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Dear parents, friends, staff and students,
This Sunday’s gospel is the Transfiguration of Jesus. In this reading, Jesus went to the top of a mountain where “He was transfigured; His face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as the light” (Matt 17: 1-9). As a Catholic community, we regularly recognise Jesus as the centre of what we do and this reading reminds us that His example as light to the world is what we aim for. As we continue our journey through Lent, we can take this reading as an opportunity to reflect on how we might be light and sunshine to others through the message of Jesus.
As a final reminder, our Year 7, 2024 information evening will be held this Wednesday March 8 in the College Hall. This evening is designed to give prospective students and parents an understanding of what Mount Carmel is about, what we stand for and how we work. Enrolment packages will be available on the night and students and parents will have an opportunity to look through the College and visit faculty displays. The evening will start with KLA displays from 6:15 and an information session in the hall from 7pm. If you have a child in Year 6 or know someone who does, please mark this date in your diary.
Today we held our Term 1 Staff Development Day where we were able to come together as one teaching community to explore growth mindsets and how we might use these to our advantage. The staff spent time discussing learning and cognitive function and moved into reviewing data from their own classes. The day ended with faculties planning for how they might encourage students to know they can achieve when they ask the right questions and seek the right answers. As always, I recognise pupil free days can create disruptions to family life and I appreciate your understanding.
The P&F AGM was held last Tuesday at the College. The AGM is an important event where parents can vote for a leadership team that will work closely with the senior college staff. I am pleased to announce that we have a full executive for the first time in quite a few years. This augers well for the short term future but also in terms of consultation for long term planning. On behalf of the whole Mount Carmel community, I would like to congratulate the following parents who have accepted important roles within the P&F Leadership team for 2023 and I look forward to working closely with them over the next 12 months.
President: David Campbell
Vice President: Andrea Galea
Vice President: Robert Cooper
Treasurer: Lisa Corado
Secretary: Annick Bruce
Diocesan Delegate: Andrea Galea
Ite in Veritate
Mr Steve Lo Cascio
As we pass the halfway mark of the term, again our students and staff have engaged in a range of activities aligned to their learning and wellbeing. Year 7 immunisations took place last Monday and saw NSW Health implement an online system for booking and recording. Followup dates in June and October will be available for those students who may have experienced some difficulties in enrolling for the first date. Year 9 students attended a seminar on the influence of Social Media in Alcohol use and abuse. Year 11 & 12 Visual Arts students attended Art Express, the annual exhibition of HSC works from the previous year. Today, on our Student free day, staff and students attended the Girls' Diocesan Touch trials. Thanks to all staff and students for their participation, planning and involvement in each of these initiatives.
Both Interline and Busabout are experiencing some issues with bus numbers and students tapping on and off in the morning and afternoon. The use of cards is compulsory and ultimately the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are being used. The cards are also important for tracking bus use so that companies can lodge an application for extra services, particularly in our area which is still experiencing rapid population growth. Could students and carers please ensure that they have an Opal Card and tap on and off each time that they use the free travel to and from school. If you have any issues regarding the acquisition or use of an Opal Card, please visit School Student Opal Card
The College is undertaking Compass online approval for our annual CEDoW Responsible Use of Technology Consent form this year. On Monday, all students will be walked through the first step of the online process in Pastoral classes. Once this is completed, a notification will be shared to parents and carers through email and the Compass App to complete the parental/carer section of the registration process.
Thank you for your assistance with these matters. Please contact the College if you have any questions regarding them.
Mr Simon Huntly
The New College Candle |
The Lenten Sacred Space
We commissioned the new College candle at the Opening College Mass last week. The bottom band has a Marist quote, while we have added a new quote at the top - a Carmelite quote. After mass, it took 4 goes to extinguish the flame - perhaps a strong sign that the College light does not want to go out. |
To mark the commencement of Lent, the space in the front office is a centre for hope. Hope that the collections for Project Compassion bring about a positive future for the recipients. we are encouraging students to bring $1 per week; a total of $6 per student this year. A massive $6600 of donation power. There is hope! |
Mrs Christine Meharg
Acting Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Coordinator
This week the teaching staff of Mount Carmel Catholic College engaged in a day of Professional Development and Learning. The focus of the day was based on the principles of Growth Mindset and instilling this belief in our students. In education, having a growth mindset and a positive wellbeing goes hand in hand and is important for two reasons.
The first is the recognition that schooling should not just be about academic outcomes but that it is about wellbeing of the ‘whole child’, an approach highlighted in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians. The second is that wellbeing is important because students who have higher levels of wellbeing are more likely: to have higher achievement outcomes at school and complete Year 12; better mental health; and a more prosocial, responsible lifestyle.
A+ Solutions (Educational and Psychological services) have published an article titled “5 Ways Parents Can Promote a Growth Mindset”.
The article is based on the research and work of Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck, and it states that helping children move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is not easy or simple. Author Courtney Evenchik, M.A., NCSP, Director of School Psychology Services, provides the following steps to support parents in the process of moving their child from a fixed to a growth mindset.
1.Have Daily Learning Discussions
a. Ask, “What did you learn today?” or “What did you try hard at today?” b. Praise for effort, persistence, perseverance, planning creative strategies, improvement and setting goals.
2. Do You Know Brains Can Grow?
a. Explain to children that our brains can grow stronger and our intelligence can improve throughout life
3. Encourage Risk, Failure, and Learning from Mistakes.
a. Failure teaches resiliency. b. Try not to fix everything. Let our youth experience sadness and disappointment.
4. Talk to youth about famous people’s failures.
a. Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for lacking imagination and having no original ideas! b. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team.
5. Encourage and Model Positive Self-Talk.
a. Say statements like, “Mistakes help me learn better.” b. Say, “I can always improve, so I’ll keep trying.”
Elevate Education
Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.
Elevate Education
Please use this link to register for the FREE parent webinars hosted by Elevate
Webinar | Date | Time |
Technology & Focus | 15 March | 6.30pm-7.30pm |
Memory | 29 March | 6.30pm-7.30pm |
eSafety Commissioner Webinars for parents and Carers
Please click on this link to register for the next free webinar
eSafety 101: how eSafety can help you
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Theresa Moore
Learning & Teaching at the College
Improving student learning through growth mindsets
To model for students a love of learning and the value of being lifelong learners, the teaching staff spent Friday engaging in professional learning and dialogue. The learning focus was on the wellbeing and learning partnership and the importance of having a growth mindset to enhance both teaching and student learning engagement. Throughout the day teachers were challenged to reflect on their current practice and consider strategies that they can implement to foster positive learning environments where students are supported in developing their growth mindset and learning engagement.
NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 Reminder
In the lead up to NAPLAN tests from the 15th-17th of March (Week 8) students of Year 7 and Year 9 have been asked to ensure that they have updated their software to ensure that the NAPLAN lockdown browser is installed and ready to be used for the familiarisation tests. The familiarisation tests will occur in week 6 and are designed to ensure students and staff are able to access and utilise all components of the software ready for NAPLAN. Students who are absent during the 15th-17th of March will not be able to sit the task at any other time. Catch up sessions will be completed on Friday the 17th of March for any students who miss one of the tests.

Week 6 |
YEAR 12 07/03/2022: 12 English Ext. 1 08/03/2022: 12 IT: Timber 09/03/2023: 12 Physics YEAR 11 09/03/2023: 11 Sport Lifestyle & Recreation (2 Unit) {Change of Date} 10/03/2023: 11 Mathematics Standard 1 10/03/2023: 11 Mathematics Standard 2 YEAR 9 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date PDHPE YEAR 7 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Technology |
Week 7 |
YEAR 12 13/03/2023: PDHPE 14/03/2023: SLR 15/03/2023: English Advanced 15/03/2023: English Standard 15/03/2023: English Studies 16/03/2023: Work Studies YEAR 11 13/03/2023: Investigating Science 13/03/2023: Extension English 1 13/03/2023: Biology 15/03/2023: Modern History 15/03/2023: Chemistry 15/03/2023: PDHPE 15/03/2023: Work Studies (2unit) YEAR 10 16/03/2023: Physical Activity & Sport Studies (100&200hr) |
Week 8
YEAR 12 20/03/2023: Mathematics Standard 1 20/03/2023: Mathematics Standard 2 20/03/2023: Modern History 24/03/2023: Investigating Science YEAR 11 20/03/2023: Mathematics Advanced 20/03/2023: Numeracy 22/03/2023: Mathematics Extension 1 22/03/2023: English Advanced 22/03/2023: English Standard 22/03/2023: English Studies 22/03/2023: Studies of Religion 1 24/03/2023: Physics YEAR 10 22/03/2023: Catholic Studies 24/03/2023: English 24/03/2023: PDHPE YEAR 9 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Catholic Studies Physical Activity & Sport Studies (100hr) YEAR 8 See Assessment Notification for class specific due date Geography Technology Mandatory |
A review of Assessment Procedures for Years 10-11
Students have been provided with this document and have been spoken to in response to ensuring they understand the processes involved in rescheduling assessments or in instances of misadventure. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from Ms Miller or Miss Toogood if they are in a situation where they require a change to an assessment for any reason. Please avoid leaving these concerns to the last minute or just emailing teachers, the students are required to liaise with teachers and the Curriculum coordinators to ensure the tasks can confidently rescheduled and completed.
Ms Chardy Miller & Miss Rebecca Toogood
Leader of Learning - Curriculum Pedagogy & Acting Leader of Learning - Curriculum Administration
Over the past years I have filled a number of reading journals with ‘magic grabs’ or quotes from some of my favourite books and literary encounters. These journal entries have sometimes captured pearls of wisdom which resonated with me at the time or a particular way with words that caught my attention. I have up to twenty such journals which have served to plot my varied reading experiences over many years.

My 2009 reading journal contains the words that Merton chose to conclude his story: Sit finis libri, non finis quaerendi. Translated, these words state: ‘Let this be the ending of the book but by no means the end of the searching’. I shared this quote with my Year 12 English Advanced class on Wednesday and discussed its relationship to the two books we are currently studying – Albert Camus’ The Stranger and Kamel Daoud’s The Meursault Investigation. I also mentioned another Merton quote I had recorded: “…most honourable reader, it is not as an author that I would speak to you, not as a storyteller, not as a philosopher, not as a friend only. I speak to you, in some way, as your own self …if you listen, things will be said that are perhaps not written in this book.’ These magic grabs generated some wonderful thinking and insightful connections were able to be made with our own HSC texts.
This week’s class discussion which emanated from my reading journal entries recorded fourteen years ago – entries taken from a book published in 1948 – proved to be highly relevant, productive, and instructive. The power of storytelling!
Clare Murphy
English Coordination and Literacy Instructional Coach
Thursday Week 10; 6 April | Cross Carnival |
Friday 19 May; Term 2 | Athletics Carnival at Campbeltown Athletics Centre |
As always, students are encouraged to sign up and trial for representative teams. Below you will find registration links for both our DIO and NSWCCC events. If you require any further information please visit the Diocese of Wollongong sports here
Registrations are Now Open for 2023
Please refer to attached 2023_Registration.pdf
Representative Pathways
MISA Website https:/
Diocesan Sport News
Updates and news on Wollongong Diocese sport events and trials can be viewed here Nominations for Term 1 Diocesan sports are now open via google form on Compass.
Higher level CCC trials and events status can be monitored here.
More School Sport Australia information can be found here
If you have any questions, please email
Mr Braydon Webb
This term has signified a fresh start for the Mathematics department. The recent renovations to our block have brightened the learning environment, and will only continue to improve the teaching and learning strategies and atmosphere led by our staff.
Our Year 7 classes have recently been working on their mental arithmetic within the topic of Computation with Integers. During this topic, students review a variety of strategies to help with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as delving into the exciting world of directed numbers such as negatives and their appearances in the contexts of temperature and money.
On Tuesday Year 7 Jade completed a 'treasure hunt' activity to practice what we have been learning in Maths in recent weeks. Working in pairs, the students needed to remember the order of operations and the rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers, to solve a series of questions. Each answer they found led to the next question they needed to solve, which eventually led to the 'treasure' - a small prize for the groups with the most correct answers. Well done to Austin JoJo, Dylan Phillips, Christian Kassiotes, Matthew Attard, Maher Hanna and Roy Alashkar for completing the most questions correctly!
By Mrs Marianna Morris and Mrs Campbell
Year 8 have been expanding their knowledge of algebraic techniques, creating expressions, collecting like terms and substituting to evaluate expressions. Some classes have taken this somewhat abstract concept and engaged students in manipulatives such as dice and cups to represent unknown quantities, whilst others have embraced the concept using matching activities to solidify their understanding.
Coming up for students in stage 5 (Years 9 and 10), Mount Carmel will be engaging students in two workshops run by Talk Money. Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation is a free financial education program that teaches young people money lessons for life and helps students be confident when talking about money and making informed financial decisions. Delivered by trained facilitators, the workshops are aligned to the Australian curriculum and the National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework. We are looking forward to the workshops and, if you would like to know more, check out their website at Talk Money
Students across all stages have embodied the theme of growth mindsets, particularly when using the mini whiteboards to demonstrate critical thinking and reasoning. The use of these whiteboards within mathematics classrooms has enabled students to take chances and make valuable mistakes, allowing them to better understand concepts and engage in learning activities. Students in the Year 11 Advanced Mathematics class have even gone as far as using the main whiteboard in front of their peers as a place to elaborate ideas and collaborate with other students to problem solve.

Acceptable Use of Technology Newsletter
Student Responsible Use of Technology Agreement
Each year CEDoW requires parents/guardians and students to renew the Student Responsible Use of Technology Agreement. This has previously been distributed in a hard copy which parents/guardians and students signed and returned to the College.
To make this easier for parents and students, the process has now been moved to Compass. On Monday morning during Pastoral, teachers will assist students with accessing this agreement, reading through it together and the process of accepting the agreement. Once the student has accepted the agreement, parents/guardians will be sent a notification via the Compass app and email. At this point, parents/guardians will be asked to read and accept the agreement, which will appear in the form of a Compass upcoming event. Parents will also be sent a copy to them that they must read and accept, which will appear as an upcoming event on their compass app or dashboard via the web browser on a computer. We are happy to assist if you require assistance with the process. Simply call the main phone line and speak to a member of the front office.
- Select the Event from the Compass Dashboard
- Select the "CEDoW Responsible use of Technology Agreement" by clicking on the arrow pointing to the right of the screen.
- Read the agreement and scoll down to the bottom of the page.
- Type for full name and select "Submit Consent"