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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
The theme running through this Sunday’s readings revolves around the time when Jesus will return to make judgement on the world. This theme is not meant to scare or frighten us but to enable us to be prepared and ready. In our regular actions and thoughts, we need to be guided by the values of Jesus Christ and the message that He constantly gives around the care and love for others. As we come closer to the Christmas season and we prepare for the celebration of His birth, this reflection on our attitudes and approach to others takes on real meaning. As we move to the end of the mass cycle of ordinary time, a reminder of this preparation is particularly pertinent.
Today we held our Term 4 Staff Development. At this Professional Development, we invited a guest speaker, Dr Vyom Sharma, who engaged the staff with a discussion around planning for success. Dr Sharma has been a guest on shows such as The Panel and The Lounge Room and helped us to spark discussion around how we focus ourselves and our students to achieve goals. His involvement assisted us to develop strategies that will be used as we move to 60 minute lessons next year. This is a focus for the staff as part of our strategic planning. Once again, I thank parents and students for your understanding that these days are vital to ensure we provide contemporary and deep learning opportunities.
Earlier this week, we were advised that Jeremiah Myatt-Kane has had his artwork nominated for consideration for ArtExpress. ArtExpress is a showcase of the best artworks that were presented as a HSC major work. To be nominated for consideration is an outstanding achievement and we congratulate Jeremiah for this wonderful accolade.
Tonight, I will travel down to Wollongong to attend the Catholic Development Fund Sports’ Awards. A number of our students and teams will be recognised for exceptional achievements. In a few weeks, we will also have two students receive a NSWCCC Sporting Blue Award. This is only given to the outstanding sportsperson within a state team. Congratulations to Paula Zaballero and Blake Waugh on being awarded a Sporting Blue.
This week we started to see the initial movement on the new building project. The temporary fences were erected, and trees were cleared to start earthworks next week. In the Maths block, internal walls are being removed and electrical rewiring has started. Yesterday I met with the Facilities staff from Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) to review the progress of our building program. Whilst this is in its very early stages, the discussion around timing and purchasing of new furniture has begun and we can now see some very exciting movement. I aim to keep the community informed as we progress, and I am happy to discuss this with members of the community.
On Tuesday evening, we held our last Parent Literacy evening and Parents and Friends’ meetings for the year. The parent evening was again run by the English staff and almost two dozen parents attended and walked away with armfuls of free books. They also had a very leisurely opportunity to speak with the English staff about the value of reading and the nature of some of the free books. The P&F were shown some plans for the building project and were given a brief outline of some of the changes for the start of 2023. Thank you to the English staff for giving their evening to be available to parents and for the parents who attended either the literacy evening or the P&F.
Today you would have received a letter regarding next week’s IEU Stop Work meeting. This will occur from 8:30 – 9:30 next Tuesday. School will run as normal however normal classes will not commence until 9:30.
Last Friday was the conclusion of the final HSC exam for 2022. A huge congratulations to the students who are now free of secondary study and to their teachers who can now breathe a little easier. Their formal occurs next week, and we look forward to our last formality with them.
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio

Earlier this week, we were forwarded a flyer from the NSW/ACT Council of Catholic School Parents, inviting all members of our parent/carer community to attend a free webinar entitled “Vaping: short and sweet - What do parents need to know”. It is being held at 7pm on Thursday 17th November and led by one of Australia’s foremost educational authorities on Drug and Alcohol Research, Paul Dillon. The session promises to provide up-to-date information on the use of e-cigarettes, including their potential harms for young people. It will also include practical advice on how parents can talk to their children about this issue. If you are interested in attending, you can register your online attendance by scanning the QR code located further into this newsletter.
As we have entered into the warmer months of the school year, we have unfortunately also seen a rise in the number of snakes that have been spotted around the College in recent days. On a couple of occasions throughout this term, I have pasted reminders on Compass for all students to remain vigilant whilst the weather warms up. Students have been encouraged to stick to paths and common walkways and to ensure that their bags always remain zipped up. They have also been asked to inform a teacher should they see a snake and to not approach it under any circumstances. I’d encourage parents to also reinforce this message at home, particularly given the rather rural location that the College is situated in.
Finally, a reminder of the COVID-19 directives that are in place for the remainder of Term 4:
- If a student or staff member is unwell and has any COVID-19 symptoms, even the mildest of symptoms, they should stay home and test, and only return once their symptoms are gone.
- If your child tests positive for COVID-19, please continue to notify the school and remain at home until symptoms have gone.
Wishing you all the best for the week ahead.
Mr David Cloran
Some activities
- Go out of your way to assist someone
- Say thankyou
- Donate to a Charity
- Take time to listen
Important People
13 World Kindness Day
14 World Diabetes Day
15 St Albert the Great, World Day of the Poor
16 St Margaret of Scotland, International Day of Tolerance
17 St Elizabeth of Hungry
19 World Toilet Day
Mass of day with Lectionary and Missal texts of Sunday Ord Time 33 Yr C
First Reading Mal 3:19-20 Evildoers will be destroyed; those who fear God will be saved.
Second Reading 2 Thes 3:7-12 Work hard and earn your keep.
Gospel Lk 21:5-19 Patiently endure the trials you are sure to face for Jesus.
Mrs Christine Meharg
Learning & Teaching at the College
Teachers as Learners
It is well documented in educational research that teachers maximise student learning when they create a classroom environment that is supportive, well-controlled and characterised by a clear focus on learning growth. Great teachers are aware that their own learning journey is never complete. They actively seek feedback and collaborate with others in an effort to improve student outcomes. Collectively, teachers are more effective when they work together on problem-solving and planning, learning assessment and providing feedback to help students monitor their own learning.
The Staff Development and Planning Day this week allowed teachers to learn, reflect and collaborate in preparation for 2023. Much emphasis was placed on strategies to create optimal learning environments and collaboration within each KLA on designing learning, assessment and feedback experiences. Thank you to our students and families for accommodating this opportunity for teachers to focus on their own learning, so that they can continue to maximise the quality of learning at Mount Carmel.
Co Curricular activities and Learning
As a community that promotes opportunities for excellence, we recognise that this may mean on occasion students might be away from the classroom to participate in a co-curricular activity or represent the College in the community or be involved in an initiative that supports an aspect of College life. Students are reminded that in these instances that they should be communicating with their teachers to ensure that they have made an arrangement to catch up on missed lessons. Where a formal assessment task may be impacted, students in Yr 10 -12 are required to consult with Mrs Kripal or Ms Miller in advance of committing to the event.
Week 6
15/11/2022: Year 12 Investigating Science Task
16/11/2022: Year 12 SORII Task
Date TBC: Year 10 IST (100hr) Task
Date TBC: Year 9 Maths Task
Date TBC: Year 9 Catholic Studies Task
Week 7
21/11/2022: Year 12 SLR Task
22/11/2022: Year 12 Biology Task
23/11/2022: Year 12 IT: Timber Task
Date TBC: Year 9 IST Task
Week 8
29/11/2022: Year 12 English Advanced Task
29/11/2022: Year 12 English Standard Task
29/11/2022: Year 12 English Studies Task
29/11/2022: Year 12 PDHPE Task
01/12/2022: Year 12 Mathematics Standard 1 Task
01/12/2022: Year 12 Mathematics Standard 2 Task
01/12/2022: Year 12 Work Studies Task
02/12/2022: Year 12 Mathematics Advanced Task
Week 9
06/12/2022: Year 12 Business Studies Task
06/12/2022: Year 12 Legal Studies Task
06/12/2022: Year 12 Visual Arts Task
07/12/2022: Year 12 Ancient History Task
07/12/2022: Year 12 CAFS Task
07/12/2022: Year 12 Modern History Task
07/12/2022: Year 12 Spanish Beginners Task
07/12/2022: Year 12 Spanish Continuers Task
08/12/2022: Year 12 Chemistry Task
Ms Chardy Miller & Mrs Alison Kripal
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
As I commence Long Service Leave today, this will be my final Literacy Links segment for 2022. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. In keeping with one of our Literacy mantras ‘Words Matter’, I pray that Jesus, the incarnate Word of God, bless and inspire us all to speak words of love, peace and gratitude in 2023. My hope for students over the remainder of the term and into the Christmas holiday period is that they take the time to sit with a good book and in doing so, encounter other ideas, other people and other situations which will expand their worldview as well as their understanding of self.
The importance of reading was evident at our Parent Library event this week when parents, carers and English staff gathered in the College library to talk about books. A wide range of fiction and nonfiction material purchased by the College, along with many pre-loved books supplied by the Mount Carmel community, found new homes on this evening. This Parent Library initiative is part of the Mount Carmel Home-School Literacy Partnership program – a program which invites and supports parent engagement in the education of their children. This rich collaboration between home and school is undoubtedly seeing positive and beneficial outcomes for students, parents, and teachers.

I will finish with my own recommendations for reading, for students as well as parents and staff, and once more remind us of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s message: ‘The limits of my language are the limits of my world.
Years 7 & 8 |
Years 9 & 10 |
Once by Morris Gleitzman Hatchet by Gary Paulsen The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Animal Farm – George Orwell |
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden So Much to Tell You by John Marsden Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee |
Years 11 & 12 |
Parents & Teachers |
The Turning by Tim Winton The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen The Stranger by Albert Camus Dubliners by James Joyce Brave New World by Aldous Huxley The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde |
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton The Invention of Solitude by Paul Auster Gilead by Marilynne Robinson The Shipping News by Annie Proulx Everyman by Philip Roth The Orchard by Drusilla Modjeska Stolen Focus by Johann Hari |
Ms Clare Murphy
English Coordinator & Literacy Instructional Coach
From the Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
As today was a pupil free day and specific year group pastoral assemblies did not take place, the past week has still seen a couple of significant presentations take occur.
First, as mentioned in last Friday’s newsletter, Mr Paul Wade (former Socceroo captain) conducted a seminar for Year 11. Titled “The first day of the rest of your life”, Paul was able to link his extensive life and athletic experience to the HSC and was able to explore a range of relevant issues, including:
- Managing Anxiety and Stress
- Appreciating our personal gifts and giving your personal best
- Mental and Physical preparation
- Focusing on the task at hand
- Maintaining life balance.
Thanks to Mrs Moore for organising the visit, and again to Paul for sharing his story and providing some valuable advice for our upcoming HSC cohort.
On Wednesday of this week, we welcomed the return of David and Katie Kobler from Your Choicez, who provided gender specific seminars to our Year 9 boys and girls group. These presentations explored some of the issues surrounding social media, relationships and what it means to be a young man or woman in today’s world. Thanks particularly to David and Katie for again sharing their wisdom and insights into what can be some very sensitive and thought provoking topics. To the staff who attended the seminars and led the small groups through the day and to Ms Pearce who organised it, thank you greatly for your contribution.
CEDoW Vaping Resources
The Catholic Education Office Diocese of Wollongong provides access to resources relating to a range of wellbeing matters. Below are some links to some valuable information regarding Vaping. The first is an invitation to a Webinar, courtesy of the Council of Catholic School Parents (NSW/ACT), and the second a video put together by the CEDoW team late last year. Please click onto the images or links if you would like to explore these in a little more detail.
CCSP - Vaping: Short and Sweet Webinar
CEDoW Vaping resource for parents
Thanks again to all parents, carers, students and members of our College community for your ongoing support as we enter the final 5 weeks of the year.
Mr Simon Huntly
Chloe Poole - Year 10
Powerhouse Elite Cheer and Dance in early 2020 after Chloe left Gymnastics. She began with no prior knowledge of what to do or who anyone was. In the last 2 years, Chloe has progressed greatly and is now performing in the Level 3 all-girl team. All-Star Cheer is a high-energy, team-based, performance sport that is athletic, artistic, and acrobatic. It involves athletes competing with a 2½ minute routine composed of tumbling, stunting, pyramids, dance and cheers segments. Chloe trains 4 nights a week for 3 hours and has participated in events which include Winterfest, Cheercon, States, and DCE. upcoming events include Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation (AASCF) Nationals in Queensland, 25-27 of November. There are over 185 clubs attending this event and over 1900 teams competing.

Wollongong Diocesan Awards
On Friday the 11 November the following students will be receiving awards at the Wollongong Diocesan award ceremony. We are truly blessed to have so many talented athletes
Blake Bolwell, Zoe Bruce, Michael Bzdega, Toby Curry, Harrison Doris, Monique Jakovljevic, Omar Kasmani, Viliami Kaufusi, Luiz Ladera, Ethan Littlewood, Eseta Malaesilia, Ashton Taeiloa, Blake Waugh, Paula Zaballero.
On behalf of the College, we wish all the students Congratulations.

Sport | Division |
Gender |
Teacher |
Opposition |
Result |
Indoor Cricket | Years 7-9 | Male | Miss Heath | Vs BAC | Win |
Softball | Years 7-9 | Female | Mrs Tyra | Vs STP | Loss |
AFL | Years 7-9 |
Male Female |
Mr Harpley Mrs Abra |
Loss Loss |
OzTag | Years 7-9 |
Male Female |
Mr Duvall Miss Jeffreys |
Draw Loss |
Ultimate Frisbee | Years 10/11 | Mixed | Mr O'Connell | Vs MAC | Win |
Volleyball | Years 10/11 |
Male Female |
Mrs Valastro Mrs Asuit |
Win Win |

Communication regarding sport
Students are reminded to continue checking the Compass dashboard for key information relating to sport during the year. Key information will also be communicated to parents via the College Newsletter and notes sent home. Information will also be provided to staff who will communicate key messages with students during Pastoral Care in the morning.
We would love to hear if your child or someone part of our school community, past or present, experiences any sporting success. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any sporting success so we can recognise those achievements in our community.
Representative Pathways
MISA Website https:/
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open viagooglee form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here. Information on NSWCCC events for 2022 available via Compass. See MrsTurnbull for nomination procedure.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
Ms Sue Turnbull
Acting Sports Co-ordinator
Monday: 8.00am - 12.00pm
Wednesday: 12.30pm - 4.30pm
For online purchases, please visit or call 0493 122 101. Alternatively you can email @
Additional open day!
Friday 18 November (Year 7, 2023 Orientation Day)
8.30am - 10.30am
2.00pm - 3.30pm
Mount Carmel P&F Clothing Pool sells pre-owned College uniforms at less than half the cost of new uniforms.
You can bring your child's uniforms to the shop when they no longer fit or you no longer need them (Uniforms must be clean and in good condition. Blazers must be dry cleaned). The Second-hand Uniform shop will sell the uniforms on your behalf, and after they sell the P&F Committee will transfer the money to your nominated bank account. The P&F will keep 10% of all sales. You are also able to donate the uniforms and then the P&F will benefit from 100% of the sales.
The Clothing Pool is open from 2.30-4pm on the days listed below. Usually the first Monday of each month. The shop will next be open on Monday 5 December 2022. The shop is run by parent volunteers to raise money for the P&F Committee and to help families of the school with low-cost uniforms.
If any parent wishes to volunteer in the Second-hand Uniform Shop please contact the school office.
Term 4 2022
Monday 5 December
Cash only - no EFTPOS facilities
Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who have offered their time to assist our Canteen staff. The College is now able to open the canteen two days per week. Commencing Monday 1 August, please see the following changes:
Week Days | Operation | Payment Facilities |
Mon/Tues/Wed | Lunch Orders ONLY | Cash ONLY |
Thurs/Fri | Recess & Lunch | Cash & EFTPOS |
This is a kind reminder to all the families leaving Mount Carmel Catholic College at the end of 2022.
Please ensure any outstanding College fees are finalised by Friday 2nd December 2022.
If you are experiencing difficulty finalising your account balance please contact the Finance Team immediately via or alternatively call the College on 9603 3000 all communication is confidential.
Our new finance system provides the opportunity to generate regular instalments with due dates, rather than having an annual bill which is due for payment, in full, 30 days after invoicing. If you would like to pay school fees by instalments in 2023, please complete a Request to Pay by Instalment Form which is available here. On completion of the request please email the completed form to
IMPORTANT: Please note that if you currently have a child or children at another school in the Diocese and you are paying by instalments at this location, you will not need to complete another Request to Pay by Instalment. The instalment request carries over from school to school.