As we hit the mid way point of the term and enter the next stage of our extended period of remote learning, in some instances there are also additional challenges facing a number of year groups with upcoming assessment tasks and the uncertainty of what the next few weeks will entail. Over the past few newsletters a range of links to support services and organisations has been provided to assist with meeting the needs of individuals and families who are experiencing significant difficulty during lockdown. CatholicCare has put together a range of resource links to further assist with the complexities of the time. The link to these packs is below:
CatholicCare Covid-19 Wellbeing Packs
Additionally, the Kidman Centre at UTS is conducting a series of free Zoom workshops over the coming months regarding a range of wellbeing and mental health issues.
Kidman Centre UTS Free workshop flyer
This week’s Pastoral Care and Wellbeing initiatives:
Year 7 - Pastoral check-ins and a wellbeing self-reflection activity centred around gratitude
Year 8 - Wellbeing Survey, Year 9 2022 Subject selection information and Pastoral Quiz
Year 9 - Pastoral check-ins and activities
Year 10 - Pastoral Zoom check-ins and a pastoral team video that went out on Wednesday
Seniors - Pastoral Zooms and Pastoral Care and Wellbeing surveys.
Elevate Education
Next week’s webinar is on the topic of:
Note taking skills to help your child deepen their revision.
You can register by clicking here.
The webinar is run live online from 7pm – 8pm (AEST) on Wednesday August 18 where the presenter will share Elevate’s research findings and skills, and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask them questions directly.
Should you have questions or would like to contact Elevate directly, their details are listed below.
As usual, thank you very much for your ongoing support. Should you require any assistance with your son or daughter’s learning or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact the College or the appropriate Classroom Teacher, Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator.
Mr Simon Huntly
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
‘Writing that works’, according to Australian author Mark Tredinnick, ‘is like the best kind of conversation you never heard. It’s talking tidied up. It’s speaking compressed, clarified, enriched and heightened by thought and art, and set down on paper.’
This week we continue with two more teachers sharing their writing. The first piece is a commentary on the lockdown by the Mathematics Coordinator, Mr Adam Withnall. The second contribution, by the Assistant PDHPE Coordinator, Mrs Denise Tyra, consists of two compositions. One is a reflection on the importance of writing and the accompanying piece is a journal entry composed in response to her son’s creative artwork.
Motivation and isolation are things I'm sure a number of people have been struggling with over the last couple of months or so. And for others, this forced captivity has further compounded what I would suggest are juxtaposing emotions.
I know that for our students, particularly our seniors, motivation is a challenge they've been waking up to for the last five weeks. It has allowed me to think about the role of schools and education within our society. What do we value and what is its larger purpose to the individual? One thing I've often thought is that my role is to foster good people, and my pastoral students know this all too well. When they leave each morning, I remind them to "Be good people. Do good things". I may be a mathematics teacher, but I feel it's my duty to model a good person as best I can with my words and actions both in and outside the classroom. If they have an affinity for maths by the end of our time together, then that's a bonus. This pandemic has really shown that whilst some are focusing on the content and the end result, it's the interactions that we are all being deprived of which may have the greatest long-term impact. Technology is an amazing tool, but we all crave human contact.
I know that one thing has helped me, and that's family. I don't just mean parents and siblings, as we all know family takes many different forms. I like to believe we as the Mount Carmel community, are one big family. Making time for those you care deeply about can help take some of the burden off you both physically and mentally. If we can take something away from this experience, it is the need to take the time for these people – our support systems and our cheer squads. Look for the opportunity to connect with others and see the bigger picture.
Oh, and how cool is Maths!
Mr Adam Withnall
Writing in Lockdown – A Family Affair
The significance of writing has never been so evident than in these unprecedented times. In a time where NESA has given schools the authority to prioritise the syllabus outcomes, content knowledge and skills being taught during remote learning, teachers would agree that writing is non-negotiable.
From the activities carefully selected for my primary school-aged children, to those crafted for my Year 7 to Year 12 students, the expectation is that students are writing every day in the form of narratives, persuasive texts, journal writing, PEEL paragraph responses or past HSC questions. It is vital that students have a key understanding of the necessary structure and writing conventions to ensure clear, coherent and logical responses. The fact that these type of learning tasks are prioritised in remote learning, signifies the gravity of writing.
Writing is a key mechanism for communicating our ideas and opinions. Writing is imperative for maintaining connections. Writing allows us to free our imaginations. Writing is critical for success in the classroom. I believe in the notion that writing needs to be modelled to students in order for them to encounter success. I apply this at home with my own children and at school with my students.
I would like to share an excerpt from a piece that I wrote during family journal time, using a picture of the sea that my eldest son drew as a stimulus.
The sun was glistening in the crystal blue sky, making the water sparkle like diamonds. I couldn’t wait to dive in. I was eager to see what I would discover in the magical underwater world. I strapped on my scuba gear and triple checked my oxygen tank. I was ready! I fervently stepped in off the edge of the little white boat. At first, the feeling of the ice-cold water took my breath away, but as soon as I opened my eyes and saw the beauty I was surrounded by, I forgot about the water temperature. The pink and green coral waving around so majestically at the bottom of the ocean was the first thing that caught my eye. I could see tiny creatures feeding off it like bees to pollen. Nearby a crab was scuffling in the sand with its pincers pointing up, like it was trying to say hello, so I waved back. Next, an octopus swam by and as I turned my head to follow its orange body contrasted against the blue canvas, I realised that I must have drifted off with the current as my boat was now a distant object…
Mrs Denise Tyra
Mrs Clare Murphy
English Coordinator and Literacy Instructional Coach
Tuesday Recreational Sport
During remote learning, students are to ensure that they access the Sport Memo that is posted to Compass each Tuesday morning. This will include a range of physical activity options that will be important in supporting student wellbeing during this time.
Please be advised of the following postponement and cancellation of upcoming sporting events. We understand that this news will bring significant disappointment to many students and empathise with this. Decisions have been based on the current restrictions around COVID-19 and the priority of keeping our students and staff safe.
Diocesan Sport - Postponed and Cancelled Events
All cancellations and postponements are announcements on the following site
NSWCCC Sport - Postponed and Cancelled Events
All cancellations and postponements are announcements on the following site
Due to the extended lockdown and the ever changing COVID-19 situation further events will continue to be monitored and updates will be provided via the College Newsletter.
NSWCCC Sport Registrations
A reminder that students and their parents are responsible for monitoring the closing dates of NSWCCC Sport Registrations. Information regarding upcoming events can be accessed via
NSWCCC is a pathway suitable for students playing a representative level of their sport outside of school. For instructions on how to register go to -
NSWCCC Sport Registrations 2021:
- Individual Registrations for the following sports to attend a NSWCCC Selection - AFL, Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Diving, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Softball, Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball, Water Polo
- Registrations for the following sports is through a Diocesan/Association Selection - Athletics, Cross Country, Football, Swimming, Touch, Rugby League
Representative Pathways
- MISA Website
- Diocesan Sport News - Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed at
- NSWCCC/CSNSW Sport News - Higher level MacKillop and CCC trials and events status can be monitored at
More School Sport Australia information can be found at
Acting College Sport Coordinator
Due to the current COVID situation, the second hand uniform shop will not be open until further notice.